blob: 9b912771d762cad7e2b230b6b0510dee569bbfaa [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
// Conversions between different Unicode encodings. Note that UTF-16 and
// UTF-32 decoding are *not* currently resilient to erroneous data.
/// The result of one Unicode decoding step.
/// Each `UnicodeDecodingResult` instance can represent a Unicode scalar value,
/// an indication that no more Unicode scalars are available, or an indication
/// of a decoding error.
/// - SeeAlso: `UnicodeCodec.decode(next:)`
public enum UnicodeDecodingResult : Equatable {
/// A decoded Unicode scalar value.
case scalarValue(UnicodeScalar)
/// An indication that no more Unicode scalars are available in the input.
case emptyInput
/// An indication of a decoding error.
case error
public static func == (
lhs: UnicodeDecodingResult,
rhs: UnicodeDecodingResult
) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.scalarValue(let lhsScalar), .scalarValue(let rhsScalar)):
return lhsScalar == rhsScalar
case (.emptyInput, .emptyInput):
return true
case (.error, .error):
return true
return false
/// A Unicode encoding form that translates between Unicode scalar values and
/// form-specific code units.
/// The `UnicodeCodec` protocol declares methods that decode code unit
/// sequences into Unicode scalar values and encode Unicode scalar values
/// into code unit sequences. The standard library implements codecs for the
/// UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 encoding schemes as the `UTF8`, `UTF16`, and
/// `UTF32` types, respectively. Use the `UnicodeScalar` type to work with
/// decoded Unicode scalar values.
/// - SeeAlso: `UTF8`, `UTF16`, `UTF32`, `UnicodeScalar`
public protocol UnicodeCodec {
/// A type that can hold code unit values for this encoding.
associatedtype CodeUnit
/// Creates an instance of the codec.
/// Starts or continues decoding a code unit sequence into Unicode scalar
/// values.
/// To decode a code unit sequence completely, call this method repeatedly
/// until it returns `UnicodeDecodingResult.emptyInput`. Checking that the
/// iterator was exhausted is not sufficient, because the decoder can store
/// buffered data from the input iterator.
/// Because of buffering, it is impossible to find the corresponding position
/// in the iterator for a given returned `UnicodeScalar` or an error.
/// The following example decodes the UTF-8 encoded bytes of a string into an
/// array of `UnicodeScalar` instances:
/// let str = "✨Unicode✨"
/// print(Array(str.utf8))
/// // Prints "[226, 156, 168, 85, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101, 226, 156, 168]"
/// var bytesIterator = str.utf8.makeIterator()
/// var scalars: [UnicodeScalar] = []
/// var utf8Decoder = UTF8()
/// Decode: while true {
/// switch utf8Decoder.decode(&bytesIterator) {
/// case .scalarValue(let v): scalars.append(v)
/// case .emptyInput: break Decode
/// case .error:
/// print("Decoding error")
/// break Decode
/// }
/// }
/// print(scalars)
/// // Prints "["\u{2728}", "U", "n", "i", "c", "o", "d", "e", "\u{2728}"]"
/// - Parameter input: An iterator of code units to be decoded. `input` must be
/// the same iterator instance in repeated calls to this method. Do not
/// advance the iterator or any copies of the iterator outside this
/// method.
/// - Returns: A `UnicodeDecodingResult` instance, representing the next
/// Unicode scalar, an indication of an error, or an indication that the
/// UTF sequence has been fully decoded.
mutating func decode<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> UnicodeDecodingResult where I.Element == CodeUnit
/// Encodes a Unicode scalar as a series of code units by calling the given
/// closure on each code unit.
/// For example, the musical fermata symbol ("𝄐") is a single Unicode scalar
/// value (`\u{1D110}`) but requires four code units for its UTF-8
/// representation. The following code uses the `UTF8` codec to encode a
/// fermata in UTF-8:
/// var bytes: [UTF8.CodeUnit] = []
/// UTF8.encode("𝄐", into: { bytes.append($0) })
/// print(bytes)
/// // Prints "[240, 157, 132, 144]"
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The Unicode scalar value to encode.
/// - processCodeUnit: A closure that processes one code unit argument at a
/// time.
static func encode(
_ input: UnicodeScalar,
into processCodeUnit: (CodeUnit) -> Void
/// Searches for the first occurrence of a `CodeUnit` that is equal to 0.
/// Is an equivalent of `strlen` for C-strings.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
static func _nullCodeUnitOffset(in input: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>) -> Int
/// A codec for translating between Unicode scalar values and UTF-8 code
/// units.
public struct UTF8 : UnicodeCodec {
// See Unicode 8.0.0, Ch 3.9, UTF-8.
/// A type that can hold code unit values for this encoding.
public typealias CodeUnit = UInt8
/// Creates an instance of the UTF-8 codec.
public init() {}
/// Lookahead buffer used for UTF-8 decoding. New bytes are inserted at MSB,
/// and bytes are read at LSB. Note that we need to use a buffer, because
/// in case of invalid subsequences we sometimes don't know whether we should
/// consume a certain byte before looking at it.
internal var _decodeBuffer: UInt32 = 0
/// The number of bits in `_decodeBuffer` that are current filled.
internal var _bitsInBuffer: UInt8 = 0
/// Starts or continues decoding a UTF-8 sequence.
