blob: 0ef2f82b65f7c991f9a7ddc5eded7a5490ff96b1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check build decl loading.
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja load-manifest %s > %t 2> %t.err
# RUN: %{FileCheck} < %t %s
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix=CHECK-ERR < %t.err %s
# CHECK: build "target01": phony
build target01: phony
# CHECK: build "target02": phony "explicit-a" "explicit-b" | "implicit-a" "implicit-b" || "order-a" "order-b"
build target02: phony explicit-a explicit-b | implicit-a implicit-b || order-a order-b
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+1]]:16: error: unknown rule
build target03: no-rule
# CHECK: build "target04": phony
# CHECK-NEXT: command = "value1"
# CHECK-NEXT: description = "value2"
build target04: phony
command = value1
description = value2
# Check that we properly evaluate values in bindings (which do not use prior
# bindings in the decl).
# CHECK: build "target05": phony
# CHECK-NEXT: command = "A C"
target05_varA = A
build target05: phony
target05_varA = B
command = ${target05_varA} C
# Check that we diagnose empty paths in build statements.
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+3]]:15: error: empty output path
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+2]]:38: error: empty input path
target06_var =
build target06 ${target06_var}: phony ${target06_var}
# Check all the attributes that can be assigned.
pool poolA
depth = 12
# CHECK: build "target07": phony
# CHECK: command = "thecommand"
# CHECK: deps = gcc
# CHECK: depfile = "thedepfile"
# CHECK: generator = 1
# CHECK: restat = 1
# CHECK: pool = poolA
build target07: phony
command = thecommand
description = thedescription
deps = gcc
depfile = thedepfile
generator = true
restat = true
pool = poolA
# Check error handling of deps statements.
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+1]]:0: error: invalid 'deps' style
build target08: phony
deps = unknown
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+1]]:0: error: missing 'depfile' attribute
build target09_A: phony
deps = gcc
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+1]]:0: error: invalid 'depfile' attribute
build target09_B: phony
deps = msvc
depfile = foobar
# Check error handling of pool statement.
# CHECK-ERR:[[@LINE+1]]:0: error: unknown pool
build target08: phony
pool = thisisnotapool
# Check deferred evaluation of rule parameters.
# CHECK: build "target10": target10_rule
# CHECK-NEXT: command = "command"
# CHECK-NEXT: description = "build var and global var and command"
target10_global = global
rule target10_rule
command = command
description = ${target10_build_var} and ${command}
build target10: target10_rule
target10_build_var = build var and ${target10_global} var
# Check expansion of ${in} and ${out}.
# CHECK: build "target11": target11_rule
# CHECK-NEXT: command = "target11 target11_inputA -o target11"
# CHECK-NEXT: description = "this is empty: \"\" here"
rule target11_rule
command = target11 ${in} -o ${out}
build target11: target11_rule target11_inputA | target11_inputB
description = this is empty: "${out}" here