blob: 9e1354014852c3a8bbe07361a34ce1e4d263f70f [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
# System modules
from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion
from functools import wraps
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import tempfile
# Third-party modules
import six
import unittest2
# LLDB modules
import use_lldb_suite
import lldb
from . import configuration
from . import test_categories
from lldbsuite.test_event.event_builder import EventBuilder
from import funcutils
from lldbsuite.test import lldbplatform
from lldbsuite.test import lldbplatformutil
import swift
class DecorateMode:
Skip, Xfail = range(2)
# You can use no_match to reverse the test of the conditional that is used to match keyword
# arguments in the skip / xfail decorators. If oslist=["windows", "linux"] skips windows
# and linux, oslist=no_match(["windows", "linux"]) skips *unless* windows
# or linux.
class no_match:
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
def _check_expected_version(comparison, expected, actual):
def fn_leq(x, y): return x <= y
def fn_less(x, y): return x < y
def fn_geq(x, y): return x >= y
def fn_greater(x, y): return x > y
def fn_eq(x, y): return x == y
def fn_neq(x, y): return x != y
op_lookup = {
"==": fn_eq,
"=": fn_eq,
"!=": fn_neq,
"<>": fn_neq,
">": fn_greater,
"<": fn_less,
">=": fn_geq,
"<=": fn_leq
expected_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in expected])
actual_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in actual])
return op_lookup[comparison](
def _match_decorator_property(expected, actual):
if actual is None or expected is None:
return True
if isinstance(expected, no_match):
return not _match_decorator_property(expected.item, actual)
elif isinstance(expected, (re._pattern_type,) + six.string_types):
return, actual) is not None
elif hasattr(expected, "__iter__"):
return any([x is not None and _match_decorator_property(x, actual)
for x in expected])
return expected == actual
def expectedFailure(expected_fn, bugnumber=None):
def expectedFailure_impl(func):
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception(
"Decorator can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
if funcutils.requires_self(expected_fn):
xfail_reason = expected_fn(self)
xfail_reason = expected_fn()
if xfail_reason is not None:
if configuration.results_formatter_object is not None:
# Mark this test as expected to fail.
xfail_func = unittest2.expectedFailure(func)
xfail_func(*args, **kwargs)
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# Some decorators can be called both with no arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows)
# or with arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows(compilers=['gcc'])). When called
# the first way, the first argument will be the actual function because decorators are
# weird like that. So this is basically a check that says "which syntax was the original
# function decorated with?"
if six.callable(bugnumber):
return expectedFailure_impl(bugnumber)
return expectedFailure_impl
def skipTestIfFn(expected_fn, bugnumber=None):
def skipTestIfFn_impl(func):
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception(
"@skipTestIfFn can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
if funcutils.requires_self(expected_fn):
reason = expected_fn(self)
reason = expected_fn()
if reason is not None:
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# Some decorators can be called both with no arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows)
# or with arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows(compilers=['gcc'])). When called
# the first way, the first argument will be the actual function because decorators are
# weird like that. So this is basically a check that says "how was the
# decorator used"
if six.callable(bugnumber):
return skipTestIfFn_impl(bugnumber)
return skipTestIfFn_impl
def _decorateTest(mode,
bugnumber=None, oslist=None, hostoslist=None,
compiler=None, compiler_version=None,
archs=None, triple=None,
swig_version=None, py_version=None,
def fn(self):
skip_for_os = _match_decorator_property(
lldbplatform.translate(oslist), self.getPlatform())
skip_for_hostos = _match_decorator_property(
skip_for_compiler = _match_decorator_property(
compiler, self.getCompiler()) and self.expectedCompilerVersion(compiler_version)
skip_for_arch = _match_decorator_property(
archs, self.getArchitecture())
skip_for_debug_info = _match_decorator_property(
debug_info, self.debug_info)
skip_for_triple = _match_decorator_property(
triple, lldb.DBG.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple())
skip_for_remote = _match_decorator_property(
remote, lldb.remote_platform is not None)
skip_for_swig_version = (
swig_version is None) or (
not hasattr(
'swig_version')) or (
skip_for_py_version = (
py_version is None) or _check_expected_version(
py_version[0], py_version[1], sys.version_info)
