blob: 5ca6c12617f3806393df629e7f0fe163d9bff3ca [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SwiftASTContext.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#ifndef liblldb_SwiftASTContext_h_
#define liblldb_SwiftASTContext_h_
#include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Swift/SwiftPersistentExpressionState.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ClangForward.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseMap.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseSet.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeSystem.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Either.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace swift {
enum class IRGenDebugInfoKind : unsigned;
class CanType;
class IRGenOptions;
struct PrintOptions;
class SILModule;
namespace irgen {
class FixedTypeInfo;
class TypeInfo;
struct CachedMemberInfo;
class DWARFASTParser;
class SwiftEnumDescriptor;
namespace lldb_private {
class SwiftASTContext : public TypeSystem {
typedef lldb_utility::Either<CompilerType, swift::Decl *> TypeOrDecl;
struct EitherComparator {
bool operator()(const TypeOrDecl &r1, const TypeOrDecl &r2) {
auto r1_as1 = r1.GetAs<CompilerType>();
auto r1_as2 = r1.GetAs<swift::Decl *>();
auto r2_as1 = r2.GetAs<CompilerType>();
auto r2_as2 = r2.GetAs<swift::Decl *>();
if (r1_as1.hasValue() && r2_as1.hasValue())
return r1_as1.getValue() < r2_as1.getValue();
if (r1_as2.hasValue() && r2_as2.hasValue())
return r1_as2.getValue() < r2_as2.getValue();
if (r1_as1.hasValue() && r2_as2.hasValue())
return (void *)r1_as1->GetOpaqueQualType() < (void *)r2_as2.getValue();
if (r1_as2.hasValue() && r2_as1.hasValue())
return (void *)r1_as2.getValue() < (void *)r2_as1->GetOpaqueQualType();
return false;
typedef std::set<TypeOrDecl, EitherComparator> TypesOrDecls;
class LanguageFlags {
enum : uint64_t {
eIsIndirectEnumCase = 0x1ULL,
eIgnoreInstancePointerness = 0x2ULL
LanguageFlags() = delete;
// llvm casting support
static bool classof(const TypeSystem *ts) {
return ts->getKind() == TypeSystem::eKindSwift;
// Provide a global LLVMContext
static llvm::LLVMContext &GetGlobalLLVMContext();
// Constructors and destructors
SwiftASTContext(const char *triple = NULL, Target *target = NULL);
SwiftASTContext(const SwiftASTContext &rhs);
// PluginInterface functions
ConstString GetPluginName() override;
uint32_t GetPluginVersion() override;
static ConstString GetPluginNameStatic();
static lldb::TypeSystemSP CreateInstance(lldb::LanguageType language,
Module *module, Target *target,
const char *compiler_options);
static void EnumerateSupportedLanguages(
std::set<lldb::LanguageType> &languages_for_types,
std::set<lldb::LanguageType> &languages_for_expressions);
static void Initialize();
static void Terminate();
bool SupportsLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language) override;
Error IsCompatible() override;
swift::SourceManager &GetSourceManager();
swift::LangOptions &GetLanguageOptions();
swift::DiagnosticEngine &GetDiagnosticEngine();
swift::SearchPathOptions &GetSearchPathOptions();
swift::ClangImporterOptions &GetClangImporterOptions();
swift::CompilerInvocation &GetCompilerInvocation();
swift::SILOptions &GetSILOptions();
swift::ASTContext *GetASTContext();
swift::IRGenDebugInfoKind GetGenerateDebugInfo();
static swift::PrintOptions
GetUserVisibleTypePrintingOptions(bool print_help_if_available);
void SetGenerateDebugInfo(swift::IRGenDebugInfoKind b);
bool AddModuleSearchPath(const char *path);
bool AddFrameworkSearchPath(const char *path);
bool AddClangArgument(const char *arg, bool force = false);
bool AddClangArgumentPair(const char *arg1, const char *arg2);
const char *GetPlatformSDKPath() const {
if (m_platform_sdk_path.empty())
return NULL;
return m_platform_sdk_path.c_str();
void SetPlatformSDKPath(std::string &&sdk_path) {
m_platform_sdk_path = sdk_path;
void SetPlatformSDKPath(const char *path) {
if (path)
m_platform_sdk_path = path;
const char *GetResourceDir() const {
if (m_resource_dir.empty())
return NULL;
return m_resource_dir.c_str();
void SetResourceDir(const char *path) {
if (path)
m_resource_dir = path;
size_t GetNumModuleSearchPaths() const;
const char *GetModuleSearchPathAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
size_t GetNumFrameworkSearchPaths() const;
const char *GetFrameworkSearchPathAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
size_t GetNumClangArguments();
const char *GetClangArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx);
swift::ModuleDecl *CreateModule(const ConstString &module_basename,
Error &error);
// This function should only be called when all search paths
// for all items in a swift::ASTContext have been setup to
// allow for imports to happen correctly. Use with caution,
// or use the GetModule() call that takes a FileSpec.
