blob: 24a1a82e2ec1ca4a8253eee08d5d76938ed988d0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SwiftTools.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/SwiftTools.h"
#include "llbuild/Basic/FileSystem.h"
#include "llbuild/Basic/Hashing.h"
#include "llbuild/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/BuildExecutionQueue.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/BuildFile.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/BuildKey.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/BuildValue.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/BuildSystemCommandInterface.h"
#include "llbuild/BuildSystem/ExternalCommand.h"
#include "llbuild/Core/MakefileDepsParser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace llbuild;
using namespace llbuild::core;
using namespace llbuild::buildsystem;
namespace {
class SwiftGetVersionCommand : public Command {
std::string executable;
SwiftGetVersionCommand(const BuildKey& key)
: Command("swift-get-version"), executable(key.getCustomTaskData()) {
// FIXME: Should create a CustomCommand class, to avoid all the boilerplate
// required implementations.
virtual void getShortDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) override {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream(result) << "Checking Swift Compiler Version";
virtual void getVerboseDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) override {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream(result) << '"' << executable << '"'
<< " --version";
virtual void configureDescription(const ConfigureContext&,
StringRef value) override { }
virtual void configureInputs(const ConfigureContext&,
const std::vector<Node*>& value) override { }
virtual void configureOutputs(const ConfigureContext&,
const std::vector<Node*>& value) override { }
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
StringRef value) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual BuildValue getResultForOutput(Node* node,
const BuildValue& value) override {
// This method should never be called on a custom command.
return BuildValue::makeInvalid();
virtual bool isResultValid(BuildSystem&, const BuildValue& value) override {
// Always rebuild this task.
return false;
virtual void start(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task) override { }
virtual void providePriorValue(BuildSystemCommandInterface&, core::Task*,
const BuildValue&) override { }
virtual void provideValue(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci, core::Task*,
uintptr_t inputID,
const BuildValue& value) override { }
virtual void inputsAvailable(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task) override {
// If the build should cancel, do nothing.
if (bsci.getDelegate().isCancelled()) {
bsci.taskIsComplete(task, BuildValue::makeSkippedCommand());
// Dispatch a task to query the compiler version.
auto fn = [this, &bsci=bsci, task=task](QueueJobContext* context) {
// Suppress static analyzer false positive on generalized lambda capture
// (rdar://problem/22165130).
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
// Construct the command line used to query the swift compiler version.
// FIXME: Need a decent subprocess interface.
SmallString<256> command;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream commandOS(command);
commandOS << executable;
commandOS << " " << "--version";
// Read the result.
FILE *fp = ::popen(commandOS.str().str().c_str(), "r");
SmallString<4096> result;
if (fp) {
char buf[4096];
for (;;) {
ssize_t numRead = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
if (numRead == 0) {
// FIXME: Error handling.
result.append(StringRef(buf, numRead));
// For now, we can get away with just encoding this as a successful
// command and relying on the signature to detect changes.
// FIXME: We should support BuildValues with arbitrary payloads.
bsci.taskIsComplete(task, BuildValue::makeSuccessfulCommand(
basic::FileInfo{}, basic::hashString(result)));
bsci.addJob({ this, std::move(fn) });
class SwiftCompilerShellCommand : public ExternalCommand {
/// The compiler command to invoke.
std::string executable = "swiftc";
/// The name of the module.
std::string moduleName;
/// The path of the output module.
std::string moduleOutputPath;
/// The list of sources (combined).
std::vector<std::string> sourcesList;
/// The list of objects (combined).
std::vector<std::string> objectsList;
/// The list of import paths (combined).
std::vector<std::string> importPaths;
/// The directory in which to store temporary files.
std::string tempsPath;
/// Additional arguments, as a string.
std::vector<std::string> otherArgs;
/// Whether the sources are part of a library or not.
bool isLibrary = false;
/// Whether to enable -whole-module-optimization.
bool enableWholeModuleOptimization = false;
/// Enables multi-threading with the thread count if > 0.
