blob: 71e2ec4ad039ac3b37cf9ee830f05418e8a33df7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
import XCTest
import SwiftFoundation
import SwiftXCTest
import CoreFoundation
class TestNSCalendar: XCTestCase {
static var allTests: [(String, (TestNSCalendar) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_gettingDatesOnGregorianCalendar", test_gettingDatesOnGregorianCalendar ),
("test_gettingDatesOnHebrewCalendar", test_gettingDatesOnHebrewCalendar ),
("test_gettingDatesOnChineseCalendar", test_gettingDatesOnChineseCalendar),
// Disabled because this fails on linux
// ("test_currentCalendarRRstability", test_currentCalendarRRstability),
func test_gettingDatesOnGregorianCalendar() {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1449332351)
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")!
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: date)
XCTAssertEqual(components.year, 2015)
XCTAssertEqual(components.month, 12)
XCTAssertEqual(, 5)
func test_gettingDatesOnHebrewCalendar() {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1552580351)
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .hebrew)
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")!
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: date)
XCTAssertEqual(components.year, 5779)
XCTAssertEqual(components.month, 7)
XCTAssertEqual(, 7)
XCTAssertEqual(components.isLeapMonth, false)
func test_gettingDatesOnChineseCalendar() {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1591460351.0)
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .chinese)
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")!
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: date)
XCTAssertEqual(components.year, 37)
XCTAssertEqual(components.month, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(, 15)
XCTAssertEqual(components.isLeapMonth, true)
func test_currentRRstability() {
var AMSymbols = [String]()
for _ in 1...10 {
let cal = Calendar.current
XCTAssertEqual(AMSymbols.count, 10, "Accessing current calendar should work over multiple callouts")
func test_copy() {
var calendar = Calendar.current
//Mutate below fields and check if change is being reflected in copy.
calendar.firstWeekday = 2
calendar.minimumDaysInFirstWeek = 2
let copy = calendar
XCTAssertTrue(copy == calendar)
//verify firstWeekday and minimumDaysInFirstWeek of 'copy'.
XCTAssertEqual(copy.firstWeekday, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(copy.minimumDaysInFirstWeek, 2)
class TestNSDateComponents: XCTestCase {
static var allTests: [(String, (TestNSDateComponents) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_copyNSDateComponents", test_copyNSDateComponents),
func test_copyNSDateComponents() {
let components = NSDateComponents()
components.year = 1987
components.month = 3 = 17
components.hour = 14
components.minute = 20
components.second = 0
let copy = components.copy(with: nil) as! NSDateComponents
XCTAssertTrue(components == copy)
XCTAssertFalse(components === copy)
XCTAssertEqual(copy.year, 1987)
XCTAssertEqual(copy.month, 3)
XCTAssertEqual(, 17)
XCTAssertEqual(copy.isLeapMonth, false)
//Mutate NSDateComponents and verify that it does not reflect in the copy
components.hour = 12
XCTAssertEqual(components.hour, 12)
XCTAssertEqual(copy.hour, 14)