blob: 932d1ce647bad77ee1e7f7482921de6ace83a332 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BuildFile.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llbuild/Basic/Compiler.h"
#include "llbuild/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace llbuild {
namespace basic {
class FileSystem;
namespace core {
class Task;
namespace buildsystem {
/// The type used to pass parsed properties to the delegate.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> property_list_type;
class BuildFileDelegate;
class BuildSystem;
class BuildSystemCommandInterface;
class BuildKey;
class BuildValue;
class Command;
class Node;
/// Minimal token object representing the range where a diagnostic occurred.
struct BuildFileToken {
const char* start;
unsigned length;
/// Context for information that may be needed for a configuration action.
struct ConfigureContext {
/// The file delegate, to use for error reporting, etc.
BuildFileDelegate& delegate;
/// The file the configuration request originated from.
StringRef filename;
/// The token to use in error reporting.
BuildFileToken at;
void error(const Twine& message) const;
/// Abstract tool definition used by the build file.
class Tool {
void operator=(const Tool&) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
Tool &operator=(Tool&& rhs) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
std::string name;
explicit Tool(StringRef name) : name(name) {}
virtual ~Tool();
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified tool property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
StringRef value) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified tool property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified node property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to create a command which uses this tool.
/// \param name - The name of the command.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Command> createCommand(StringRef name) = 0;
/// Called by the build system to create a custom command with the given name.
/// The tool should return null if it does not understand how to create the
/// a custom command for the given key.
/// \param key - The custom build key to create a command for.
/// \returns The command to use, or null.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Command> createCustomCommand(const BuildKey& key);
/// Each Target declares a name that can be used to reference it, and a list of
/// the top-level nodes which must be built to bring that target up to date.
class Target {
/// The name of the target.
std::string name;
/// The list of nodes that should be computed to build this target.
std::vector<Node*> nodes;
explicit Target(std::string name) : name(name) { }
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
std::vector<Node*>& getNodes() { return nodes; }
const std::vector<Node*>& getNodes() const { return nodes; }
/// Abstract definition for a Node used by the build file.
class Node {
void operator=(const Node&) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
Node &operator=(Node&& rhs) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
/// The name used to identify the node.
std::string name;
/// The list of commands which can produce this node.
// FIXME: Optimize for single entry list.
std::vector<Command*> producers;
explicit Node(StringRef name) : name(name) {}
virtual ~Node();
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
std::vector<Command*>& getProducers() { return producers; }
const std::vector<Command*>& getProducers() const { return producers; }
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified node property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
StringRef value) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified node property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified node property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) = 0;
/// Abstract command definition used by the build file.
class Command {
Command(const Command&) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
void operator=(const Command&) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
Command &operator=(Command&& rhs) LLBUILD_DELETED_FUNCTION;
std::string name;
explicit Command(StringRef name) : name(name) {}
virtual ~Command();
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// @name Command Information
/// @{
// FIXME: These probably don't belong here, clients generally can just manage
// the information from their commands directly and our predefined interfaces
// won't necessarily match what they want. However, we use them now to allow
// extracting generic status information from the builtin commands. An
// alternate solution would be to simply expose those command classes directly
// and provide some kind of dynamic dispatching mechanism (llvm::cast<>, for
// example) over commands.
/// Controls whether the default status reporting shows status for the
/// command.
virtual bool shouldShowStatus() { return true; }
/// Get a short description of the command, for use in status reporting.
virtual void getShortDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) = 0;
/// Get a verbose description of the command, for use in status reporting.
virtual void getVerboseDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) = 0;
/// @}
/// @name File Loading
/// @{
/// Called by the build file loader to set the description.
virtual void configureDescription(const ConfigureContext&,
StringRef description) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to pass the list of input nodes.
virtual void configureInputs(const ConfigureContext&,
const std::vector<Node*>& inputs) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to pass the list of output nodes.
virtual void configureOutputs(const ConfigureContext&,
const std::vector<Node*>& outputs) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified command property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
StringRef value) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified command property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to configure a specified command property.
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) = 0;
/// @}
/// @name Node Interfaces
/// @description These are the interfaces which allow the build system to
/// coordinate between the abstract command and node objects.
