blob: 8d9fcba35ca94b2dd99a6050db9c618527c8ff9a [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CDispatch
import _SwiftDispatchOverlayShims
extension DispatchSourceProtocol {
public func setEventHandler(qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], handler: DispatchSourceHandler?) {
if #available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *), let h = handler, qos != .unspecified || !flags.isEmpty {
let item = DispatchWorkItem(qos: qos, flags: flags, block: h)
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_event_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, item._block)
} else {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_event_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler)
@available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *)
public func setEventHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem) {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_event_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler._block)
public func setCancelHandler(qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], handler: DispatchSourceHandler?) {
if #available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *), let h = handler, qos != .unspecified || !flags.isEmpty {
let item = DispatchWorkItem(qos: qos, flags: flags, block: h)
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, item._block)
} else {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler)
@available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *)
public func setCancelHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem) {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler._block)
public func setRegistrationHandler(qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], handler: DispatchSourceHandler?) {
if #available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *), let h = handler, qos != .unspecified || !flags.isEmpty {
let item = DispatchWorkItem(qos: qos, flags: flags, block: h)
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_registration_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, item._block)
} else {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_registration_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler)
@available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, *)
public func setRegistrationHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem) {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_set_registration_handler((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, handler._block)
@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *)
public func activate() {
(self as! DispatchSource).activate()
public func cancel() {
CDispatch.dispatch_source_cancel((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
public func resume() {
(self as! DispatchSource).resume()
public func suspend() {
(self as! DispatchSource).suspend()
public var handle: UInt {
return CDispatch.dispatch_source_get_handle((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
public var mask: UInt {
return CDispatch.dispatch_source_get_mask((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
public var data: UInt {
return CDispatch.dispatch_source_get_data((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
public var isCancelled: Bool {
return CDispatch.dispatch_source_testcancel((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped) != 0
extension DispatchSource {
public struct MachSendEvent : OptionSet, RawRepresentable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let dead = MachSendEvent(rawValue: 0x1)
public struct MemoryPressureEvent : OptionSet, RawRepresentable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let normal = MemoryPressureEvent(rawValue: 0x1)
public static let warning = MemoryPressureEvent(rawValue: 0x2)
public static let critical = MemoryPressureEvent(rawValue: 0x4)
public static let all: MemoryPressureEvent = [.normal, .warning, .critical]
#if !os(Linux) && !os(Android) && !os(Windows)
public struct ProcessEvent : OptionSet, RawRepresentable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let exit = ProcessEvent(rawValue: 0x80000000)
public static let fork = ProcessEvent(rawValue: 0x40000000)
public static let exec = ProcessEvent(rawValue: 0x20000000)
public static let signal = ProcessEvent(rawValue: 0x08000000)
public static let all: ProcessEvent = [.exit, .fork, .exec, .signal]
public struct TimerFlags : OptionSet, RawRepresentable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let strict = TimerFlags(rawValue: 1)
public struct FileSystemEvent : OptionSet, RawRepresentable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let delete = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x1)
public static let write = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x2)
public static let extend = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x4)
public static let attrib = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x8)
public static let link = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x10)
public static let rename = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x20)
public static let revoke = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x40)
public static let funlock = FileSystemEvent(rawValue: 0x100)
public static let all: FileSystemEvent = [
.delete, .write, .extend, .attrib, .link, .rename, .revoke]
public class func makeMachSendSource(port: mach_port_t, eventMask: MachSendEvent, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceMachSend {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_MACH_SEND(), UInt(port), eventMask.rawValue, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceMachSend
public class func makeMachReceiveSource(port: mach_port_t, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceMachReceive {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_MACH_RECV(), UInt(port), 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source) as DispatchSourceMachReceive
public class func makeMemoryPressureSource(eventMask: MemoryPressureEvent, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceMemoryPressure {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_MEMORYPRESSURE(), 0, eventMask.rawValue, queue.__wrapped)
return DispatchSourceMemoryPressure(source)
#if !os(Linux) && !os(Android) && !os(Windows)
public class func makeProcessSource(identifier: pid_t, eventMask: ProcessEvent, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceProcess {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_PROC(), UInt(identifier), eventMask.rawValue, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceProcess
public class func makeReadSource(fileDescriptor: Int32, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceRead {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_READ(), UInt(fileDescriptor), 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceRead
public class func makeSignalSource(signal: Int32, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceSignal {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_SIGNAL(), UInt(signal), 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceSignal
public class func makeTimerSource(flags: TimerFlags = [], queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceTimer {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_TIMER(), 0, UInt(flags.rawValue), queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceTimer
public class func makeUserDataAddSource(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceUserDataAdd {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_DATA_ADD(), 0, 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceUserDataAdd
public class func makeUserDataOrSource(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceUserDataOr {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_DATA_OR(), 0, 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceUserDataOr
public class func makeUserDataReplaceSource(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceUserDataReplace {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_DATA_REPLACE(), 0, 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceUserDataReplace
