blob: 1bb6bad49f8820a3d13b72ee14e16cf356356666 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// XCTestRun.swift
// A test run collects information about the execution of a test.
/// A test run collects information about the execution of a test. Failures in
/// explicit test assertions are classified as "expected", while failures from
/// unrelated or uncaught exceptions are classified as "unexpected".
open class XCTestRun {
/// The test instance provided when the test run was initialized.
public let test: XCTest
/// The time at which the test run was started, or nil.
open private(set) var startDate: Date?
/// The time at which the test run was stopped, or nil.
open private(set) var stopDate: Date?
/// The number of seconds that elapsed between when the run was started and
/// when it was stopped.
open var totalDuration: TimeInterval {
if let stop = stopDate, let start = startDate {
return stop.timeIntervalSince(start)
} else {
return 0.0
/// In an `XCTestCase` run, the number of seconds that elapsed between when
/// the run was started and when it was stopped. In an `XCTestSuite` run,
/// the combined `testDuration` of each test case in the suite.
open var testDuration: TimeInterval {
return totalDuration
/// The number of tests in the run.
open var testCaseCount: Int {
return test.testCaseCount
/// The number of test executions recorded during the run.
open private(set) var executionCount: Int = 0
/// The number of test failures recorded during the run.
open private(set) var failureCount: Int = 0
/// The number of uncaught exceptions recorded during the run.
open private(set) var unexpectedExceptionCount: Int = 0
/// The total number of test failures and uncaught exceptions recorded
/// during the run.
open var totalFailureCount: Int {
return failureCount + unexpectedExceptionCount
/// `true` if all tests in the run completed their execution without
/// recording any failures, otherwise `false`.
open var hasSucceeded: Bool {
guard isStopped else {
return false
return totalFailureCount == 0
/// Designated initializer for the XCTestRun class.
/// - Parameter test: An XCTest instance.
/// - Returns: A test run for the provided test.
public required init(test: XCTest) {
self.test = test
/// Start a test run. Must not be called more than once.
open func start() {
guard !isStarted else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to start a test run that has " +
"already been started: \(self)")
guard !isStopped else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to start a test run that has " +
"already been stopped: \(self)")
startDate = Date()
/// Stop a test run. Must not be called unless the run has been started.
/// Must not be called more than once.
open func stop() {
guard isStarted else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to stop a test run that has " +
"not yet been started: \(self)")
guard !isStopped else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to stop a test run that has " +
"already been stopped: \(self)")
executionCount += 1
stopDate = Date()
/// Records a failure in the execution of the test for this test run. Must
/// not be called unless the run has been started. Must not be called if the
/// test run has been stopped.
/// - Parameter description: The description of the failure being reported.
/// - Parameter filePath: The file path to the source file where the failure
/// being reported was encountered or nil if unknown.
/// - Parameter lineNumber: The line number in the source file at filePath
/// where the failure being reported was encountered.
/// - Parameter expected: `true` if the failure being reported was the
/// result of a failed assertion, `false` if it was the result of an
/// uncaught exception.
func recordFailure(withDescription description: String, inFile filePath: String?, atLine lineNumber: Int, expected: Bool) {
guard isStarted else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to record a failure for a test run " +
"that has not yet been started: \(self)")
guard !isStopped else {
fatalError("Invalid attempt to record a failure for a test run " +
"that has already been stopped: \(self)")
if expected {
failureCount += 1
} else {
unexpectedExceptionCount += 1
private var isStarted: Bool {
return startDate != nil
private var isStopped: Bool {
return isStarted && stopDate != nil