blob: 5f53d43d36887d11e3c51c8eeb8b138508cd54de [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
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// dispatch/time.h
import CDispatch
public struct DispatchTime : Comparable {
public let rawValue: dispatch_time_t
public static func now() -> DispatchTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(0, 0)
return DispatchTime(rawValue: t)
public static let distantFuture = DispatchTime(rawValue: ~0)
fileprivate init(rawValue: dispatch_time_t) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
/// Creates a `DispatchTime` relative to the system clock that
/// ticks since boot.
/// - Parameters:
/// - uptimeNanoseconds: The number of nanoseconds since boot, excluding
/// time the system spent asleep
/// - Returns: A new `DispatchTime`
public init(uptimeNanoseconds: UInt64) {
self.rawValue = dispatch_time_t(uptimeNanoseconds)
public var uptimeNanoseconds: UInt64 {
return UInt64(self.rawValue)
public func <(a: DispatchTime, b: DispatchTime) -> Bool {
if a.rawValue == ~0 || b.rawValue == ~0 { return false }
return a.rawValue < b.rawValue
public func ==(a: DispatchTime, b: DispatchTime) -> Bool {
return a.rawValue == b.rawValue
public struct DispatchWallTime : Comparable {
public let rawValue: dispatch_time_t
public static func now() -> DispatchWallTime {
return DispatchWallTime(rawValue: CDispatch.dispatch_walltime(nil, 0))
public static let distantFuture = DispatchWallTime(rawValue: ~0)
fileprivate init(rawValue: dispatch_time_t) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public init(timespec: timespec) {
var t = timespec
self.rawValue = CDispatch.dispatch_walltime(&t, 0)
public func <(a: DispatchWallTime, b: DispatchWallTime) -> Bool {
if a.rawValue == ~0 || b.rawValue == ~0 { return false }
return -Int64(a.rawValue) < -Int64(b.rawValue)
public func ==(a: DispatchWallTime, b: DispatchWallTime) -> Bool {
return a.rawValue == b.rawValue
public enum DispatchTimeInterval {
case seconds(Int)
case milliseconds(Int)
case microseconds(Int)
case nanoseconds(Int)
internal var rawValue: UInt64 {
switch self {
case .seconds(let s): return UInt64(s) * NSEC_PER_SEC
case .milliseconds(let ms): return UInt64(ms) * NSEC_PER_MSEC
case .microseconds(let us): return UInt64(us) * NSEC_PER_USEC
case .nanoseconds(let ns): return UInt64(ns)
public func +(time: DispatchTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval) -> DispatchTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(interval.rawValue))
return DispatchTime(rawValue: t)
public func -(time: DispatchTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval) -> DispatchTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, -Int64(interval.rawValue))
return DispatchTime(rawValue: t)
public func +(time: DispatchTime, seconds: Double) -> DispatchTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
return DispatchTime(rawValue: t)
public func -(time: DispatchTime, seconds: Double) -> DispatchTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(-seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
return DispatchTime(rawValue: t)
public func +(time: DispatchWallTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval) -> DispatchWallTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(interval.rawValue))
return DispatchWallTime(rawValue: t)
public func -(time: DispatchWallTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval) -> DispatchWallTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, -Int64(interval.rawValue))
return DispatchWallTime(rawValue: t)
public func +(time: DispatchWallTime, seconds: Double) -> DispatchWallTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
return DispatchWallTime(rawValue: t)
public func -(time: DispatchWallTime, seconds: Double) -> DispatchWallTime {
let t = CDispatch.dispatch_time(time.rawValue, Int64(-seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
return DispatchWallTime(rawValue: t)