skip_for_macos_version = (macos_version is None) or (
# For the test to be skipped, all specified (e.g. not None) parameters must be True.
# An unspecified parameter means "any", so those are marked skip by default. And we skip
# the final test if all conditions are True.
conditions = [(oslist, skip_for_os, "target o/s"),
(hostoslist, skip_for_hostos, "host o/s"),
(compiler, skip_for_compiler, "compiler or version"),
(archs, skip_for_arch, "architecture"),
(debug_info, skip_for_debug_info, "debug info format"),
(triple, skip_for_triple, "target triple"),
(swig_version, skip_for_swig_version, "swig version"),
(py_version, skip_for_py_version, "python version"),
(macos_version, skip_for_macos_version, "macOS version"),
(remote, skip_for_remote, "platform locality (remote/local)")]
reasons = []
final_skip_result = True
for this_condition in conditions:
final_skip_result = final_skip_result and this_condition[1]
if this_condition[0] is not None and this_condition[1]:
reason_str = None
if final_skip_result:
mode_str = {
DecorateMode.Skip: "skipping",
DecorateMode.Xfail: "xfailing"}[mode]
if len(reasons) > 0:
reason_str = ",".join(reasons)
reason_str = "{} due to the following parameter(s): {}".format(
mode_str, reason_str)
reason_str = "{} unconditionally"
if bugnumber is not None and not six.callable(bugnumber):
reason_str = reason_str + " [" + str(bugnumber) + "]"
return reason_str
if mode == DecorateMode.Skip:
return skipTestIfFn(fn, bugnumber)
elif mode == DecorateMode.Xfail:
return expectedFailure(fn, bugnumber)
return None
# provide a function to xfail on defined oslist, compiler version, and archs
# if none is specified for any argument, that argument won't be checked and thus means for all
# for example,
# @expectedFailureAll, xfail for all platform/compiler/arch,
# @expectedFailureAll(compiler='gcc'), xfail for gcc on all platform/architecture
# @expectedFailureAll(bugnumber, ["linux"], "gcc", ['>=', '4.9'], ['i386']), xfail for gcc>=4.9 on linux with i386
def expectedFailureAll(bugnumber=None,
oslist=None, hostoslist=None,
compiler=None, compiler_version=None,
archs=None, triple=None,
swig_version=None, py_version=None,
return _decorateTest(DecorateMode.Xfail,
oslist=oslist, hostoslist=hostoslist,
compiler=compiler, compiler_version=compiler_version,
archs=archs, triple=triple,
swig_version=swig_version, py_version=py_version,
# provide a function to skip on defined oslist, compiler version, and archs
# if none is specified for any argument, that argument won't be checked and thus means for all
# for example,
# @skipIf, skip for all platform/compiler/arch,
# @skipIf(compiler='gcc'), skip for gcc on all platform/architecture
# @skipIf(bugnumber, ["linux"], "gcc", ['>=', '4.9'], ['i386']), skip for gcc>=4.9 on linux with i386
def skipIf(bugnumber=None,
oslist=None, hostoslist=None,
compiler=None, compiler_version=None,
archs=None, triple=None,
swig_version=None, py_version=None,
return _decorateTest(DecorateMode.Skip,
oslist=oslist, hostoslist=hostoslist,
compiler=compiler, compiler_version=compiler_version,
archs=archs, triple=triple,
swig_version=swig_version, py_version=py_version,
def _skip_for_android(reason, api_levels, archs):
def impl(obj):
result = lldbplatformutil.match_android_device(
obj.getArchitecture(), valid_archs=archs, valid_api_levels=api_levels)
return reason if result else None
return impl
def add_test_categories(cat):
"""Add test categories to a TestCase method"""
cat = test_categories.validate(cat, True)
def impl(func):
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception(
"@add_test_categories can only be used to decorate a test method")
if hasattr(func, "categories"):
func.categories = cat
return func
return impl
def benchmarks_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a benchmarks test."""
def should_skip_benchmarks_test():
return "benchmarks test"
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
result = skipTestIfFn(should_skip_benchmarks_test)(func)
result.__benchmarks_test__ = True
return result
def no_debug_info_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a test what don't use any debug info. If this annotation is specified
then the test runner won't generate a separate test for each debug info format. """
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception(
"@no_debug_info_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__no_debug_info_test__ = True
return wrapper
def debugserver_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a debugserver test."""
def should_skip_debugserver_test():
return "debugserver tests" if configuration.dont_do_debugserver_test else None
return skipTestIfFn(should_skip_debugserver_test)(func)
def llgs_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a lldb-server test."""
