blob: cbb5a2a8dc0e1a45a73ee5e9e3c76552a64b1570 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ManifestLoader.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llbuild/Ninja/ManifestLoader.h"
#include "llbuild/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llbuild/Ninja/Lexer.h"
#include "llbuild/Ninja/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace llbuild;
using namespace llbuild::ninja;
#pragma mark - ManifestLoaderActions
ManifestLoaderActions::~ManifestLoaderActions() {
#pragma mark - ManifestLoader Implementation
namespace {
/// Manifest loader implementation.
/// For simplicity, we just directly implement the parser actions interface.
class ManifestLoaderImpl: public ParseActions {
struct IncludeEntry {
/// The file that is being processed.
std::string filename;
/// An owning reference to the data consumed by the parser.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> data;
/// The parser for the file.
std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser;
/// The active binding set.
BindingSet& bindings;
IncludeEntry(StringRef filename,
std::unique_ptr<char[]> data,
std::unique_ptr<class Parser> parser,
BindingSet& bindings)
: filename(filename), data(std::move(data)), parser(std::move(parser)),
bindings(bindings) {}
std::string mainFilename;
ManifestLoaderActions& actions;
std::unique_ptr<Manifest> theManifest;
std::vector<IncludeEntry> includeStack;
// Cached buffers for temporary expansion of possibly large strings. These are
// lifted out of the function body to ensure we don't blow up the stack
// unnecesssarily.
SmallString<10 * 1024> buildCommand;
SmallString<10 * 1024> buildDescription;
ManifestLoaderImpl(std::string mainFilename, ManifestLoaderActions& actions)
: mainFilename(mainFilename), actions(actions), theManifest(nullptr)
std::unique_ptr<Manifest> load() {
// Create the manifest.
theManifest.reset(new Manifest);
// Enter the main file.
if (!enterFile(mainFilename, theManifest->getBindings()))
return nullptr;
// Run the parser.
assert(includeStack.size() == 1);
assert(includeStack.size() == 0);
return std::move(theManifest);
bool enterFile(const std::string& filename, BindingSet& bindings,
const Token* forToken = nullptr) {
// Load the file data.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> data;
uint64_t length;
std::string fromFilename = includeStack.empty() ? filename :
if (!actions.readFileContents(fromFilename, filename, forToken, &data,
return false;
// Push a new entry onto the include stack.
auto fileParser = llvm::make_unique<Parser>(data.get(), length, *this);
includeStack.push_back(IncludeEntry(filename, std::move(data),
return true;
void exitCurrentFile() {
ManifestLoaderActions& getActions() { return actions; }
Parser* getCurrentParser() const {
return includeStack.back().parser.get();
const std::string& getCurrentFilename() const {
return includeStack.back().filename;
BindingSet& getCurrentBindings() const {
return includeStack.back().bindings;
void evalString(void* userContext, StringRef string, raw_ostream& result,
std::function<void(void*, StringRef, raw_ostream&)> lookup,
std::function<void(const std::string&)> error) {
// Scan the string for escape sequences or variable references, accumulating
// output pieces as we go.
const char* pos = string.begin();
const char* end = string.end();
while (pos != end) {
// Find the next '$'.
const char* pieceStart = pos;
for (; pos != end; ++pos) {
if (*pos == '$')
// Add the current piece, if non-empty.
if (pos != pieceStart)
result << StringRef(pieceStart, pos - pieceStart);
// If we are at the end, we are done.
if (pos == end)
// Otherwise, we have a '$' character to handle.
if (pos == end) {
error("invalid '$'-escape at end of string");
// If this is a newline continuation, skip it and all leading space.
int c = *pos;
if (c == '\n') {
while (pos != end && isspace(*pos))
// If this is single character escape, honor it.
if (c == ' ' || c == ':' || c == '$') {
result << char(c);
// If this is a braced variable reference, expand it.
if (c == '{') {
// Scan until the end of the reference, checking validity of the
// identifier name as we go.
const char* varStart = pos;
bool isValid = true;
while (true) {
// If we reached the end of the string, this is an error.
