blob: 9d8ce2aaf70b6ecb5aa65992b229bcf10250ed0f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- BuildEngine.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llbuild/Core/BuildEngine.h"
#include "llbuild/Core/BuildDB.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "BuildEngineTrace.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using namespace llbuild;
using namespace llbuild::core;
Task::~Task() {}
BuildEngineDelegate::~BuildEngineDelegate() {}
#pragma mark - BuildEngine implementation
namespace {
class BuildEngineImpl {
struct RuleInfo;
struct TaskInfo;
/// Reserved input IDs.
enum: uintptr_t {
kMustFollowInputID = ~(uintptr_t)0
BuildEngine& buildEngine;
BuildEngineDelegate& delegate;
/// The build database, if attached.
std::unique_ptr<BuildDB> db;
/// The tracing implementation, if enabled.
std::unique_ptr<BuildEngineTrace> trace;
/// The current build iteration, used to sequentially timestamp build results.
uint64_t currentTimestamp = 0;
/// The queue of input requests to process.
struct TaskInputRequest {
/// The task making the request.
TaskInfo* taskInfo;
/// The rule for the input which was requested.
RuleInfo* inputRuleInfo;
/// The task provided input ID, for its own use in identifying the input.
uintptr_t inputID;
std::vector<TaskInputRequest> inputRequests;
/// The queue of rules being scanned.
struct RuleScanRequest {
/// The rule making the request.
RuleInfo* ruleInfo;
/// The input index being considered.
unsigned inputIndex;
/// The input being considered, if already looked up.
/// This is used when a scan request is deferred waiting on its input to be
/// scanned, to avoid a redundant hash lookup.
struct RuleInfo* inputRuleInfo;
std::vector<RuleScanRequest> ruleInfosToScan;
struct RuleScanRecord {
/// The vector of paused input requests, waiting for the dependency scan on
/// this rule to complete.
std::vector<TaskInputRequest> pausedInputRequests;
/// The vector of deferred scan requests, for rules which are waiting on
/// this one to be scanned.
std::vector<RuleScanRequest> deferredScanRequests;
/// Wrapper for information specific to a single rule.
struct RuleInfo {
enum class StateKind {
/// The initial rule state.
Incomplete = 0,
/// The rule is being scanned to determine if it needs to run.
/// The rule needs to run, but has not yet been started.
/// The rule does not need to run, but has not yet been marked as
/// complete.
/// The rule is in progress, but is waiting on additional inputs.
/// The rule is in progress, and is computing its result.
/// The rule is complete, with an available result.
/// Note that as an optimization, when the build timestamp is incremented
/// we do not immediately reset the state, rather we do it lazily as part
/// of \see demandRule() in conjunction with the Result::builtAt field.
RuleInfo(Rule&& rule) : rule(rule) {}
Rule rule;
/// The state dependent record for in-progress information.
union {
RuleScanRecord* pendingScanRecord;
TaskInfo* pendingTaskInfo;
} inProgressInfo = { nullptr };
/// The most recent rule result.
Result result = {};
/// The current state of the rule.
StateKind state = StateKind::Incomplete;
bool isScanning() const {
return state == StateKind::IsScanning;
bool isScanned(const BuildEngineImpl* engine) const {
// If the rule is marked as complete, just check that state.
if (state == StateKind::Complete)
return isComplete(engine);
// Otherwise, the rule is scanned if it has passed the scanning state.
return int(state) > int(StateKind::IsScanning);
bool isInProgressWaiting() const {
return state == StateKind::InProgressWaiting;
bool isInProgressComputing() const {
return state == StateKind::InProgressComputing;
bool isInProgress() const {
return isInProgressWaiting() || isInProgressComputing();
bool isComplete(const BuildEngineImpl* engine) const {
return state == StateKind::Complete &&
result.builtAt == engine->getCurrentTimestamp();
void setComplete(const BuildEngineImpl* engine) {
state = StateKind::Complete;
// Note we do not push this change to the database. This is essentially a
// mark we maintain to allow a lazy transition to Incomplete when the
// timestamp is incremented.
