Merge pull request #446 from compnerd/sometimes-code-is-ugly

Revert "Use numericCast() to get the correct type when creating a dis…
diff --git a/src/swift/Block.swift b/src/swift/Block.swift
index 1849907..71d998b 100644
--- a/src/swift/Block.swift
+++ b/src/swift/Block.swift
@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@
 	internal var _block: _DispatchBlock
 	public init(qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], block: @escaping @convention(block) () -> ()) {
+#if os(Windows) && (arch(arm64) || arch(x86_64))
+		let flags = dispatch_block_flags_t(UInt32(flags.rawValue))
 		let flags: dispatch_block_flags_t = numericCast(flags.rawValue)
 		_block =  dispatch_block_create_with_qos_class(flags,
 			qos.qosClass.rawValue.rawValue, Int32(qos.relativePriority), block)
@@ -48,7 +52,11 @@
 	// Used by DispatchQueue.synchronously<T> to provide a path through
 	// dispatch_block_t, as we know the lifetime of the block in question.
 	internal init(flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], noescapeBlock: () -> ()) {
+#if os(Windows) && (arch(arm64) || arch(x86_64))
+		let flags = dispatch_block_flags_t(UInt32(flags.rawValue))
 		let flags: dispatch_block_flags_t = numericCast(flags.rawValue)
 		_block = _swift_dispatch_block_create_noescape(flags, noescapeBlock)