Change the signature for DispatchData.enumerateBytes() to match that of Data.enumerateBytes() for Swift 4.2 and obsolete the old version.

diff --git a/src/swift/Data.swift b/src/swift/Data.swift
index 37b4463..3b81e68 100644
--- a/src/swift/Data.swift
+++ b/src/swift/Data.swift
@@ -117,9 +117,23 @@
 		return try body(contentPtr)
+	@available(swift 4.2)
+	public func enumerateBytes(
+		_ block: (_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, _ byteIndex: Int, _ stop: inout Bool) -> Void)
+	{
+		enumerateBytesCommon(block)
+	}
+	@available(swift, obsoleted: 4.2, renamed: "enumerateBytes(_:)")
 	public func enumerateBytes(
 		block: (_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, _ byteIndex: Int, _ stop: inout Bool) -> Void)
+		enumerateBytesCommon(block)
+	}
+	private func enumerateBytesCommon(
+		_ block: (_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, _ byteIndex: Int, _ stop: inout Bool) -> Void)
+	{
 		// we know that capturing block in the closure being created/passed to dispatch_data_apply
 		// does not cause block to escape because dispatch_data_apply does not allow its
 		// block argument to escape.  Therefore, the usage of withoutActuallyEscaping to