def should_skip_llgs_tests():
return "llgs tests" if configuration.dont_do_llgs_test else None
return skipTestIfFn(should_skip_llgs_tests)(func)
def not_remote_testsuite_ready(func):
"""Decorate the item as a test which is not ready yet for remote testsuite."""
def is_remote():
return "Not ready for remote testsuite" if lldb.remote_platform else None
return skipTestIfFn(is_remote)(func)
def expectedFailureOS(
return expectedFailureAll(
def expectedFailureDarwin(bugnumber=None, compilers=None, debug_info=None):
# For legacy reasons, we support both "darwin" and "macosx" as OS X
# triples.
return expectedFailureOS(
def expectedFailureAndroid(bugnumber=None, api_levels=None, archs=None):
""" Mark a test as xfail for Android.
bugnumber - The LLVM pr associated with the problem.
api_levels - A sequence of numbers specifying the Android API levels
for which a test is expected to fail. None means all API level.
arch - A sequence of architecture names specifying the architectures
for which a test is expected to fail. None means all architectures.
return expectedFailure(
"xfailing on android",
# Flakey tests get two chances to run. If they fail the first time round, the result formatter
# makes sure it is run one more time.
def expectedFlakey(expected_fn, bugnumber=None):
def expectedFailure_impl(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
if expected_fn(self):
# Send event marking test as explicitly eligible for rerunning.
if configuration.results_formatter_object is not None:
# Mark this test as rerunnable.
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# Some decorators can be called both with no arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows)
# or with arguments (e.g. @expectedFailureWindows(compilers=['gcc'])). When called
# the first way, the first argument will be the actual function because decorators are
# weird like that. So this is basically a check that says "which syntax was the original
# function decorated with?"
if six.callable(bugnumber):
return expectedFailure_impl(bugnumber)
return expectedFailure_impl
def expectedFlakeyDwarf(bugnumber=None):
def fn(self):
return self.debug_info == "dwarf"
return expectedFlakey(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFlakeyDsym(bugnumber=None):
def fn(self):
return self.debug_info == "dwarf"
return expectedFlakey(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFlakeyOS(oslist, bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
def fn(self):
return (self.getPlatform() in oslist and
return expectedFlakey(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFlakeyDarwin(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
# For legacy reasons, we support both "darwin" and "macosx" as OS X
# triples.
return expectedFlakeyOS(
def expectedFlakeyFreeBSD(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
return expectedFlakeyOS(['freebsd'], bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFlakeyLinux(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
return expectedFlakeyOS(['linux'], bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFlakeyNetBSD(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
return expectedFlakeyOS(['netbsd'], bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFlakeyCompiler(compiler, compiler_version=None, bugnumber=None):
if compiler_version is None:
compiler_version = ['=', None]
def fn(self):
return compiler in self.getCompiler() and self.expectedCompilerVersion(compiler_version)
return expectedFlakey(fn, bugnumber)
# @expectedFlakeyClang('bugnumber', ['<=', '3.4'])
def expectedFlakeyClang(bugnumber=None, compiler_version=None):
return expectedFlakeyCompiler('clang', compiler_version, bugnumber)
# @expectedFlakeyGcc('bugnumber', ['<=', '3.4'])
def expectedFlakeyGcc(bugnumber=None, compiler_version=None):
return expectedFlakeyCompiler('gcc', compiler_version, bugnumber)
def expectedFlakeyAndroid(bugnumber=None, api_levels=None, archs=None):
return expectedFlakey(
"flakey on android",
def skipIfRemote(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if testing remotely."""
def is_remote():
return "skip on remote platform" if lldb.remote_platform else None
return skipTestIfFn(is_remote)(func)
def skipIfRemoteDueToDeadlock(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if testing remotely due to the test deadlocking."""
def is_remote():
return "skip on remote platform (deadlocks)" if lldb.remote_platform else None
return skipTestIfFn(is_remote)(func)
def skipIfNoSBHeaders(func):
"""Decorate the item to mark tests that should be skipped when LLDB is built with no SB API headers."""
def are_sb_headers_missing():
if lldbplatformutil.getHostPlatform() == 'darwin':
header = os.path.join(
if os.path.exists(header):
return None
header = os.path.join(
if not os.path.exists(header):
return "skip because LLDB.h header not found"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(are_sb_headers_missing)(func)
def skipIfiOSSimulator(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on the iOS Simulator."""
