blob: 6bcd7d8b09b5f35a85ae707c6f5eb80c90b9d9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Responsibility: Jim Luther/Chris Linn
What's this file for?
CFURL's URL string parser needs to be able to parse either an array of char or an array of UniChar.
The code in CFURL.c used to use this macro "#define STRING_CHAR(x) (useCString ? cstring[(x)] : ustring[(x)])" to determine which array to get a character from for every character looked at in the URL string. That macro added one or more compare and branch instructins to the parser's execution for *every* character in the URL string. Those extra compares and branches added up to 10% of the time (for long URL strings) it takes to create a URL object.
To ensure the exact same parser code is run over a char or a UniChar string, the source code was move to this .h file and is included multiple times by CFURL.c as needed. "STRING_CHAR(x)" was replaced by "characterArray[x]", and characterArray is defined as either an "const char *" or a "const UniChar *" for the two sets of function headers that are either parsing an array of char or an array of UniChar.
Any changes made to the parser are made in this file so that both char and the UniChar strings are parsed exactly the same way.
static void _parseComponentsCString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef baseURL, CFIndex cfStringLength, const char *characterArray, UInt32 *theFlags, CFRange *packedRanges, uint8_t *numberOfRanges)
static void _parseComponentsUString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef baseURL, CFIndex cfStringLength, const UniChar *characterArray, UInt32 *theFlags, CFRange *packedRanges, uint8_t *numberOfRanges)
#ifdef CFURL_INCLUDE_PARSE_COMPONENTS // defined when we want this block of code included
/* index gives the URL part involved; to calculate the correct range index, use the number of the bit of the equivalent flag (i.e. the host flag is HAS_HOST, which is 0x8. so the range index for the host is 3.) Note that this is true in this function ONLY, since the ranges stored in (*range) are actually packed, skipping those URL components that don't exist. This is why the indices are hard-coded in this function. */
enum {
scheme_index = 0,
user_index = 1,
password_index = 2,
host_index = 3,
port_index = 4,
path_index = 5,
parameters_index = 6,
query_index = 7,
fragment_index = 8,
CFRange unpackedRanges[MAX_COMPONENTS] = {{0}};
CFIndex idx, base_idx = 0;
CFIndex string_length;
UInt32 flags = *theFlags;
Boolean isCompliant;
uint8_t numRanges = 0;
string_length = cfStringLength;
// Algorithm is as described in RFC 1808
// 1: parse the fragment; remainder after left-most "#" is fragment
for (idx = base_idx; idx < string_length; idx++) {
if ('#' == characterArray[idx]) {
flags |= HAS_FRAGMENT;
unpackedRanges[fragment_index].location = idx + 1;
unpackedRanges[fragment_index].length = string_length - (idx + 1);
numRanges ++;
string_length = idx; // remove fragment from parse string
// 2: parse the scheme
for (idx = base_idx; idx < string_length; idx++) {
UniChar ch = characterArray[idx];
if (':' == ch) {
flags |= HAS_SCHEME;
unpackedRanges[scheme_index].location = base_idx;
unpackedRanges[scheme_index].length = idx;
numRanges ++;
base_idx = idx + 1;
// optimization for ftp urls
if (idx == 3 && characterArray[0] == 'f' && characterArray[1] == 't' && characterArray[2] == 'p') {
_setSchemeTypeInFlags(&flags, kHasFtpScheme);
else if (idx == 4) {
// optimization for http urls
if (characterArray[0] == 'h' && characterArray[1] == 't' && characterArray[2] == 't' && characterArray[3] == 'p') {
_setSchemeTypeInFlags(&flags, kHasHttpScheme);
// optimization for file urls
if (characterArray[0] == 'f' && characterArray[1] == 'i' && characterArray[2] == 'l' && characterArray[3] == 'e') {
_setSchemeTypeInFlags(&flags, kHasFileScheme);
// optimization for data urls
if (characterArray[0] == 'd' && characterArray[1] == 'a' && characterArray[2] == 't' && characterArray[3] == 'a') {
_setSchemeTypeInFlags(&flags, kHasDataScheme);
// optimization for https urls
else if (idx == 5 && characterArray[0] == 'h' && characterArray[1] == 't' && characterArray[2] == 't' && characterArray[3] == 'p' && characterArray[3] == 's') {
