blob: ca1d839915f1a533d7cb228c67b1c2b676a46e8b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %{swiftc} %s -o %T/Handler
// RUN: %T/Handler > %t || true
// RUN: %{xctest_checker} %t %s
#if os(macOS)
import SwiftXCTest
import XCTest
// CHECK: Test Suite 'All tests' started at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: Test Suite '.*\.xctest' started at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: Test Suite 'HandlerTestCase' started at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
class HandlerTestCase: XCTestCase {
// CHECK: Test Case 'HandlerTestCase.test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails' started at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: .*/Tests/Functional/Asynchronous/Handler/main.swift:[[@LINE+6]]: error: HandlerTestCase.test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails : Asynchronous wait failed - Exceeded timeout of 0.2 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: fog
// CHECK: Test Case 'HandlerTestCase.test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails' failed \(\d+\.\d+ seconds\)
func test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails() {
self.expectation(description: "fog")
var handlerWasCalled = false
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.2) { error in
XCTAssertNotNil(error, "Expectation handlers for unfulfilled expectations should not be nil.")
XCTAssertEqual(error?.domain, XCTestErrorDomain, "The error domain should be XCTest's own error domain")
XCTAssertEqual(error?.code, XCTestErrorCode.timeoutWhileWaiting.rawValue, "The error code should indicate that a timeout occurred")
handlerWasCalled = true
// CHECK: Test Case 'HandlerTestCase.test_whenExpectationsAreFulfilled_handlerCalled_andPasses' started at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: Test Case 'HandlerTestCase.test_whenExpectationsAreFulfilled_handlerCalled_andPasses' passed \(\d+\.\d+ seconds\)
func test_whenExpectationsAreFulfilled_handlerCalled_andPasses() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "bog")
var handlerWasCalled = false
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.2) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Expectation handlers for fulfilled expectations should be nil.")
handlerWasCalled = true
static var allTests = {
return [
("test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails", test_whenExpectationsAreNotFulfilled_handlerCalled_andFails),
("test_whenExpectationsAreFulfilled_handlerCalled_andPasses", test_whenExpectationsAreFulfilled_handlerCalled_andPasses),
// CHECK: Test Suite 'HandlerTestCase' failed at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: \t Executed 2 tests, with 1 failure \(0 unexpected\) in \d+\.\d+ \(\d+\.\d+\) seconds
// CHECK: Test Suite '.*\.xctest' failed at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: \t Executed 2 tests, with 1 failure \(0 unexpected\) in \d+\.\d+ \(\d+\.\d+\) seconds
// CHECK: Test Suite 'All tests' failed at \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+
// CHECK: \t Executed 2 tests, with 1 failure \(0 unexpected\) in \d+\.\d+ \(\d+\.\d+\) seconds