def is_ios_simulator():
return "skip on the iOS Simulator" if configuration.lldb_platform_name == 'ios-simulator' else None
return skipTestIfFn(is_ios_simulator)(func)
def skipIfiOS(func):
return skipIfPlatform(["ios"])(func)
def skipIftvOS(func):
return skipIfPlatform(["tvos"])(func)
def skipIfwatchOS(func):
return skipIfPlatform(["watchos"])(func)
def skipIfbridgeOS(func):
return skipIfPlatform(["bridgeos"])(func)
def skipIfDarwinEmbedded(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Darwin armv7/arm64 targets."""
return skipIfPlatform(
def skipIfFreeBSD(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on FreeBSD."""
return skipIfPlatform(["freebsd"])(func)
def skipIfNetBSD(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on NetBSD."""
return skipIfPlatform(["netbsd"])(func)
def skipIfDarwin(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Darwin."""
return skipIfPlatform(
def skipIfLinux(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Linux."""
return skipIfPlatform(["linux"])(func)
def skipIfWindows(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Windows."""
return skipIfPlatform(["windows"])(func)
def skipUnlessWindows(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on any non-Windows platform."""
return skipUnlessPlatform(["windows"])(func)
def skipUnlessDarwin(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on any non Darwin platform."""
return skipUnlessPlatform(lldbplatformutil.getDarwinOSTriples())(func)
def swiftTest(func):
"""Decorate the item as a Swift test (Darwin/Linux only, no i386)."""
def is_not_swift_compatible(self):
if "i386" == self.getArchitecture():
return "skipping Swift test because i386 is not a supported architecture"
elif not(any(x in sys.platform for x in ['darwin', 'linux'])):
return "skipping Swift test because only Darwin and Linux are supported OSes"
# This configuration is Swift-compatible
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_not_swift_compatible)(func)
def skipIfSmooshbase(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on the smooshbase buildbot."""
def is_smooshbase(self):
if os.environ.get('IS_SMOOSHBASE', 'FAIL') != 'FAIL':
return 'skip on the smooshbase buildbot'
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_smooshbase)(func)
def skipUnlessGoInstalled(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests when no Go compiler is available."""
def is_go_missing(self):
compiler = self.getGoCompilerVersion()
if not compiler:
return "skipping because go compiler not found"
match_version ="(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)", compiler)
if not match_version:
# Couldn't determine version.
return "skipping because go version could not be parsed out of {}".format(
min_strict_version = StrictVersion("1.4.0")
compiler_strict_version = StrictVersion(
if compiler_strict_version < min_strict_version:
return "skipping because available version ({}) does not meet minimum required version ({})".format(
compiler_strict_version, min_strict_version)
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_go_missing)(func)
def skipIfHostIncompatibleWithRemote(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if binaries built on this host are incompatible."""
def is_host_incompatible_with_remote(self):
host_arch = self.getLldbArchitecture()
host_platform = lldbplatformutil.getHostPlatform()
target_arch = self.getArchitecture()
target_platform = 'darwin' if self.platformIsDarwin() else self.getPlatform()
if not (target_arch == 'x86_64' and host_arch ==
'i386') and host_arch != target_arch:
return "skipping because target %s is not compatible with host architecture %s" % (
target_arch, host_arch)
if target_platform != host_platform:
return "skipping because target is %s but host is %s" % (
target_platform, host_platform)
if lldbplatformutil.match_android_device(target_arch):
return "skipping because target is android"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_host_incompatible_with_remote)(func)
def skipIfPlatform(oslist):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if running on one of the listed platforms."""
# This decorator cannot be ported to `skipIf` yet because it is used on entire
# classes, which `skipIf` explicitly forbids.
return unittest2.skipIf(lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in oslist,
"skip on %s" % (", ".join(oslist)))
def skipUnlessPlatform(oslist):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests unless running on one of the listed platforms."""
# This decorator cannot be ported to `skipIf` yet because it is used on entire
# classes, which `skipIf` explicitly forbids.
return unittest2.skipUnless(lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in oslist,
"requires one of %s" % (", ".join(oslist)))
def skipIfTargetAndroid(api_levels=None, archs=None):
"""Decorator to skip tests when the target is Android.
api_levels - The API levels for which the test should be skipped. If
it is None, then the test will be skipped for all API levels.
arch - A sequence of architecture names specifying the architectures
for which a test is skipped. None means all architectures.
return skipTestIfFn(
"skipping for android",
def skipUnlessThreadSanitizer(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip test unless Clang -fsanitize=thread is supported."""