std::string numThreads = "0";
virtual uint64_t getSignature() override {
// FIXME: Use a more appropriate hashing infrastructure.
using llvm::hash_combine;
llvm::hash_code code = ExternalCommand::getSignature();
code = hash_combine(code, executable);
code = hash_combine(code, moduleName);
code = hash_combine(code, moduleOutputPath);
for (const auto& item: sourcesList) {
code = hash_combine(code, item);
for (const auto& item: objectsList) {
code = hash_combine(code, item);
for (const auto& item: importPaths) {
code = hash_combine(code, item);
code = hash_combine(code, tempsPath);
for (const auto& item: otherArgs) {
code = hash_combine(code, item);
code = hash_combine(code, isLibrary);
return size_t(code);
/// Get the path to use for the output file map.
void getOutputFileMapPath(SmallVectorImpl<char>& result) const {
llvm::sys::path::append(result, tempsPath, "output-file-map.json");
/// Compute the complete set of command line arguments to invoke swift with.
void constructCommandLineArgs(StringRef outputFileMapPath,
std::vector<StringRef>& result) const {
if (!moduleOutputPath.empty()) {
if (isLibrary) {
if (enableWholeModuleOptimization) {
for (const auto& source: sourcesList) {
for (const auto& import: importPaths) {
for (const auto& arg: otherArgs) {
using ExternalCommand::ExternalCommand;
virtual void getShortDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) override {
<< "Compile Swift Module '" << moduleName
<< "' (" << sourcesList.size() << " sources)";
virtual void getVerboseDescription(SmallVectorImpl<char> &result) override {
SmallString<64> outputFileMapPath;
std::vector<StringRef> commandLine;
constructCommandLineArgs(outputFileMapPath, commandLine);
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(result);
bool first = true;
for (const auto& arg: commandLine) {
if (!first) os << " ";
first = false;
// FIXME: This isn't correct, we need utilities for doing shell quoting.
if (arg.find(' ') != StringRef::npos) {
os << '"' << arg << '"';
} else {
os << arg;
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
StringRef value) override {
if (name == "executable") {
executable = value;
} else if (name == "module-name") {
moduleName = value;
} else if (name == "module-output-path") {
moduleOutputPath = value;
} else if (name == "sources") {
SmallVector<StringRef, 32> sources;
StringRef(value).split(sources, " ", /*MaxSplit=*/-1,
sourcesList = std::vector<std::string>(sources.begin(), sources.end());
} else if (name == "objects") {
SmallVector<StringRef, 32> objects;
StringRef(value).split(objects, " ", /*MaxSplit=*/-1,
objectsList = std::vector<std::string>(objects.begin(), objects.end());
} else if (name == "import-paths") {
SmallVector<StringRef, 32> imports;
StringRef(value).split(imports, " ", /*MaxSplit=*/-1,
importPaths = std::vector<std::string>(imports.begin(), imports.end());
} else if (name == "temps-path") {
tempsPath = value;
} else if (name == "is-library") {
if (!configureBool(ctx, isLibrary, name, value))
return false;
} else if (name == "enable-whole-module-optimization") {
if (!configureBool(ctx, enableWholeModuleOptimization, name, value))
return false;
} else if (name == "num-threads") {
int numThreadsInt = 0;
if (value.getAsInteger(10, numThreadsInt)) {
ctx.error("'" + name + "' should be an int.");
return false;
if (numThreadsInt < 0) {
ctx.error("'" + name + "' should be greater than or equal to zero.");
return false;
numThreads = value;
} else if (name == "other-args") {
SmallVector<StringRef, 32> args;
StringRef(value).split(args, " ", /*MaxSplit=*/-1,
otherArgs = std::vector<std::string>(args.begin(), args.end());
} else {
return ExternalCommand::configureAttribute(ctx, name, value);
return true;
// Extracts and stores the bool value of an attribute inside "to" variable.