/// To decode a code unit sequence completely, call this method repeatedly
/// until it returns `UnicodeDecodingResult.emptyInput`. Checking that the
/// iterator was exhausted is not sufficient, because the decoder can store
/// buffered data from the input iterator.
/// Because of buffering, it is impossible to find the corresponding position
/// in the iterator for a given returned `UnicodeScalar` or an error.
/// The following example decodes the UTF-8 encoded bytes of a string into an
/// array of `UnicodeScalar` instances. This is a demonstration only---if
/// you need the Unicode scalar representation of a string, use its
/// `unicodeScalars` view.
/// let str = "✨Unicode✨"
/// print(Array(str.utf8))
/// // Prints "[226, 156, 168, 85, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101, 226, 156, 168]"
/// var bytesIterator = str.utf8.makeIterator()
/// var scalars: [UnicodeScalar] = []
/// var utf8Decoder = UTF8()
/// Decode: while true {
/// switch utf8Decoder.decode(&bytesIterator) {
/// case .scalarValue(let v): scalars.append(v)
/// case .emptyInput: break Decode
/// case .error:
/// print("Decoding error")
/// break Decode
/// }
/// }
/// print(scalars)
/// // Prints "["\u{2728}", "U", "n", "i", "c", "o", "d", "e", "\u{2728}"]"
/// - Parameter input: An iterator of code units to be decoded. `input` must be
/// the same iterator instance in repeated calls to this method. Do not
/// advance the iterator or any copies of the iterator outside this
/// method.
/// - Returns: A `UnicodeDecodingResult` instance, representing the next
/// Unicode scalar, an indication of an error, or an indication that the
/// UTF sequence has been fully decoded.
public mutating func decode<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> UnicodeDecodingResult where I.Element == CodeUnit {
// Bufferless ASCII fastpath.
if _fastPath(_bitsInBuffer == 0) {
guard let codeUnit = else { return .emptyInput }
// ASCII, return immediately.
if codeUnit & 0x80 == 0 {
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(codeUnit)))
// Non-ASCII, proceed to buffering mode.
_decodeBuffer = UInt32(codeUnit)
_bitsInBuffer = 8
} else if _decodeBuffer & 0x80 == 0 {
// ASCII in buffer. We don't refill the buffer so we can return
// to bufferless mode once we've exhausted it.
let codeUnit = _decodeBuffer & 0xff
_decodeBuffer >>= 8
_bitsInBuffer = _bitsInBuffer &- 8
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: codeUnit))
// Buffering mode.
// Fill buffer back to 4 bytes (or as many as are left in the iterator).
_sanityCheck(_bitsInBuffer < 32)
repeat {
if let codeUnit = {
// We know _bitsInBuffer < 32 so we use `& 0x1f` (31) to make the
// compiler omit a bounds check branch for the bitshift.
_decodeBuffer |= (UInt32(codeUnit) << UInt32(_bitsInBuffer & 0x1f))
_bitsInBuffer = _bitsInBuffer &+ 8
} else {
if _bitsInBuffer == 0 { return .emptyInput }
break // We still have some bytes left in our buffer.
} while _bitsInBuffer < 32
// Decode one unicode scalar.
// Note our empty bytes are always 0x00, which is required for this call.
let (result, length) = UTF8._decodeOne(_decodeBuffer)
// Consume the decoded bytes (or maximal subpart of ill-formed sequence).
let bitsConsumed = 8 &* length
_sanityCheck(1...4 ~= length && bitsConsumed <= _bitsInBuffer)
// Swift doesn't allow shifts greater than or equal to the type width.
// _decodeBuffer >>= UInt32(bitsConsumed) // >>= 32 crashes.
// Mask with 0x3f (63) to let the compiler omit the '>= 64' bounds check.
_decodeBuffer = UInt32(truncatingBitPattern:
UInt64(_decodeBuffer) >> (UInt64(bitsConsumed) & 0x3f))
_bitsInBuffer = _bitsInBuffer &- bitsConsumed
guard _fastPath(result != nil) else { return .error }
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: result!))
/// Attempts to decode a single UTF-8 code unit sequence starting at the LSB
/// of `buffer`.
/// - Returns:
/// - result: The decoded code point if the code unit sequence is
/// well-formed; `nil` otherwise.
/// - length: The length of the code unit sequence in bytes if it is
/// well-formed; otherwise the *maximal subpart of the ill-formed
/// sequence* (Unicode 8.0.0, Ch 3.9, D93b), i.e. the number of leading
/// code units that were valid or 1 in case none were valid. Unicode
/// recommends to skip these bytes and replace them by a single
/// replacement character (U+FFFD).
/// - Requires: There is at least one used byte in `buffer`, and the unused
/// space in `buffer` is filled with some value not matching the UTF-8
/// continuation byte form (`0b10xxxxxx`).
public // @testable
static func _decodeOne(_ buffer: UInt32) -> (result: UInt32?, length: UInt8) {
// Note the buffer is read least significant byte first: [ #3 #2 #1 #0 ].
if buffer & 0x80 == 0 { // 1-byte sequence (ASCII), buffer: [ ... ... ... CU0 ].
let value = buffer & 0xff
return (value, 1)
// Determine sequence length using high 5 bits of 1st byte. We use a
// look-up table to branch less. 1-byte sequences are handled above.