#if !os(Linux) && !os(Android) && !os(Windows)
public class func makeFileSystemObjectSource(fileDescriptor: Int32, eventMask: FileSystemEvent, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceFileSystemObject {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_VNODE(), UInt(fileDescriptor), eventMask.rawValue, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceFileSystemObject
public class func makeWriteSource(fileDescriptor: Int32, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil) -> DispatchSourceWrite {
let source = dispatch_source_create(_swift_dispatch_source_type_WRITE(), UInt(fileDescriptor), 0, queue?.__wrapped)
return DispatchSource(source: source) as DispatchSourceWrite
extension DispatchSourceMachSend {
public var handle: mach_port_t {
return mach_port_t(dispatch_source_get_handle(self as! DispatchSource))
public var data: DispatchSource.MachSendEvent {
let data = dispatch_source_get_data(self as! DispatchSource)
return DispatchSource.MachSendEvent(rawValue: data)
public var mask: DispatchSource.MachSendEvent {
let mask = dispatch_source_get_mask(self as! DispatchSource)
return DispatchSource.MachSendEvent(rawValue: mask)
extension DispatchSourceMachReceive {
public var handle: mach_port_t {
return mach_port_t(dispatch_source_get_handle(self as! DispatchSource))
extension DispatchSourceMemoryPressure {
public var data: DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent {
let data = dispatch_source_get_data(self as! DispatchSource)
return DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent(rawValue: data)
public var mask: DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent {
let mask = dispatch_source_get_mask(self as! DispatchSource)
return DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent(rawValue: mask)
#if !os(Linux) && !os(Android) && !os(Windows)
extension DispatchSourceProcess {
public var handle: pid_t {
return pid_t(dispatch_source_get_handle(self as! DispatchSource))
public var data: DispatchSource.ProcessEvent {
return DispatchSource.ProcessEvent(rawValue: (self as! DispatchSource).data)
public var mask: DispatchSource.ProcessEvent {
return DispatchSource.ProcessEvent(rawValue: (self as! DispatchSource).mask)
extension DispatchSourceTimer {
/// Sets the deadline and leeway for a timer event that fires once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared and the next timer event will occur at `deadline`.
/// Delivery of the timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - note: Delivery of the timer event does not cancel the timer source.
/// - parameter deadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on Mach absolute
/// time.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(deadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleOneshot(deadline: DispatchTime, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, deadline.rawValue, ~0, UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline and leeway for a timer event that fires once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared and the next timer event will occur at `wallDeadline`.
/// Delivery of the timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - note: Delivery of the timer event does not cancel the timer source.
/// - parameter wallDeadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on
/// `gettimeofday(3)`.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(wallDeadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleOneshot(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, wallDeadline.rawValue, ~0, UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, interval and leeway for a timer event that fires at least once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `deadline` and every `interval` units of
/// time thereafter until the timer source is canceled.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `deadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `deadline + N * interval`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `interval/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter deadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on Mach absolute
/// time.
/// - parameter interval: the interval for the timer.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(deadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleRepeating(deadline: DispatchTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, deadline.rawValue, interval == .never ? ~0 : UInt64(interval.rawValue), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, interval and leeway for a timer event that fires at least once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `deadline` and every `interval` seconds
/// thereafter until the timer source is canceled.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption and
/// system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `deadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `deadline + N * interval`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `interval/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter deadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on Mach absolute
/// time.
/// - parameter interval: the interval for the timer in seconds.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(deadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleRepeating(deadline: DispatchTime, interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, deadline.rawValue, interval.isInfinite ? ~0 : UInt64(interval * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, interval and leeway for a timer event that fires at least once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `wallDeadline` and every `interval` units of
/// time thereafter until the timer source is canceled.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption and
/// system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `wallDeadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `wallDeadline + N * interval`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `interval/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter wallDeadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on
/// `gettimeofday(3)`.
/// - parameter interval: the interval for the timer.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(wallDeadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleRepeating(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, wallDeadline.rawValue, interval == .never ? ~0 : UInt64(interval.rawValue), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, interval and leeway for a timer event that fires at least once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `wallDeadline` and every `interval` seconds
/// thereafter until the timer source is canceled.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption and
/// system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `wallDeadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `wallDeadline + N * interval`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `interval/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter wallDeadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on
/// `gettimeofday(3)`.
/// - parameter interval: the interval for the timer in seconds.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "schedule(wallDeadline:repeating:leeway:)")
public func scheduleRepeating(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, wallDeadline.rawValue, interval.isInfinite ? ~0 : UInt64(interval * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, repeat interval and leeway for a timer event.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `deadline` and every `repeating` units of
/// time thereafter until the timer source is canceled. If the value of `repeating` is `.never`,
/// or is defaulted, the timer fires only once.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `deadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `deadline + N * repeating`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `repeating/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter deadline: the time at which the first timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on Mach absolute
/// time.