swift::ModuleDecl *GetModule(const ConstString &module_name, Error &error);
swift::ModuleDecl *GetModule(const FileSpec &module_spec, Error &error);
void CacheModule(swift::ModuleDecl *module);
// Call this after the search paths are set up, it will find the module given
// by module, load the module into the AST context, and also load any
// "LinkLibraries" that the module requires.
swift::ModuleDecl *FindAndLoadModule(const ConstString &module_basename,
Process &process, Error &error);
swift::ModuleDecl *FindAndLoadModule(const FileSpec &module_spec,
Process &process, Error &error);
void LoadModule(swift::ModuleDecl *swift_module, Process &process,
Error &error);
bool RegisterSectionModules(Module &module,
std::vector<std::string> &module_names);
void ValidateSectionModules(Module &module, // this is used to print errors
const std::vector<std::string> &module_names);
// Swift modules that are backed by dylibs (libFoo.dylib) rather than
// frameworks don't actually record the library dependencies in the module.
// This will hand load any libraries that are on the IRGen LinkLibraries list
// using the compiler's search paths.
// It doesn't do frameworks since frameworks don't need it and this is kind of
// a hack anyway.
void LoadExtraDylibs(Process &process, Error &error);
swift::Identifier GetIdentifier(const char *name);
swift::Identifier GetIdentifier(const llvm::StringRef &name);
// Find a type by a fully qualified name that includes the module name
// (the format being "<module_name>.<type_name>").
CompilerType FindQualifiedType(const char *qualified_name);
CompilerType FindType(const char *name, swift::ModuleDecl *swift_module);
FindTypeOrDecl(const char *name, swift::ModuleDecl *swift_module);
size_t FindTypes(const char *name, swift::ModuleDecl *swift_module,
std::set<CompilerType> &results, bool append = true);
size_t FindTypesOrDecls(const char *name, swift::ModuleDecl *swift_module,
TypesOrDecls &results, bool append = true);
size_t FindContainedType(llvm::StringRef name, CompilerType container_type,
std::set<CompilerType> &results, bool append = true);
size_t FindContainedTypeOrDecl(llvm::StringRef name,
TypeOrDecl container_type_or_decl,
TypesOrDecls &results, bool append = true);
size_t FindType(const char *name, std::set<CompilerType> &results,
bool append = true);
CompilerType FindFirstType(const char *name, const ConstString &module_name);
CompilerType GetTypeFromMangledTypename(const char *mangled_typename,
Error &error);
// Get a function type that returns nothing and take no parameters
CompilerType GetVoidFunctionType();
static SwiftASTContext *GetSwiftASTContext(swift::ASTContext *ast);
swift::irgen::IRGenerator &GetIRGenerator(swift::IRGenOptions &opts,
swift::SILModule &module);
swift::irgen::IRGenModule &GetIRGenModule();
std::string GetTriple() const;
bool SetTriple(const char *triple, lldb_private::Module *module = NULL);
uint32_t GetPointerBitAlignment();
// Imports the type from the passed in type into this SwiftASTContext. The
// type must be a Swift type. If the type can be imported, returns the
// CompilerType for the imported type.
// If it cannot be, returns an invalid CompilerType, and sets the error to
// indicate what went wrong.