// case | pattern | description
// ----------------------------
// 00 | 110xx | 2-byte sequence
// 01 | 1110x | 3-byte sequence
// 10 | 11110 | 4-byte sequence
// 11 | other | invalid
// 11xxx 10xxx 01xxx 00xxx
let lut0: UInt32 = 0b1011_0000__1111_1111__1111_1111__1111_1111
let lut1: UInt32 = 0b1100_0000__1111_1111__1111_1111__1111_1111
let index = (buffer >> 3) & 0x1f
let bit0 = (lut0 >> index) & 1
let bit1 = (lut1 >> index) & 1
switch (bit1, bit0) {
case (0, 0): // 2-byte sequence, buffer: [ ... ... CU1 CU0 ].
// Require 10xx xxxx 110x xxxx.
if _slowPath(buffer & 0xc0e0 != 0x80c0) { return (nil, 1) }
// Disallow xxxx xxxx xxx0 000x (<= 7 bits case).
if _slowPath(buffer & 0x001e == 0x0000) { return (nil, 1) }
// Extract data bits.
let value = (buffer & 0x3f00) >> 8
| (buffer & 0x001f) << 6
return (value, 2)
case (0, 1): // 3-byte sequence, buffer: [ ... CU2 CU1 CU0 ].
// Disallow xxxx xxxx xx0x xxxx xxxx 0000 (<= 11 bits case).
if _slowPath(buffer & 0x00200f == 0x000000) { return (nil, 1) }
// Disallow xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx 1101 (surrogate code points).
if _slowPath(buffer & 0x00200f == 0x00200d) { return (nil, 1) }
// Require 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 1110 xxxx.
if _slowPath(buffer & 0xc0c0f0 != 0x8080e0) {
if buffer & 0x00c000 != 0x008000 { return (nil, 1) }
return (nil, 2) // All checks on CU0 & CU1 passed.
// Extract data bits.
let value = (buffer & 0x3f0000) >> 16
| (buffer & 0x003f00) >> 2
| (buffer & 0x00000f) << 12
return (value, 3)
case (1, 0): // 4-byte sequence, buffer: [ CU3 CU2 CU1 CU0 ].
// Disallow xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx00 xxxx xxxx x000 (<= 16 bits case).
if _slowPath(buffer & 0x00003007 == 0x00000000) { return (nil, 1) }
// If xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx.
if buffer & 0x00000004 == 0x00000004 {
// Require xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx00 xxxx xxxx xx00 (<= 0x10FFFF).
if _slowPath(buffer & 0x00003003 != 0x00000000) { return (nil, 1) }
// Require 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 1111 0xxx.
if _slowPath(buffer & 0xc0c0c0f8 != 0x808080f0) {
if buffer & 0x0000c000 != 0x00008000 { return (nil, 1) }
// All other checks on CU0, CU1 & CU2 passed.
if buffer & 0x00c00000 != 0x00800000 { return (nil, 2) }
return (nil, 3)
// Extract data bits.
// FIXME(integers): remove extra type casts
let value = (buffer & 0x3f000000) >> (24 as UInt32)
| (buffer & 0x003f0000) >> (10 as UInt32)
| (buffer & 0x00003f00) << (4 as UInt32)
| (buffer & 0x00000007) << (18 as UInt32)
return (value, 4)
default: // Invalid sequence (CU0 invalid).
return (nil, 1)
/// Encodes a Unicode scalar as a series of code units by calling the given
/// closure on each code unit.
/// For example, the musical fermata symbol ("𝄐") is a single Unicode scalar
/// value (`\u{1D110}`) but requires four code units for its UTF-8
/// representation. The following code encodes a fermata in UTF-8:
/// var bytes: [UTF8.CodeUnit] = []
/// UTF8.encode("𝄐", into: { bytes.append($0) })
/// print(bytes)
/// // Prints "[240, 157, 132, 144]"
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The Unicode scalar value to encode.
/// - processCodeUnit: A closure that processes one code unit argument at a
/// time.
public static func encode(
_ input: UnicodeScalar,
into processCodeUnit: (CodeUnit) -> Void
) {
var c = UInt32(input)
var buf3 = UInt8(c & 0xFF)
if c >= UInt32(1<<7) {
c >>= 6
buf3 = (buf3 & 0x3F) | 0x80 // 10xxxxxx
var buf2 = UInt8(c & 0xFF)
if c < UInt32(1<<5) {
buf2 |= 0xC0 // 110xxxxx
else {
c >>= 6
buf2 = (buf2 & 0x3F) | 0x80 // 10xxxxxx
var buf1 = UInt8(c & 0xFF)
if c < UInt32(1<<4) {
buf1 |= 0xE0 // 1110xxxx
else {
c >>= 6
buf1 = (buf1 & 0x3F) | 0x80 // 10xxxxxx
processCodeUnit(UInt8(c | 0xF0)) // 11110xxx
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified code unit is a
/// UTF-8 continuation byte.
/// Continuation bytes take the form `0b10xxxxxx`. For example, a lowercase
/// "e" with an acute accent above it (`"é"`) uses 2 bytes for its UTF-8
/// representation: `0b11000011` (195) and `0b10101001` (169). The second
/// byte is a continuation byte.
