blob: 5fa66b60061bdc07949845756f43d157db8fd59a [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
Copyright (c) 1999-2015, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Responsibility: David Smith
#include <CoreFoundation/CFUUID.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include "uuid/uuid.h"
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
static CFMutableDictionaryRef _uniquedUUIDs = NULL;
CF_INLINE void LOCKED(dispatch_block_t work) {
static dispatch_once_t guard;
static dispatch_queue_t CFUUIDGlobalDataLock;
dispatch_once(&guard, ^{
dispatch_queue_attr_t dqattr = dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, qos_class_main(), 0);
CFUUIDGlobalDataLock = dispatch_queue_create("", dqattr);
dispatch_sync(CFUUIDGlobalDataLock, work);
// Platforms without dispatch
static CFMutableDictionaryRef _uniquedUUIDs = NULL;
static CFLock_t _uniquedUUIDsLock = CFLockInit;
CF_INLINE void LOCKED(void (^work)(void)) {
struct __CFUUID {
CFRuntimeBase _base;
CFUUIDBytes _bytes;
typedef struct __CFUUID __CFUUID_t;
static Boolean __CFisEqualUUIDBytes(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) {
CFUUIDBytes *p1 = (CFUUIDBytes *)ptr1;
CFUUIDBytes *p2 = (CFUUIDBytes *)ptr2;
return (((p1->byte0 == p2->byte0) && (p1->byte1 == p2->byte1) && (p1->byte2 == p2->byte2) && (p1->byte3 == p2->byte3) && (p1->byte4 == p2->byte4) && (p1->byte5 == p2->byte5) && (p1->byte6 == p2->byte6) && (p1->byte7 == p2->byte7) && (p1->byte8 == p2->byte8) && (p1->byte9 == p2->byte9) && (p1->byte10 == p2->byte10) && (p1->byte11 == p2->byte11) && (p1->byte12 == p2->byte12) && (p1->byte13 == p2->byte13) && (p1->byte14 == p2->byte14) && (p1->byte15 == p2->byte15)) ? true : false);
static CFHashCode __CFhashUUIDBytes(const void *ptr) {
return CFHashBytes((uint8_t *)ptr, 16);
* GC implementation of a weak set specifically designed for UUID
#define MALLOC(x) CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, x, 0)
#define FREE(x) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, x)
#define HASH(x) CFHashBytes((uint8_t *)x, 16)
#define READWEAK(location) objc_read_weak((id *)location)
#define WRITEWEAK(location, value) objc_assign_weak((id)value, (id *)location)
typedef struct {
unsigned long count, size;
__CFUUID_t **weakPtrs;
} _UUIDWeakSet_t;
static _UUIDWeakSet_t _UUIDWeakSet;
static void grow_has_lock(void);
// enter if not already present
static void enter_has_lock(__CFUUID_t *candidate) {
if (!candidate) return;
_UUIDWeakSet_t *table = &_UUIDWeakSet;
if (!table->size) grow_has_lock();
unsigned long int hashValue = HASH(&candidate->_bytes) & (table->size-1);
__CFUUID_t *result = table->weakPtrs[hashValue];
while (1) {
if (result == (void *)0x1 || result == NULL) {
table->weakPtrs[hashValue] = NULL; // so that we don't try to unregister 0x1
WRITEWEAK(&table->weakPtrs[hashValue], (void *)candidate);
if (result) result = (__CFUUID_t *)READWEAK(&table->weakPtrs[hashValue]);
if (result) {
// see if it is equal to candidate
if (__CFisEqualUUIDBytes(&result->_bytes, &candidate->_bytes)) {
// keep first one. There is a race if two threads both fail to find
// a candidate uuid then both try decide to create and enter one.
// Under non-GC one of them simply leaks.
} else {
// was zeroed by collector. Use this slot.
