blob: 7dac53aaa6b587c1bf0b421a4f2836e7951c959a [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implementation note: This file is included in both the framework and the test bundle, in order for us to be able to test it directly. Once @testable support works for Linux we may be able to use it from the framework instead.
internal struct _ProgressFraction : Equatable, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var completed : Int64
var total : Int64
private(set) var overflowed : Bool
init() {
completed = 0
total = 0
overflowed = false
init(double: Double, overflow: Bool = false) {
if double == 0 {
self.completed = 0 = 1
} else if double == 1 {
self.completed = 1 = 1
(self.completed, = _ProgressFraction._fromDouble(double)
self.overflowed = overflow
init(completed: Int64, total: Int64) {
self.completed = completed = total
self.overflowed = false
// ----
internal mutating func simplify() {
if == 0 {
(self.completed, = _ProgressFraction._simplify(completed, total)
internal func simplified() -> _ProgressFraction {
let simplified = _ProgressFraction._simplify(completed, total)
return _ProgressFraction(completed: simplified.0, total: simplified.1)
static private func _math(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: _ProgressFraction, whichOperator: (_ lhs : Double, _ rhs : Double) -> Double, whichOverflow : (_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)) -> _ProgressFraction {
// Mathematically, it is nonsense to add or subtract something with a denominator of 0. However, for the purposes of implementing Progress' fractions, we just assume that a zero-denominator fraction is "weightless" and return the other value. We still need to check for the case where they are both nonsense though.
precondition(!( == 0 && == 0), "Attempt to add or subtract invalid fraction")
guard != 0 else {
return rhs
guard != 0 else {
return lhs
guard !lhs.overflowed && !rhs.overflowed else {
// If either has overflowed already, we preserve that
return _ProgressFraction(double: whichOperator(lhs.fractionCompleted, rhs.fractionCompleted), overflow: true)
if let lcm = _leastCommonMultiple(, {
let result = whichOverflow(lhs.completed * (lcm /, rhs.completed * (lcm /
if result.overflow == .overflow {
return _ProgressFraction(double: whichOperator(lhs.fractionCompleted, rhs.fractionCompleted), overflow: true)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: result.0, total: lcm)
} else {
// Overflow - simplify and then try again
let lhsSimplified = lhs.simplified()
let rhsSimplified = rhs.simplified()
if let lcm = _leastCommonMultiple(, {
let result = whichOverflow(lhsSimplified.completed * (lcm /, rhsSimplified.completed * (lcm /
if result.overflow == .overflow {
// Use original lhs/rhs here
return _ProgressFraction(double: whichOperator(lhs.fractionCompleted, rhs.fractionCompleted), overflow: true)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: result.0, total: lcm)
} else {
// Still overflow
return _ProgressFraction(double: whichOperator(lhs.fractionCompleted, rhs.fractionCompleted), overflow: true)
static internal func +(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: _ProgressFraction) -> _ProgressFraction {
return _math(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs, whichOperator: +, whichOverflow: { $0.addingReportingOverflow($1) })
static internal func -(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: _ProgressFraction) -> _ProgressFraction {
return _math(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs, whichOperator: -, whichOverflow: { $0.subtractingReportingOverflow($1) })
static internal func *(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: _ProgressFraction) -> _ProgressFraction {
guard !lhs.overflowed && !rhs.overflowed else {
// If either has overflowed already, we preserve that
return _ProgressFraction(double: rhs.fractionCompleted * rhs.fractionCompleted, overflow: true)
let newCompleted = lhs.completed.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.completed)
let newTotal =
if newCompleted.overflow == .overflow || newTotal.overflow == .overflow {
// Try simplifying, then do it again
let lhsSimplified = lhs.simplified()
let rhsSimplified = rhs.simplified()
let newCompletedSimplified = lhsSimplified.completed.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhsSimplified.completed)