// Returns true on success and false on error.
bool configureBool(const ConfigureContext& ctx, bool& to, StringRef name, StringRef value) {
if (value != "true" && value != "false") {
ctx.error("invalid value: '" + value + "' for attribute '" +
name + "'");
return false;
to = value == "true";
return true;
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) override {
if (name == "sources") {
sourcesList = std::vector<std::string>(values.begin(), values.end());
} else if (name == "objects") {
objectsList = std::vector<std::string>(values.begin(), values.end());
} else if (name == "import-paths") {
importPaths = std::vector<std::string>(values.begin(), values.end());
} else if (name == "other-args") {
otherArgs = std::vector<std::string>(values.begin(), values.end());
} else {
return ExternalCommand::configureAttribute(ctx, name, values);
return true;
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) override {
return ExternalCommand::configureAttribute(ctx, name, values);
bool writeOutputFileMap(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
StringRef outputFileMapPath,
std::vector<std::string>& depsFiles_out) const {
// FIXME: We need to properly escape everything we write here.
assert(sourcesList.size() == objectsList.size());
SmallString<16> data;
std::error_code ec;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream os(outputFileMapPath, ec,
if (ec) {
"", {},
"unable to create output file map: '" + outputFileMapPath + "'");
return false;
os << "{\n";
// Write the master file dependencies entry.
SmallString<16> masterDepsPath;
llvm::sys::path::append(masterDepsPath, tempsPath, "master.swiftdeps");
os << " \"\": {\n";
if (enableWholeModuleOptimization) {
SmallString<16> depsPath;
llvm::sys::path::append(depsPath, tempsPath, moduleName + ".d");
SmallString<16> object;
llvm::sys::path::append(object, tempsPath, moduleName + ".o");
os << " \"dependencies\": \"" << depsPath << "\",\n";
os << " \"object\": \"" << object << "\",\n";
os << " \"swift-dependencies\": \"" << masterDepsPath << "\"\n";
os << " },\n";
// Write out the entries for each source file.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != sourcesList.size(); ++i) {
auto source = sourcesList[i];
auto object = objectsList[i];
auto sourceStem = llvm::sys::path::stem(source);
SmallString<16> partialModulePath;
llvm::sys::path::append(partialModulePath, tempsPath,
sourceStem + "~partial.swiftmodule");
SmallString<16> swiftDepsPath;
llvm::sys::path::append(swiftDepsPath, tempsPath,
sourceStem + ".swiftdeps");
os << " \"" << source << "\": {\n";
if (!enableWholeModuleOptimization) {
SmallString<16> depsPath;
llvm::sys::path::append(depsPath, tempsPath, sourceStem + ".d");
os << " \"dependencies\": \"" << depsPath << "\",\n";
os << " \"object\": \"" << object << "\",\n";
os << " \"swiftmodule\": \"" << partialModulePath << "\",\n";
os << " \"swift-dependencies\": \"" << swiftDepsPath << "\"\n";
os << " }" << ((i + 1) < sourcesList.size() ? "," : "") << "\n";
os << "}\n";
return true;
bool processDiscoveredDependencies(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task, StringRef depsPath) {
// Read the dependencies file.
auto input = bsci.getDelegate().getFileSystem().getFileContents(depsPath);
if (!input) {
"", {},
"unable to open dependencies file '" + depsPath + "'");
return false;
// Parse the output.
// We just ignore the rule, and add any dependency that we encounter in the
// file.
struct DepsActions : public core::MakefileDepsParser::ParseActions {
BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci;
core::Task* task;
StringRef depsPath;
unsigned numErrors{0};
unsigned ruleNumber{0};
DepsActions(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci, core::Task* task,
StringRef depsPath)
: bsci(bsci), task(task), depsPath(depsPath) {}
virtual void error(const char* message, uint64_t position) override {
"", {},
"error reading dependency file: '" + depsPath + "' (" +
std::string(message) + ")");
virtual void actOnRuleDependency(const char* dependency,
uint64_t length,
const StringRef unescapedWord) override {
// Only process dependencies for the first rule (the output file), the
// rest are identical.
