blob: 36ba2a88c0e22fb351063842c921a38f670d7822 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check that we handle commands with multiple outputs properly.
# We use a Shake ยง6.3 inspired script which separates the input into odd and
# even numbers, and only updates the output when changed.
# RUN: rm -rf
# RUN: mkdir -p
# RUN: cp %S/Inputs/split-numbers
# RUN: cp %s
# RUN: touch
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --jobs 1 --chdir &> %t1.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-INITIAL --input-file %t1.out %s
# CHECK-INITIAL: [1/{{.*}}] ./split-numbers < input odd even
# CHECK-INITIAL: [2/{{.*}}] cat odd > odd-copy
# CHECK-INITIAL: [3/{{.*}}] cat even > even-copy
# Add an even number, and check that only the even side rebuilds.
# RUN: echo 0 >>
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --strict --jobs 1 --chdir &> %t2.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-UPDATE-EVEN --input-file %t2.out %s
# CHECK-UPDATE-EVEN: [1/{{.*}}] ./split-numbers < input odd even
# CHECK-UPDATE-EVEN-NEXT: odd: file contents unchanged
# CHECK-UPDATE-EVEN-NEXT: even: updated file
# CHECK-UPDATE-EVEN-NEXT: [2/{{.*}}] cat even > even-copy
# Add an odd number, and check that only the odd side rebuilds.
# RUN: echo 1 >>
# RUN: %{llbuild} ninja build --strict --jobs 1 --chdir &> %t3.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-UPDATE-ODD --input-file %t3.out %s
# CHECK-UPDATE-ODD: [1/{{.*}}] ./split-numbers < input odd even
# CHECK-UPDATE-ODD-NEXT: odd: updated file
# CHECK-UPDATE-ODD-NEXT: even: file contents unchanged
# CHECK-UPDATE-ODD-NEXT: [2/{{.*}}] cat odd > odd-copy
# CHECK-UPDATE-ODD-NOT: [3/{{.*}}]
rule CAT
command = cat ${in} > ${out}
command = ./split-numbers < ${in} ${out}
restat = 1
build odd even: SPLITNUMBERS input
build odd-copy: CAT odd
build even-copy: CAT even
# Also check multiple outputs of a phony rule.
build output-1 output-2: phony odd-copy even-copy