if (pos == end) {
"invalid variable reference in string (missing trailing '}')");
// If we found the end of the reference, resolve it.
int c = *pos;
if (c == '}') {
// If this identifier isn't valid, emit an error.
if (!isValid) {
error("invalid variable name in reference");
} else {
lookup(userContext, StringRef(varStart, pos - varStart),
// Track whether this is a valid identifier.
if (!Lexer::isIdentifierChar(c))
isValid = false;
// If this is a simple variable reference, expand it.
if (Lexer::isSimpleIdentifierChar(c)) {
const char* varStart = pos;
// Scan until the end of the simple identifier.
while (pos != end && Lexer::isSimpleIdentifierChar(*pos))
lookup(userContext, StringRef(varStart, pos-varStart), result);
// Otherwise, we have an invalid '$' escape.
error("invalid '$'-escape (literal '$' should be written as '$$')");
/// Given a string template token, evaluate it against the given \arg Bindings
/// and return the resulting string.
void evalString(const Token& value, const BindingSet& bindings,
SmallVectorImpl<char>& storage) {
assert(value.tokenKind == Token::Kind::String && "invalid token kind");
llvm::raw_svector_ostream result(storage);
evalString(nullptr, StringRef(value.start, value.length), result,
/*Lookup=*/ [&](void*, StringRef name, raw_ostream& result) {
result << bindings.lookup(name);
/*Error=*/ [this, &value](const std::string& msg) {
error(msg, value);
/// @name Parse Actions Interfaces
/// @{
virtual void initialize(ninja::Parser* parser) override { }
virtual void error(std::string message, const Token& at) override {
actions.error(getCurrentFilename(), message, at);
virtual void actOnBeginManifest(std::string name) override { }
virtual void actOnEndManifest() override {
virtual void actOnBindingDecl(const Token& nameTok,
const Token& valueTok) override {
// Extract the name string.
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// Evaluate the value string with the current top-level bindings.
SmallString<256> value;
evalString(valueTok, getCurrentBindings(), value);
getCurrentBindings().insert(name, value.str());
virtual void actOnDefaultDecl(ArrayRef<Token> nameToks) override {
// Resolve all of the inputs and outputs.
for (const auto& nameTok: nameToks) {
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
auto it = theManifest->getNodes().find(name);
if (it == theManifest->getNodes().end()) {
error("unknown target name", nameTok);
virtual void actOnIncludeDecl(bool isInclude,
const Token& pathTok) override {
SmallString<256> path;
evalString(pathTok, getCurrentBindings(), path);
// Enter the new file, with a new binding scope if this is a "subninja"
// decl.
if (isInclude) {
if (enterFile(path.str(), getCurrentBindings(), &pathTok)) {
// Run the parser for the included file.
} else {
// Establish a local binding set and use that to contain the bindings for
// the subninja.
BindingSet subninjaBindings(&getCurrentBindings());
if (enterFile(path.str(), subninjaBindings, &pathTok)) {
// Run the parser for the included file.
virtual BuildResult
actOnBeginBuildDecl(const Token& nameTok,
ArrayRef<Token> outputTokens,
ArrayRef<Token> inputTokens,
unsigned numExplicitInputs,
unsigned numImplicitInputs) override {
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// Resolve the rule.
auto it = theManifest->getRules().find(name);
Rule* rule;
if (it == theManifest->getRules().end()) {
error("unknown rule", nameTok);
// Ensure we always have a rule for each command.
rule = theManifest->getPhonyRule();
} else {
rule = it->second;
// Resolve all of the inputs and outputs.
SmallVector<Node*, 8> outputs;
SmallVector<Node*, 8> inputs;
for (const auto& token: outputTokens) {
// Evaluate the token string.
SmallString<256> path;
evalString(token, getCurrentBindings(), path);
if (path.empty()) {
error("empty output path", token);
for (const auto& token: inputTokens) {
// Evaluate the token string.