let newTotalSimplified =
if newCompletedSimplified.overflow == .overflow || newTotalSimplified.overflow == .overflow {
// Still overflow
return _ProgressFraction(double: lhs.fractionCompleted * rhs.fractionCompleted, overflow: true)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: newCompletedSimplified.0, total: newTotalSimplified.0)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: newCompleted.0, total: newTotal.0)
static internal func /(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: Int64) -> _ProgressFraction {
guard !lhs.overflowed else {
// If lhs has overflowed, we preserve that
return _ProgressFraction(double: lhs.fractionCompleted / Double(rhs), overflow: true)
let newTotal = rhs)
if newTotal.overflow == .overflow {
let simplified = lhs.simplified()
let newTotalSimplified = rhs)
if newTotalSimplified.overflow == .overflow {
// Still overflow
return _ProgressFraction(double: lhs.fractionCompleted / Double(rhs), overflow: true)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: lhs.completed, total: newTotalSimplified.0)
} else {
return _ProgressFraction(completed: lhs.completed, total: newTotal.0)
static internal func ==(lhs: _ProgressFraction, rhs: _ProgressFraction) -> Bool {
if lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN {
// NaN fractions are never equal
return false
} else if lhs.completed == rhs.completed && == {
return true
} else if == {
// Direct comparison of numerator
return lhs.completed == rhs.completed
} else if lhs.completed == 0 && rhs.completed == 0 {
return true
} else if lhs.completed == && rhs.completed == {
// Both finished (1)
return true
} else if (lhs.completed == 0 && rhs.completed != 0) || (lhs.completed != 0 && rhs.completed == 0) {
// One 0, one not 0
return false
} else {
// Cross-multiply
let left = lhs.completed.multipliedReportingOverflow(by:
let right = rhs.completed)
if left.overflow == .none && right.overflow == .none {
if left.0 == right.0 {
return true
} else {
// Try simplifying then cross multiply again
let lhsSimplified = lhs.simplified()
let rhsSimplified = rhs.simplified()
let leftSimplified = lhsSimplified.completed.multipliedReportingOverflow(by:
let rightSimplified = rhsSimplified.completed)
if leftSimplified.overflow == .none && rightSimplified.overflow == .none {
if leftSimplified.0 == rightSimplified.0 {
return true
} else {
// Ok... fallback to doubles. This doesn't use an epsilon
return lhs.fractionCompleted == rhs.fractionCompleted
return false
// ----
internal var isIndeterminate : Bool {
return completed < 0 || total < 0 || (completed == 0 && total == 0)
internal var isFinished : Bool {
return ((completed >= total) && completed > 0 && total > 0) || (completed > 0 && total == 0)
internal var fractionCompleted : Double {
if isIndeterminate {
// Return something predictable
return 0.0
} else if total == 0 {
// When there is nothing to do, you're always done
return 1.0
} else {
return Double(completed) / Double(total)
internal var isNaN : Bool {
return total == 0
internal var debugDescription : String {
return "\(completed) / \(total) (\(fractionCompleted))"
// ----
private static func _fromDouble(_ d : Double) -> (Int64, Int64) {
// This simplistic algorithm could someday be replaced with something better.
// Basically - how many 1/Nths is this double?
// And we choose to use 131072 for N
let denominator : Int64 = 131072
let numerator = Int64(d / (1.0 / Double(denominator)))
return (numerator, denominator)
private static func _greatestCommonDivisor(_ inA : Int64, _ inB : Int64) -> Int64 {
// This is Euclid's algorithm. There are faster ones, like Knuth, but this is the simplest one for now.
var a = inA
var b = inB
repeat {
let tmp = b
b = a % b
a = tmp
} while (b != 0)
return a
private static func _leastCommonMultiple(_ a : Int64, _ b : Int64) -> Int64? {
// This division always results in an integer value because gcd(a,b) is a divisor of a.
// lcm(a,b) == (|a|/gcd(a,b))*b == (|b|/gcd(a,b))*a
let result = (a / _greatestCommonDivisor(a, b)).multipliedReportingOverflow(by: b)
if result.overflow == .overflow {
return nil
} else {
return result.0
private static func _simplify(_ n : Int64, _ d : Int64) -> (Int64, Int64) {
let gcd = _greatestCommonDivisor(n, d)
return (n / gcd, d / gcd)