blob: 1b788604035721f0b5e1d9d3bea2a2200356c960 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %round-trip-syntax-test --swift-syntax-test %swift-syntax-test --file %s
class C {
// Erroneous typealias decl.
typealias Inner: Foo = Int
// Implict accessor with attribute at the top of its body.
var x: Int {
func f() {}
// Orphan '}' at top level
// Compound name.
// Type identifier with erroneous component.
let a: Int.)
// Type with unknown attribute followed by parentheses.
typealias b = @foobar() -> Void
typealias c = @foobar(a) () -> Void
// keypath expressions.
let d = \.foo
let e = \.[1]
let f = \.?.bar