blob: 5dbebda0b4067a576fb7433b4996e82c1d45929e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ExprSyntax.h - Swift Expression Syntax Interface -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the interface for expresion-specific syntax nodes,
// such as
#include "swift/Syntax/RawSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/References.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Syntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxData.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/UnknownSyntax.h"
using llvm::Optional;
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
class GenericArgumentClauseSyntax;
class GenericArgumentClauseSyntaxData;
class ExprSyntaxData : public SyntaxData {
ExprSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0)
: SyntaxData(Raw, Parent, IndexInParent) {
static RC<ExprSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<ExprSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->isExpr();
class ExprSyntax : public Syntax {
using DataType = ExprSyntaxData;
ExprSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const ExprSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->isExpr();
#pragma mark - unknown-expression Data
class UnknownExprSyntaxData : public UnknownSyntaxData {
UnknownExprSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<UnknownExprSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::UnknownExpr;
#pragma mark - unknown-expression API
class UnknownExprSyntax : public UnknownSyntax {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class UnknownExprSyntaxData;
friend class LegacyASTTransformer;
using DataType = UnknownExprSyntaxData;
UnknownExprSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const UnknownExprSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::UnknownExpr;
#pragma mark - integer-literal-expression Data
class IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData : public ExprSyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::IntegerLiteralExpr;
#pragma mark - integer-literal-expression API
class IntegerLiteralExprSyntax : public ExprSyntax {
using DataType = IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData;
IntegerLiteralExprSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const IntegerLiteralExprSyntaxData *Data);
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
/// Get the '+' or '-' associated with this integer literal expression.
RC<TokenSyntax> getSign() const;
/// Return a new IntegerLiteralExprSyntax with the given '+' or '-' sign.
IntegerLiteralExprSyntax withSign(RC<TokenSyntax> NewSign) const;
/// Return the string of digits comprising the number part of the integer
/// literal expression.
RC<TokenSyntax> getDigits() const;
/// Return a new IntegerLiteralExprSyntax with the given string of digits.
IntegerLiteralExprSyntax withDigits(RC<TokenSyntax> NewDigits) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::IntegerLiteralExpr;
#pragma mark - symbolic-reference Data
class SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData : public ExprSyntaxData {
friend class SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
RC<GenericArgumentClauseSyntaxData> CachedGenericArgClause;
SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::SymbolicReferenceExpr;
#pragma mark - symbolic-reference API
/// symbolic-reference-expression -> identifier generic-argument-clause?
/// This is shown as primary-expression -> identifier generic-argument-clause?
/// in the grammar. It can be just an identifier referring to some
/// declaration, or it could perhaps be a constructor call to `Array<Int>`.
class SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax : public ExprSyntax {
using DataType = SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SymbolicReferenceExprSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DataType *Data);
/// Get the identifier for the symbol to which this expression refers.
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
/// Return a new `SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax` with the given identifier.
withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the generic arguments this symbolic reference has, if it has one.
llvm::Optional<GenericArgumentClauseSyntax> getGenericArgumentClause() const;
/// Return a new `SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax` with the given generic
/// arguments.
withGenericArgumentClause(GenericArgumentClauseSyntax NewGenericArgs) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::SymbolicReferenceExpr;
#pragma mark - function-call-argument Data
class FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionCallArgumentSyntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
RC<ExprSyntaxData> CachedExpression;
FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallArgument;
#pragma mark - function-call-argument API
/// function-call-argument -> label? ':'? (expression | operator) ','?
class FunctionCallArgumentSyntax : public Syntax {
using DataType = FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class Syntax;
friend class FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData;
friend class FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax;
enum class Cursor {
FunctionCallArgumentSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DataType *Data);
/// Return the label identifier for this argument, if it has one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLabel() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallArgumentSyntax` with the given label.
FunctionCallArgumentSyntax withLabel(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLabel) const;
/// Get the colon ':' token in between the label and argument,
/// if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getColonToken() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallArgumentSyntax` with the given colon ':' token.
FunctionCallArgumentSyntax withColonToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewColon) const;
/// Returns the expression of the argument.
llvm::Optional<ExprSyntax> getExpression() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallArgumentSyntax` with the given expression
/// argument.
FunctionCallArgumentSyntax withExpression(ExprSyntax NewExpression) const;
/// Get the comma ',' token immediately following this argument, if there
/// is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getTrailingComma() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallArgumentSyntax` with the given comma attached
/// to the end of the argument.
withTrailingComma(RC<TokenSyntax> NewTrailingComma) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallArgument;
#pragma mark - function-call-argument-list Data
class FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder;
friend class SyntaxData;
std::vector<RC<FunctionCallArgumentSyntaxData>> CachedArguments;
FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallArgumentList;
#pragma mark - function-call-argument-list API
/// function-call-argument-list -> function-call-argument
/// function-call-argument-list?
class FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntax;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData;
FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DataType *Data);
/// Return the number of arguments in this list.
size_t getNumArguments() const;
/// Get the argument at the given Index.
FunctionCallArgumentSyntax getArgument(size_t n) const;
/// Returns a new `FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax` with the given
/// argument added to the end.
withAdditionalArgument(FunctionCallArgumentSyntax AdditionalArgument) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallArgumentList;
#pragma mark - function-call-expression Data
class FunctionCallExprSyntaxData : public ExprSyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntax;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder;
friend class SyntaxData;
RC<ExprSyntaxData> CachedCalledExpression;
RC<FunctionCallArgumentListSyntaxData> CachedArgumentList;
FunctionCallExprSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallExprSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionCallExprSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallExpr;
#pragma mark - function-call-expression API
class FunctionCallExprSyntax : public ExprSyntax {
using DataType = FunctionCallExprSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntaxData;
friend class FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
enum class Cursor: CursorIndex {
FunctionCallExprSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data);
/// Get the base expression getting called.
ExprSyntax getCalledExpression() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallExprSyntax` with the given base expression
/// to be called.
withCalledExpression(ExprSyntax NewBaseExpression) const;
/// Return the left parenthesis '(' token in this call.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftParen() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallExprSyntax` with the given left parenthesis '('
/// token.
FunctionCallExprSyntax withLeftParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
/// Get the list of arguments in this call expression.
FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax getArgumentList() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallExprSyntax` with the given argument list.
withArgumentList(FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax NewArgumentList) const;
/// Return the right parenthesis ')' token in this call.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightParen() const;
/// Return a new `FunctionCallExprSyntax` with the given right parenthesis ')'
/// token.
FunctionCallExprSyntax withRightParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionCallExpr;
#pragma mark - function-call-argument-list-builder
class FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder {
RawSyntax::LayoutList CallLayout;
RawSyntax::LayoutList ListLayout;
/// Start the builder with all elements marked as missing or empty.
/// Use the given expression as the call target.
FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder &
useCalledExpression(ExprSyntax CalledExpression);
/// Use the given left parenthesis '(' token in the function call.
FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder &useLeftParen(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen);
/// Add an additional argument to the layout.
FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder &
appendArgument(FunctionCallArgumentSyntax AdditionalArgument);
/// Use the given right parenthesis ')' token in the function call.
FunctionCallExprSyntaxBuilder &useRightParen(RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Return a `FunctionCallExprSyntax` with the arguments added so far.
FunctionCallExprSyntax build() const;
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift