blob: 2e4550f8435640420da299c128aee22fdd0642b9 [file] [log] [blame]
import orderedset
def find_cycle(nodes, successors):
path = orderedset.orderedset()
visited = set()
def visit(node):
# If the node is already in the current path, we have found a cycle.
if not path.add(node):
return (path, node)
# If we have otherwise already visited this node, we don't need to visit
# it again.
if node in visited:
item = path.pop()
assert item == node
# Otherwise, visit all the successors.
for succ in successors(node):
cycle = visit(succ)
if cycle is not None:
return cycle
item = path.pop()
assert item == node
return None
for node in nodes:
cycle = visit(node)
if cycle is not None:
return cycle
assert not path.items
return None