blob: 8e75b6c4855dd1f966e086973eb7847b84983874 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
open class FileHandle : NSObject, NSSecureCoding {
internal var _fd: Int32
internal var _closeOnDealloc: Bool
internal var _closed: Bool = false
open var availableData: Data {
return _readDataOfLength(Int.max, untilEOF: false)
open func readDataToEndOfFile() -> Data {
return readData(ofLength: Int.max)
open func readData(ofLength length: Int) -> Data {
return _readDataOfLength(length, untilEOF: true)
internal func _readDataOfLength(_ length: Int, untilEOF: Bool) -> Data {
var statbuf = stat()
var dynamicBuffer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil
var total = 0
if _closed || fstat(_fd, &statbuf) < 0 {
fatalError("Unable to read file")
if statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT != S_IFREG {
/* We get here on sockets, character special files, FIFOs ... */
var currentAllocationSize: size_t = 1024 * 8
dynamicBuffer = malloc(currentAllocationSize)
var remaining = length
while remaining > 0 {
let amountToRead = min(1024 * 8, remaining)
// Make sure there is always at least amountToRead bytes available in the buffer.
if (currentAllocationSize - total) < amountToRead {
currentAllocationSize *= 2
dynamicBuffer = _CFReallocf(dynamicBuffer!, currentAllocationSize)
if dynamicBuffer == nil {
fatalError("unable to allocate backing buffer")
let amtRead = read(_fd, dynamicBuffer!.advanced(by: total), amountToRead)
if 0 > amtRead {
fatalError("read failure")
if 0 == amtRead {
break // EOF
total += amtRead
remaining -= amtRead
if total == length || !untilEOF {
break // We read everything the client asked for.
} else {
let offset = lseek(_fd, 0, L_INCR)
if offset < 0 {
fatalError("Unable to fetch current file offset")
if statbuf.st_size > offset {
var remaining = size_t(statbuf.st_size - offset)
remaining = min(remaining, size_t(length))
dynamicBuffer = malloc(remaining)
if dynamicBuffer == nil {
fatalError("Malloc failure")
while remaining > 0 {
let count = read(_fd, dynamicBuffer!.advanced(by: total), remaining)
if count < 0 {
fatalError("Unable to read from fd")
if count == 0 {
total += count
remaining -= count
if length == Int.max && total > 0 {
dynamicBuffer = _CFReallocf(dynamicBuffer!, total)
if (0 == total) {
if total > 0 {
let bytePtr = dynamicBuffer!.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: total)
return Data(bytesNoCopy: bytePtr, count: total, deallocator: .none)
return Data()
open func write(_ data: Data) {
data.enumerateBytes() { (bytes, range, stop) in
do {
try NSData.write(toFileDescriptor: self._fd, path: nil, buf: UnsafeRawPointer(bytes.baseAddress!), length: bytes.count)
} catch {
fatalError("Write failure")
// TODO: Error handling.
open var offsetInFile: UInt64 {
return UInt64(lseek(_fd, 0, L_INCR))
open func seekToEndOfFile() -> UInt64 {
return UInt64(lseek(_fd, 0, L_XTND))
open func seek(toFileOffset offset: UInt64) {
lseek(_fd, off_t(offset), L_SET)
open func truncateFile(atOffset offset: UInt64) {
if lseek(_fd, off_t(offset), L_SET) == 0 {
ftruncate(_fd, off_t(offset))
open func synchronizeFile() {
open func closeFile() {
if !_closed {
_closed = true
public init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32, closeOnDealloc closeopt: Bool) {
_fd = fd
_closeOnDealloc = closeopt
internal init?(path: String, flags: Int32, createMode: Int) {
_fd = _CFOpenFileWithMode(path, flags, mode_t(createMode))
_closeOnDealloc = true
if _fd < 0 {
return nil
deinit {
if _fd >= 0 && _closeOnDealloc && !_closed {
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
open func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
public static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool {
return true
extension FileHandle {
internal static var _stdinFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDIN_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardInput: FileHandle {
return _stdinFileHandle
internal static var _stdoutFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDOUT_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardOutput: FileHandle {
return _stdoutFileHandle
internal static var _stderrFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDERR_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardError: FileHandle {
return _stderrFileHandle
open class var nullDevice: FileHandle {
public convenience init?(forReadingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_RDONLY, createMode: 0)
public convenience init?(forWritingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_WRONLY, createMode: 0)
public convenience init?(forUpdatingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_RDWR, createMode: 0)
internal static func _openFileDescriptorForURL(_ url : URL, flags: Int32, reading: Bool) throws -> Int32 {
let path = url.path
let fd = _CFOpenFile(path, flags)
if fd < 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: reading, url: url)
return fd
public convenience init(forReadingFrom url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_RDONLY, reading: true)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
public convenience init(forWritingTo url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_WRONLY, reading: false)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
public convenience init(forUpdating url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_RDWR, reading: false)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
extension NSExceptionName {
public static let fileHandleOperationException = "" // NSUnimplemented
extension Notification.Name {
public static let NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletion = Notification.Name(rawValue: "") // NSUnimplemented
public static let NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted = Notification.Name(rawValue: "") // NSUnimplemented
public static let NSFileHandleDataAvailable = Notification.Name(rawValue: "") // NSUnimplemented
public static let NSFileHandleReadCompletion = Notification.Name(rawValue: "") // NSUnimplemented
public let NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem: String = "" // NSUnimplemented
public let NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem: String = "" // NSUnimplemented
extension FileHandle {
open func readInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoopMode]?) {
open func readInBackgroundAndNotify() {
open func readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoopMode]?) {
open func readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify() {
open func acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoopMode]?) {
open func acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify() {
open func waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoopMode]?) {
open func waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() {
open var readabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? {
open var writeabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? {
extension FileHandle {
public convenience init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32) {
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: false)
open var fileDescriptor: Int32 {
return _fd
open class Pipe: NSObject {
private let readHandle: FileHandle
private let writeHandle: FileHandle
public override init() {
/// the `pipe` system call creates two `fd` in a malloc'ed area
var fds = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.allocate(capacity: 2)
defer {
/// If the operating system prevents us from creating file handles, stop
guard pipe(fds) == 0 else { fatalError("Could not open pipe file handles") }
/// The handles below auto-close when the `NSFileHandle` is deallocated, so we
/// don't need to add a `deinit` to this class
/// Create the read handle from the first fd in `fds`
self.readHandle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: fds.pointee, closeOnDealloc: true)
/// Advance `fds` by one to create the write handle from the second fd
self.writeHandle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: fds.successor().pointee, closeOnDealloc: true)
open var fileHandleForReading: FileHandle {
return self.readHandle
open var fileHandleForWriting: FileHandle {
return self.writeHandle