// FIXME: This is a bit dubious, and wouldn't work anymore if we moved the
// Result to being totally managed by the database. However, it is just a
// matter of keeping an extra timestamp outside the Result to fix.
result.builtAt = engine->getCurrentTimestamp();
RuleScanRecord* getPendingScanRecord() {
return inProgressInfo.pendingScanRecord;
const RuleScanRecord* getPendingScanRecord() const {
return inProgressInfo.pendingScanRecord;
void setPendingScanRecord(RuleScanRecord* value) {
inProgressInfo.pendingScanRecord = value;
TaskInfo* getPendingTaskInfo() {
return inProgressInfo.pendingTaskInfo;
const TaskInfo* getPendingTaskInfo() const {
return inProgressInfo.pendingTaskInfo;
void setPendingTaskInfo(TaskInfo* value) {
inProgressInfo.pendingTaskInfo = value;
// The map of registered rules.
// NOTE: We currently rely on the unordered_map behavior that ensures that
// references to elements are not invalidated by insertion. We will need to
// move to an alternate allocation strategy if we switch to DenseMap style
// table.
std::unordered_map<KeyType, RuleInfo> ruleInfos;
/// Information tracked for executing tasks.
// FIXME: Keeping this in a side table is very inefficient, we always have to
// look it up. It might make much more sense to require the Task to have a
// private field available for our use to store this.
struct TaskInfo {
TaskInfo(Task* task) : task(task) {}
std::unique_ptr<Task> task;
/// The list of input requests that are waiting on this task, which will be
/// fulfilled once the task is complete.
// FIXME: Note that this structure is redundant here, as
// (TaskInputRequest::InputTaskInfo == this) for all items, but we reuse the
// existing structure for simplicity.
std::vector<TaskInputRequest> requestedBy;
/// The vector of deferred scan requests, for rules which are waiting on
/// this one to be scanned.
// FIXME: As above, this structure has redundancy in it.
std::vector<RuleScanRequest> deferredScanRequests;
/// The rule that this task is computing.
RuleInfo* forRuleInfo = nullptr;
/// The number of outstanding inputs that this task is waiting on to be
/// provided.
unsigned waitCount = 0;
/// The list of discovered dependencies found during execution of the task.
std::vector<KeyType> discoveredDependencies;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void dump() const {
"<TaskInfo:%p: task:%p, for-rule:\"%s\", wait-count:%d>\n",
this, task.get(),
forRuleInfo ? forRuleInfo->rule.key.c_str() : "(null)",
for (const auto& request: requestedBy) {
fprintf(stderr, " requested by: %s\n",
/// The tracked information for executing tasks.
/// Access to this must be protected via \see taskInfosMutex.
std::unordered_map<Task*, TaskInfo> taskInfos;
/// The mutex that protects the task info map.
std::mutex taskInfosMutex;
/// The queue of tasks ready to be finalized.
std::vector<TaskInfo*> readyTaskInfos;
/// The number of tasks which have been readied but not yet finished.
unsigned numOutstandingUnfinishedTasks = 0;
/// The queue of tasks which are complete, accesses to this member variable
/// must be protected via \see finishedTaskInfosMutex.
std::vector<TaskInfo*> finishedTaskInfos;
/// The mutex that protects finished task infos.
std::mutex finishedTaskInfosMutex;
/// This variable is used to signal when additional work is added to the
/// FinishedTaskInfos queue, which the engine may need to wait on.
std::condition_variable finishedTaskInfosCondition;
/// @name RuleScanRecord Allocation
/// The execution of a single build may use a substantial amount of
/// additional memory in recording the bookkeeping information used to do
/// dependency scanning. While we could keep this information adjacent to
/// every \see RuleInfo, that adds up to a substantial chunk of memory which
/// is wasted except during dependency scanning.
/// Instead, we allocate \see RuleScanRecord objects for each rule only as it
/// is being scanned, and use a custom allocator for the objects to try and
/// make this efficient. Currently we use a bounded free-list backed by a slab
/// allocator.
/// Note that this still has a fairly large impact on dependency scanning
/// performance, in the worst case a deep linear graph takes ~50% longer to
/// scan, but it also provides an overall 15-20% memory savings on resident
/// engine size.
/// @{
// FIXME: This should be abstracted into a helper class.
/// A free-list of RuleScanRecord objects.
std::vector<RuleScanRecord*> freeRuleScanRecords;
/// The maximum number of free-list items to keep.
const size_t maximumFreeRuleScanRecords = 8096;
/// The list of blocks (of size \see NumScanRecordsPerBlock) we have
/// allocated.
std::vector<RuleScanRecord*> ruleScanRecordBlocks;
/// The number of records to allocate per block.
const size_t numScanRecordsPerBlock = 4096;
/// The buffer positions of the current block.