// move on
if (++hashValue >= table->size) hashValue = 0;
result = table->weakPtrs[hashValue];
static void *find_has_lock(const CFUUIDBytes *bytes) {
if (!bytes) return NULL;
_UUIDWeakSet_t *table = &_UUIDWeakSet;
if (!table->size) return NULL; // no entries
unsigned long int hashValue = HASH(bytes) & (table->size-1);
__CFUUID_t *result = table->weakPtrs[hashValue];
while (1) {
if (result == (void *)0x1) break;
if (result) result = (__CFUUID_t *)READWEAK(&table->weakPtrs[hashValue]);
if (result) {
// see if it is equal to bytes
if (__CFisEqualUUIDBytes(&result->_bytes, bytes)) return result;
// move on
if (++hashValue >= table->size) hashValue = 0;
result = table->weakPtrs[hashValue];
return NULL;
static void grow_has_lock() {
_UUIDWeakSet_t *table = &_UUIDWeakSet;
if (table->size == 0) {
table->size = 16;
table->weakPtrs = (__CFUUID_t **)MALLOC(sizeof(__CFUUID_t *)*table->size);
for (int i = 0; i < table->size; ++i) table->weakPtrs[i] = (__CFUUID_t *)0x1;
table->count = 0;
table->count = 0;
table->size = table->size*2;
__CFUUID_t **oldPtrs = table->weakPtrs;
table->weakPtrs = (__CFUUID_t **)MALLOC(sizeof(__CFUUID_t *)*table->size);
for (int i = 0; i < table->size; ++i) table->weakPtrs[i] = (__CFUUID_t *)0x1;
for (int i = 0; i < table->size / 2; ++i) {
if (oldPtrs[i] == (__CFUUID_t *)0x1) continue; // available field, ignore
if (oldPtrs[i] == NULL) continue; // zero'ed by collector, ignore
enter_has_lock((__CFUUID_t *)READWEAK(&oldPtrs[i])); // read, then enter (but enter must check for NULL)
WRITEWEAK(&oldPtrs[i], NULL); // unregister
/***** end of weak set */
static void __CFUUIDAddUniqueUUIDHasLock(CFUUIDRef uuid) {
CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks __CFUUIDBytesDictionaryKeyCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, __CFisEqualUUIDBytes, __CFhashUUIDBytes};
CFDictionaryValueCallBacks __CFnonRetainedUUIDDictionaryValueCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual};
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) {
enter_has_lock((__CFUUID_t *)uuid);
if (_UUIDWeakSet.count > (3 * _UUIDWeakSet.size / 4)) grow_has_lock();
} else {
if (!_uniquedUUIDs) _uniquedUUIDs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &__CFUUIDBytesDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &__CFnonRetainedUUIDDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFDictionarySetValue(_uniquedUUIDs, &(uuid->_bytes), uuid);
static void __CFUUIDRemoveUniqueUUIDHasLock(CFUUIDRef uuid) {
if (_uniquedUUIDs) CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_uniquedUUIDs, &(uuid->_bytes));
static CFUUIDRef __CFUUIDGetUniquedUUIDHasLock(const CFUUIDBytes *bytes) {
CFUUIDRef uuid = NULL;
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) {
uuid = (CFUUIDRef)find_has_lock(bytes);
} else if (_uniquedUUIDs) {
uuid = (CFUUIDRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(_uniquedUUIDs, bytes);
return uuid;
static void __CFUUIDDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) return;
__CFUUID_t *uuid = (__CFUUID_t *)cf;
static CFStringRef __CFUUIDCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFStringRef uuidStr = CFUUIDCreateString(CFGetAllocator(cf), (CFUUIDRef)cf);
CFStringRef desc = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("<CFUUID %p> %@"), cf, uuidStr);
return desc;
static CFStringRef __CFUUIDCopyFormattingDescription(CFTypeRef cf, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions) {
return CFUUIDCreateString(CFGetAllocator(cf), (CFUUIDRef)cf);
static CFTypeID __kCFUUIDTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFUUIDClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, // equal
NULL, // hash
CFTypeID CFUUIDGetTypeID(void) {
static dispatch_once_t initOnce = 0;
dispatch_once(&initOnce, ^{ __kCFUUIDTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFUUIDClass); });
return __kCFUUIDTypeID;
