blob: 0d4302444af54f7c907dcff394dccf7f75376673 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check building of multiple targets.
# This checks that we build multiple targets concurrently (using the same lock
# trick as the parallel test), and that we don't build them more than once.
# RUN: rm -rf
# RUN: mkdir -p
# RUN: cp %s
# RUN: cp %S/Inputs/wait-for-file
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --chdir node-A node-B node-A node-B &> %t.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} < %t.out %s
# CHECK: [1/{{.*}}] rm -f node-{A,B}-semaphore
# CHECK: [2/{{.*}}] touch node-{{.}}-semaphore
# CHECK: [3/{{.*}}] touch node-{{.}}-semaphore
# CHECK-NOT: [4/{{.*}}]
command = ${COMMAND}
build cleanup: CUSTOM
command = rm -f node-{A,B}-semaphore
build node-A: CUSTOM cleanup
command = touch node-B-semaphore && ./wait-for-file node-A-semaphore
build node-B: CUSTOM cleanup
command = touch node-A-semaphore && ./wait-for-file node-B-semaphore