RuleScanRecord* currentBlockPos = nullptr, * currentBlockEnd = nullptr;
RuleScanRecord* newRuleScanRecord() {
// If we have an item on the free list, return it.
if (!freeRuleScanRecords.empty()) {
auto result = freeRuleScanRecords.back();
return result;
// If we are at the end of a block, allocate a new one.
if (currentBlockPos == currentBlockEnd) {
currentBlockPos = new RuleScanRecord[numScanRecordsPerBlock];
currentBlockEnd = currentBlockPos + numScanRecordsPerBlock;
return currentBlockPos++;
void freeRuleScanRecord(RuleScanRecord* scanRecord) {
if (freeRuleScanRecords.size() < maximumFreeRuleScanRecords) {
/// @}
/// @name Build Execution
/// @{
/// Request the scanning of the given rule to determine if it needs to run in
/// the current environment.
/// \returns True if the rule is already scanned, otherwise the rule will be
/// enqueued for processing.
bool scanRule(RuleInfo& ruleInfo) {
// If the rule is already scanned, we are done.
if (ruleInfo.isScanned(this))
return true;
// If the rule is being scanned, we don't need to do anything.
if (ruleInfo.isScanning())
return false;
// Otherwise, start scanning the rule.
if (trace)
// Report the status change.
if (ruleInfo.rule.updateStatus)
ruleInfo.rule.updateStatus(buildEngine, Rule::StatusKind::IsScanning);
// If the rule has never been run, it needs to run.
if (ruleInfo.result.builtAt == 0) {
if (trace)
ruleInfo.state = RuleInfo::StateKind::NeedsToRun;
return true;
// If the rule indicates its computed value is out of date, it needs to run.
// FIXME: We should probably try and move this so that it can be done by
// clients in the background, either by us backgrounding it, or by using a
// completion model as we do for inputs.
if (ruleInfo.rule.isResultValid &&
!ruleInfo.rule.isResultValid(buildEngine, ruleInfo.rule,
ruleInfo.result.value)) {
if (trace)
ruleInfo.state = RuleInfo::StateKind::NeedsToRun;
return true;
// If the rule has no dependencies, then it is ready to run.
if (ruleInfo.result.dependencies.empty()) {
if (trace)
ruleInfo.state = RuleInfo::StateKind::DoesNotNeedToRun;
return true;
// Otherwise, we need to do a recursive scan of the inputs so enqueue this
// rule for scanning.
// We could also take an approach where we enqueue each of the individual
// inputs, but in my experiments with that approach it has always performed
// significantly worse.
if (trace)
ruleInfo.state = RuleInfo::StateKind::IsScanning;
ruleInfosToScan.push_back({ &ruleInfo, /*InputIndex=*/0, nullptr });
return false;
/// Request the construction of the key specified by the given rule.
/// \returns True if the rule is already available, otherwise the rule will be
/// enqueued for processing.
bool demandRule(RuleInfo& ruleInfo) {
// The rule must have already been scanned.
// If the rule is complete, we are done.
if (ruleInfo.isComplete(this))
return true;
// If the rule is in progress, we don't need to do anything.
if (ruleInfo.isInProgress())
return false;
// If the rule isn't marked complete, but doesn't need to actually run, then
// just update it.
if (ruleInfo.state == RuleInfo::StateKind::DoesNotNeedToRun) {
// Report the status change.
if (ruleInfo.rule.updateStatus)
ruleInfo.rule.updateStatus(buildEngine, Rule::StatusKind::IsUpToDate);
return true;
// Otherwise, we actually need to initiate the processing of this rule.
assert(ruleInfo.state == RuleInfo::StateKind::NeedsToRun);
// Create the task for this rule.
Task* task = ruleInfo.rule.action(buildEngine);
// Find the task info for this task.
auto taskInfo = getTaskInfo(task);
assert(taskInfo && "rule action returned an unregistered task");
taskInfo->forRuleInfo = &ruleInfo;
if (trace)
trace->createdTaskForRule(taskInfo->task.get(), &ruleInfo.rule);
// Transition the rule state.
ruleInfo.state = RuleInfo::StateKind::InProgressWaiting;
// Reset the Rule Dependencies, which we just append to during processing,
// but we reset the others to ensure no one ever inadvertently uses them
// during an invalid state.
// Inform the task it should start.
// Provide the task the prior result, if present.