SmallString<256> path;
evalString(token, getCurrentBindings(), path);
if (path.empty()) {
error("empty input path", token);
Command* decl = new (theManifest->getAllocator())
Command(rule, outputs, inputs, numExplicitInputs, numImplicitInputs);
return decl;
virtual void actOnBuildBindingDecl(BuildResult abstractDecl,
const Token& nameTok,
const Token& valueTok) override {
Command* decl = static_cast<Command*>(abstractDecl);
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// FIXME: It probably should be an error to assign to the same parameter
// multiple times, but Ninja doesn't diagnose this.
// The value in a build decl is always evaluated immediately, but only in
// the context of the top-level bindings.
SmallString<256> value;
evalString(valueTok, getCurrentBindings(), value);
decl->getParameters()[name] = value.str();
struct LookupContext {
ManifestLoaderImpl& loader;
Command* decl;
const Token& startTok;
static void lookupBuildParameter(void* userContext, StringRef name,
raw_ostream& result) {
LookupContext* context = static_cast<LookupContext*>(userContext);
context->loader.lookupBuildParameterImpl(context, name, result);
void lookupBuildParameterImpl(LookupContext* context, StringRef name,
raw_ostream& result) {
auto decl = context->decl;
// FIXME: Mange recursive lookup? Ninja crashes on it.
// Support "in" and "out".
if (name == "in") {
for (unsigned i = 0, ie = decl->getNumExplicitInputs(); i != ie; ++i) {
if (i != 0)
result << " ";
result << decl->getInputs()[i]->getPath();
} else if (name == "out") {
for (unsigned i = 0, ie = decl->getOutputs().size(); i != ie; ++i) {
if (i != 0)
result << " ";
result << decl->getOutputs()[i]->getPath();
auto it = decl->getParameters().find(name);
if (it != decl->getParameters().end()) {
result << it->second;
auto it2 = decl->getRule()->getParameters().find(name);
if (it2 != decl->getRule()->getParameters().end()) {
evalString(context, it2->second, result, lookupBuildParameter,
/*Error=*/ [&](const std::string& msg) {
error(msg + " during evaluation of '" + name.str() + "'",
result << context->loader.getCurrentBindings().lookup(name);
StringRef lookupNamedBuildParameter(Command* decl, const Token& startTok,
StringRef name,
SmallVectorImpl<char>& storage) {
LookupContext context{ *this, decl, startTok };
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(storage);
lookupBuildParameter(&context, name, os);
return os.str();
virtual void actOnEndBuildDecl(BuildResult abstractDecl,
const Token& startTok) override {
Command* decl = static_cast<Command*>(abstractDecl);
// Resolve the build decl parameters by evaluating in the context of the
// rule and parameter overrides.
// FIXME: Eventually, we should evaluate whether it would be more efficient
// to lazily bind all of these by only storing the parameters for the
// commands. This would let us delay the computation of all of the "command"
// strings until right before the command is run, which would then be
// parallelized and could also be more memory efficient. However, that would
// also requires us to expose more of the string evaluation machinery, as
// well as ensure that the recursive binding sets used by "subninja" decls
// are properly stored.
// FIXME: There is no need to store the parameters in the build decl anymore
// once this is all complete.
// Evaluate the build parameters.
decl, startTok, "command", buildCommand));
decl, startTok, "description", buildDescription));
// Set the dependency style.