/// let eAcute = "é"
/// for codePoint in eAcute.utf8 {
/// print(codePoint, UTF8.isContinuation(codePoint))
/// }
/// // Prints "195 false"
/// // Prints "169 true"
/// - Parameter byte: A UTF-8 code unit.
/// - Returns: `true` if `byte` is a continuation byte; otherwise, `false`.
public static func isContinuation(_ byte: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return byte & 0b11_00__0000 == 0b10_00__0000
public static func _nullCodeUnitOffset(
in input: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>
) -> Int {
return Int(_swift_stdlib_strlen_unsigned(input))
// Support parsing C strings as-if they are UTF8 strings.
public static func _nullCodeUnitOffset(
in input: UnsafePointer<CChar>
) -> Int {
return Int(_swift_stdlib_strlen(input))
/// A codec for translating between Unicode scalar values and UTF-16 code
/// units.
public struct UTF16 : UnicodeCodec {
/// A type that can hold code unit values for this encoding.
public typealias CodeUnit = UInt16
/// Creates an instance of the UTF-16 codec.
public init() {}
/// A lookahead buffer for one UTF-16 code unit.
internal var _decodeLookahead: UInt16?
/// Starts or continues decoding a UTF-16 sequence.
/// To decode a code unit sequence completely, call this method repeatedly
/// until it returns `UnicodeDecodingResult.emptyInput`. Checking that the
/// iterator was exhausted is not sufficient, because the decoder can store
/// buffered data from the input iterator.
/// Because of buffering, it is impossible to find the corresponding position
/// in the iterator for a given returned `UnicodeScalar` or an error.
/// The following example decodes the UTF-16 encoded bytes of a string into an
/// array of `UnicodeScalar` instances. This is a demonstration only---if
/// you need the Unicode scalar representation of a string, use its
/// `unicodeScalars` view.
/// let str = "✨Unicode✨"
/// print(Array(str.utf16))
/// // Prints "[10024, 85, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101, 10024]"
/// var codeUnitIterator = str.utf16.makeIterator()
/// var scalars: [UnicodeScalar] = []
/// var utf16Decoder = UTF16()
/// Decode: while true {
/// switch utf16Decoder.decode(&codeUnitIterator) {
/// case .scalarValue(let v): scalars.append(v)
/// case .emptyInput: break Decode
/// case .error:
/// print("Decoding error")
/// break Decode
/// }
/// }
/// print(scalars)
/// // Prints "["\u{2728}", "U", "n", "i", "c", "o", "d", "e", "\u{2728}"]"
/// - Parameter input: An iterator of code units to be decoded. `input` must be
/// the same iterator instance in repeated calls to this method. Do not
/// advance the iterator or any copies of the iterator outside this
/// method.
/// - Returns: A `UnicodeDecodingResult` instance, representing the next
/// Unicode scalar, an indication of an error, or an indication that the
/// UTF sequence has been fully decoded.
public mutating func decode<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> UnicodeDecodingResult where I.Element == CodeUnit {
// Note: maximal subpart of ill-formed sequence for UTF-16 can only have
// length 1. Length 0 does not make sense. Neither does length 2 -- in
// that case the sequence is valid.
let unit0: UInt16
if _fastPath(_decodeLookahead == nil) {
guard let next = else { return .emptyInput }
unit0 = next
} else { // Consume lookahead first.
unit0 = _decodeLookahead!
_decodeLookahead = nil
// A well-formed pair of surrogates looks like this:
// high-surrogate low-surrogate
// [1101 10xx xxxx xxxx] [1101 11xx xxxx xxxx]
// Common case first, non-surrogate -- just a sequence of 1 code unit.
if _fastPath((unit0 >> 11) != 0b1101_1) {
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: UInt32(unit0)))
// Ensure `unit0` is a high-surrogate.
guard _fastPath((unit0 >> 10) == 0b1101_10) else { return .error }
// We already have a high-surrogate, so there should be a next code unit.
guard let unit1 = else { return .error }
// `unit0` is a high-surrogate, so `unit1` should be a low-surrogate.
guard _fastPath((unit1 >> 10) == 0b1101_11) else {
// Invalid sequence, discard `unit0` and store `unit1` for the next call.
_decodeLookahead = unit1
return .error
// We have a well-formed surrogate pair, decode it.
let result = 0x10000 + ((UInt32(unit0 & 0x03ff) << 10) | UInt32(unit1 & 0x03ff))
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: result))
/// Try to decode one Unicode scalar, and return the actual number of code
/// units it spanned in the input. This function may consume more code
/// units than required for this scalar.
internal mutating func _decodeOne<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> (UnicodeDecodingResult, Int) where I.Element == CodeUnit {
let result = decode(&input)
switch result {
case .scalarValue(let us):
return (result, UTF16.width(us))
case .emptyInput:
return (result, 0)
case .error:
return (result, 1)
/// Encodes a Unicode scalar as a series of code units by calling the given
/// closure on each code unit.
/// For example, the musical fermata symbol ("𝄐") is a single Unicode scalar
/// value (`\u{1D110}`) but requires two code units for its UTF-16
/// representation. The following code encodes a fermata in UTF-16:
/// var codeUnits: [UTF16.CodeUnit] = []
/// UTF16.encode("𝄐", into: { codeUnits.append($0) })
/// print(codeUnits)
/// // Prints "[55348, 56592]"
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The Unicode scalar value to encode.