static CFUUIDRef __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFUUIDBytes bytes, Boolean isConst) {
__block __CFUUID_t *uuid = NULL;
uuid = (__CFUUID_t *)__CFUUIDGetUniquedUUIDHasLock(&bytes);
if (!uuid) {
size_t size;
size = sizeof(__CFUUID_t) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
uuid = (__CFUUID_t *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(kCFUseCollectableAllocator ? kCFAllocatorSystemDefault : allocator, CFUUIDGetTypeID(), size, NULL);
if (!uuid) return;
uuid->_bytes = bytes;
} else if (!isConst) {
return (CFUUIDRef)uuid;
#include <Rpc.h>
#include "uuid/uuid.h"
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
CFUUIDRef CFUUIDCreate(CFAllocatorRef alloc) {
/* Create a new bytes struct and then call the primitive. */
__block CFUUIDBytes bytes;
__block uint32_t retval = 0;
long rStatus = UuidCreate(&u);
if (RPC_S_OK != rStatus && RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY != rStatus) retval = 1;
memmove(&bytes, &u, sizeof(bytes));
static Boolean useV1UUIDs = false, checked = false;
uuid_t uuid;
if (!checked) {
const char *value = __CFgetenv("CFUUIDVersionNumber");
if (value) {
if (1 == strtoul_l(value, NULL, 0, NULL)) useV1UUIDs = true;
checked = true;
if (useV1UUIDs) uuid_generate_time(uuid); else uuid_generate_random(uuid);
memcpy((void *)&bytes, uuid, sizeof(uuid));
retval = 1;
return (retval == 0) ? __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(alloc, bytes, false) : NULL;
CFUUIDRef CFUUIDCreateWithBytes(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uint8_t byte0, uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3, uint8_t byte4, uint8_t byte5, uint8_t byte6, uint8_t byte7, uint8_t byte8, uint8_t byte9, uint8_t byte10, uint8_t byte11, uint8_t byte12, uint8_t byte13, uint8_t byte14, uint8_t byte15) {
CFUUIDBytes bytes;
// CodeWarrior can't handle the structure assignment of bytes, so we must explode this - REW, 10/8/99
bytes.byte0 = byte0;
bytes.byte1 = byte1;
bytes.byte2 = byte2;
bytes.byte3 = byte3;
bytes.byte4 = byte4;
bytes.byte5 = byte5;
bytes.byte6 = byte6;
bytes.byte7 = byte7;
bytes.byte8 = byte8;
bytes.byte9 = byte9;
bytes.byte10 = byte10;
bytes.byte11 = byte11;
bytes.byte12 = byte12;
bytes.byte13 = byte13;
bytes.byte14 = byte14;
bytes.byte15 = byte15;
return __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(alloc, bytes, false);
static void _intToHexChars(UInt32 in, UniChar *out, int digits) {
int shift;
UInt32 d;
while (--digits >= 0) {
shift = digits << 2;
d = 0x0FL & (in >> shift);
if (d <= 9) {
*out++ = (UniChar)'0' + d;
} else {
*out++ = (UniChar)'A' + (d - 10);
static uint8_t _byteFromHexChars(UniChar *in) {
uint8_t result = 0;
UniChar c;
uint8_t d;
CFIndex i;
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
c = in[i];
if ((c >= (UniChar)'0') && (c <= (UniChar)'9')) {
d = c - (UniChar)'0';
} else if ((c >= (UniChar)'a') && (c <= (UniChar)'f')) {
d = c - ((UniChar)'a' - 10);
} else if ((c >= (UniChar)'A') && (c <= (UniChar)'F')) {
d = c - ((UniChar)'A' - 10);
} else {
return 0;
result = (result << 4) | d;
return result;
CF_INLINE Boolean _isHexChar(UniChar c) {
return ((((c >= (UniChar)'0') && (c <= (UniChar)'9')) || ((c >= (UniChar)'a') && (c <= (UniChar)'f')) || ((c >= (UniChar)'A') && (c <= (UniChar)'F'))) ? true : false);
#define READ_A_BYTE(into) if (i+1 < len) { \
(into) = _byteFromHexChars(&(chars[i])); \
i+=2; \
CFUUIDRef CFUUIDCreateFromString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef uuidStr) {
/* Parse the string into a bytes struct and then call the primitive. */
CFUUIDBytes bytes;
UniChar chars[100];
CFIndex len;
CFIndex i = 0;
if (uuidStr == NULL) return NULL;
len = CFStringGetLength(uuidStr);
if (len > 100) {
len = 100;
} else if (len == 0) {
return NULL;
CFStringGetCharacters(uuidStr, CFRangeMake(0, len), chars);
memset((void *)&bytes, 0, sizeof(bytes));
/* Skip initial random stuff */
while (!_isHexChar(chars[i]) && i < len) i++;
