blob: eaf284916132359dc0259cd38941b857b3e60d7f [file] [log] [blame]
# Check build engine tracing of scanning events.
# RUN: rm -rf
# RUN: mkdir -p
# RUN: cp %s
# RUN: touch
# RUN: touch
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --jobs 1 --chdir
# Check dependency scanning on rebuild.
# RUN: echo "mod" >>
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --jobs 1 --chdir --trace %t.trace-out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --input-file %t.trace-out %s
# We scan "output", which pauses, then "input-1" (which doesn't need to run),
# then "input-2" (which does need to run), and then return to "output", which
# needs to be deferred waiting for "input-2" to complete. After it completes, we
# rescan "output" and realize it needs to run.
# CHECK: { "new-rule", "[[RULE1:.*]]", "output" },
# CHECK: { "checking-rule-needs-to-run", "[[RULE1]]" },
# CHECK: { "paused-input-request-for-rule-scan", "[[RULE1]]" },
# CHECK: { "new-rule", "[[RULE2:.*]]", "input-1" },
# CHECK: { "checking-rule-needs-to-run", "[[RULE2]]" },
# CHECK: { "rule-does-not-need-to-run", "[[RULE2]]" },
# CHECK: { "rule-scanning-next-input", "[[RULE1]]", "[[RULE2]]" },
# CHECK: { "new-rule", "[[RULE3:.*]]", "input-2" },
# CHECK: { "checking-rule-needs-to-run", "[[RULE3]]" },
# CHECK: { "rule-needs-to-run", "[[RULE3]]", "invalid-value" },
# CHECK: { "rule-scanning-next-input", "[[RULE1]]", "[[RULE3]]" },
# CHECK: { "created-task-for-rule", "[[TASK1:.*]]", "[[RULE3]]" },
# CHECK: { "rule-scanning-deferred-on-task", "[[RULE1]]", "[[TASK1]]" },
# CHECK: { "finished-task", "[[TASK1]]", "[[RULE3]]", "changed" },
# CHECK: { "rule-scanning-next-input", "[[RULE1]]", "[[RULE3]]" },
# CHECK: { "rule-needs-to-run", "[[RULE1]]", "input-rebuilt", "[[RULE3]]" },
rule CAT
command = cat ${in} > $out
build output: CAT input-1 input-2
default output