// FIXME: This should perhaps just be lumped in with the start call? Or
// alternately, maybe there should just be an API call to fetch this, and
// the clients that want it can ask? It's cheap to provide here, so
// ultimately this is mostly a matter of cleanliness.
if (ruleInfo.result.builtAt != 0) {
task->providePriorValue(buildEngine, ruleInfo.result.value);
// If this task has no waiters, schedule it immediately for finalization.
if (!taskInfo->waitCount) {
return false;
/// Process an individual scan request.
/// This will process all of the inputs required by the requesting rule, in
/// order, unless the scan needs to be deferred waiting for an input.
void processRuleScanRequest(RuleScanRequest request) {
auto& ruleInfo = *request.ruleInfo;
// Process each of the remaining inputs.
do {
// Look up the input rule info, if not yet cached.
if (!request.inputRuleInfo) {
const auto& inputKey = ruleInfo.result.dependencies[request.inputIndex];
request.inputRuleInfo = &getRuleInfoForKey(inputKey);
auto& inputRuleInfo = *request.inputRuleInfo;
// Scan the input.
bool isScanned = scanRule(inputRuleInfo);
// If the input isn't scanned yet, enqueue this input scan request.
if (!isScanned) {
if (trace)
if (trace)
trace->ruleScanningNextInput(&ruleInfo.rule, &inputRuleInfo.rule);
// Demand the input.
bool isAvailable = demandRule(inputRuleInfo);
// If the input isn't already available, enqueue this scan request on the
// input.
// FIXME: We need to continue scanning the rest of the inputs to ensure we
// are not delaying necessary work. See <rdar://problem/20248283>.
if (!isAvailable) {
if (trace)
&ruleInfo.rule, inputRuleInfo.getPendingTaskInfo()->task.get());
// If the input has been computed since the last time this rule was
// built, it needs to run.
if (ruleInfo.result.builtAt < inputRuleInfo.result.computedAt) {
if (trace)
&ruleInfo.rule, &inputRuleInfo.rule);
finishScanRequest(ruleInfo, RuleInfo::StateKind::NeedsToRun);
// Otherwise, increment the scan index.
request.inputRuleInfo = nullptr;
} while (request.inputIndex != ruleInfo.result.dependencies.size());
// If we reached the end of the inputs, the rule does not need to run.
if (trace)
finishScanRequest(ruleInfo, RuleInfo::StateKind::DoesNotNeedToRun);
void finishScanRequest(RuleInfo& inputRuleInfo,
RuleInfo::StateKind newState) {
auto scanRecord = inputRuleInfo.getPendingScanRecord();
// Wake up all of the pending scan requests.
for (const auto& request: scanRecord->deferredScanRequests) {
// Wake up all of the input requests on this rule.
for (const auto& request: scanRecord->pausedInputRequests) {
// Update the rule state.
inputRuleInfo.state = newState;
/// Decrement the task's wait count, and move it to the ready queue if
/// necessary.
void decrementTaskWaitCount(TaskInfo* taskInfo) {
if (trace)
trace->updatedTaskWaitCount(taskInfo->task.get(), taskInfo->waitCount);
if (taskInfo->waitCount == 0) {
if (trace)
/// Execute all of the work pending in the engine queues until they are empty.
/// \param buildKey The key to build.
/// \returns True on success, false if the build could not be completed; the
/// latter only occurs when the build contains a cycle currently.
bool executeTasks(const KeyType& buildKey) {
std::vector<TaskInputRequest> finishedInputRequests;
// Push a dummy input request for the rule to build.
inputRequests.push_back({ nullptr, &getRuleInfoForKey(buildKey) });
// Process requests as long as we have work to do.
while (true) {
bool didWork = false;
// Process all of the pending rule scan requests.
// FIXME: We don't want to process all of these requests, this amounts to
// doing all of the dependency scanning up-front.
while (!ruleInfosToScan.empty()) {
didWork = true;
auto request = ruleInfosToScan.back();
// Process all of the pending input requests.
while (!inputRequests.empty()) {
didWork = true;
auto request = inputRequests.back();
if (trace) {
if (request.taskInfo) {
} else {
// Request the input rule be scanned.
bool isScanned = scanRule(*request.inputRuleInfo);
// If the rule is not yet scanned, suspend this input request.
if (!isScanned) {
if (trace)
// Request the input rule be computed.
bool isAvailable = demandRule(*request.inputRuleInfo);
// If this is a dummy input request, we are done.
if (!request.taskInfo)
// If the rule is already available, enqueue the finalize request.
if (isAvailable) {
if (trace)
} else {
// Otherwise, record the pending input request.
if (trace)
// Process all of the finished inputs.
while (!finishedInputRequests.empty()) {
didWork = true;
auto request = finishedInputRequests.back();
if (trace)
// If this is a must follow input, we simply decrement the task wait
// count.