if (ruleNumber == 0) {
task, BuildKey::makeNode(unescapedWord));
virtual void actOnRuleStart(const char* name, uint64_t length,
const StringRef unescapedWord) override {}
virtual void actOnRuleEnd() override {
DepsActions actions(bsci, task, depsPath);
core::MakefileDepsParser(input->getBufferStart(), input->getBufferSize(),
return actions.numErrors == 0;
/// Overridden start to also introduce a dependency on the Swift compiler
/// version.
virtual void start(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task) override {
ExternalCommand::start(bsci, task);
// The Swift compiler version is also an input.
// FIXME: We need to fix the input ID situation, this is not extensible. We
// either have to build a registration of the custom tasks so they can divy
// up the input ID namespace, or we should just use the keys. Probably move
// to just using the keys, unless there is a place where that is really not
// cheap.
auto getVersionKey = BuildKey::makeCustomTask(
"swift-get-version", executable);
bsci.taskNeedsInput(task, getVersionKey,
core::BuildEngine::kMaximumInputID - 1);
/// Overridden to access the Swift compiler version.
virtual void provideValue(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task,
uintptr_t inputID,
const BuildValue& value) override {
// We can ignore the 'swift-get-version' input, it is just used to detect
// that we need to rebuild.
if (inputID == core::BuildEngine::kMaximumInputID - 1) {
ExternalCommand::provideValue(bsci, task, inputID, value);
virtual bool executeExternalCommand(BuildSystemCommandInterface& bsci,
core::Task* task,
QueueJobContext* context) override {
// FIXME: Need to add support for required parameters.
if (sourcesList.empty()) {
bsci.getDelegate().error("", {}, "no configured 'sources'");
return false;
if (objectsList.empty()) {
bsci.getDelegate().error("", {}, "no configured 'objects'");
return false;
if (moduleName.empty()) {
bsci.getDelegate().error("", {}, "no configured 'module-name'");
return false;
if (tempsPath.empty()) {
bsci.getDelegate().error("", {}, "no configured 'temps-path'");
return false;
if (sourcesList.size() != objectsList.size()) {
"", {}, "'sources' and 'objects' are not the same size");
return false;
// Ensure the temporary directory exists.
// We ignore failures here, and just let things that depend on this fail.
// FIXME: This should really be done using an additional implicit input, so
// it only happens once per build.
(void)llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(tempsPath, /*ignoreExisting=*/true);
SmallString<64> outputFileMapPath;
// Form the complete command.
std::vector<StringRef> commandLine;
constructCommandLineArgs(outputFileMapPath, commandLine);
// Write the output file map.
std::vector<std::string> depsFiles;
if (!writeOutputFileMap(bsci, outputFileMapPath, depsFiles))
return false;
// Execute the command.
if (!bsci.getExecutionQueue().executeProcess(context, commandLine)) {
// If the command failed, there is no need to gather dependencies.
return false;
// Load all of the discovered dependencies.
for (const auto& depsPath: depsFiles) {
if (!processDiscoveredDependencies(bsci, task, depsPath))
return false;
return true;
class SwiftCompilerTool : public Tool {
SwiftCompilerTool(StringRef name) : Tool(name) {}
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
StringRef value) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual bool configureAttribute(const ConfigureContext& ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual bool configureAttribute(
const ConfigureContext&ctx, StringRef name,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> values) override {
// No supported attributes.
ctx.error("unexpected attribute: '" + name + "'");
return false;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Command> createCommand(StringRef name) override {
return llvm::make_unique<SwiftCompilerShellCommand>(name);
virtual std::unique_ptr<Command>
createCustomCommand(const BuildKey& key) override {
if (key.getCustomTaskName() == "swift-get-version" ) {
return llvm::make_unique<SwiftGetVersionCommand>(key);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Tool> buildsystem::createSwiftCompilerTool(StringRef name) {
return llvm::make_unique<SwiftCompilerTool>(name);