blob: ce2f140214de8e4a64daa9645228d652cc4222bf [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SwiftLanguageRuntime.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#ifndef liblldb_SwiftLanguageRuntime_h_
#define liblldb_SwiftLanguageRuntime_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <mutex>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "Plugins/LanguageRuntime/ObjC/AppleObjCRuntime/AppleObjCRuntimeV2.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "lldb/Target/LanguageRuntime.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
namespace swift {
namespace remote {
class MemoryReader;
class RemoteAddress;
namespace remoteAST {
class RemoteASTContext;
enum class MetadataKind : uint32_t;
class TypeBase;
namespace lldb_private {
class SwiftLanguageRuntime : public LanguageRuntime {
class MetadataPromise;
typedef std::shared_ptr<MetadataPromise> MetadataPromiseSP;
class MemberVariableOffsetResolver;
typedef std::shared_ptr<MemberVariableOffsetResolver>
// Static Functions
static void Initialize();
static void Terminate();
static lldb_private::LanguageRuntime *
CreateInstance(Process *process, lldb::LanguageType language);
static lldb_private::ConstString GetPluginNameStatic();
// PluginInterface protocol
lldb_private::ConstString GetPluginName() override;
uint32_t GetPluginVersion() override;
class MethodName {
enum Type {
: m_full(), m_basename(), m_context(), m_arguments(), m_qualifiers(),
m_type(eTypeInvalid), m_parsed(false), m_parse_error(false) {}
MethodName(const ConstString &s, bool do_parse = false)
: m_full(s), m_basename(), m_context(), m_arguments(), m_qualifiers(),
m_type(eTypeInvalid), m_parsed(false), m_parse_error(false) {
if (do_parse)
void Clear();
bool IsValid() const {
if (m_parse_error)
return false;
if (m_type == eTypeInvalid)
return false;
return (bool)m_full;
Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
const ConstString &GetFullName() const { return m_full; }
llvm::StringRef GetBasename();
llvm::StringRef GetContext();
llvm::StringRef GetMetatypeReference();
llvm::StringRef GetTemplateArguments();
llvm::StringRef GetArguments();
llvm::StringRef GetQualifiers();
llvm::StringRef GetReturnType();
static bool ExtractFunctionBasenameFromMangled(const ConstString &mangled,
ConstString &basename,
bool &is_method);
void Parse();
ConstString m_full; // Full name: " : <A : AProtocol>
// ( : Swift.Int64) -> A"
llvm::StringRef m_basename; // Basename: "baz"
llvm::StringRef m_context; // Decl context: ""
llvm::StringRef m_metatype_ref; // Meta type: "("
llvm::StringRef m_template_args; // Generic args: "<A: AProtocol>
llvm::StringRef m_arguments; // Arguments: "(x : Swift.Int64)"
llvm::StringRef m_qualifiers; // Qualifiers: "const"
llvm::StringRef m_return_type; // Return type: "A"
Type m_type;
bool m_parsed;
bool m_parse_error;
class MetadataPromise {
friend class SwiftLanguageRuntime;
MetadataPromise(swift::ASTContext *, SwiftLanguageRuntime *, lldb::addr_t);
swift::ASTContext *m_swift_ast;
std::unique_ptr<swift::remoteAST::RemoteASTContext> m_remote_ast;
SwiftLanguageRuntime *m_swift_runtime;
lldb::addr_t m_metadata_location;
llvm::Optional<swift::MetadataKind> m_metadata_kind;
llvm::Optional<CompilerType> m_compiler_type;
CompilerType FulfillTypePromise(Status *error = nullptr);
FulfillKindPromise(Status *error = nullptr);
bool IsStaticallyDetermined();
class MemberVariableOffsetResolver {
friend class SwiftLanguageRuntime;
MemberVariableOffsetResolver(swift::ASTContext *, SwiftLanguageRuntime *,
swift::TypeBase *);
swift::ASTContext *m_swift_ast;
std::unique_ptr<swift::remoteAST::RemoteASTContext> m_remote_ast;
SwiftLanguageRuntime *m_swift_runtime;
swift::TypeBase *m_swift_type;
std::unordered_map<const char *, uint64_t> m_offsets;
llvm::Optional<uint64_t> ResolveOffset(ValueObject *valobj,
ConstString ivar_name,
Status * = nullptr);
class SwiftExceptionPrecondition : public Breakpoint::BreakpointPrecondition {
virtual ~SwiftExceptionPrecondition() {}
bool EvaluatePrecondition(StoppointCallbackContext &context) override;
void GetDescription(Stream &stream, lldb::DescriptionLevel level) override;
Status ConfigurePrecondition(Args &args) override;
void AddTypeName(const char *type_name);
void AddEnumSpec(const char *enum_name, const char *element_name);
std::unordered_set<std::string> m_type_names;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m_enum_spec;
virtual ~SwiftLanguageRuntime();
virtual lldb::LanguageType GetLanguageType() const override {
return lldb::eLanguageTypeSwift;
void ModulesDidLoad(const ModuleList &module_list) override;
virtual bool GetObjectDescription(Stream &str, ValueObject &object) override;
virtual bool GetObjectDescription(Stream &str, Value &value,
ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope) override;
static std::string DemangleSymbolAsString(const char *symbol,
bool simplified = false);
static std::string DemangleSymbolAsString(const ConstString &symbol,
bool simplified = false);
// Use these passthrough functions rather than calling into Swift directly,
// since some day we may want to support more than one swift variant.
