blob: dfad7917dfb0a2e9ba64d9bedafd5576d1f937a5 [file] [log] [blame]
set -ex
# Compute the "run order" as the number of commits on the branch.
echo "**** Computing Revision Index ****"
num_commits=$(echo $(cd "${XCS_SOURCE_DIR}"/llbuild && git log --format=oneline | wc -l))
echo "llbuild commits: ${num_commits}"
# Get the current revision.
revision=$(cd "${XCS_SOURCE_DIR}"/llbuild && git log -1 --format=oneline | cut -d\ -f1)
# Extract the performance data into the LNT format.
echo "**** Converting Performance Data ****"
"${XCS_SOURCE_DIR}/llbuild/utils/Xcode/extract-perf-data" \
--run-order "${num_commits}" \
--revision "${revision}" \
--machine-name dtprojectcore \
--output-path "${data_path}" \
# Submit the results to the local server.
echo "**** Uploading Performance Data ****"
/Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/perf/venv/bin/lnt submit \
http://localhost/perf/db_llbuild/submitRun "${data_path}"