// This works because must follow inputs do not need to be recorded or
// scanned -- they are only relevant if the task is executing, in which
// case it is responsible for having supplied the request.
if (request.inputID == kMustFollowInputID) {
// Otherwise, we are processing a regular input dependency.
// Update the recorded dependencies of this task.
// FIXME: This is very performance critical and should be highly
// optimized. By itself, this addition added about 25% user time to the
// "ack 3 16" experiment.
// FIXME: Think about where the best place to record this is. Our
// options are:
// * Record at the time it is requested.
// * Record at the time it is popped off the input request queue.
// * Record at the time the input is supplied (here).
// Provide the requesting task with the input.
// FIXME: Should we provide the input key here? We have it available
// cheaply.
buildEngine, request.inputID, request.inputRuleInfo->result.value);
// Decrement the wait count, and move to finish queue if necessary.
// Process all of the ready to run tasks.
while (!readyTaskInfos.empty()) {
didWork = true;
TaskInfo* taskInfo = readyTaskInfos.back();
RuleInfo* ruleInfo = taskInfo->forRuleInfo;
assert(taskInfo == ruleInfo->getPendingTaskInfo());
if (trace)
trace->readiedTask(taskInfo->task.get(), &ruleInfo->rule);
// Transition the rule state.
ruleInfo->state = RuleInfo::StateKind::InProgressComputing;
// Inform the task its inputs are ready and it should finish.
// FIXME: We need to track this state, and generate an error if this
// task ever requests additional inputs.
// Increment our count of outstanding tasks.
// Process all of the finished tasks.
while (true) {
// Try to take a task from the finished queue.
TaskInfo* taskInfo = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(finishedTaskInfosMutex);
if (!finishedTaskInfos.empty()) {
taskInfo = finishedTaskInfos.back();
if (!taskInfo)
didWork = true;
RuleInfo* ruleInfo = taskInfo->forRuleInfo;
assert(taskInfo == ruleInfo->getPendingTaskInfo());
// The task was changed if was computed in the current iteration.
if (trace) {
bool wasChanged = ruleInfo->result.computedAt == currentTimestamp;
trace->finishedTask(taskInfo->task.get(), &ruleInfo->rule,
// Transition the rule state by completing the rule (the value itself is
// stored in the taskIsFinished call).
assert(ruleInfo->state == RuleInfo::StateKind::InProgressComputing);
// Report the status change.
if (ruleInfo->rule.updateStatus)
// Add all of the task's discovered dependencies.
// FIXME: We could audit these dependencies at this point to verify that
// they are not keys for rules which have not been run, which would
// indicate an underspecified build (e.g., a generated header).
// Push back dummy input requests for any discovered dependencies, which
// must be at least built in order to be brought up-to-date.
// FIXME: The need to do this makes it questionable that we use this
// approach for discovered dependencies instead of just providing
// support for taskNeedsInput() even after the task has started
// computing and from parallel contexts.
for (const auto& inputKey: taskInfo->discoveredDependencies) {
inputRequests.push_back({ nullptr, &getRuleInfoForKey(inputKey) });
// Update the database record, if attached.
if (db) {
std::string error;
bool result = db->setRuleResult(ruleInfo->rule, ruleInfo->result, &error);
if (!result) {
return false;
// Wake up all of the pending scan requests.
for (const auto& request: taskInfo->deferredScanRequests) {
// Push all pending input requests onto the work queue.
if (trace) {
for (auto& request: taskInfo->requestedBy) {
// Decrement our count of outstanding tasks.
// Delete the pending task.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(taskInfosMutex);
auto it = taskInfos.find(taskInfo->task.get());
assert(it != taskInfos.end());
// If we haven't done any other work at this point but we have pending
// tasks, we need to wait for a task to complete.
if (!didWork && numOutstandingUnfinishedTasks != 0) {
// Wait for our condition variable.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(finishedTaskInfosMutex);
// Ensure we still don't have enqueued operations under the protection
// of the mutex, if one has been added then we may have already missed
// the condition notification and cannot safely wait.
if (finishedTaskInfos.empty()) {
didWork = true;
// If we didn't do any work, we are done.
if (!didWork)
// If there was no work to do, but we still have running tasks, then
// we have found a cycle and are deadlocked.
if (!taskInfos.empty()) {
return false;
return true;
/// Report the cycle which has called the engine to be unable to make forward
/// progress.
