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//===- buildsystem.h ----------------------------------------------*- C -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// These are the C API interfaces to the llbuild BuildSystem component.
#error Clients must include the "llbuild.h" umbrella header.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// @name File System Behaviors
/// @{
/// A fine-grained timestamp.
/// Although phrased as a time, this value is uninterpreted by llbuild. The
/// client may represent time in any fashion intended to preserve uniqueness.
typedef struct llb_fs_timestamp_t_ {
uint64_t seconds;
uint64_t nanoseconds;
} llb_fs_timestamp_t;
/// Information on the status of a file.
typedef struct llb_fs_file_info_t_ {
/// A unique identifier for the device containing the file.
uint64_t device;
/// A unique identifier for the file on the device.
uint64_t inode;
/// The file mode information, as used by stat(2).
uint64_t mode;
/// The size of the file.
uint64_t size;
/// An indication of the last modification time.
llb_fs_timestamp_t mod_time;
} llb_fs_file_info_t;
/// @}
/// @name Diagnostics
/// @{
typedef enum {
} llb_buildsystem_diagnostic_kind_t;
/// Get the name of the diagnostic kind.
LLBUILD_EXPORT const char*
llb_buildsystem_diagnostic_kind_t kind);
/// @}
/// @name Build System APIs
/// @{
/// Opaque handle to a build system.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_t_ llb_buildsystem_t;
/// Opaque handle to a build system command.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_command_t_ llb_buildsystem_command_t;
/// Opaque handle to a build system tool.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_tool_t_ llb_buildsystem_tool_t;
/// Opaque handle to a build system command's launched process.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_process_t_ llb_buildsystem_process_t;
/// Result of a command execution
typedef enum {
llb_buildsystem_command_result_succeeded = 0,
llb_buildsystem_command_result_failed = 1,
llb_buildsystem_command_result_cancelled = 2,
} llb_buildsystem_command_result_t;
/// Status change event kinds.
typedef enum {
/// Indicates the command is being scanned to determine if it needs to run.
/// This type will always precede the other types for any particular
/// command. Once scanning begins for a command, it is guaranteed to be
/// followed by either an "is-up-to-date" or "is-complete" event.
llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_is_scanning = 0,
/// Indicates the command is up-to-date, and does not need to run.
llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_is_up_to_date = 1,
/// Indicates the command was run, and is now complete.
/// The actual preparation and start of the command are handled via other
/// individual delegate callbacks, and not status change events.
llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_is_complete = 2,
} llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_t;
/// Invocation parameters for a build system.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_invocation_t_ llb_buildsystem_invocation_t;
struct llb_buildsystem_invocation_t_ {
/// The path of the build file to use.
const char* buildFilePath;
/// The path of the database file to use, if any.
const char* dbPath;
/// The path of the build trace output file to use, if any.
const char* traceFilePath;
/// Whether to show verbose output.
// FIXME: This doesn't belong here, move once the status is fully delegated.
bool showVerboseStatus;
/// Whether to use a serial build.
bool useSerialBuild;
/// Delegate structure for callbacks required by the build system.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_delegate_t_ {
/// User context pointer.
void* context;
/// @name FileSystem APIs
/// These are optional callbacks, which can be provided by the client to
/// support virtualization or testing of the system. If not defined, the build
/// system will directly access the local disk for file operations.
/// @{
/// Get the file contents for the given path.
/// The contents *MUST* be returned in a new buffer allocated with \see
/// malloc().
/// Xparam path The path to provide the contents for.
/// Xparam data_out On success, this should be filled in with a pointer to
/// the newly created buffer containing the contents, and with the contents
/// size.
/// \\returns True on success.
// FIXME: Design clean data types for clients to return unowned/unowned
// memory.
bool (*fs_get_file_contents)(void* context, const char* path,
llb_data_t* data_out);
/// Get the file information for the given path.
void (*fs_get_file_info)(void* context, const char* path,
llb_fs_file_info_t* data_out);
/// Get the file information for the given path, without looking through
/// symbolic links.
void (*fs_get_link_info)(void* context, const char* path,
llb_fs_file_info_t* data_out);
/// @}
/// @name Build System Behaviors
/// @{
/// Called by the build system to get an instance of the custom tool for the
/// given name.
