blob: 5f4248d2d3cb955c12384923a2c16acb0de35e0f [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
extension Task {
public enum TerminationReason : Int {
case exit
case uncaughtSignal
private func WEXITSTATUS(_ status: CInt) -> CInt {
return (status >> 8) & 0xff
private var managerThreadRunLoop : RunLoop? = nil
private var managerThreadRunLoopIsRunning = false
private var managerThreadRunLoopIsRunningCondition = NSCondition()
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
internal let kCFSocketDataCallBack = CFSocketCallBackType.dataCallBack.rawValue
private func emptyRunLoopCallback(_ context : UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void {}
// Retain method for run loop source
private func runLoopSourceRetain(_ pointer : UnsafeRawPointer?) -> UnsafeRawPointer? {
let ref = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.fromOpaque(pointer!).takeUnretainedValue()
let retained = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.passRetained(ref)
return unsafeBitCast(retained, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
// Release method for run loop source
private func runLoopSourceRelease(_ pointer : UnsafeRawPointer?) -> Void {
// Equal method for run loop source
private func runloopIsEqual(_ a : UnsafeRawPointer?, _ b : UnsafeRawPointer?) -> _DarwinCompatibleBoolean {
let unmanagedrunLoopA = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.fromOpaque(a!)
guard let runLoopA = unmanagedrunLoopA.takeUnretainedValue() as? RunLoop else {
return false
let unmanagedRunLoopB = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.fromOpaque(a!)
guard let runLoopB = unmanagedRunLoopB.takeUnretainedValue() as? RunLoop else {
return false
guard runLoopA == runLoopB else {
return false
return true
// Equal method for task in run loop source
private func nstaskIsEqual(_ a : UnsafeRawPointer?, _ b : UnsafeRawPointer?) -> _DarwinCompatibleBoolean {
let unmanagedTaskA = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.fromOpaque(a!)
guard let taskA = unmanagedTaskA.takeUnretainedValue() as? Task else {
return false
let unmanagedTaskB = Unmanaged<AnyObject>.fromOpaque(a!)
guard let taskB = unmanagedTaskB.takeUnretainedValue() as? Task else {
return false
guard taskA == taskB else {
return false
return true
open class Task: NSObject {
private static func setup() {
struct Once {
static var done = false
static let lock = NSLock()
Once.lock.synchronized {
if !Once.done {
let thread = Thread {
managerThreadRunLoop = RunLoop.current
var emptySourceContext = CFRunLoopSourceContext()
emptySourceContext.version = 0
emptySourceContext.retain = runLoopSourceRetain
emptySourceContext.release = runLoopSourceRelease
emptySourceContext.equal = runloopIsEqual
emptySourceContext.perform = emptyRunLoopCallback
managerThreadRunLoop!.withUnretainedReference {
(refPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(refPtr)
CFRunLoopAddSource(managerThreadRunLoop?._cfRunLoop, CFRunLoopSourceCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &emptySourceContext), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
CFRunLoopPerformBlock(managerThreadRunLoop?._cfRunLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode) {
managerThreadRunLoopIsRunning = true
fatalError("NSTask manager run loop exited unexpectedly; it should run forever once initialized")
while managerThreadRunLoopIsRunning == false {
Once.done = true
// Create an NSTask which can be run at a later time
// An NSTask can only be run once. Subsequent attempts to
// run an NSTask will raise.
// Upon task death a notification will be sent
// { Name = NSTaskDidTerminateNotification; object = task; }
public override init() {
// these methods can only be set before a launch
open var launchPath: String?
open var arguments: [String]?
open var environment: [String : String]? // if not set, use current
open var currentDirectoryPath: String = FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath
// standard I/O channels; could be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe
open var standardInput: AnyObject? {
willSet {
precondition(newValue is Pipe || newValue is FileHandle,
"standardInput must be either NSPipe or NSFileHandle")
open var standardOutput: AnyObject? {
willSet {
precondition(newValue is Pipe || newValue is FileHandle,
"standardOutput must be either NSPipe or NSFileHandle")
open var standardError: AnyObject? {
willSet {
precondition(newValue is Pipe || newValue is FileHandle,
"standardError must be either NSPipe or NSFileHandle")
private var runLoopSourceContext : CFRunLoopSourceContext?
private var runLoopSource : CFRunLoopSource?
fileprivate weak var runLoop : RunLoop? = nil
private var processLaunchedCondition = NSCondition()
// actions
open func launch() {
// Dispatch the manager thread if it isn't already running
// Ensure that the launch path is set
guard let launchPath = self.launchPath else {
// Convert the arguments array into a posix_spawn-friendly format
var args = [launchPath]
if let arguments = self.arguments {
args.append(contentsOf: arguments)
let argv : UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?> = args.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
let array : UnsafeBufferPointer<String> = $0
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>.allocate(capacity: array.count + 1)
buffer.initialize(from: { $0.withCString(strdup) })
buffer[array.count] = nil
return buffer
defer {
for arg in argv ..< argv + args.count {
argv.deallocate(capacity: args.count + 1)
let envp: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>
if let env = environment {
let nenv = env.count
envp = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>.allocate(capacity: 1 + nenv)
envp.initialize(from: { strdup("\($0)=\($1)") })
envp[env.count] = nil
} else {
envp = _CFEnviron()
defer {
if let env = environment {
for pair in envp ..< envp + env.count {
envp.deallocate(capacity: env.count + 1)
var taskSocketPair : [Int32] = [0, 0]
socketpair(AF_UNIX, _CF_SOCK_STREAM(), 0, &taskSocketPair)
var context = CFSocketContext()
context.version = 0
context.retain = runLoopSourceRetain
context.release = runLoopSourceRelease = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
let socket = CFSocketCreateWithNative( nil, taskSocketPair[0], CFOptionFlags(kCFSocketDataCallBack), {
(socket, type, address, data, info ) in
let task: Task = NSObject.unretainedReference(info!)