/// - processCodeUnit: A closure that processes one code unit argument at a
/// time.
public static func encode(
_ input: UnicodeScalar,
into processCodeUnit: (CodeUnit) -> Void
) {
let scalarValue: UInt32 = UInt32(input)
if scalarValue <= UInt32(UInt16.max) {
else {
let lead_offset = UInt32(0xd800) - UInt32(0x10000 >> 10)
processCodeUnit(UInt16(lead_offset + (scalarValue >> 10)))
processCodeUnit(UInt16(0xdc00 + (scalarValue & 0x3ff)))
/// A codec for translating between Unicode scalar values and UTF-32 code
/// units.
public struct UTF32 : UnicodeCodec {
/// A type that can hold code unit values for this encoding.
public typealias CodeUnit = UInt32
/// Creates an instance of the UTF-32 codec.
public init() {}
/// Starts or continues decoding a UTF-32 sequence.
/// To decode a code unit sequence completely, call this method repeatedly
/// until it returns `UnicodeDecodingResult.emptyInput`. Checking that the
/// iterator was exhausted is not sufficient, because the decoder can store
/// buffered data from the input iterator.
/// Because of buffering, it is impossible to find the corresponding position
/// in the iterator for a given returned `UnicodeScalar` or an error.
/// The following example decodes the UTF-16 encoded bytes of a string
/// into an array of `UnicodeScalar` instances. This is a demonstration
/// only---if you need the Unicode scalar representation of a string, use
/// its `unicodeScalars` view.
/// // UTF-32 representation of "✨Unicode✨"
/// let codeUnits: [UTF32.CodeUnit] =
/// [10024, 85, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101, 10024]
/// var codeUnitIterator = codeUnits.makeIterator()
/// var scalars: [UnicodeScalar] = []
/// var utf32Decoder = UTF32()
/// Decode: while true {
/// switch utf32Decoder.decode(&codeUnitIterator) {
/// case .scalarValue(let v): scalars.append(v)
/// case .emptyInput: break Decode
/// case .error:
/// print("Decoding error")
/// break Decode
/// }
/// }
/// print(scalars)
/// // Prints "["\u{2728}", "U", "n", "i", "c", "o", "d", "e", "\u{2728}"]"
/// - Parameter input: An iterator of code units to be decoded. `input` must be
/// the same iterator instance in repeated calls to this method. Do not
/// advance the iterator or any copies of the iterator outside this
/// method.
/// - Returns: A `UnicodeDecodingResult` instance, representing the next
/// Unicode scalar, an indication of an error, or an indication that the
/// UTF sequence has been fully decoded.
public mutating func decode<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> UnicodeDecodingResult where I.Element == CodeUnit {
return UTF32._decode(&input)
internal static func _decode<I : IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I
) -> UnicodeDecodingResult where I.Element == CodeUnit {
guard let x = else { return .emptyInput }
// Check code unit is valid: not surrogate-reserved and within range.
guard _fastPath((x >> 11) != 0b1101_1 && x <= 0x10ffff)
else { return .error }
// x is a valid scalar.
return .scalarValue(UnicodeScalar(_unchecked: x))
/// Encodes a Unicode scalar as a UTF-32 code unit by calling the given
/// closure.
/// For example, like every Unicode scalar, the musical fermata symbol ("𝄐")
/// can be represented in UTF-32 as a single code unit. The following code
/// encodes a fermata in UTF-32:
/// var codeUnit: UTF32.CodeUnit = 0
/// UTF32.encode("𝄐", into: { codeUnit = $0 })
/// print(codeUnit)
/// // Prints "119056"
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The Unicode scalar value to encode.
/// - processCodeUnit: A closure that processes one code unit argument at a
/// time.
public static func encode(
_ input: UnicodeScalar,
into processCodeUnit: (CodeUnit) -> Void
) {
/// Translates the given input from one Unicode encoding to another by calling
/// the given closure.
/// The following example transcodes the UTF-8 representation of the string
/// `"Fermata 𝄐"` into UTF-32.
/// let fermata = "Fermata 𝄐"
/// let bytes = fermata.utf8
/// print(Array(bytes))
/// // Prints "[70, 101, 114, 109, 97, 116, 97, 32, 240, 157, 132, 144]"
/// var codeUnits: [UTF32.CodeUnit] = []
/// let sink = { codeUnits.append($0) }
/// transcode(bytes.makeIterator(), from: UTF8.self, to: UTF32.self,
/// stoppingOnError: false, into: sink)
/// print(codeUnits)
/// // Prints "[70, 101, 114, 109, 97, 116, 97, 32, 119056]"
/// The `sink` closure is called with each resulting UTF-32 code unit as the
/// function iterates over its input.
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: An iterator of code units to be translated, encoded as
/// `inputEncoding`. If `stopOnError` is `false`, the entire iterator will
/// be exhausted. Otherwise, iteration will stop if an encoding error is
/// detected.
/// - inputEncoding: The Unicode encoding of `input`.
/// - outputEncoding: The destination Unicode encoding.
/// - stopOnError: Pass `true` to stop translation when an encoding error is
/// detected in `input`. Otherwise, a Unicode replacement character
/// (`"\u{FFFD}"`) is inserted for each detected error.
