blob: f20991f65a59b6db39ced909534311940b51b3b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check that the BuildSystem C API example builds and runs correctly.
# RUN: cc -o %t.exe %{srcroot}/examples/c-api/buildsystem/main.c -I %{srcroot}/products/libllbuild/public-api -lllbuild -L %{llbuild-lib-dir} -Werror
# RUN: env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{llbuild-lib-dir} %t.exe %s > %t.out
# RUN: cat %t.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} %s --input-file %t.out
# CHECK: -- read file contents: {{.*}}/buildsystem-capi.llbuild
# CHECK: -- stat: /
# CHECK: command_started: <hello> -- HELLO
# CHECK: command_finished: <hello>
# CHECK: command_started: <fancy-thing>
# CHECK: fancy_command_execute_command
# CHECK: command_finished: <fancy-thing>
# CHECK: command_started: <error> -- FAILING-COMMAND
# CHECK: had_command_failure
# CHECK: <unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failure
name: basic
version: 0
tools: { "fancy": {} }
"": ["<all>"]
tool: phony
inputs: ["<error>"]
outputs: ["<all>"]
tool: shell
args: ["echo", "Hello, world!"]
inputs: ["/"]
outputs: ["<hello>"]
description: HELLO
tool: fancy
inputs: ["<hello>"]
outputs: ["<fancy-thing>"]
tool: shell
args: ["false"]
inputs: ["<hello>", "<fancy-thing>"]
outputs: ["<error>"]
description: FAILING-COMMAND