blob: 49e979c8769b8055b5a088a3e545382f14b44f8e [file] [log] [blame]
# Verify that we build in parallel correctly. We do this by running two tasks,
# each of which requires the other to have run before it is willing to complete.
# The wait-for-file script will exit after ~1s, so if both commands aren't
# started within that time period then the build will fail.
# RUN: rm -rf
# RUN: mkdir -p
# RUN: cp %s
# RUN: cp %S/Inputs/wait-for-file
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --chdir --no-db
command = ${COMMAND}
build cleanup: CUSTOM
command = rm -f node-{A,B}-semaphore
build node-A: CUSTOM cleanup
command = touch node-B-semaphore && ./wait-for-file node-A-semaphore
build node-B: CUSTOM cleanup
command = touch node-A-semaphore && ./wait-for-file node-B-semaphore
build both: phony node-A node-B
default both