_setSchemeTypeInFlags(&flags, kHasHttpsScheme);
} else if (!scheme_valid(ch)) {
break; // invalid scheme character -- no scheme
// Make sure we have an RFC-1808 compliant URL - that's either something without a scheme, or scheme:/(stuff) or scheme://(stuff)
// Strictly speaking, RFC 1808 & 2396 bar "scheme:" (with nothing following the colon); however, common usage
// expects this to be treated identically to "scheme://" - REW, 12/08/03
if (!(flags & HAS_SCHEME)) {
isCompliant = true;
} else if (base_idx == string_length) {
isCompliant = false;
} else if (characterArray[base_idx] != '/') {
isCompliant = false;
} else {
isCompliant = true;
if (!isCompliant) {
// Clear the fragment flag if it's been set
if (flags & HAS_FRAGMENT) {
flags &= (~HAS_FRAGMENT);
string_length = cfStringLength;
(*theFlags) = flags;
packedRanges[scheme_index].location = unpackedRanges[scheme_index].location;
packedRanges[scheme_index].length = unpackedRanges[scheme_index].length;
*numberOfRanges = 1;
else {
// URL is 1808-compliant
// 3: parse the network location and login
if (2 <= (string_length - base_idx) && '/' == characterArray[base_idx] && '/' == characterArray[base_idx+1]) {
CFIndex base = 2 + base_idx, extent;
for (idx = base; idx < string_length; idx++) {
if ('/' == characterArray[idx] || '?' == characterArray[idx]) {
extent = idx;
// net_loc parts extend from base to extent (but not including), which might be to end of string
// net location is "<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>"
if (extent != base) {
for (idx = base; idx < extent; idx++) {
if ('@' == characterArray[idx]) { // there is a user
CFIndex idx2;
flags |= HAS_USER;
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[user_index].location = base; // base of the user
for (idx2 = base; idx2 < idx; idx2++) {
if (':' == characterArray[idx2]) { // found a password separator
flags |= HAS_PASSWORD;
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[password_index].location = idx2+1; // base of the password
unpackedRanges[password_index].length = idx-(idx2+1); // password extent
unpackedRanges[user_index].length = idx2 - base; // user extent
if (!(flags & HAS_PASSWORD)) {
// user extends to the '@'
unpackedRanges[user_index].length = idx - base; // user extent
base = idx + 1;
flags |= HAS_HOST;
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[host_index].location = base; // base of host
// base has been advanced past the user and password if they existed
for (idx = base; idx < extent; idx++) {
// IPV6 support (RFC 2732) DCJ June/10/2002
if ('[' == characterArray[idx]) { // starting IPV6 explicit address
// Find the ']' terminator of the IPv6 address, leave idx pointing to ']' or end
for ( ; idx < extent; ++ idx ) {
if ( ']' == characterArray[idx]) {
flags |= IS_IPV6_ENCODED;
// there is a port if we see a colon. Only the last one is the port, though.
else if ( ':' == characterArray[idx]) {
flags |= HAS_PORT;
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[port_index].location = idx+1; // base of port
unpackedRanges[port_index].length = extent - (idx+1); // port extent
unpackedRanges[host_index].length = idx - base; // host extent
if (!(flags & HAS_PORT)) {
unpackedRanges[host_index].length = extent - base; // host extent
base_idx = extent;
// 4: parse the query; remainder after left-most "?" is query
for (idx = base_idx; idx < string_length; idx++) {
if ('?' == characterArray[idx]) {
flags |= HAS_QUERY;
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[query_index].location = idx + 1;
unpackedRanges[query_index].length = string_length - (idx+1);
string_length = idx; // remove query from parse string
// 5: parse the parameters; remainder after left-most ";" is parameters
for (idx = base_idx; idx < string_length; idx++) {
if (';' == characterArray[idx]) {
numRanges ++;
unpackedRanges[parameters_index].location = idx + 1;
unpackedRanges[parameters_index].length = string_length - (idx+1);
string_length = idx; // remove parameters from parse string
// 6: parse the path; it's whatever's left between string_length & base_idx
if (string_length - base_idx != 0 || (flags & NET_LOCATION_MASK))
