blob: 8337c10c871973f33ec170059c06c5e977ffc58e [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* CFBasicHash.h
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent2 {
unsigned long state;
unsigned long *itemsPtr;
unsigned long *mutationsPtr;
unsigned long extra[5];
enum {
__kCFBasicHashLinearHashingValue = 1,
__kCFBasicHashDoubleHashingValue = 2,
__kCFBasicHashExponentialHashingValue = 3,
enum {
kCFBasicHashHasKeys = (1UL << 0),
kCFBasicHashHasCounts = (1UL << 1),
kCFBasicHashHasHashCache = (1UL << 2),
kCFBasicHashIntegerValues = (1UL << 6),
kCFBasicHashIntegerKeys = (1UL << 7),
kCFBasicHashStrongValues = (1UL << 8),
kCFBasicHashStrongKeys = (1UL << 9),
kCFBasicHashWeakValues = (1UL << 10),
kCFBasicHashWeakKeys = (1UL << 11),
kCFBasicHashIndirectKeys = (1UL << 12),
kCFBasicHashLinearHashing = (__kCFBasicHashLinearHashingValue << 13), // bits 13-14
kCFBasicHashDoubleHashing = (__kCFBasicHashDoubleHashingValue << 13),
kCFBasicHashExponentialHashing = (__kCFBasicHashExponentialHashingValue << 13),
kCFBasicHashAggressiveGrowth = (1UL << 15),
// Note that for a hash table without keys, the value is treated as the key,
// and the value should be passed in as the key for operations which take a key.
typedef struct {
CFIndex idx;
uintptr_t weak_key;
uintptr_t weak_value;
uintptr_t count;
} CFBasicHashBucket;
typedef struct __CFBasicHash *CFBasicHashRef;
typedef const struct __CFBasicHash *CFConstBasicHashRef;
// Bit 6 in the CF_INFO_BITS of the CFRuntimeBase inside the CFBasicHashRef is the "is immutable" bit
CF_INLINE Boolean CFBasicHashIsMutable(CFConstBasicHashRef ht) {
return __CFBitfieldGetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)ht)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 6, 6) ? false : true;
CF_INLINE void CFBasicHashMakeImmutable(CFBasicHashRef ht) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)ht)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 6, 6, 1);
typedef struct __CFBasicHashCallbacks CFBasicHashCallbacks;
struct __CFBasicHashCallbacks {
uintptr_t (*retainValue)(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uintptr_t stack_value); // Return 2nd arg or new value
uintptr_t (*retainKey)(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uintptr_t stack_key); // Return 2nd arg or new key
void (*releaseValue)(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uintptr_t stack_value);
void (*releaseKey)(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uintptr_t stack_key);
Boolean (*equateValues)(uintptr_t coll_value1, uintptr_t stack_value2); // 1st arg is in-collection value, 2nd arg is probe parameter OR in-collection value for a second collection
Boolean (*equateKeys)(uintptr_t coll_key1, uintptr_t stack_key2); // 1st arg is in-collection key, 2nd arg is probe parameter
CFHashCode (*hashKey)(uintptr_t stack_key);
uintptr_t (*getIndirectKey)(uintptr_t coll_value); // Return key; 1st arg is in-collection value
CFStringRef (*copyValueDescription)(uintptr_t stack_value);
CFStringRef (*copyKeyDescription)(uintptr_t stack_key);
Boolean CFBasicHashHasStrongValues(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
Boolean CFBasicHashHasStrongKeys(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
CFOptionFlags CFBasicHashGetFlags(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
CFIndex CFBasicHashGetNumBuckets(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
CFIndex CFBasicHashGetCapacity(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
void CFBasicHashSetCapacity(CFBasicHashRef ht, CFIndex capacity);
CFIndex CFBasicHashGetCount(CFConstBasicHashRef ht);
CFBasicHashBucket CFBasicHashGetBucket(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, CFIndex idx);
CFBasicHashBucket CFBasicHashFindBucket(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key);
CFIndex CFBasicHashGetCountOfKey(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key);
CFIndex CFBasicHashGetCountOfValue(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_value);
Boolean CFBasicHashesAreEqual(CFConstBasicHashRef ht1, CFConstBasicHashRef ht2);
void CFBasicHashApply(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, Boolean (^block)(CFBasicHashBucket));
void CFBasicHashApplyIndexed(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, CFRange range, Boolean (^block)(CFBasicHashBucket));
void CFBasicHashGetElements(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, CFIndex bufferslen, uintptr_t *weak_values, uintptr_t *weak_keys);
Boolean CFBasicHashAddValue(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key, uintptr_t stack_value);
void CFBasicHashReplaceValue(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key, uintptr_t stack_value);
void CFBasicHashSetValue(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key, uintptr_t stack_value);
CFIndex CFBasicHashRemoveValue(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key);
CFIndex CFBasicHashRemoveValueAtIndex(CFBasicHashRef ht, CFIndex idx);
void CFBasicHashRemoveAllValues(CFBasicHashRef ht);
Boolean CFBasicHashAddIntValueAndInc(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t stack_key, uintptr_t int_value);
void CFBasicHashRemoveIntValueAndDec(CFBasicHashRef ht, uintptr_t int_value);
size_t CFBasicHashGetSize(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, Boolean total);
void CFBasicHashSuppressRC(CFBasicHashRef ht);
void CFBasicHashUnsuppressRC(CFBasicHashRef ht);
CFStringRef CFBasicHashCopyDescription(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, Boolean detailed, CFStringRef linePrefix, CFStringRef entryLinePrefix, Boolean describeElements);
CFTypeID CFBasicHashGetTypeID(void);
extern Boolean __CFBasicHashEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2);
extern CFHashCode __CFBasicHashHash(CFTypeRef cf);
extern CFStringRef __CFBasicHashCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf);
extern void __CFBasicHashDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf);
extern unsigned long __CFBasicHashFastEnumeration(CFConstBasicHashRef ht, struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent2 *state, void *stackbuffer, unsigned long count);
// creation functions create mutable CFBasicHashRefs
CFBasicHashRef CFBasicHashCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFOptionFlags flags, const CFBasicHashCallbacks *cb);
CFBasicHashRef CFBasicHashCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFConstBasicHashRef ht);