/// - processCodeUnit: A closure that processes one `outputEncoding` code
/// unit at a time.
/// - Returns: `true` if the translation detected encoding errors in `input`;
/// otherwise, `false`.
public func transcode<Input, InputEncoding, OutputEncoding>(
_ input: Input,
from inputEncoding: InputEncoding.Type,
to outputEncoding: OutputEncoding.Type,
stoppingOnError stopOnError: Bool,
into processCodeUnit: (OutputEncoding.CodeUnit) -> Void
) -> Bool
Input : IteratorProtocol,
InputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
OutputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
InputEncoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element {
var input = input
// NB. It is not possible to optimize this routine to a memcpy if
// InputEncoding == OutputEncoding. The reason is that memcpy will not
// substitute U+FFFD replacement characters for ill-formed sequences.
var inputDecoder = inputEncoding.init()
var hadError = false
while true {
switch inputDecoder.decode(&input) {
case .scalarValue(let us):
OutputEncoding.encode(us, into: processCodeUnit)
case .emptyInput:
break loop
case .error:
hadError = true
if stopOnError {
break loop
OutputEncoding.encode("\u{fffd}", into: processCodeUnit)
return hadError
/// Transcode UTF-16 to UTF-8, replacing ill-formed sequences with U+FFFD.
/// Returns the index of the first unhandled code unit and the UTF-8 data
/// that was encoded.
internal func _transcodeSomeUTF16AsUTF8<Input>(
_ input: Input, _ startIndex: Input.Index
) -> (Input.Index, _StringCore._UTF8Chunk)
Input : Collection,
Input.Iterator.Element == UInt16 {
typealias _UTF8Chunk = _StringCore._UTF8Chunk
let endIndex = input.endIndex
let utf8Max = MemoryLayout<_UTF8Chunk>.size
var result: _UTF8Chunk = 0
var utf8Count = 0
var nextIndex = startIndex
while nextIndex != input.endIndex && utf8Count != utf8Max {
let u = UInt(input[nextIndex])
let shift = _UTF8Chunk(utf8Count * 8)
var utf16Length: Input.IndexDistance = 1
if _fastPath(u <= 0x7f) {
result |= _UTF8Chunk(u) << shift
utf8Count += 1
} else {
var scalarUtf8Length: Int
var r: UInt
if _fastPath((u >> 11) != 0b1101_1) {
// Neither high-surrogate, nor low-surrogate -- well-formed sequence
// of 1 code unit, decoding is trivial.
if u < 0x800 {
r = 0b10__00_0000__110__0_0000
r |= u >> 6
r |= (u & 0b11_1111) << 8
scalarUtf8Length = 2
else {
r = 0b10__00_0000__10__00_0000__1110__0000
r |= u >> 12
r |= ((u >> 6) & 0b11_1111) << 8
r |= (u & 0b11_1111) << 16
scalarUtf8Length = 3
} else {
let unit0 = u
if _slowPath((unit0 >> 10) == 0b1101_11) {
// `unit0` is a low-surrogate. We have an ill-formed sequence.
// Replace it with U+FFFD.
r = 0xbdbfef
scalarUtf8Length = 3
} else if _slowPath(input.index(nextIndex, offsetBy: 1) == endIndex) {
// We have seen a high-surrogate and EOF, so we have an ill-formed
// sequence. Replace it with U+FFFD.
r = 0xbdbfef
scalarUtf8Length = 3
} else {
let unit1 = UInt(input[input.index(nextIndex, offsetBy: 1)])
if _fastPath((unit1 >> 10) == 0b1101_11) {
// `unit1` is a low-surrogate. We have a well-formed surrogate
// pair.
let v = 0x10000 + (((unit0 & 0x03ff) << 10) | (unit1 & 0x03ff))
r = 0b10__00_0000__10__00_0000__10__00_0000__1111_0__000
r |= v >> 18
r |= ((v >> 12) & 0b11_1111) << 8
r |= ((v >> 6) & 0b11_1111) << 16
r |= (v & 0b11_1111) << 24
scalarUtf8Length = 4
utf16Length = 2
} else {
// Otherwise, we have an ill-formed sequence. Replace it with
// U+FFFD.
r = 0xbdbfef
scalarUtf8Length = 3
// Don't overrun the buffer
if utf8Count + scalarUtf8Length > utf8Max {
result |= numericCast(r) << shift
utf8Count += scalarUtf8Length
nextIndex = input.index(nextIndex, offsetBy: utf16Length)
// FIXME: Annoying check, courtesy of <rdar://problem/16740169>
if utf8Count < MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: result) {
result |= ~0 << numericCast(utf8Count * 8)
return (nextIndex, result)
/// Instances of conforming types are used in internal `String`
/// representation.
public // @testable
protocol _StringElement {
static func _toUTF16CodeUnit(_: Self) -> UTF16.CodeUnit
static func _fromUTF16CodeUnit(_ utf16: UTF16.CodeUnit) -> Self
extension UTF16.CodeUnit : _StringElement {
public // @testable
static func _toUTF16CodeUnit(_ x: UTF16.CodeUnit) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
return x
public // @testable
static func _fromUTF16CodeUnit(
_ utf16: UTF16.CodeUnit
) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
return utf16
extension UTF8.CodeUnit : _StringElement {
public // @testable
static func _toUTF16CodeUnit(_ x: UTF8.CodeUnit) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_sanityCheck(x <= 0x7f, "should only be doing this with ASCII")
return UTF16.CodeUnit(x)
public // @testable
static func _fromUTF16CodeUnit(
_ utf16: UTF16.CodeUnit
) -> UTF8.CodeUnit {
_sanityCheck(utf16 <= 0x7f, "should only be doing this with ASCII")
return UTF8.CodeUnit(utf16)
extension UTF16 {
/// Returns the number of code units required to encode the given Unicode
/// scalar.
