blob: f51cfd69a739f567a7cf195bc3bc091266cf7c7c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ---------------------------------------------------===//
// Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#import "llbuild/Commands/Commands.h"
#import "llbuild/Core/BuildEngine.h"
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <functional>
using namespace llbuild;
using namespace llbuild::core;
@interface CorePerfTests : XCTestCase
#pragma mark - Support Classes
namespace {
static int32_t IntFromValue(const core::ValueType& Value) {
assert(Value.size() == 4);
return ((Value[0] << 0) |
(Value[1] << 8) |
(Value[2] << 16) |
(Value[3] << 24));
static core::ValueType IntToValue(int32_t Value) {
std::vector<uint8_t> Result(4);
Result[0] = (Value >> 0) & 0xFF;
Result[1] = (Value >> 8) & 0xFF;
Result[2] = (Value >> 16) & 0xFF;
Result[3] = (Value >> 24) & 0xFF;
return Result;
// Simple task implementation which takes a fixed set of dependencies, evaluates
// them all, and then provides the output.
// FIXME: This is copied from the Core BuildEngine unittest, we should figure
// out if it should be shared in a common build engine support library at some
// point.
class SimpleTask : public Task {
typedef std::function<int(const std::vector<int>&)> ComputeFnType;
std::vector<KeyType> Inputs;
std::vector<int> InputValues;
ComputeFnType Compute;
SimpleTask(const std::vector<KeyType>& Inputs, ComputeFnType Compute)
: Inputs(Inputs), Compute(Compute)
virtual void start(BuildEngine& Engine) override {
// Request all of the inputs.
for (int i = 0, e = Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
Engine.taskNeedsInput(this, Inputs[i], i);
virtual void provideValue(BuildEngine&, uintptr_t InputID,
const ValueType& Value) override {
// Update the input values.
assert(InputID < InputValues.size());
InputValues[InputID] = IntFromValue(Value);
virtual void inputsAvailable(core::BuildEngine& Engine) override {
Engine.taskIsComplete(this, IntToValue(Compute(InputValues)));
// Helper function for creating a simple action.
typedef std::function<Task*(BuildEngine&)> ActionFn;
static ActionFn simpleAction(const std::vector<KeyType>& Inputs,
SimpleTask::ComputeFnType Compute) {
return [=] (BuildEngine& engine) {
return engine.registerTask(new SimpleTask(Inputs, Compute)); };
@implementation CorePerfTests
#pragma mark - "buildengine ack" Performance Tests
- (void)testBuildEngineBasicPerf {
// Test the timing of 'buildengine ack 3 14'.
// This test uses ~300k rules, and is a good stress test for the core engine
// operation.
[self measureBlock:^{
"ack", "3", "14" });
- (void)testBuildEngineDependencyScanningCorePerf {
// Test the timing of 'buildengine ack 3 11', with a high recompute count.
// This test uses ~40k rules, but then recomputes the results multiple times,
// which is a stress test of the dependency scanning performance.
[self measureBlock:^{
"ack", "--recompute", "100", "3", "11" });
#pragma mark - Synthetic Graph Dependency Scanning Tests
- (void)testBuildEngineDependencyScanningOnLinearChain {
// Test the scanning performance on a deep linear build graph of M nodes::
// i1 -> i2 -> ... -> iM
int M = 1000000; // Use a graph of 1 million nodes.
// Set up the build rules.
struct LinearDelegate : public BuildEngineDelegate {
virtual core::Rule lookupRule(const core::KeyType& Key) override {
// We never expect dynamic rule lookup.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected rule lookup for \"%s\"\n",
return core::Rule();
virtual void cycleDetected(const std::vector<core::Rule*>& Cycle) override {
// We never expect to find a cycle.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected cycle\n");
} Delegate;
__block core::BuildEngine Engine(Delegate);
int LastInputValue = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; ++i) {
char Name[32];
sprintf(Name, "i%d", i);
if (i != M) {
char InputName[32];
sprintf(InputName, "i%d", i+1);
Name, simpleAction({ InputName },
[] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return Inputs[0]; }) });
} else {
[&] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return LastInputValue; }),
[&](BuildEngine&, const Rule& rule, const ValueType& Value) {
return LastInputValue == IntFromValue(Value);
} });
// Build the first result.
LastInputValue = 42;
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);
// Run a single initial null build to try and warm the timings below."i1");
// Measure the null build time.
