blob: 28b736c5d5e1d37117682a7333b827c7c74baddb [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// XCTestCase+Performance.swift
// Methods on XCTestCase for testing the performance of code blocks.
public struct XCTPerformanceMetric : RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {
public private(set) var rawValue: String
public init(_ rawValue: String) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public init(rawValue: String) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public var hashValue: Int {
return rawValue.hashValue
public static func ==(_ lhs: XCTPerformanceMetric, _ rhs: XCTPerformanceMetric) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
public extension XCTPerformanceMetric {
/// Records wall clock time in seconds between `startMeasuring`/`stopMeasuring`.
public static let wallClockTime = XCTPerformanceMetric(rawValue:
/// The following methods are called from within a test method to carry out
/// performance testing on blocks of code.
public extension XCTestCase {
/// The names of the performance metrics to measure when invoking `measure(block:)`.
/// Returns `XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime` by default. Subclasses can
/// override this to change the behavior of `measure(block:)`
class var defaultPerformanceMetrics: [XCTPerformanceMetric] {
return [.wallClockTime]
/// Call from a test method to measure resources (`defaultPerformanceMetrics`)
/// used by the block in the current process.
/// func testPerformanceOfMyFunction() {
/// measure {
/// // Do that thing you want to measure.
/// MyFunction();
/// }
/// }
/// - Parameter block: A block whose performance to measure.
/// - Bug: The `block` param should have no external label, but there seems
/// to be a swiftc bug that causes issues when such a parameter comes
/// after a defaulted arg. See This
/// API incompatibility with Apple XCTest can be worked around in practice
/// by using trailing closure syntax when calling this method.
/// - ToDo: The `block` param should be marked @noescape once Apple XCTest
/// has been updated to do so rdar://26224596
/// - Note: Whereas Apple XCTest determines the file and line number of
/// measurements by using symbolication, this implementation opts to take
/// `file` and `line` as parameters instead. As a result, the interface to
/// these methods are not exactly identical between these environments. To
/// ensure compatibility of tests between swift-corelibs-xctest and Apple
/// XCTest, it is not recommended to pass explicit values for `file` and `line`.
func measure(file: StaticString = #file, line: Int = #line, block: () -> Void) {
measureMetrics(type(of: self).defaultPerformanceMetrics,
automaticallyStartMeasuring: true,
file: file,
line: line,
for: block)
/// Call from a test method to measure resources (XCTPerformanceMetrics) used
/// by the block in the current process. Each metric will be measured across
/// calls to the block. The number of times the block will be called is undefined
/// and may change in the future. For one example of why, as long as the requested
/// performance metrics do not interfere with each other the API will measure
/// all metrics across the same calls to the block. If the performance metrics
/// may interfere the API will measure them separately.
/// func testMyFunction2_WallClockTime() {
/// measureMetrics(type(of: self).defaultPerformanceMetrics, automaticallyStartMeasuring: false) {
/// // Do setup work that needs to be done for every iteration but
/// // you don't want to measure before the call to `startMeasuring()`
/// SetupSomething();
/// self.startMeasuring()
/// // Do that thing you want to measure.
/// MyFunction()
/// self.stopMeasuring()
/// // Do teardown work that needs to be done for every iteration
/// // but you don't want to measure after the call to `stopMeasuring()`
/// TeardownSomething()
/// }
/// }
/// Caveats:
/// * If `true` was passed for `automaticallyStartMeasuring` and `startMeasuring()`
/// is called anyway, the test will fail.
/// * If `false` was passed for `automaticallyStartMeasuring` then `startMeasuring()`
/// must be called once and only once before the end of the block or the test will fail.
/// * If `stopMeasuring()` is called multiple times during the block the test will fail.
/// - Parameter metrics: An array of Strings (XCTPerformanceMetrics) to measure.
/// Providing an unrecognized string is a test failure.
/// - Parameter automaticallyStartMeasuring: If `false`, `XCTestCase` will
/// not take any measurements until -startMeasuring is called.
/// - Parameter block: A block whose performance to measure.
/// - ToDo: The `block` param should be marked @noescape once Apple XCTest
/// has been updated to do so. rdar://26224596
/// - Note: Whereas Apple XCTest determines the file and line number of
/// measurements by using symbolication, this implementation opts to take
/// `file` and `line` as parameters instead. As a result, the interface to
/// these methods are not exactly identical between these environments. To
/// ensure compatibility of tests between swift-corelibs-xctest and Apple
/// XCTest, it is not recommended to pass explicit values for `file` and `line`.
func measureMetrics(_ metrics: [XCTPerformanceMetric], automaticallyStartMeasuring: Bool, file: StaticString = #file, line: Int = #line, for block: () -> Void) {
guard _performanceMeter == nil else {
return recordAPIViolation(description: "Can only record one set of metrics per test method.", file: file, line: line)
PerformanceMeter.measureMetrics({ $0.rawValue }), delegate: self, file: file, line: line) { meter in
self._performanceMeter = meter
if automaticallyStartMeasuring {
meter.startMeasuring(file: file, line: line)
/// Call this from within a measure block to set the beginning of the critical
/// section. Measurement of metrics will start at this point.
/// - Note: Whereas Apple XCTest determines the file and line number of
/// measurements by using symbolication, this implementation opts to take
/// `file` and `line` as parameters instead. As a result, the interface to
/// these methods are not exactly identical between these environments. To
/// ensure compatibility of tests between swift-corelibs-xctest and Apple
/// XCTest, it is not recommended to pass explicit values for `file` and `line`.
func startMeasuring(file: StaticString = #file, line: Int = #line) {
guard let performanceMeter = _performanceMeter, !performanceMeter.didFinishMeasuring else {
return recordAPIViolation(description: "Cannot start measuring. startMeasuring() is only supported from a block passed to measureMetrics(...).", file: file, line: line)
performanceMeter.startMeasuring(file: file, line: line)
/// Call this from within a measure block to set the ending of the critical
/// section. Measurement of metrics will stop at this point.
/// - Note: Whereas Apple XCTest determines the file and line number of
/// measurements by using symbolication, this implementation opts to take
/// `file` and `line` as parameters instead. As a result, the interface to
/// these methods are not exactly identical between these environments. To
/// ensure compatibility of tests between swift-corelibs-xctest and Apple
/// XCTest, it is not recommended to pass explicit values for `file` and `line`.
func stopMeasuring(file: StaticString = #file, line: Int = #line) {
guard let performanceMeter = _performanceMeter, !performanceMeter.didFinishMeasuring else {
return recordAPIViolation(description: "Cannot stop measuring. stopMeasuring() is only supported from a block passed to measureMetrics(...).", file: file, line: line)
performanceMeter.stopMeasuring(file: file, line: line)
extension XCTestCase: PerformanceMeterDelegate {
internal func recordAPIViolation(description: String, file: StaticString, line: Int) {
recordFailure(withDescription: "API violation - \(description)",
inFile: String(describing: file),
atLine: line,
expected: false)
internal func recordMeasurements(results: String, file: StaticString, line: Int) {
XCTestObservationCenter.shared.testCase(self, didMeasurePerformanceResults: results, file: file, line: line)
internal func recordFailure(description: String, file: StaticString, line: Int) {
recordFailure(withDescription: "failed: " + description, inFile: String(describing: file), atLine: line, expected: true)