/// Because a Unicode scalar value can require up to 21 bits to store its
/// value, some Unicode scalars are represented in UTF-16 by a pair of
/// 16-bit code units. The first and second code units of the pair,
/// designated *leading* and *trailing* surrogates, make up a *surrogate
/// pair*.
/// let anA: UnicodeScalar = "A"
/// print(anA.value)
/// // Prints "65"
/// print(UTF16.width(anA))
/// // Prints "1"
/// let anApple: UnicodeScalar = "🍎"
/// print(anApple.value)
/// // Prints "127822"
/// print(UTF16.width(anApple))
/// // Prints "2"
/// - Parameter x: A Unicode scalar value.
/// - Returns: The width of `x` when encoded in UTF-16, either `1` or `2`.
public static func width(_ x: UnicodeScalar) -> Int {
return x.value <= 0xFFFF ? 1 : 2
/// Returns the high-surrogate code unit of the surrogate pair representing
/// the specified Unicode scalar.
/// Because a Unicode scalar value can require up to 21 bits to store its
/// value, some Unicode scalars are represented in UTF-16 by a pair of
/// 16-bit code units. The first and second code units of the pair,
/// designated *leading* and *trailing* surrogates, make up a *surrogate
/// pair*.
/// let apple: UnicodeScalar = "🍎"
/// print(UTF16.leadSurrogate(apple)
/// // Prints "55356"
/// - Parameter x: A Unicode scalar value. `x` must be represented by a
/// surrogate pair when encoded in UTF-16. To check whether `x` is
/// represented by a surrogate pair, use `UTF16.width(x) == 2`.
/// - Returns: The leading surrogate code unit of `x` when encoded in UTF-16.
/// - SeeAlso: `UTF16.width(_:)`, `UTF16.trailSurrogate(_:)`
public static func leadSurrogate(_ x: UnicodeScalar) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_precondition(width(x) == 2)
return UTF16.CodeUnit((x.value - 0x1_0000) >> (10 as UInt32)) + 0xD800
/// Returns the low-surrogate code unit of the surrogate pair representing
/// the specified Unicode scalar.
/// Because a Unicode scalar value can require up to 21 bits to store its
/// value, some Unicode scalars are represented in UTF-16 by a pair of
/// 16-bit code units. The first and second code units of the pair,
/// designated *leading* and *trailing* surrogates, make up a *surrogate
/// pair*.
/// let apple: UnicodeScalar = "🍎"
/// print(UTF16.trailSurrogate(apple)
/// // Prints "57166"
/// - Parameter x: A Unicode scalar value. `x` must be represented by a
/// surrogate pair when encoded in UTF-16. To check whether `x` is
/// represented by a surrogate pair, use `UTF16.width(x) == 2`.
/// - Returns: The trailing surrogate code unit of `x` when encoded in UTF-16.
/// - SeeAlso: `UTF16.width(_:)`, `UTF16.leadSurrogate(_:)`
public static func trailSurrogate(_ x: UnicodeScalar) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_precondition(width(x) == 2)
return UTF16.CodeUnit(
(x.value - 0x1_0000) & (((1 as UInt32) << 10) - 1)
) + 0xDC00
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified code unit is a
/// high-surrogate code unit.
/// Here's an example of checking whether each code unit in a string's
/// `utf16` view is a lead surrogate. The `apple` string contains a single
/// emoji character made up of a surrogate pair when encoded in UTF-16.
/// let apple = "🍎"
/// for unit in apple.utf16 {
/// print(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(unit))
/// }
/// // Prints "true"
/// // Prints "false"
/// This method does not validate the encoding of a UTF-16 sequence beyond
/// the specified code unit. Specifically, it does not validate that a
/// low-surrogate code unit follows `x`.
/// - Parameter x: A UTF-16 code unit.
/// - Returns: `true` if `x` is a high-surrogate code unit; otherwise,
/// `false`.
/// - SeeAlso: `UTF16.width(_:)`, `UTF16.leadSurrogate(_:)`
public static func isLeadSurrogate(_ x: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return 0xD800...0xDBFF ~= x
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified code unit is a
/// low-surrogate code unit.
/// Here's an example of checking whether each code unit in a string's
/// `utf16` view is a trailing surrogate. The `apple` string contains a
/// single emoji character made up of a surrogate pair when encoded in
/// UTF-16.
/// let apple = "🍎"
/// for unit in apple.utf16 {
/// print(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(unit))
/// }
/// // Prints "false"
/// // Prints "true"
/// This method does not validate the encoding of a UTF-16 sequence beyond
/// the specified code unit. Specifically, it does not validate that a
/// high-surrogate code unit precedes `x`.
/// - Parameter x: A UTF-16 code unit.
