blob: d8e3788878080b9a4929afaa62942ad17c3d02b1 [file] [log] [blame]
"""PyObjC Lit <-> XCTest Adaptor"""
import objc
import os
import re
import lit
import lit.discovery
# Ensure we have the appropriate environment variables
built_products_dir = os.environ.get("BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR")
if not built_products_dir or not os.path.exists(built_products_dir):
raise RuntimeError("invalid BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR: %r" % (built_products_dir,))
# Load the Lit test suite using the unittest style discovery.
test_suite = lit.discovery.load_test_suite([os.path.join(built_products_dir,
# Inject test methods for each test.
def injectTestMethod(klass, test):
test_name =
# Mangle the test name into a valid name.
method_name = "test" + re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z_0-9]", "_", test_name)
# Inject the method.
def runTest(obj):
print "Running Lit test: %s" % (,)
result = test.defaultTestResult()
# Report an XCTest failure, if the test failed.
if not result.wasSuccessful():
# Get the underlying Lit result object.
lit_result = test._test.result
obj.recordFailureWithDescription_inFile_atLine_expected_(lit_result.output, test._test.getSourcePath(), 1, True)
objc.classAddMethod(klass, method_name, runTest)
# Inject a test method for each test.
klass = objc.lookUpClass("LitTests")
for test in test_suite:
injectTestMethod(klass, test)