/// \param buildKey The key which was requested to build (the reported cycle
/// with start with this node).
void reportCycle(const KeyType& buildKey) {
// Take all available locks, to ensure we dump a consistent state.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard1(taskInfosMutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard2(finishedTaskInfosMutex);
// Gather all of the successor relationships.
std::unordered_map<Rule*, std::vector<Rule*>> successorGraph;
std::vector<const RuleScanRecord *> activeRuleScanRecords;
for (const auto& it: taskInfos) {
const TaskInfo& taskInfo = it.second;
std::vector<Rule*> successors;
for (const auto& request: taskInfo.requestedBy) {
for (const auto& request: taskInfo.deferredScanRequests) {
// Add the sucessor for the deferred relationship itself.
successorGraph.insert({ &taskInfo.forRuleInfo->rule, successors });
// Add the pending scan records for every rule.
// NOTE: There is a very subtle condition around this versus adding the ones
// accessible via the tasks, see
// Unfortunately, we do not have a test case for this!
for (const auto& it: ruleInfos) {
const RuleInfo& ruleInfo = it.second;
if (ruleInfo.isScanning()) {
const auto* scanRecord = ruleInfo.getPendingScanRecord();
// Gather dependencies from all of the active scan records.
std::unordered_set<const RuleScanRecord*> visitedRuleScanRecords;
while (!activeRuleScanRecords.empty()) {
const auto* record = activeRuleScanRecords.back();
// Mark the record and ignore it if not scanned.
if (!visitedRuleScanRecords.insert(record).second)
// For each paused request, add the dependency.
for (const auto& request: record->pausedInputRequests) {
if (request.taskInfo) {
// Process the deferred scan requests.
for (const auto& request: record->deferredScanRequests) {
// Add the sucessor for the deferred relationship itself.
// Add the active rule scan record which needs to be traversed.
// Invert the graph, so we can search from the root.
std::unordered_map<Rule*, std::vector<Rule*>> predecessorGraph;
for (auto& entry: successorGraph) {
Rule* node = entry.first;
for (auto& succ: entry.second) {
// Normalize predecessor order, to ensure a deterministic result (at least,
// if the graph reaches the same cycle).
for (auto& entry: predecessorGraph) {
std::sort(entry.second.begin(), entry.second.end(), [](Rule* a, Rule* b) {
return a->key < b->key;
// Find the cycle by searching from the entry node.
struct WorkItem {
WorkItem(Rule * node) { this->node = node; }
Rule* node;
unsigned predecessorIndex = 0;
std::vector<Rule*> cycleList;
std::unordered_set<Rule*> cycleItems;
std::vector<WorkItem> stack{
WorkItem{ &getRuleInfoForKey(buildKey).rule } };
while (!stack.empty()) {
// Take the top item.
auto& entry = stack.back();
const auto& predecessors = predecessorGraph[entry.node];
// If the index is 0, we just started visiting the node.
if (entry.predecessorIndex == 0) {
// Push the node on the stack.
auto it = cycleItems.insert(entry.node);
// If the node is already in the stack, we found a cycle.
if (!it.second)
// Visit the next predecessor, if possible.
if (entry.predecessorIndex != predecessors.size()) {
auto* child = predecessors[entry.predecessorIndex];
entry.predecessorIndex += 1;
stack.emplace_back(WorkItem{ child });
// Otherwise, we are done visiting this node.
// Complete all of the remaining tasks.
// FIXME: Should we have a task abort callback?
void completeRemainingTasks() {
for (auto& it: taskInfos) {
// Complete the task, even though it did not update the value.
// FIXME: What should we do here with the value?
TaskInfo* taskInfo = &it.second;
RuleInfo* ruleInfo = taskInfo->forRuleInfo;
assert(taskInfo == ruleInfo->getPendingTaskInfo());
// Delete all of the tasks.