/// Xreturns If the tool is recognized, the client should return an instance
/// of the tool created with \see llb_buildsystem_create_tool(). If the tool
/// is not recognized, the client should return null.
llb_buildsystem_tool_t* (*lookup_tool)(void* context, const llb_data_t* name);
/// @}
/// @name Diagnostic & Status APIs
/// @{
/// Called to report an unassociated diagnostic from the build system.
/// Xparam kind The kind of diagnostic.
/// Xparam filename The filename associated with the diagnostic, if any.
/// Xparam lin The line number associated with the diagnostic, if any.
/// Xparam column The line number associated with the diagnostic, if any.
/// Xparam message The diagnostic message, as a C string.
void (*handle_diagnostic)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_diagnostic_kind_t kind,
const char* filename, int line, int column,
const char* message);
/// Called to report any form of command failure.
/// This can may be called to report the failure of a command which has
/// executed, but may also be used to report the inability of a command to
/// run. It is expected to be used by the client in making decisions with
/// regard to cancelling the build.
/// This callback is optional. If not provided, the build will automatically
/// be cancelled after the first failure.
// FIXME: Clean this up, we should be able to come up with a better definition
// & API organization.
void (*had_command_failure)(void* context);
/// Called to report a status change for a command.
/// The possible status changes -- and their invariants with respect to other
/// notifications -- are defined in \see
/// llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_t.
void (*command_status_changed)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_command_status_kind_t kind);
/// Called when a command is preparing to run.
/// The system guarantees that any command_preparing() call will be paired
/// with exactly one \see command_finished() call.
void (*command_preparing)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// Called by the build system to allow the delegate to skip a command without
/// implicitly skipping its dependents.
/// WARNING: Clients need to take special care when using this. Skipping
/// commands without considering their dependencies or dependents can easily
/// produce an inconsistent build.
/// This method is called before the command starts, when the system has
/// identified that it will eventually need to run (after all of its inputs
/// have been satisfied).
/// The system guarantees that all such calls will be paired with a
/// corresponding \see commandFinished() call.
bool (*should_command_start)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// Called when a command has been started.
/// The system guarantees that any commandStart() call will be paired with
/// exactly one \see command_finished() call.
void (*command_started)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// Called when a command has been finished.
void (*command_finished)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// Called when a command's job has started executing an external process.
/// The system guarantees that any commandProcessStarted() call will be paired
/// with exactly one \see command_process_finished() call.
/// Xparam process A unique handle used in subsequent delegate calls to
/// identify the process. This handle should only be used to associate
/// different status calls relating to the same process. It is only guaranteed
/// to be unique from when it has been provided here to when it has been
/// provided to the \see command_process_finished() call.
void (*command_process_started)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_process_t* process);
/// Called to report an error in the management of a command process.
/// Xparam process The process handle.
/// Xparam data The error message.
void (*command_process_had_error)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_process_t* process,
const llb_data_t* data);
/// Called to report a command processes' (merged) standard output and error.
/// Xparam process The process handle.
/// Xparam data The process output.
void (*command_process_had_output)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_process_t* process,
const llb_data_t* data);
/// Called when a command's job has finished executing an external process.
/// Xparam process The handle used to identify the process. This handle
/// will become invalid as soon as the client returns from this API call.
/// Xparam result Whether the process suceeded, failed or was cancelled.
/// Xparam exitStatus The raw exit status of the process.
void (*command_process_finished)(void* context,
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_process_t* process,
llb_buildsystem_command_result_t result,
int exit_status);
/// @}
} llb_buildsystem_delegate_t;
/// Create a new build system instance.
/// The C-string members of the invocation structure are immediately copied upon
/// construction of the build system, and can safely be released upon return.
LLBUILD_EXPORT llb_buildsystem_t*
llb_buildsystem_create(llb_buildsystem_delegate_t delegate,
llb_buildsystem_invocation_t invocation);
/// Destroy a build system invocation.
llb_buildsystem_destroy(llb_buildsystem_t* system);
/// Build the named target.