/// - Returns: `true` if `x` is a low-surrogate code unit; otherwise,
/// `false`.
/// - SeeAlso: `UTF16.width(_:)`, `UTF16.leadSurrogate(_:)`
public static func isTrailSurrogate(_ x: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return 0xDC00...0xDFFF ~= x
public // @testable
static func _copy<T : _StringElement, U : _StringElement>(
source: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>,
destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>,
count: Int
) {
if MemoryLayout<T>.stride == MemoryLayout<U>.stride {
dest: UnsafeMutablePointer(destination),
src: UnsafeMutablePointer(source),
size: UInt(count) * UInt(MemoryLayout<U>.stride))
else {
for i in 0..<count {
let u16 = T._toUTF16CodeUnit((source + i).pointee)
(destination + i).pointee = U._fromUTF16CodeUnit(u16)
/// Returns the number of UTF-16 code units required for the given code unit
/// sequence when transcoded to UTF-16, and a Boolean value indicating
/// whether the sequence was found to contain only ASCII characters.
/// The following example finds the length of the UTF-16 encoding of the
/// string `"Fermata 𝄐"`, starting with its UTF-8 representation.
/// let fermata = "Fermata 𝄐"
/// let bytes = fermata.utf8
/// print(Array(bytes))
/// // Prints "[70, 101, 114, 109, 97, 116, 97, 32, 240, 157, 132, 144]"
/// let result = transcodedLength(of: bytes.makeIterator(),
/// decodedAs: UTF8.self,
/// repairingIllFormedSequences: false)
/// print(result)
/// // Prints "Optional((10, false))"
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: An iterator of code units to be translated, encoded as
/// `sourceEncoding`. If `repairingIllFormedSequences` is `true`, the
/// entire iterator will be exhausted. Otherwise, iteration will stop if
/// an ill-formed sequence is detected.
/// - sourceEncoding: The Unicode encoding of `input`.
/// - repairingIllFormedSequences: Pass `true` to measure the length of
/// `input` even when `input` contains ill-formed sequences. Each
/// ill-formed sequence is replaced with a Unicode replacement character
/// (`"\u{FFFD}"`) and is measured as such. Pass `false` to immediately
/// stop measuring `input` when an ill-formed sequence is encountered.
/// - Returns: A tuple containing the number of UTF-16 code units required to
/// encode `input` and a Boolean value that indicates whether the `input`
/// contained only ASCII characters. If `repairingIllFormedSequences` is
/// `false` and an ill-formed sequence is detected, this method returns
/// `nil`.
public static func transcodedLength<Input, Encoding>(
of input: Input,
decodedAs sourceEncoding: Encoding.Type,
repairingIllFormedSequences: Bool
) -> (count: Int, isASCII: Bool)?
Input : IteratorProtocol,
Encoding : UnicodeCodec,
Encoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element {
var input = input
var count = 0
var isAscii = true
var inputDecoder = Encoding()
while true {
switch inputDecoder.decode(&input) {
case .scalarValue(let us):
if us.value > 0x7f {
isAscii = false
count += width(us)
case .emptyInput:
break loop
case .error:
if !repairingIllFormedSequences {
return nil
isAscii = false
count += width(UnicodeScalar(0xfffd)!)
return (count, isAscii)
// Unchecked init to avoid precondition branches in hot code paths where we
// already know the value is a valid unicode scalar.
extension UnicodeScalar {
/// Create an instance with numeric value `value`, bypassing the regular
/// precondition checks for code point validity.
internal init(_unchecked value: UInt32) {
_sanityCheck(value < 0xD800 || value > 0xDFFF,
"high- and low-surrogate code points are not valid Unicode scalar values")
_sanityCheck(value <= 0x10FFFF, "value is outside of Unicode codespace")
self._value = value
extension UnicodeCodec where CodeUnit : UnsignedInteger {
public static func _nullCodeUnitOffset(in input: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>) -> Int {
var length = 0
while input[length] != 0 {
length += 1
return length
extension UnicodeCodec {
public static func _nullCodeUnitOffset(in input: UnsafePointer<CodeUnit>) -> Int {
fatalError("_nullCodeUnitOffset(in:) implementation should be provided")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "UnicodeCodec")
public typealias UnicodeCodecType = UnicodeCodec
extension UnicodeCodec {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "encode(_:into:)")
public static func encode(
_ input: UnicodeScalar,
output put: (CodeUnit) -> Void
) {
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use 'transcode(_:from:to:stoppingOnError:into:)'")
public func transcode<Input, InputEncoding, OutputEncoding>(
_ inputEncoding: InputEncoding.Type, _ outputEncoding: OutputEncoding.Type,
_ input: Input, _ output: (OutputEncoding.CodeUnit) -> Void,
stopOnError: Bool
) -> Bool
Input : IteratorProtocol,
InputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
OutputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
InputEncoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element {
extension UTF16 {
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use 'transcodedLength(of:decodedAs:repairingIllFormedSequences:)'")
public static func measure<Encoding, Input>(
_: Encoding.Type, input: Input, repairIllFormedSequences: Bool
) -> (Int, Bool)?
Encoding : UnicodeCodec,
Input : IteratorProtocol,
Encoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element {
/// A namespace for Unicode utilities.
internal enum _Unicode {}