def is_compiler_clang_with_thread_sanitizer(self):
compiler_path = self.getCompiler()
compiler = os.path.basename(compiler_path)
if not compiler.startswith("clang"):
return "Test requires clang as compiler"
if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() == 'windows':
return "TSAN tests not compatible with 'windows'"
# rdar://28659145 - TSAN tests don't look like they're supported on i386
if self.getArchitecture() == 'i386' and platform.system() == 'Darwin':
return "TSAN tests not compatible with i386 targets"
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
cmd = "echo 'int main() {}' | %s -x c -o %s -" % (compiler_path,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return None # The compiler cannot compile at all, let's *not* skip the test
cmd = "echo 'int main() {}' | %s -fsanitize=thread -x c -o %s -" % (compiler_path,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return "Compiler cannot compile with -fsanitize=thread"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_compiler_clang_with_thread_sanitizer)(func)
def skipUnlessUndefinedBehaviorSanitizer(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip test unless -fsanitize=undefined is supported."""
def is_compiler_clang_with_ubsan(self):
# Write out a temp file which exhibits UB.
inputf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.c')
inputf.write('int main() { int x = 0; return x / x; }\n')
# We need to write out the object into a named temp file for inspection.
outputf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# Try to compile with ubsan turned on.
cmd = '%s -fsanitize=undefined %s -o %s' % (self.getCompiler(),,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return "Compiler cannot compile with -fsanitize=undefined"
# Check that we actually see ubsan instrumentation in the binary.
cmd = 'nm %s' %
with os.popen(cmd) as nm_output:
if '___ubsan_handle_divrem_overflow' not in
return "Division by zero instrumentation is missing"
# Find the ubsan dylib.
# FIXME: This check should go away once compiler-rt gains support for __ubsan_on_report.
cmd = '%s -fsanitize=undefined -x c - -o - -### 2>&1' % self.getCompiler()
with os.popen(cmd) as cc_output:
driver_jobs =
m ='"([^"]+libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib)"', driver_jobs)
if not m:
return "Could not find the ubsan dylib used by the driver"
ubsan_dylib =
# Check that the ubsan dylib has special monitor hooks.
cmd = 'nm -gU %s' % ubsan_dylib
with os.popen(cmd) as nm_output:
syms =
if '___ubsan_on_report' not in syms:
return "Missing ___ubsan_on_report"
if '___ubsan_get_current_report_data' not in syms:
return "Missing ___ubsan_get_current_report_data"
# OK, this dylib + compiler works for us.
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_compiler_clang_with_ubsan)(func)
def skipUnlessAddressSanitizer(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip test unless Clang -fsanitize=thread is supported."""
def is_compiler_with_address_sanitizer(self):
compiler_path = self.getCompiler()
compiler = os.path.basename(compiler_path)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() == 'windows':
return "ASAN tests not compatible with 'windows'"
cmd = "echo 'int main() {}' | %s -x c -o %s -" % (compiler_path,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return None # The compiler cannot compile at all, let's *not* skip the test
cmd = "echo 'int main() {}' | %s -fsanitize=address -x c -o %s -" % (compiler_path,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return "Compiler cannot compile with -fsanitize=address"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_compiler_with_address_sanitizer)(func)
def skipUnlessSwiftAddressSanitizer(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip test unless Swift -sanitize=address is supported."""
def is_swift_compiler_with_address_sanitizer(self):
swiftcc = swift.getSwiftCompiler()
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
cmd = "echo 'print(1)' | %s -o %s -" % (swiftcc,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return None # The compiler cannot compile at all, let's *not* skip the test
cmd = "echo 'print(1)' | %s -sanitize=address -o %s -" % (swiftcc,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return "Compiler cannot compile with -sanitize=address"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_swift_compiler_with_address_sanitizer)(func)
def skipUnlessSwiftThreadSanitizer(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip test unless Swift -sanitize=thread is supported."""
def is_swift_compiler_with_thread_sanitizer(self):
swiftcc = swift.getSwiftCompiler()
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
cmd = "echo 'print(1)' | %s -o %s -" % (swiftcc,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return None # The compiler cannot compile at all, let's *not* skip the test
cmd = "echo 'print(1)' | %s -sanitize=thread -o %s -" % (swiftcc,
if os.popen(cmd).close() is not None:
return "Compiler cannot compile with -sanitize=thread"
return None
return skipTestIfFn(is_swift_compiler_with_thread_sanitizer)(func)