CompilerType ImportType(CompilerType &type, Error &error);
swift::ClangImporter *GetClangImporter();
// ***********************************************************
// these calls create non-nominal types which are given in
// metadata just in terms of their building blocks and for
// which there is no one basic type to compose from
// ***********************************************************
CompilerType CreateTupleType(const std::vector<CompilerType> &elements);
struct TupleElement {
ConstString element_name;
CompilerType element_type;
CompilerType CreateTupleType(const std::vector<TupleElement> &elements);
CompilerType CreateFunctionType(CompilerType arg_type, CompilerType ret_type,
bool throws = false);
CompilerType GetErrorType();
CompilerType GetNSErrorType(Error &error);
CompilerType CreateMetatypeType(CompilerType instance_type);
bool HasErrors();
// NEVER call this without checking HasFatalErrors() first.
// This clears the fatal-error state which is terrible.
// We will assert if you clear an actual fatal error.
void ClearDiagnostics();
bool SetColorizeDiagnostics(bool b);
void PrintDiagnostics(DiagnosticManager &diagnostic_manager,
uint32_t bufferID = UINT32_MAX, uint32_t first_line = 0,
uint32_t last_line = UINT32_MAX,
uint32_t line_offset = 0);
ConstString GetMangledTypeName(swift::TypeBase *);
swift::IRGenOptions &GetIRGenOptions();
void ModulesDidLoad(ModuleList &module_list);
void ClearModuleDependentCaches();
void DumpConfiguration(Log *log);
bool HasTarget() const;
bool CheckProcessChanged();
// FIXME: this should be removed once we figure out who should really own the
// DebuggerClient's that we are sticking into the Swift Modules.
void AddDebuggerClient(swift::DebuggerClient *debugger_client);
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const char *, swift::ModuleDecl *> SwiftModuleMap;
const SwiftModuleMap &GetModuleCache() { return m_swift_module_cache; }
static bool HasFatalErrors(swift::ASTContext *ast_context);
bool HasFatalErrors() const {
return m_fatal_errors.Fail() || HasFatalErrors(m_ast_context_ap.get());
Error GetFatalErrors();
union ExtraTypeInformation {
uint64_t m_intValue;
struct {
bool m_is_trivial_option_set : 1;
bool m_is_zero_size : 1;
const swift::irgen::TypeInfo *GetSwiftTypeInfo(void *type);
const swift::irgen::TypeInfo *GetSwiftTypeInfo(swift::Type container_type,
swift::VarDecl *item_decl);
const swift::irgen::FixedTypeInfo *GetSwiftFixedTypeInfo(void *type);
DWARFASTParser *GetDWARFParser() override;
CompilerType GetIntTypeFromBitSize(size_t bit_size, bool is_signed);
CompilerType GetFloatTypeFromBitSize(size_t bit_size);
// CompilerDecl functions
ConstString DeclGetName(void *opaque_decl) override {
return ConstString("");
// CompilerDeclContext functions
DeclContextFindDeclByName(void *opaque_decl_ctx, ConstString name,
const bool ignore_imported_decls) override {
return {};
bool DeclContextIsStructUnionOrClass(void *opaque_decl_ctx) override;
ConstString DeclContextGetName(void *opaque_decl_ctx) override;
ConstString DeclContextGetScopeQualifiedName(void *opaque_decl_ctx) override;
bool DeclContextIsClassMethod(void *opaque_decl_ctx,
lldb::LanguageType *language_ptr,
bool *is_instance_method_ptr,
ConstString *language_object_name_ptr) override;
// Tests
bool IsArrayType(void *type, CompilerType *element_type, uint64_t *size,
bool *is_incomplete) override;
bool IsAggregateType(void *type) override;
bool IsCharType(void *type) override;
bool IsCompleteType(void *type) override;
bool IsDefined(void *type) override;
bool IsFloatingPointType(void *type, uint32_t &count,
bool &is_complex) override;
bool IsFunctionType(void *type, bool *is_variadic_ptr) override;
size_t GetNumberOfFunctionArguments(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetFunctionArgumentAtIndex(void *type,
const size_t index) override;
bool IsFunctionPointerType(void *type) override;
bool IsBlockPointerType(void *type,
CompilerType *function_pointer_type_ptr) override;
bool IsIntegerType(void *type, bool &is_signed) override;
bool IsPossibleDynamicType(void *type,
CompilerType *target_type, // Can pass NULL
bool check_cplusplus, bool check_objc,
bool check_swift) override;
bool IsPointerType(void *type, CompilerType *pointee_type) override;
bool IsScalarType(void *type) override;
bool IsVoidType(void *type) override;
static bool IsArchetypeType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