// FIXME: This feels awkward, maybe this isn't the right way to manage
// this. However, we want the system to be able to provide the plumbing
// between pluggable comands and nodes, so it feels like it has to live
// somewhere.
/// @{
/// Get the appropriate output for a particular node (known to be produced by
/// this command) given the command's result.
virtual BuildValue getResultForOutput(Node* node,
const BuildValue& value) = 0;
/// @}
/// @name Command Execution
/// @description These APIs directly mirror the APIs available in the
/// lower-level BuildEngine, but with additional services provided by the
/// BuildSystem. See the BuildEngine documentation for more information.
/// @{
virtual bool isResultValid(BuildSystem& system, const BuildValue& value) = 0;
virtual void start(BuildSystemCommandInterface&, core::Task*) = 0;
virtual void providePriorValue(BuildSystemCommandInterface&, core::Task*,
const BuildValue& value) = 0;
virtual void provideValue(BuildSystemCommandInterface&, core::Task*,
uintptr_t inputID, const BuildValue& value) = 0;
virtual void inputsAvailable(BuildSystemCommandInterface&, core::Task*) = 0;
/// @}
class BuildFileDelegate {
virtual ~BuildFileDelegate();
/// Get the file system to use for access.
virtual basic::FileSystem& getFileSystem() = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to register the current file contents.
// FIXME: This is a total hack, and should be cleaned up.
virtual void setFileContentsBeingParsed(StringRef buffer) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to report an error.
/// \param filename The file the error occurred in.
/// \param at The token at which the error occurred. The token will be null if
/// no location is associated.
/// \param message The diagnostic message.
virtual void error(StringRef filename,
const BuildFileToken& at,
const Twine& message) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader after the 'client' file section has been
/// loaded.
/// \param name The expected client name.
/// \param version The client version specified in the file.
/// \param properties The list of additional properties passed to the client.
/// \returns True on success.
virtual bool configureClient(const ConfigureContext&, StringRef name,
uint32_t version,
const property_list_type& properties) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to get a tool definition.
/// \param name The name of the tool to lookup.
/// \returns The tool to use on success, or otherwise nil.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Tool> lookupTool(StringRef name) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to inform the client that a target
/// definition has been loaded.
virtual void loadedTarget(StringRef name, const Target& target) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to inform the client that a default
/// target has been loaded.
virtual void loadedDefaultTarget(StringRef target) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to inform the client that a command
/// has been fully loaded.
virtual void loadedCommand(StringRef name, const Command& command) = 0;
/// Called by the build file loader to get a node.
/// \param name The name of the node to lookup.
/// \param isImplicit Whether the node is an implicit one (created as a side
/// effect of being declared by a command).
virtual std::unique_ptr<Node> lookupNode(StringRef name,
bool isImplicit=false) = 0;
/// The BuildFile class supports the "llbuild"-native build description file
/// format.
class BuildFile {
// FIXME: This is an inefficent map, the string is duplicated.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Node>> node_set;
// FIXME: This is an inefficent map, the string is duplicated.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Target>> target_set;
// FIXME: This is an inefficent map, the string is duplicated.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Command>> command_set;
// FIXME: This is an inefficent map, the string is duplicated.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Tool>> tool_set;
void *impl;
/// Create a build file with the given delegate.
/// \arg mainFilename The path of the main build file.
explicit BuildFile(StringRef mainFilename,
BuildFileDelegate& delegate);
/// Return the delegate the engine was configured with.
BuildFileDelegate* getDelegate();
/// @name Parse Actions
/// @{
/// Load the build file from the provided filename.
/// This method should only be called once on the BuildFile, and it should be
/// called before any other operations.
/// \returns True on success.
bool load();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
/// Get the set of declared nodes for the file.
const node_set& getNodes() const;
/// Get the set of declared targets for the file.
const target_set& getTargets() const;
/// Get the default target.
const StringRef getDefaultTarget() const;
/// Get the set of declared commands for the file.
const command_set& getCommands() const;
/// Get the set of all tools used by the file.
const tool_set& getTools() const;
/// @}