BuildEngineImpl(class BuildEngine& buildEngine,
BuildEngineDelegate& delegate)
: buildEngine(buildEngine), delegate(delegate) {}
~BuildEngineImpl() {
// If tracing is enabled, close it.
if (trace) {
std::string error;
BuildEngineDelegate* getDelegate() {
return &delegate;
Timestamp getCurrentTimestamp() {
return currentTimestamp;
RuleInfo& getRuleInfoForKey(const KeyType& key) {
// Check if we have already found the rule.
auto it = ruleInfos.find(key);
if (it != ruleInfos.end())
return it->second;
// Otherwise, request it from the delegate and add it.
return addRule(delegate.lookupRule(key));
TaskInfo* getTaskInfo(Task* task) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(taskInfosMutex);
auto it = taskInfos.find(task);
return it == taskInfos.end() ? nullptr : &it->second;
/// @name Rule Definition
/// @{
RuleInfo& addRule(Rule&& rule) {
auto result = ruleInfos.emplace(rule.key, RuleInfo(std::move(rule)));
if (!result.second) {
// FIXME: Error handling.
std::cerr << "error: attempt to register duplicate rule \""
<< rule.key << "\"\n";
// If we have a database attached, retrieve any stored result.
// FIXME: Investigate retrieving this result lazily. If the DB is
// particularly efficient, it may be best to retrieve this only when we need
// it and never duplicate it.
RuleInfo& ruleInfo = result.first->second;
if (db) {
std::string error;
db->lookupRuleResult(ruleInfo.rule, &ruleInfo.result, &error);
if (!error.empty()) {
return ruleInfo;
/// @}
/// @name Client API
/// @{
const ValueType& build(const KeyType& key) {
if (db) {
std::string error;
bool result = db->buildStarted(&error);
if (!result) {
static ValueType emptyValue{};
return emptyValue;
// Increment our running iteration count.
// At this point, we should conceptually mark each complete rule as
// incomplete. However, instead of doing all that work immediately, we
// perform it lazily by reusing the Result::builtAt field for each rule as
// an additional mark. When a rule is demanded, if its builtAt index isn't
// up-to-date then we lazily reset it to be Incomplete, \see demandRule()
// and \see RuleInfo::isComplete().
if (trace)
// Run the build engine, to process any necessary tasks.
bool success = executeTasks(key);
// Update the build database, if attached.
// FIXME: Is it correct to do this here, or earlier?
if (db) {
std::string error;
bool result = db->setCurrentIteration(currentTimestamp, &error);
if (!result) {
static ValueType emptyValue{};
return emptyValue;
if (trace)
// Clear the rule scan free-lists.
// FIXME: Introduce a per-build context object to hold this.
for (auto block: ruleScanRecordBlocks)
delete[] block;
currentBlockPos = currentBlockEnd = nullptr;
// If the build failed, return the empty result.
if (!success) {
static ValueType emptyValue{};
return emptyValue;
// The task queue should be empty and the rule complete.
auto& ruleInfo = getRuleInfoForKey(key);
assert(taskInfos.empty() && ruleInfo.isComplete(this));
return ruleInfo.result.value;
bool attachDB(std::unique_ptr<BuildDB> database, std::string* error_out) {
assert(!db && "invalid attachDB() call");
assert(currentTimestamp == 0 && "invalid attachDB() call");
assert(ruleInfos.empty() && "invalid attachDB() call");
db = std::move(database);
// Load our initial state from the database.
bool success;
currentTimestamp = db->getCurrentIteration(&success, error_out);
return success;
bool enableTracing(const std::string& filename, std::string* error_out) {
auto trace = llvm::make_unique<BuildEngineTrace>();
if (!trace->open(filename, error_out))
return false;
this->trace = std::move(trace);
return true;
/// Dump the build state to a file in Graphviz DOT format.
void dumpGraphToFile(const std::string& path) {
FILE* fp = ::fopen(path.c_str(), "w");
if (!fp) {
delegate.error("error: unable to open graph output path \"" + path + "\"");
// Write the graph header.
fprintf(fp, "digraph llbuild {\n");
fprintf(fp, "rankdir=\"LR\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "node [fontsize=10, shape=box, height=0.25]\n");
fprintf(fp, "edge [fontsize=10]\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// Create a canonical node ordering.
std::vector<const RuleInfo*> orderedRuleInfos;
for (const auto& entry: ruleInfos)
std::sort(orderedRuleInfos.begin(), orderedRuleInfos.end(),
[] (const RuleInfo* a, const RuleInfo* b) {
return a->rule.key < b->rule.key;
// Write out all of the rules.
for (const auto& ruleInfo: orderedRuleInfos) {
fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"\n", ruleInfo->rule.key.c_str());
for (auto& input: ruleInfo->result.dependencies) {
fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", ruleInfo->rule.key.c_str(),
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// Write the footer and close.
fprintf(fp, "}\n");
void addTaskInputRequest(Task* task, const KeyType& key, uintptr_t inputID) {
auto taskInfo = getTaskInfo(task);
// Validate that the task is in a valid state to request inputs.
if (!taskInfo->forRuleInfo->isInProgressWaiting()) {
// FIXME: Error handling.
