blob: 2cd974dea947ea02a5959e39c1bf4faac66bd605 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- StringList.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_StringList_h_
#define liblldb_StringList_h_
// C Includes
#include <stdint.h>
// C++ Includes
#include <string>
// Other libraries and framework includes
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
// Project includes
#include "lldb/Core/STLUtils.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class StringList {
StringList(const char *str);
StringList(const char **strv, int strc);
virtual ~StringList();
void AppendString(const std::string &s);
void AppendString(std::string &&s);
void AppendString(const char *str);
void AppendString(const char *str, size_t str_len);
void AppendString(llvm::StringRef str);
void AppendList(const char **strv, int strc);
void AppendList(StringList strings);
bool ReadFileLines(FileSpec &input_file);
size_t GetSize() const;
void SetSize(size_t n) { m_strings.resize(n); }
size_t GetMaxStringLength() const;
std::string &operator[](size_t idx) {
// No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
return m_strings[idx];
const std::string &operator[](size_t idx) const {
// No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
return m_strings[idx];
void PopBack() { m_strings.pop_back(); }
const char *GetStringAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
void Join(const char *separator, Stream &strm);
void Clear();
void LongestCommonPrefix(std::string &common_prefix);
void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t idx, const std::string &str);
void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t idx, std::string &&str);
void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t id, const char *str);
void DeleteStringAtIndex(size_t id);
void RemoveBlankLines();
size_t SplitIntoLines(const std::string &lines);
size_t SplitIntoLines(const char *lines, size_t len);
std::string CopyList(const char *item_preamble = nullptr,
const char *items_sep = "\n") const;
StringList &operator<<(const char *str);
StringList &operator<<(const std::string &s);
StringList &operator<<(StringList strings);
// Copy assignment for a vector of strings
StringList &operator=(const std::vector<std::string> &rhs);
// This string list contains a list of valid auto completion
// strings, and the "s" is passed in. "matches" is filled in
// with zero or more string values that start with "s", and
// the first string to exactly match one of the string
// values in this collection, will have "exact_matches_idx"
// filled in to match the index, or "exact_matches_idx" will
// have SIZE_MAX
size_t AutoComplete(llvm::StringRef s, StringList &matches,
size_t &exact_matches_idx) const;
// Dump the StringList to the given lldb_private::Log, `log`, one item per
// line.
// If given, `name` will be used to identify the start and end of the list in
// the output.
virtual void LogDump(Log *log, const char *name = nullptr);
// Static helper to convert an iterable of strings to a StringList, and then
// dump it with the semantics of the `LogDump` method.
template <typename T>
static void LogDump(Log *log, T s_iterable, const char *name = nullptr) {
if (!log)
// Make a copy of the iterable as a StringList
StringList l{};
for (const auto &s : s_iterable)
l << s;
l.LogDump(log, name);
STLStringArray m_strings;
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_StringList_h_