[self measureBlock:^{
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);
static int64_t i64pow(int64_t Value, int64_t Exponent) {
int64_t Result = 1;
for (int64_t i = 0; i != Exponent; ++i)
Result *= Value;
return Result;
- (void)testBuildEngineDependencyScanningOnNaryTree {
// Test the scanning performance on an M-height N-ary tree with no sharing::
// i1,1 ---> i2,1 ... ---> iM,1
// \-> i2,2 ...
// \-> i2,N iM,{N**(M-1)}
int M = 13, N = 3; // Use a graph of 797,161 nodes.
int NumTotalNodes = (i64pow(N, M) - 1) / (N - 1);
NSLog(@"running test with %d-ary tree of depth %d (%d nodes)\n",
N, M, NumTotalNodes);
// Set up the build rules.
struct NaryTreeDelegate : public BuildEngineDelegate {
virtual core::Rule lookupRule(const core::KeyType& Key) override {
// We never expect dynamic rule lookup.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected rule lookup for \"%s\"\n",
return core::Rule();
virtual void cycleDetected(const std::vector<core::Rule*>& Cycle) override {
// We never expect to find a cycle.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected cycle\n");
} Delegate;
__block core::BuildEngine Engine(Delegate);
int LastInputValue = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; ++i) {
// Compute the total number of groups at this depth.
int NumNodes = i64pow(N, i - 1);
for (int j = 1; j <= NumNodes; ++j) {
char Name[32];
sprintf(Name, "i%d,%d", i, j);
if (i != M) {
std::vector<KeyType> Inputs;
for (int k = 1; k <= N; ++k) {
char InputName[32];
sprintf(InputName, "i%d,%d", i+1, 1 + (j - 1)*N + (k - 1));
Name, simpleAction(Inputs, [] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return Inputs[0]; }) });
} else {
[&] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return LastInputValue; }),
[&](BuildEngine&, const Rule& rule, const ValueType& Value) {
return LastInputValue == IntFromValue(Value);
} });
// Build the first result.
LastInputValue = 42;
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1,1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);
// Run a single initial null build to try and warm the timings below."i1,1");
// Measure the null build time.
[self measureBlock:^{
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1,1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);
- (void)testBuildEngineDependencyScanningOn2DMatrix {
// Test the scanning performance on a 2D {M+1}x{N+1} matrix where each node
// depends on nodes which are adjacent above or to the right::
// i1,N --> i2,N --> ... --> iM,N
// ^ ^ ... ^
// | | |
// i1,2 --> i2,2 --> ... --> iM,2
// ^ ^ ... ^
// | | |
// i1,1 --> i2,1 --> ... --> iM,1
// This is an easy to construct synthetic graph which is scalable and has
// sharing.
int M = 1000, N = 1000; // Use a graph of 1 million nodes.
// Set up the build rules.
struct MatrixDelegate : public BuildEngineDelegate {
virtual core::Rule lookupRule(const core::KeyType& Key) override {
// We never expect dynamic rule lookup.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected rule lookup for \"%s\"\n",
return core::Rule();
virtual void cycleDetected(const std::vector<core::Rule*>& Cycle) override {
// We never expect to find a cycle.
fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected cycle\n");
} Delegate;
__block core::BuildEngine Engine(Delegate);
int LastInputValue = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) {
char Name[32];
sprintf(Name, "i%d,%d", i, j);
if (i != M && j != N) {
// Nodes not on an edge.
char InputAName[32];
sprintf(InputAName, "i%d,%d", i+1, j);
char InputBName[32];
sprintf(InputBName, "i%d,%d", i, j+1);
Name, simpleAction({ InputAName, InputBName },
[] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return Inputs[0]; }) });
} else if (i != M) {
// Top edge.
assert(j == N);
char InputName[32];
sprintf(InputName, "i%d,%d", i+1, j);
Name, simpleAction({ InputName },
[] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return Inputs[0]; }) });
} else if (j != N) {
// Right edge.
assert(i == M);
char InputName[32];
sprintf(InputName, "i%d,%d", i, j+1);
Name, simpleAction({ InputName },
[] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return Inputs[0]; }) });
} else {
// Top-right corner node.
assert(i == M && j == N);
[&] (const std::vector<int>& Inputs) {
return LastInputValue; }),
[&](BuildEngine&, const Rule& rule, const ValueType& Value) {
return LastInputValue == IntFromValue(Value);
} });
// Build the first result.
LastInputValue = 42;
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1,1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);
// Run a single initial null build to try and warm the timings below."i1,1");
// Measure the null build time.
[self measureBlock:^{
auto Result = IntFromValue("i1,1"));
assert(Result == LastInputValue);