static bool IsSwiftMangledName(const char *name);
static bool IsSwiftClassName(const char *name);
static bool IsMetadataSymbol(const char *symbol);
static bool IsIvarOffsetSymbol(const char *symbol);
static const std::string GetCurrentMangledName(const char *mangled_name);
struct SwiftErrorDescriptor {
struct SwiftBridgeableNativeError {
lldb::addr_t metadata_location;
lldb::addr_t metadata_ptr_value;
struct SwiftPureNativeError {
lldb::addr_t metadata_location;
lldb::addr_t witness_table_location;
lldb::addr_t payload_ptr;
struct SwiftNSError {
lldb::addr_t instance_ptr_value;
enum class Kind {
Kind m_kind;
SwiftBridgeableNativeError m_bridgeable_native;
SwiftPureNativeError m_pure_native;
SwiftNSError m_bridged;
operator bool() { return m_kind != Kind::eNotAnError; }
SwiftErrorDescriptor(const SwiftErrorDescriptor &rhs) = default;
// provide a quick and yet somewhat reasonable guess as to whether
// this ValueObject represents something that validly conforms
// to the magic ErrorType protocol
virtual bool
IsValidErrorValue(ValueObject &in_value,
SwiftErrorDescriptor *out_error_descriptor = nullptr);
virtual lldb::BreakpointResolverSP
CreateExceptionResolver(Breakpoint *bkpt, bool catch_bp,
bool throw_bp) override;
SwiftExceptionPrecondition *GetExceptionPrecondition();
static lldb::ValueObjectSP
CalculateErrorValueFromFirstArgument(lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp,
ConstString name);
lldb::ValueObjectSP CalculateErrorValueObjectFromValue(Value &value,
ConstString name,
bool persistent);
llvm::Optional<Value> GetErrorReturnLocationAfterReturn(lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp);
llvm::Optional<Value> GetErrorReturnLocationBeforeReturn(lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp,
bool &need_to_check_after_return);
static void RegisterGlobalError(Target &target, ConstString name,
lldb::addr_t addr);
// If you are at the initial instruction of the frame passed in, then this
// will examine the call
// arguments, and if any of them is a function pointer, this will push the
// address of the function
// into addresses. If debug_only is true, then it will only push function
// pointers that are in user
// code.
void FindFunctionPointersInCall(StackFrame &frame,
std::vector<Address> &addresses,
bool debug_only = true,
bool resolve_thunks = true);
virtual lldb::ThreadPlanSP GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan(Thread &thread,
bool stop_others);
bool IsSymbolARuntimeThunk(const Symbol &symbol) override;
// in some cases, compilers will output different names for one same type.