static bool IsSelfArchetypeType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
static bool IsPossibleZeroSizeType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
bool IsTrivialOptionSetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
bool IsErrorType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
static bool IsFullyRealized(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
struct ProtocolInfo {
uint32_t m_num_protocols;
uint32_t m_num_payload_words;
uint32_t m_num_storage_words;
bool m_is_class_only;
bool m_is_objc;
bool m_is_anyobject;
bool m_is_errortype;
static bool GetProtocolTypeInfo(const CompilerType &type,
ProtocolInfo &protocol_info);
static bool IsOptionalChain(CompilerType type, CompilerType &payload_type,
uint32_t &depth);
enum class TypeAllocationStrategy { eInline, ePointer, eDynamic, eUnknown };
static TypeAllocationStrategy GetAllocationStrategy(const CompilerType &type);
enum class NonTriviallyManagedReferenceStrategy {
static bool IsNonTriviallyManagedReferenceType(
const CompilerType &type, NonTriviallyManagedReferenceStrategy &strategy,
CompilerType *underlying_type = nullptr);
bool IsObjCObjectPointerType(const CompilerType &type,
CompilerType *class_type_ptr);
// Type Completion
bool GetCompleteType(void *type) override;
// AST related queries
uint32_t GetPointerByteSize() override;
// Accessors
ConstString GetTypeName(void *type) override;
ConstString GetDisplayTypeName(void *type) override;
ConstString GetTypeSymbolName(void *type) override;
ConstString GetMangledTypeName(void *type) override;
uint32_t GetTypeInfo(void *type,
CompilerType *pointee_or_element_clang_type) override;
lldb::LanguageType GetMinimumLanguage(void *type) override;
lldb::TypeClass GetTypeClass(void *type) override;
// Creating related types
CompilerType GetArrayElementType(void *type, uint64_t *stride) override;
CompilerType GetCanonicalType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetInstanceType(void *type) override;
// Returns -1 if this isn't a function of if the function doesn't have a
// prototype. Returns a value >override if there is a prototype.
int GetFunctionArgumentCount(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetFunctionArgumentTypeAtIndex(void *type, size_t idx) override;
CompilerType GetFunctionReturnType(void *type) override;
size_t GetNumMemberFunctions(void *type) override;
TypeMemberFunctionImpl GetMemberFunctionAtIndex(void *type,
size_t idx) override;
CompilerType GetPointeeType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetPointerType(void *type) override;
// Exploring the type
uint64_t GetBitSize(lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type,
ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope) override;
uint64_t GetByteStride(lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type) override;
lldb::Encoding GetEncoding(void *type, uint64_t &count) override;
lldb::Format GetFormat(void *type) override;
uint32_t GetNumChildren(void *type, bool omit_empty_base_classes) override;
lldb::BasicType GetBasicTypeEnumeration(void *type) override;
uint32_t GetNumFields(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetFieldAtIndex(void *type, size_t idx, std::string &name,
uint64_t *bit_offset_ptr,
uint32_t *bitfield_bit_size_ptr,
bool *is_bitfield_ptr) override;
CompilerType GetChildCompilerTypeAtIndex(
void *type, ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, size_t idx,
bool transparent_pointers, bool omit_empty_base_classes,
bool ignore_array_bounds, std::string &child_name,
uint32_t &child_byte_size, int32_t &child_byte_offset,
uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_size, uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_offset,
bool &child_is_base_class, bool &child_is_deref_of_parent,
ValueObject *valobj, uint64_t &language_flags) override;
// Lookup a child given a name. This function will match base class names
// and member names in "clang_type" only, not descendants.
uint32_t GetIndexOfChildWithName(void *type, const char *name,
bool omit_empty_base_classes) override;
// Lookup a child member given a name. This function will match member names
// only and will descend into "clang_type" children in search for the first
// member in this class, or any base class that matches "name".
// TODO: Return all matches for a given name by returning a
// vector<vector<uint32_t>> so we catch all names that match a given child
// name, not just the first.