return __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(alloc, bytes, false);
CFStringRef CFUUIDCreateString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFUUIDRef uuid) {
CFMutableStringRef str = CFStringCreateMutable(alloc, 0);
UniChar buff[12];
// First segment (4 bytes, 8 digits + 1 dash)
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte0, buff, 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte1, &(buff[2]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte2, &(buff[4]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte3, &(buff[6]), 2);
buff[8] = (UniChar)'-';
CFStringAppendCharacters(str, buff, 9);
// Second segment (2 bytes, 4 digits + 1 dash)
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte4, buff, 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte5, &(buff[2]), 2);
buff[4] = (UniChar)'-';
CFStringAppendCharacters(str, buff, 5);
// Third segment (2 bytes, 4 digits + 1 dash)
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte6, buff, 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte7, &(buff[2]), 2);
buff[4] = (UniChar)'-';
CFStringAppendCharacters(str, buff, 5);
// Fourth segment (2 bytes, 4 digits + 1 dash)
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte8, buff, 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte9, &(buff[2]), 2);
buff[4] = (UniChar)'-';
CFStringAppendCharacters(str, buff, 5);
// Fifth segment (6 bytes, 12 digits)
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte10, buff, 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte11, &(buff[2]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte12, &(buff[4]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte13, &(buff[6]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte14, &(buff[8]), 2);
_intToHexChars(uuid->_bytes.byte15, &(buff[10]), 2);
CFStringAppendCharacters(str, buff, 12);
return str;
CFUUIDRef CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(CFAllocatorRef alloc, uint8_t byte0, uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3, uint8_t byte4, uint8_t byte5, uint8_t byte6, uint8_t byte7, uint8_t byte8, uint8_t byte9, uint8_t byte10, uint8_t byte11, uint8_t byte12, uint8_t byte13, uint8_t byte14, uint8_t byte15) {
CFUUIDBytes bytes;
// CodeWarrior can't handle the structure assignment of bytes, so we must explode this - REW, 10/8/99
bytes.byte0 = byte0;
bytes.byte1 = byte1;
bytes.byte2 = byte2;
bytes.byte3 = byte3;
bytes.byte4 = byte4;
bytes.byte5 = byte5;
bytes.byte6 = byte6;
bytes.byte7 = byte7;
bytes.byte8 = byte8;
bytes.byte9 = byte9;
bytes.byte10 = byte10;
bytes.byte11 = byte11;
bytes.byte12 = byte12;
bytes.byte13 = byte13;
bytes.byte14 = byte14;
bytes.byte15 = byte15;
return __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(alloc, bytes, true);
return uuid->_bytes;
CF_EXPORT CFUUIDRef CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFUUIDBytes bytes) {
return __CFUUIDCreateWithBytesPrimitive(alloc, bytes, false);
#undef READ_A_BYTE
void _cf_uuid_clear(_cf_uuid_t uu) { uuid_clear(uu); }
int _cf_uuid_compare(const _cf_uuid_t uu1, const _cf_uuid_t uu2) { return uuid_compare(uu1, uu2); }
void _cf_uuid_copy(_cf_uuid_t dst, const _cf_uuid_t src) { uuid_copy(dst, src); }
void _cf_uuid_generate(_cf_uuid_t out) { uuid_generate(out); }
void _cf_uuid_generate_random(_cf_uuid_t out) { uuid_generate_random(out); }
void _cf_uuid_generate_time(_cf_uuid_t out) { uuid_generate_time(out); }
int _cf_uuid_is_null(const _cf_uuid_t uu) { return uuid_is_null(uu); }
int _cf_uuid_parse(const _cf_uuid_string_t in, _cf_uuid_t uu) { return uuid_parse(in, uu); }
void _cf_uuid_unparse(const _cf_uuid_t uu, _cf_uuid_string_t out) { uuid_unparse(uu, out); }
void _cf_uuid_unparse_lower(const _cf_uuid_t uu, _cf_uuid_string_t out) { uuid_unparse_lower(uu, out); }
void _cf_uuid_unparse_upper(const _cf_uuid_t uu, _cf_uuid_string_t out) { uuid_unparse_upper(uu, out); }