// when tht happens, it might be impossible
// to construct SBType objects for a valid type, because the name that is
// available is not the same as the name that
// can be used as a search key in FindTypes(). the equivalents map here is
// meant to return possible alternative names
// for a type through which a search can be conducted. Currently, this is only
// enabled for C++ but can be extended
// to ObjC or other languages if necessary
static uint32_t FindEquivalentNames(ConstString type_name,
std::vector<ConstString> &equivalents);
// this call should return true if it could set the name and/or the type
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress(ValueObject &in_value,
lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name,
Address &address,
Value::ValueType &value_type) override;
virtual TypeAndOrName FixUpDynamicType(const TypeAndOrName &type_and_or_name,
ValueObject &static_value) override;
bool IsRuntimeSupportValue(ValueObject &valobj) override;
virtual CompilerType
DoArchetypeBindingForType(StackFrame &stack_frame, CompilerType base_type,
SwiftASTContext *ast_context = nullptr);
virtual CompilerType GetConcreteType(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
ConstString abstract_type_name) override;
virtual bool CouldHaveDynamicValue(ValueObject &in_value) override;
virtual MetadataPromiseSP
GetMetadataPromise(lldb::addr_t addr,
SwiftASTContext *swift_ast_ctx = nullptr);
virtual MemberVariableOffsetResolverSP
GetMemberVariableOffsetResolver(CompilerType compiler_type);
void AddToLibraryNegativeCache(const char *library_name);
bool IsInLibraryNegativeCache(const char *library_name);
// Swift uses a few known-unused bits in ObjC pointers
// to record useful-for-bridging information
// This API's task is to return such pointer+info aggregates
// back to a pure pointer
lldb::addr_t MaskMaybeBridgedPointer(lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t * = nullptr);
// Swift uses a few known-unused bits in weak,unowned,unmanaged references
// to record useful runtime information
// This API's task is to strip those bits if necessary and return
// a pure pointer (or a tagged pointer)
lldb::addr_t MaybeMaskNonTrivialReferencePointer(
SwiftASTContext::NonTriviallyManagedReferenceStrategy strategy);
ConstString GetErrorBackstopName();
ConstString GetStandardLibraryName();
ConstString GetStandardLibraryBaseName();
virtual bool GetReferenceCounts(ValueObject &valobj, size_t &strong,
size_t &weak);
GetBridgedSyntheticChildProvider(ValueObject &valobj);
void WillStartExecutingUserExpression();
void DidFinishExecutingUserExpression();
// Classes that inherit from SwiftLanguageRuntime can see and modify these
SwiftLanguageRuntime(Process *process);
Value::ValueType GetValueType(Value::ValueType static_value_type,
const CompilerType &static_type,
const CompilerType &dynamic_type,
bool is_indirect_enum_case);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Class(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Protocol(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_ErrorType(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Archetype(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Tuple(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Struct(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Enum(ValueObject &in_value,
lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name,
Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_IndirectEnumCase(
ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address);
virtual bool GetDynamicTypeAndAddress_Promise(
ValueObject &in_value, MetadataPromiseSP promise_sp,
lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name,
Address &address);
virtual MetadataPromiseSP GetPromiseForTypeNameAndFrame(const char *type_name,
StackFrame *frame);
bool GetTargetOfPartialApply(SymbolContext &curr_sc, ConstString &apply_name,
SymbolContext &sc);
AppleObjCRuntimeV2 *GetObjCRuntime();
void SetupSwiftError();
void SetupExclusivity();
const CompilerType &GetBoxMetadataType();
std::shared_ptr<swift::remote::MemoryReader> GetMemoryReader();
SwiftASTContext *GetScratchSwiftASTContext();
std::unordered_set<std::string> m_library_negative_cache; // We have to load
// swift dependent
// libraries by
// hand,
std::mutex m_negative_cache_mutex; // but if they are missing, we shouldn't
// keep trying.
llvm::Optional<lldb::addr_t> m_SwiftNativeNSErrorISA;
std::shared_ptr<swift::remote::MemoryReader> m_memory_reader_sp;
template <typename Key1, typename Key2, typename Value1> struct KeyHasher {
using KeyType = std::tuple<Key1, Key2>;
using HasherType = KeyHasher<Key1, Key2, Value1>;
using MapType = std::unordered_map<KeyType, Value1, HasherType>;
size_t operator()(const std::tuple<Key1, Key2> &key) const {
// fairly trivial hash combiner function
auto hash1 = std::hash<Key1>()(std::get<0>(key));
auto hash2 = std::hash<Key2>()(std::get<1>(key));
return hash2 + 0x9e3779b9 + (hash1 << 6) + (hash1 >> 2);
typename KeyHasher<swift::ASTContext *, lldb::addr_t,
MetadataPromiseSP>::MapType m_promises_map;
typename KeyHasher<swift::ASTContext *, swift::TypeBase *,
MemberVariableOffsetResolverSP>::MapType m_resolvers_map;
std::unordered_map<const char *, lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP>
CompilerType m_box_metadata_type;
// These members are used to track and toggle the state of the "dynamic
// exclusivity enforcement flag" in the swift runtime. This flag is set to
// true when an LLDB expression starts running, and reset to its original
// state after that expression (and any other concurrently running
// expressions) terminates.
std::mutex m_active_user_expr_mutex;
uint32_t m_active_user_expr_count = 0;
llvm::Optional<lldb::addr_t> m_dynamic_exclusivity_flag_addr =
bool m_original_dynamic_exclusivity_flag_state = false;
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_SwiftLanguageRuntime_h_