while task.running == false {
var exitCode : Int32 = 0
var waitResult : Int32 = 0
repeat {
waitResult = waitpid( task.processIdentifier, &exitCode, 0)
} while ( (waitResult == -1) && (errno == EINTR) )
task.terminationStatus = WEXITSTATUS( exitCode )
// If a termination handler has been set, invoke it on a background thread
if task.terminationHandler != nil {
let thread = Thread {
// Set the running flag to false
task.running = false
// Invalidate the source and wake up the run loop, if it's available
if let runLoop = task.runLoop {
CFSocketInvalidate( socket )
}, &context )
CFSocketSetSocketFlags( socket, CFOptionFlags(kCFSocketCloseOnInvalidate))
let source = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, socket, 0)
CFRunLoopAddSource(managerThreadRunLoop?._cfRunLoop, source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
// file_actions
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
var fileActions: posix_spawn_file_actions_t? = nil
var fileActions: posix_spawn_file_actions_t = posix_spawn_file_actions_t()
defer { posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&fileActions) }
// File descriptors to duplicate in the child process. This allows
// output redirection to NSPipe or NSFileHandle.
var adddup2 = [Int32: Int32]()
// File descriptors to close in the child process. A set so that
// shared pipes only get closed once. Would result in EBADF on OSX
// otherwise.
var addclose = Set<Int32>()
switch standardInput {
case let pipe as Pipe:
adddup2[STDIN_FILENO] = pipe.fileHandleForReading.fileDescriptor
case let handle as FileHandle:
adddup2[STDIN_FILENO] = handle.fileDescriptor
default: break
switch standardOutput {
case let pipe as Pipe:
adddup2[STDOUT_FILENO] = pipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor
case let handle as FileHandle:
adddup2[STDOUT_FILENO] = handle.fileDescriptor
default: break
switch standardError {
case let pipe as Pipe:
adddup2[STDERR_FILENO] = pipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor
case let handle as FileHandle:
adddup2[STDERR_FILENO] = handle.fileDescriptor
default: break
for (new, old) in adddup2 {
posix(posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&fileActions, old, new))
for fd in addclose {
posix(posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&fileActions, fd))
// Launch
var pid = pid_t()
posix(posix_spawn(&pid, launchPath, &fileActions, nil, argv, envp))
// Close the write end of the input and output pipes.
if let pipe = standardInput as? Pipe {
if let pipe = standardOutput as? Pipe {
if let pipe = standardError as? Pipe {
self.runLoop = RunLoop.current
self.runLoopSourceContext = CFRunLoopSourceContext(version: 0,
info: Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque(),
retain: { return runLoopSourceRetain($0) },
release: { runLoopSourceRelease($0) },
copyDescription: nil,
equal: { return nstaskIsEqual($0, $1) },
hash: nil,
schedule: nil,
cancel: nil,
perform: { emptyRunLoopCallback($0) }
var runLoopContext = CFRunLoopSourceContext()
runLoopContext.version = 0
runLoopContext.retain = runLoopSourceRetain
runLoopContext.release = runLoopSourceRelease
runLoopContext.equal = nstaskIsEqual
runLoopContext.perform = emptyRunLoopCallback
self.withUnretainedReference {
(refPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(refPtr)
self.runLoopSourceContext = runLoopContext
self.runLoopSource = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &runLoopSourceContext!)
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
running = true
self.processIdentifier = pid
open func interrupt() { NSUnimplemented() } // Not always possible. Sends SIGINT.
open func terminate() { NSUnimplemented() }// Not always possible. Sends SIGTERM.
open func suspend() -> Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
open func resume() -> Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
// status
open private(set) var processIdentifier: Int32 = -1
open private(set) var running: Bool = false
open private(set) var terminationStatus: Int32 = 0
open var terminationReason: TerminationReason { NSUnimplemented() }
A block to be invoked when the process underlying the NSTask terminates. Setting the block to nil is valid, and stops the previous block from being invoked, as long as it hasn't started in any way. The NSTask is passed as the argument to the block so the block does not have to capture, and thus retain, it. The block is copied when set. Only one termination handler block can be set at any time. The execution context in which the block is invoked is undefined. If the NSTask has already finished, the block is executed immediately/soon (not necessarily on the current thread). If a terminationHandler is set on an NSTask, the NSTaskDidTerminateNotification notification is not posted for that task. Also note that -waitUntilExit won't wait until the terminationHandler has been fully executed. You cannot use this property in a concrete subclass of NSTask which hasn't been updated to include an implementation of the storage and use of it.
open var terminationHandler: ((Task) -> Void)?
open var qualityOfService: NSQualityOfService = .default // read-only after the task is launched
extension Task {
// convenience; create and launch
open class func launchedTaskWithLaunchPath(_ path: String, arguments: [String]) -> Task {
let task = Task()
task.launchPath = path
task.arguments = arguments
return task
// poll the runLoop in defaultMode until task completes
open func waitUntilExit() {
repeat {
} while( self.running == true && .defaultRunLoopMode, before: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0.05)) )
self.runLoop = nil
public let NSTaskDidTerminateNotification: String = "NSTaskDidTerminateNotification"
private func posix(_ code: Int32) {
switch code {
case 0: return
case EBADF: fatalError("POSIX command failed with error: \(code) -- EBADF")
default: fatalError("POSIX command failed with error: \(code)")