SmallString<256> deps;
lookupNamedBuildParameter(decl, startTok, "deps", deps);
SmallString<256> depfile;
lookupNamedBuildParameter(decl, startTok, "depfile", depfile);
Command::DepsStyleKind depsStyle = Command::DepsStyleKind::None;
if (deps.str() == "") {
if (!depfile.empty())
depsStyle = Command::DepsStyleKind::GCC;
} else if (deps.str() == "gcc") {
depsStyle = Command::DepsStyleKind::GCC;
} else if (deps.str() == "msvc") {
depsStyle = Command::DepsStyleKind::MSVC;
} else {
error("invalid 'deps' style '" + deps.str().str() + "'", startTok);
if (!depfile.str().empty()) {
if (depsStyle != Command::DepsStyleKind::GCC) {
error("invalid 'depfile' attribute with selected 'deps' style",
} else {
} else {
if (depsStyle == Command::DepsStyleKind::GCC) {
error("missing 'depfile' attribute with selected 'deps' style",
SmallString<256> poolName;
lookupNamedBuildParameter(decl, startTok, "pool", poolName);
if (!poolName.empty()) {
const auto& it = theManifest->getPools().find(poolName.str());
if (it == theManifest->getPools().end()) {
error("unknown pool '" + poolName.str().str() + "'", startTok);
} else {
SmallString<256> generator;
lookupNamedBuildParameter(decl, startTok, "generator", generator);
SmallString<256> restat;
lookupNamedBuildParameter(decl, startTok, "restat", restat);
// FIXME: Handle rspfile attributes.
virtual PoolResult actOnBeginPoolDecl(const Token& nameTok) override {
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// Find the hash slot.
auto& result = theManifest->getPools()[name];
// Diagnose if the pool already exists (we still create a new one).
if (result) {
// The pool already exists.
error("duplicate pool", nameTok);
// Insert the new pool.
Pool* decl = new (theManifest->getAllocator()) Pool(name);
result = decl;
return static_cast<PoolResult>(decl);
virtual void actOnPoolBindingDecl(PoolResult abstractDecl,
const Token& nameTok,
const Token& valueTok) override {
Pool* decl = static_cast<Pool*>(abstractDecl);
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// Evaluate the value string with the current top-level bindings.
SmallString<256> value;
evalString(valueTok, getCurrentBindings(), value);
if (name == "depth") {
long intValue;
if (value.str().getAsInteger(10, intValue) || intValue <= 0) {
error("invalid depth", valueTok);
} else {
} else {
error("unexpected variable", nameTok);
virtual void actOnEndPoolDecl(PoolResult abstractDecl,
const Token& startTok) override {
Pool* decl = static_cast<Pool*>(abstractDecl);
// It is an error to not specify the pool depth.
if (decl->getDepth() == 0) {
error("missing 'depth' variable assignment", startTok);
virtual RuleResult actOnBeginRuleDecl(const Token& nameTok) override {
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// Find the hash slot.
auto& result = theManifest->getRules()[name];
// Diagnose if the rule already exists (we still create a new one).
if (result) {
// The rule already exists.
error("duplicate rule", nameTok);
// Insert the new rule.
Rule* decl = new (theManifest->getAllocator()) Rule(name);
result = decl;
return static_cast<RuleResult>(decl);
virtual void actOnRuleBindingDecl(RuleResult abstractDecl,
const Token& nameTok,
const Token& valueTok) override {
Rule* decl = static_cast<Rule*>(abstractDecl);
StringRef name(nameTok.start, nameTok.length);
// FIXME: It probably should be an error to assign to the same parameter
// multiple times, but Ninja doesn't diagnose this.
if (Rule::isValidParameterName(name)) {
decl->getParameters()[name] = StringRef(valueTok.start, valueTok.length);
} else {
error("unexpected variable", nameTok);
virtual void actOnEndRuleDecl(RuleResult abstractDecl,
const Token& startTok) override {
Rule* decl = static_cast<Rule*>(abstractDecl);
if (!decl->getParameters().count("command")) {
error("missing 'command' variable assignment", startTok);
/// @}
#pragma mark - ManifestLoader
ManifestLoader::ManifestLoader(std::string filename,
ManifestLoaderActions &actions)
: impl(static_cast<void*>(new ManifestLoaderImpl(filename, actions)))
ManifestLoader::~ManifestLoader() {
delete static_cast<ManifestLoaderImpl*>(impl);
std::unique_ptr<Manifest> ManifestLoader::load() {
// Initialize the actions.
return static_cast<ManifestLoaderImpl*>(impl)->load();
const Parser* ManifestLoader::getCurrentParser() const {
return static_cast<const ManifestLoaderImpl*>(impl)->getCurrentParser();