// Lookup the rule for this task.
RuleInfo* ruleInfo = &getRuleInfoForKey(key);
inputRequests.push_back({ taskInfo, ruleInfo, inputID });
/// @}
/// @name Task Management Client APIs
/// @{
Task* registerTask(Task* task) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(taskInfosMutex);
auto result = taskInfos.emplace(task, TaskInfo(task));
assert(result.second && "task already registered");
return task;
void taskNeedsInput(Task* task, const KeyType& key, uintptr_t inputID) {
// Validate the InputID.
if (inputID > BuildEngine::kMaximumInputID) {
delegate.error("error: attempt to use reserved input ID");
addTaskInputRequest(task, key, inputID);
void taskMustFollow(Task* task, const KeyType& key) {
addTaskInputRequest(task, key, kMustFollowInputID);
void taskDiscoveredDependency(Task* task, const KeyType& key) {
// Find the task info.
auto taskInfo = getTaskInfo(task);
assert(taskInfo && "cannot request inputs for an unknown task");
if (!taskInfo->forRuleInfo->isInProgressComputing()) {
delegate.error("error: invalid state for adding discovered dependency");
void taskIsComplete(Task* task, ValueType&& value, bool forceChange) {
// FIXME: We should flag the task to ensure this is only called once, and
// that no other API calls are made once complete.
auto taskInfo = getTaskInfo(task);
assert(taskInfo && "cannot request inputs for an unknown task");
if (!taskInfo->forRuleInfo->isInProgressComputing()) {
delegate.error("error: invalid state for marking task complete");
RuleInfo* ruleInfo = taskInfo->forRuleInfo;
assert(taskInfo == ruleInfo->getPendingTaskInfo());
// Process the provided result.
if (!forceChange && value == ruleInfo->result.value) {
// If the value is unchanged, do nothing.
} else {
// Otherwise, updated the result and the computed at time.
ruleInfo->result.value = std::move(value);
ruleInfo->result.computedAt = currentTimestamp;
// Enqueue the finished task.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(finishedTaskInfosMutex);
// Notify the engine to wake up, if necessary.
/// @}
/// @name Internal APIs
/// @{
uint64_t getCurrentTimestamp() const { return currentTimestamp; }
/// @}
#pragma mark - BuildEngine
BuildEngine::BuildEngine(BuildEngineDelegate& delegate)
: impl(new BuildEngineImpl(*this, delegate))
BuildEngine::~BuildEngine() {
delete static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl);
BuildEngineDelegate* BuildEngine::getDelegate() {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->getDelegate();
Timestamp BuildEngine::getCurrentTimestamp() {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->getCurrentTimestamp();
void BuildEngine::addRule(Rule&& rule) {
const ValueType& BuildEngine::build(const KeyType& key) {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->build(key);
void BuildEngine::dumpGraphToFile(const std::string& path) {
bool BuildEngine::attachDB(std::unique_ptr<BuildDB> database, std::string* error_out) {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->attachDB(std::move(database), error_out);
bool BuildEngine::enableTracing(const std::string& path,
std::string* error_out) {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->enableTracing(path, error_out);
Task* BuildEngine::registerTask(Task* task) {
return static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->registerTask(task);
void BuildEngine::taskNeedsInput(Task* task, const KeyType& key,
uintptr_t inputID) {
static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->taskNeedsInput(task, key, inputID);
void BuildEngine::taskDiscoveredDependency(Task* task, const KeyType& key) {
static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->taskDiscoveredDependency(task, key);
void BuildEngine::taskMustFollow(Task* task, const KeyType& key) {
static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->taskMustFollow(task, key);
void BuildEngine::taskIsComplete(Task* task, ValueType&& value,
bool forceChange) {
static_cast<BuildEngineImpl*>(impl)->taskIsComplete(task, std::move(value),