blob: f63f4cae8bb0f14d89c193b210838928c02dbb5b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a helper script for importing the things we use from LLVM.
# NOTE: We have slightly modified copies of some of the files, to reduce the
# dependency surface area, so if you run this to update the sources, please
# examine the diffs to remove things that don't make sense.
import errno
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
# ADT types.
ADT_imports = ['iterator_range', 'Hashing' 'None', 'Optional', 'StringExtras',
# ADT basic data structures.
ADT_imports += ['ArrayRef', 'PointerIntPair', 'StringRef', 'StringSwitch',
'Twine', 'IntrusiveRefCntPtr', 'ilist', 'ilist_node']
# ADT Mapping structures.
ADT_imports += ['DenseMap', 'DenseMapInfo', 'StringMap']
# ADT "Small" structures.
ADT_imports += ['SmallPtrSet', 'SmallString', 'SmallVector']
# ADT Algorithms.
ADT_imports += ['edit_distance']
# Support types and infrastructure.
Support_imports = [
'AlignOf', 'Allocator', 'Atomic', 'CBindingWrapping', 'Casting', 'Compiler',
'Endian', 'Errno', 'ErrorHandling', 'Errc', 'ErrorOr', 'Format',
'ManagedStatic', 'MathExtras', 'Mutex', 'MutexGuard', 'Memory',
'MemoryBuffer', 'PointerLikeTypeTraits', 'Recycler', 'SwapByteOrder',
'TimeValue', 'Threading', 'Unicode', 'UniqueLock', 'Unix', 'WindowsError',
'Valgrind', 'circular_raw_ostream', 'raw_ostream', 'type_traits']
# Stuff we don't want, but have to pull in.
Support_imports += [
'COFF', 'ConvertUTF', 'ConvertUTFWrapper', 'Debug', 'FileSystem',
'FileUtilities', 'Host', 'Locale', 'Path', 'Process', 'Program', 'SMLoc',
'SourceMgr', 'Signals', 'Unicode', 'UnicodeCharRanges']
# Support data structures.
Support_imports += ['YAMLParser']
# Source files to exclude.
Support_source_excludes = set(['Host'])
llvm_srcroot = None
llbuild_srcroot = None
def note(msg):
msg = msg.replace(llvm_srcroot, "<LLVM>")
msg = msg.replace(llbuild_srcroot, "<LLBUILD>")
print >>sys.stderr, "note: %s" % (msg,)
def mkdir_p(path):
note("mkdir -p %r" % (path,))
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def copyfile(src, dst):
note("cp %r %r" % (src, dst))
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog <llvm-source-path>")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
parser.error("unexpected number of arguments")
global llvm_srcroot, llbuild_srcroot
llvm_srcroot, = args
llbuild_srcroot = os.path.dirname(
def import_header(dir, name):
src = os.path.join(llvm_srcroot, 'include', 'llvm', dir, name)
if os.path.exists(src):
dst = os.path.join(llbuild_srcroot, 'include', 'llvm', dir, name)
copyfile(src, dst)
def import_source(dir, name):
src = os.path.join(llvm_srcroot, 'lib', dir, name)
if os.path.exists(src):
dst = os.path.join(llbuild_srcroot, 'lib', 'llvm', dir, name)
copyfile(src, dst)
print "note: importing from %r to %r" % (llvm_srcroot, llbuild_srcroot)
for name in ADT_imports:
import_header('ADT', name+'.h')
if name not in Support_source_excludes:
import_source('Support', name+'.c')
import_source('Support', name+'.cpp')
for name in Support_imports:
import_header('Support', name+'.h')
if name not in Support_source_excludes:
import_source('Support', name+'.c')
import_source('Support', name+'.cpp')
import_source('Support', os.path.join('Unix', name+'.h'))
import_source('Support', os.path.join('Unix', name+'.inc'))
if __name__ == '__main__':