blob: b5100f1b0f8e8f91d09fd09a0d7bf527c2ed328e [file] [log] [blame]
# Sanity check graphviz output
# We run the build in a sandbox in the temp directory to ensure we don't
# interact with the source dirs.
# RUN: rm -rf
# RUN: mkdir -p
# RUN: cp %s
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --jobs 1 --chdir --no-db --simulate --dump-graph
# RUN: %{FileCheck} < %s
# CHECK: digraph {{.*}} {
# CHECK: "a.c"
# CHECK: "a.o"
# CHECK-NEXT: "a.o" -> "a.c"
# CHECK: "a.out"
# We skip a -next here, to avoid a dependency on the traversal order.
# CHECK: "a.out" -> "a.o"
# CHECK: "b.c"
# CHECK: "b.o"
# CHECK-NEXT: "b.o" -> "b.c"
rule CC
command = cc -c -o ${out} ${in}
rule LINK
command = cc -o ${out} ${in}
build a.o: CC a.c
build b.o: CC b.c
build a.out: LINK a.o b.o
default a.out