// If we have a net location, we are 1808-compliant, and an empty path substring implies a path of "/"
UniChar ch;
Boolean isDir;
CFRange pathRg;
flags |= HAS_PATH;
numRanges ++;
pathRg.location = base_idx;
pathRg.length = string_length - base_idx;
unpackedRanges[path_index] = pathRg;
if (pathRg.length > 0) {
Boolean sawPercent = FALSE;
for (idx = pathRg.location; idx < string_length; idx++) {
if ('%' == characterArray[idx]) {
sawPercent = TRUE;
if (pathRg.length > 6 && characterArray[pathRg.location] == '/' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 1] == '.' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 2] == 'f' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 3] == 'i' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 4] == 'l' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 5] == 'e' && characterArray[pathRg.location + 6] == '/') {
flags |= PATH_HAS_FILE_ID;
} else if (!sawPercent) {
if (!sawPercent) {
ch = characterArray[pathRg.location + pathRg.length - 1];
if (ch == '/') {
isDir = true;
} else if (ch == '.') {
if (pathRg.length == 1) {
isDir = true;
} else {
ch = characterArray[pathRg.location + pathRg.length - 2];
if (ch == '/') {
isDir = true;
} else if (ch != '.') {
isDir = false;
} else if (pathRg.length == 2) {
isDir = true;
} else {
isDir = (characterArray[pathRg.location + pathRg.length - 3] == '/');
} else {
isDir = false;
} else {
isDir = (baseURL != NULL) ? CFURLHasDirectoryPath(baseURL) : false;
if (isDir) {
flags |= IS_DIRECTORY;
(*theFlags) = flags;
*numberOfRanges = numRanges;
numRanges = 0;
for (idx = 0, flags = 1; flags != (1<<9); flags = (flags<<1), idx ++) {
if ((*theFlags) & flags) {
packedRanges[numRanges] = unpackedRanges[idx];
numRanges ++;
static Boolean scanCharactersCString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFMutableStringRef *escapedString, UInt32 *flags, const char *characterArray, Boolean useCString, CFIndex base, CFIndex end, CFIndex *mark, UInt32 componentFlag, CFStringEncoding encoding)
static Boolean scanCharactersUString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFMutableStringRef *escapedString, UInt32 *flags, const UniChar *characterArray, Boolean useCString, CFIndex base, CFIndex end, CFIndex *mark, UInt32 componentFlag, CFStringEncoding encoding)
#ifdef CFURL_INCLUDE_SCAN_CHARACTERS // defined when we want this block of code included
CFIndex idx;
Boolean sawIllegalChar = false;
for (idx = base; idx < end; idx ++) {
Boolean shouldEscape;
UniChar ch = characterArray[idx];
if (isURLLegalCharacter(ch)) {
if ((componentFlag == HAS_USER || componentFlag == HAS_PASSWORD) && (ch == '/' || ch == '?' || ch == '@')) {
shouldEscape = true;
} else {
shouldEscape = false;
} else if (ch == '%' && idx + 2 < end && isHexDigit(characterArray[idx + 1]) && isHexDigit(characterArray[idx+2])) {
shouldEscape = false;
} else if (componentFlag == HAS_HOST && ((idx == base && ch == '[') || (idx == end-1 && ch == ']'))) {
shouldEscape = false;
} else {
shouldEscape = true;
if (shouldEscape) {
sawIllegalChar = true;
if (componentFlag && flags) {
*flags |= componentFlag;
if (!*escapedString) {
*escapedString = CFStringCreateMutable(alloc, 0);
if (useCString) {
CFStringRef tempString = CFStringCreateWithBytes(alloc, (uint8_t *)&(characterArray[*mark]), idx - *mark, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, false);
CFStringAppend(*escapedString, tempString);
} else {
CFStringAppendCharacters(*escapedString, (const UniChar *)&(characterArray[*mark]), idx - *mark);
// try as a single UniChar first
if ( _appendPercentEscapesForCharacter(&ch, false, encoding, *escapedString) ) {
*mark = idx + 1;
// if that failed, the encoding is UTF8 and this is a surrogate pair, then percent-encode the surrogate pair
else if ( (encoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8) && ((idx + 1) < end) && CFCharacterSetIsSurrogateHighCharacter(ch) && CFCharacterSetIsSurrogateLowCharacter(characterArray[idx + 1]) ) {
// percent-encode the surrogate pair
UniChar surrogatePair[2];
surrogatePair[0] = ch;
surrogatePair[1] = characterArray[idx + 1];
_appendPercentEscapesForCharacter(surrogatePair, true, encoding, *escapedString);
// we consumed 2 chararacters instead of 1
*mark = idx + 2;
return sawIllegalChar;