/// - parameter repeating: the repeat interval for the timer, or `.never` if the timer should fire
/// only once.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, introduced: 4)
public func schedule(deadline: DispatchTime, repeating interval: DispatchTimeInterval = .never, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, deadline.rawValue, interval == .never ? ~0 : UInt64(interval.rawValue), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, repeat interval and leeway for a timer event.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `deadline` and every `repeating` seconds
/// thereafter until the timer source is canceled. If the value of `repeating` is `.infinity`,
/// the timer fires only once.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `deadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `deadline + N * repeating`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `repeating/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter deadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on Mach absolute
/// time.
/// - parameter repeating: the repeat interval for the timer in seconds, or `.infinity` if the timer
/// should fire only once.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, introduced: 4)
public func schedule(deadline: DispatchTime, repeating interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, deadline.rawValue, interval.isInfinite ? ~0 : UInt64(interval * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, repeat interval and leeway for a timer event.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `wallDeadline` and every `repeating` units of
/// time thereafter until the timer source is canceled. If the value of `repeating` is `.never`,
/// or is defaulted, the timer fires only once.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption and
/// system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `wallDeadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `wallDeadline + N * repeating`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `repeating/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter wallDeadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on
/// `gettimeofday(3)`.
/// - parameter repeating: the repeat interval for the timer, or `.never` if the timer should fire
/// only once.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, introduced: 4)
public func schedule(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, repeating interval: DispatchTimeInterval = .never, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, wallDeadline.rawValue, interval == .never ? ~0 : UInt64(interval.rawValue), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
/// Sets the deadline, repeat interval and leeway for a timer event that fires at least once.
/// Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for the previous timer values
/// has been cleared. The next timer event will occur at `wallDeadline` and every `repeating` seconds
/// thereafter until the timer source is canceled. If the value of `repeating` is `.infinity`,
/// the timer fires only once.
/// Delivery of a timer event may be delayed by the system in order to improve power consumption
/// and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may be configured with the `leeway`
/// argument; the lower limit is under the control of the system.
/// For the initial timer fire at `wallDeadline`, the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
/// `leeway`. For the subsequent timer fires at `wallDeadline + N * repeating`, the upper
/// limit is the smaller of `leeway` and `repeating/2`.
/// The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as visibility of the
/// application UI. If the timer source was created with flags `TimerFlags.strict`, the system
/// will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided `leeway` value, even if it is smaller
/// than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal amount of delay is to be expected even if
/// this flag is specified.
/// Calling this method has no effect if the timer source has already been canceled.
/// - parameter wallDeadline: the time at which the timer event will be delivered, subject to the
/// leeway and other considerations described above. The deadline is based on
/// `gettimeofday(3)`.
/// - parameter repeating: the repeat interval for the timer in seconds, or `.infinity` if the timer
/// should fire only once.
/// - parameter leeway: the leeway for the timer.
@available(swift, introduced: 4)
public func schedule(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, repeating interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(0)) {
dispatch_source_set_timer((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, wallDeadline.rawValue, interval.isInfinite ? ~0 : UInt64(interval * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)), UInt64(leeway.rawValue))
#if !os(Linux) && !os(Android) && !os(Windows)
extension DispatchSourceFileSystemObject {
public var handle: Int32 {
return Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped))
public var data: DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent {
let data = dispatch_source_get_data((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
return DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent(rawValue: UInt(data))
public var mask: DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent {
let data = dispatch_source_get_mask((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped)
return DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent(rawValue: UInt(data))
extension DispatchSourceUserDataAdd {
/// Merges data into a dispatch source of type `DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_ADD`
/// and submits its event handler block to its target queue.
/// - parameter data: the value to add to the current pending data. A value of zero
/// has no effect and will not result in the submission of the event handler block.
public func add(data: UInt) {
dispatch_source_merge_data((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, UInt(data))
extension DispatchSourceUserDataOr {
/// Merges data into a dispatch source of type `DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_OR` and
/// submits its event handler block to its target queue.
/// - parameter data: The value to OR into the current pending data. A value of zero
/// has no effect and will not result in the submission of the event handler block.
public func or(data: UInt) {
dispatch_source_merge_data((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, UInt(data))
extension DispatchSourceUserDataReplace {
/// Merges data into a dispatch source of type `DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_REPLACE`
/// and submits its event handler block to its target queue.
/// - parameter data: The value that will replace the current pending data.
/// A value of zero will be stored but will not result in the submission of the event
/// handler block.
public func replace(data: UInt) {
dispatch_source_merge_data((self as! DispatchSource).__wrapped, UInt(data))