blob: dcd9c0af53a13e75262a10a0d5194ddcd2fe5f0a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TestsUtils.swift -------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if os(Linux)
import Glibc
import Darwin
public enum BenchmarkCategories : CustomStringConvertible {
// Validation "micro" benchmarks test a specific operation or critical path that
// we know is important to measure.
case validation
// subsystems to validate and their subcategories.
case api, Array, String, Dictionary, Codable, Set
case sdk
case runtime, refcount, metadata
// Other general areas of compiled code validation.
case abstraction, safetychecks, exceptions, bridging, concurrency
// Algorithms are "micro" that test some well-known algorithm in isolation:
// sorting, searching, hashing, fibonaci, crypto, etc.
case algorithm
// Miniapplications are contrived to mimic some subset of application behavior
// in a way that can be easily measured. They are larger than micro-benchmarks,
// combining multiple APIs, data structures, or algorithms. This includes small
// standardized benchmarks, pieces of real applications that have been extracted
// into a benchmark, important functionality like JSON parsing, etc.
case miniapplication
// Regression benchmarks is a catch-all for less important "micro"
// benchmarks. This could be a random piece of code that was attached to a bug
// report. We want to make sure the optimizer as a whole continues to handle
// this case, but don't know how applicable it is to general Swift performance
// relative to the other micro-benchmarks. In particular, these aren't weighted
// as highly as "validation" benchmarks and likely won't be the subject of
// future investigation unless they significantly regress.
case regression
// Most benchmarks are assumed to be "stable" and will be regularly tracked at
// each commit. A handful may be marked unstable if continually tracking them is
// counterproductive.
case unstable
// CPU benchmarks represent instrinsic Swift performance. They are useful for
// measuring a fully baked Swift implementation across different platforms and
// hardware. The benchmark should also be reasonably applicable to real Swift
// code--it should exercise a known performance critical area. Typically these
// will be drawn from the validation benchmarks once the language and standard
// library implementation of the benchmark meets a reasonable efficiency
// baseline. A benchmark should only be tagged "cpubench" after a full
// performance investigation of the benchmark has been completed to determine
// that it is a good representation of future Swift performance. Benchmarks
// should not be tagged if they make use of an API that we plan on
// reimplementing or call into code paths that have known opportunities for
// significant optimization.
case cpubench
public var description : String {
switch self {
case .cpubench: return "cpubench"
case .unstable: return "unstable"
case .validation: return "validation"
case .api: return "api"
case .Array: return "Array"
case .String: return "String"
case .Dictionary: return "Dictionary"
case .Codable: return "Codable"
case .Set: return "Set"
case .sdk: return "sdk"
case .runtime: return "runtime"
case .refcount: return "refcount"
case .metadata: return "metadata"
case .abstraction: return "abstraction"
case .safetychecks: return "safetychecks"
case .exceptions: return "exceptions"
case .bridging: return "bridging"
case .concurrency: return "concurrency"
case .algorithm: return "algorithm"
case .miniapplication: return "miniapplication"
case .regression: return "regression"
public struct BenchmarkInfo {
public var name: String
public var runFunction: (Int) -> ()
public var tags: [BenchmarkCategories]
public init(name: String, runFunction: @escaping (Int) -> (), tags: [BenchmarkCategories]) { = name
self.runFunction = runFunction
self.tags = tags
// Linear function shift register.
// This is just to drive benchmarks. I don't make any claim about its
// strength. According to Wikipedia, it has the maximal period for a
// 32-bit register.
struct LFSR {
// Set the register to some seed that I pulled out of a hat.
var lfsr : UInt32 = 0xb78978e7
mutating func shift() {
lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (UInt32(bitPattern: -Int32((lfsr & 1))) & 0xD0000001)
mutating func randInt() -> Int64 {
var result : UInt32 = 0
for _ in 0..<32 {
result = (result << 1) | (lfsr & 1)
return Int64(bitPattern: UInt64(result))
var lfsrRandomGenerator = LFSR()
// Start the generator from the beginning
public func SRand() {
lfsrRandomGenerator = LFSR()
public func Random() -> Int64 {
return lfsrRandomGenerator.randInt()
public func CheckResults(
_ resultsMatch: Bool,
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function,
line: Int = #line
) {
guard _fastPath(resultsMatch) else {
print("Incorrect result in \(function), \(file):\(line)")
// Due to potential overhead of passing closures around on the
// performance measurements, this version is now deprecated
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "For debugging test failures only! Use the version without message.")
public func CheckResults(
_ resultsMatch: Bool,
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String
) {
guard resultsMatch else {
public func False() -> Bool { return false }
/// This is a dummy protocol to test the speed of our protocol dispatch.
public protocol SomeProtocol { func getValue() -> Int }
struct MyStruct : SomeProtocol {
init() {}
func getValue() -> Int { return 1 }
public func someProtocolFactory() -> SomeProtocol { return MyStruct() }
// Just consume the argument.
// It's important that this function is in another module than the tests
// which are using it.
public func blackHole<T>(_ x: T) {
// Return the passed argument without letting the optimizer know that.
// It's important that this function is in another module than the tests
// which are using it.
public func getInt(_ x: Int) -> Int { return x }
// The same for String.
public func getString(_ s: String) -> String { return s }