GetIndexOfChildMemberWithName(void *type, const char *name,
bool omit_empty_base_classes,
std::vector<uint32_t> &child_indexes) override;
size_t GetNumTemplateArguments(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetTemplateArgument(void *type, size_t idx,
lldb::TemplateArgumentKind &kind) override;
CompilerType GetTypeForFormatters(void *type) override;
LazyBool ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(void *type, ValueObject *valobj) override;
bool IsMeaninglessWithoutDynamicResolution(void *type) override;
static bool GetSelectedEnumCase(const CompilerType &type,
const DataExtractor &data, ConstString *name,
bool *has_payload, CompilerType *payload,
bool *is_indirect);
// Dumping types
void DumpValue(void *type, ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s,
lldb::Format format, const DataExtractor &data,
lldb::offset_t data_offset, size_t data_byte_size,
uint32_t bitfield_bit_size, uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset,
bool show_types, bool show_summary, bool verbose,
uint32_t depth) override;
bool DumpTypeValue(void *type, Stream *s, lldb::Format format,
const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t data_offset,
size_t data_byte_size, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size,
uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset,
ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
bool is_base_class) override;
void DumpTypeDescription(void *type) override; // Dump to stdout
void DumpTypeDescription(void *type, Stream *s) override;
void DumpTypeDescription(void *type, bool print_help_if_available,
bool print_extensions_if_available);
void DumpTypeDescription(void *type, Stream *s, bool print_help_if_available,
bool print_extensions_if_available);
// TODO: These methods appear unused. Should they be removed?
bool IsRuntimeGeneratedType(void *type) override;
void DumpSummary(void *type, ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s,
const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t data_offset,
size_t data_byte_size) override;
// Converts "s" to a floating point value and place resulting floating
// point bytes in the "dst" buffer.
size_t ConvertStringToFloatValue(void *type, const char *s, uint8_t *dst,
size_t dst_size) override;
// TODO: Determine if these methods should move to ClangASTContext.
bool IsPointerOrReferenceType(void *type,
CompilerType *pointee_type) override;
unsigned GetTypeQualifiers(void *type) override;
bool IsCStringType(void *type, uint32_t &length) override;
size_t GetTypeBitAlign(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetBasicTypeFromAST(lldb::BasicType basic_type) override;
CompilerType GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(lldb::Encoding encoding,
size_t bit_size) override {
return CompilerType();
bool IsBeingDefined(void *type) override;
bool IsConst(void *type) override;
uint32_t IsHomogeneousAggregate(void *type,
CompilerType *base_type_ptr) override;
bool IsPolymorphicClass(void *type) override;
bool IsTypedefType(void *type) override;
// If the current object represents a typedef type, get the underlying type
CompilerType GetTypedefedType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetUnboundType(lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type) override;
bool IsVectorType(void *type, CompilerType *element_type,
uint64_t *size) override;
CompilerType GetFullyUnqualifiedType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetNonReferenceType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetLValueReferenceType(void *type) override;
CompilerType GetRValueReferenceType(void *opaque_type) override;
uint32_t GetNumDirectBaseClasses(void *opaque_type) override;
uint32_t GetNumVirtualBaseClasses(void *opaque_type) override;
CompilerType GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(void *opaque_type, size_t idx,
uint32_t *bit_offset_ptr) override;
CompilerType GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(void *opaque_type, size_t idx,
uint32_t *bit_offset_ptr) override;
bool IsReferenceType(void *type, CompilerType *pointee_type,
bool *is_rvalue) override;
static bool IsInoutType(const CompilerType &compiler_type,
CompilerType *original_type);
ShouldTreatScalarValueAsAddress(lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type) override;
uint32_t GetNumPointeeChildren(void *type);
static bool IsImportedType(const CompilerType &type,
CompilerType *original_type);
static bool IsImportedObjectiveCType(const CompilerType &type,
CompilerType *original_type);
CompilerType GetReferentType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
lldb::TypeSP GetCachedType(const ConstString &mangled);
void SetCachedType(const ConstString &mangled, const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
// This map uses the string value of ConstStrings as the key, and the TypeBase
// * as the value. Since the ConstString strings are uniqued, we can use
// pointer equality for string value equality.