/// It is an unchecked error for the client to request multiple builds
/// concurrently.
/// \returns True on success, or false if the build was aborted (for example, if
/// a cycle was discovered).
llb_buildsystem_build(llb_buildsystem_t* system, const llb_data_t* key);
/// Cancel any ongoing build.
/// This method may be called from any thread.
llb_buildsystem_cancel(llb_buildsystem_t* system);
/// @}
/// @name Tool APIs
/// @{
/// Delegate structure for callbacks required by a build tool.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_tool_delegate_t_ {
/// User context pointer.
void* context;
// FIXME: Need to support configuration behaviors.
/// Called by the build system to create an individual command with this tool
/// type.
/// Xparam The name of the command to create.
/// Xreturns If the tool is recognized, the client should return an instance
/// of the tool created with \see llb_buildsystem_create_tool(). If the tool
/// is not recognized, the client should return null.
llb_buildsystem_command_t* (*create_command)(void* context,
const llb_data_t* name);
// FIXME: Support dynamic tool commands.
} llb_buildsystem_tool_delegate_t;
/// Create a new tool instance.
/// A tool is the top-level entity responsible for defining custom build system
/// behaviors. Once defined, tools may be used to define new types of commands.
LLBUILD_EXPORT llb_buildsystem_tool_t*
llb_buildsystem_tool_create(const llb_data_t* name,
llb_buildsystem_tool_delegate_t delegate);
/// @}
/// @name Command APIs
/// @{
/// Opaque handle to a queue job context.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_queue_job_context_t_
/// Opaque handle to a build key.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_key_t_
/// Opaque handle to a build value.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_value_t_
/// Opaque handle to the interfaces for a running command.
// FIXME: Find a better name for this, it is too long.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_command_interface_t_
/// Delegate structure for callbacks required by an external build command.
typedef struct llb_buildsystem_external_command_delegate_t_ {
/// User context pointer.
void* context;
/// Called to get a signature which represents the internal state of the
/// command which is not tracked by any other attribute visible to the build
/// system (for example, a declared input or output). This signature is
/// compared with previous executions of the command when determining whether
/// or not it needs to rerun.
/// The contents *MUST* be returned in a new buffer allocated with \see
/// malloc().
// FIXME: We need to use a better data type than a uint64_t here.
void (*get_signature)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_data_t* data_out);
/// Called by the build system's execution queue after the command's inputs
/// are available and the execution queue is ready to schedule the command.
/// This function is responsible for completing the work and notifying the
/// system using the command interface. It can add additional work onto the
/// execution queue, so long as it arranges to only notify the system of
/// completion once all that work is complete.
bool (*execute_command)(void* context, llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_buildsystem_command_interface_t* bsci,
llb_task_t* task,
llb_buildsystem_queue_job_context_t* job_context);
} llb_buildsystem_external_command_delegate_t;
/// Create a new external command instance.
/// An external command is one which is run externally to the build system (not
/// necessarily out of process) and which interacts using the standard notions
/// of files and virtual nodes.
/// It defines common base behaviors which make sense for all such tools (for
/// example, capturing the signatures of output nodes and a standard behavior
/// for determining when the command needs to be recomputed).
LLBUILD_EXPORT llb_buildsystem_command_t*
const llb_data_t* name,
llb_buildsystem_external_command_delegate_t delegate);
/// Get the name of the given command.
/// \param key_out On return, contains a pointer to the name of the command.
llb_buildsystem_command_get_name(llb_buildsystem_command_t* command,
llb_data_t* key_out);
/// Get the description for the given command.
/// \returns The command description, as a new C string. The client is
/// resonpsible for calling \see free() on the result.
// FIXME: This API most likely doesn't belong.
llb_buildsystem_command_get_description(llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// Get the verbose description for the given command.
/// \returns The verbose command description, as a new C string. The client is
/// resonpsible for calling \see free() on the result.
// FIXME: This API most likely doesn't belong.
llb_buildsystem_command_t* command);
/// @}