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const char *, swift::TypeBase *>
// Similar logic applies to this "reverse" map
typedef llvm::DenseMap<swift::TypeBase *, const char *>
llvm::TargetOptions *getTargetOptions();
swift::ModuleDecl *GetScratchModule();
swift::SILModule *GetSILModule();
swift::SerializedModuleLoader *GetSerializeModuleLoader();
swift::ModuleDecl *GetCachedModule(const ConstString &module_name);
void CacheDemangledType(const char *, swift::TypeBase *);
void CacheDemangledTypeFailure(const char *);
bool LoadOneImage(Process &process, FileSpec &link_lib_spec, Error &error);
bool LoadLibraryUsingPaths(Process &process, llvm::StringRef library_name,
std::vector<std::string> &search_paths,
bool check_rpath, StreamString &all_dlopen_errors);
bool TargetHasNoSDK();
std::vector<lldb::DataBufferSP> &GetASTVectorForModule(const Module *module);
std::unique_ptr<swift::SourceManager> m_source_manager_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::DiagnosticEngine> m_diagnostic_engine_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::ASTContext> m_ast_context_ap;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetOptions> m_target_options_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::irgen::IRGenerator> m_ir_generator_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::irgen::IRGenModule> m_ir_gen_module_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::DiagnosticConsumer> m_diagnostic_consumer_ap;
std::unique_ptr<swift::CompilerInvocation> m_compiler_invocation_ap;
std::unique_ptr<DWARFASTParser> m_dwarf_ast_parser_ap;
Error m_error; // Any errors that were found while creating or using the AST
// context
swift::ModuleDecl *m_scratch_module;
std::unique_ptr<swift::SILModule> m_sil_module_ap;
swift::SerializedModuleLoader *m_serialized_module_loader; // Owned by the AST
swift::ClangImporter *m_clang_importer;
SwiftModuleMap m_swift_module_cache;
SwiftTypeFromMangledNameMap m_mangled_name_to_type_map;
SwiftMangledNameFromTypeMap m_type_to_mangled_name_map;
uint32_t m_pointer_byte_size;
uint32_t m_pointer_bit_align;
CompilerType m_void_function_type;
lldb::TargetWP m_target_wp; // Only if this AST belongs to a target will this
// contain a valid target weak pointer
lldb_private::Process *m_process; // Only if this AST belongs to a target, and
// an expression has been evaluated will the
// target's process pointer be filled in
std::string m_platform_sdk_path;
std::string m_resource_dir;
typedef std::map<Module *, std::vector<lldb::DataBufferSP>> ASTFileDataMap;
ASTFileDataMap m_ast_file_data_map;
// FIXME: this vector is needed because the LLDBNameLookup debugger clients
// are being put into the Module for the SourceFile that we compile the
// expression into, and so have to live as long as the Module. But it's too
// late to change swift to get it to take ownership of these DebuggerClients.
// Since we use the same Target SwiftASTContext for all our compilations,
// holding them here will keep them alive as long as we need.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<swift::DebuggerClient>> m_debugger_clients;
bool m_initialized_language_options;
bool m_initialized_search_path_options;
bool m_initialized_clang_importer_options;
bool m_reported_fatal_error;
Error m_fatal_errors;
typedef ThreadSafeDenseSet<const char *> SwiftMangledNameSet;
SwiftMangledNameSet m_negative_type_cache;
typedef ThreadSafeDenseMap<void *, ExtraTypeInformation>
ExtraTypeInformationMap m_extra_type_info_cache;
typedef ThreadSafeDenseMap<const char *, lldb::TypeSP> SwiftTypeMap;
SwiftTypeMap m_swift_type_map;
ExtraTypeInformation GetExtraTypeInformation(void *type);
CachedMemberInfo *GetCachedMemberInfo(void *type);
SwiftEnumDescriptor *GetCachedEnumInfo(void *type);
friend class CompilerType;
class SwiftASTContextForExpressions : public SwiftASTContext {
SwiftASTContextForExpressions(Target &target);
virtual ~SwiftASTContextForExpressions() {}
UserExpression *
GetUserExpression(llvm::StringRef expr, llvm::StringRef prefix,
lldb::LanguageType language,
Expression::ResultType desired_type,
const EvaluateExpressionOptions &options) override;
PersistentExpressionState *GetPersistentExpressionState() override;
std::unique_ptr<SwiftPersistentExpressionState> m_persistent_state_up;
#endif // #ifndef liblldb_SwiftASTContext_h_