blob: 19a6527f04f316b8a6bf556651eb0de0c6aa15b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
open class NSKeyedUnarchiver : NSCoder {
struct UnarchiverFlags : OptionSet {
let rawValue : UInt
init(rawValue : UInt) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
static let None = UnarchiverFlags(rawValue: 0)
static let FinishedDecoding = UnarchiverFlags(rawValue : 1)
static let RequiresSecureCoding = UnarchiverFlags(rawValue: 2)
class DecodingContext {
fileprivate var dict : Dictionary<String, Any>
fileprivate var genericKey : UInt = 0
init(_ dict : Dictionary<String, Any>) {
self.dict = dict
private static var _classNameMap : Dictionary<String, AnyClass> = [:]
private static var _classNameMapLock = NSLock()
open weak var delegate: NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate?
private enum Stream {
case data(Data)
case stream(InputStream)
private var _stream : Stream
private var _flags = UnarchiverFlags(rawValue: 0)
private var _containers : Array<DecodingContext>? = nil
private var _objects : Array<Any> = []
private var _objRefMap : Dictionary<UInt32, Any> = [:]
private var _replacementMap : Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any> = [:]
private var _classNameMap : Dictionary<String, AnyClass> = [:]
private var _classes : Dictionary<UInt32, AnyClass> = [:]
private var _cache : Array<_NSKeyedArchiverUID> = []
private var _allowedClasses : Array<[AnyClass]> = []
private var _error : NSError? = nil
override open var error: Error? {
return _error
open class func unarchiveObject(with data: Data) -> Any? {
do {
return try unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(data)
} catch {
return nil
open class func unarchiveObject(withFile path: String) -> Any? {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
let readStream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, url._cfObject)!
var root : Any? = nil
if !CFReadStreamOpen(readStream) {
return nil
let keyedUnarchiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(stream:, to: InputStream.self)))
do {
try root = keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObject(forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
} catch {
return root
public convenience init(forReadingWithData data: Data) {
private init(stream: Stream) {
self._stream = stream
do {
try _readPropertyList()
} catch let error as NSError {
} catch {
private func _readPropertyList() throws {
var plist : Any? = nil
var format = PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.binary
// FIXME this implementation reads the entire property list into memory
// which will not scale for large archives. We should support incremental
// unarchiving, but that will be a considerable amount of work.
switch self._stream {
case .data(let data):
try plist = PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [], format: &format)
case .stream(let inputStream):
try plist = PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(with: unsafeBitCast(inputStream, to: CFReadStream.self),
length: 0,
options: [],
format: &format)
guard let unwrappedPlist = plist as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Unable to read archive. The data may be corrupt.")
let archiver = unwrappedPlist["$archiver"] as? String
if archiver != NSStringFromClass(NSKeyedArchiver.self) {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Unknown archiver. The data may be corrupt.")
let version = unwrappedPlist["$version"] as? NSNumber
if version?.int32Value != Int32(NSKeyedArchivePlistVersion) {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Unknown archive version. The data may be corrupt.")
let top = unwrappedPlist["$top"] as? Dictionary<String, Any>
let objects = unwrappedPlist["$objects"] as? Array<Any>
if top == nil || objects == nil {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Unable to read archive contents. The data may be corrupt.")
self._objects = objects!
self._containers = [DecodingContext(top!)]
private func _pushDecodingContext(_ decodingContext: DecodingContext) {
private func _popDecodingContext() {
private var _currentDecodingContext : DecodingContext {
return self._containers!.last!
private func _nextGenericKey() -> String {
let key = "$" + String(_currentDecodingContext.genericKey)
_currentDecodingContext.genericKey += 1
return key
private func _objectInCurrentDecodingContext<T>(forKey key: String?) -> T? {
var unwrappedKey = key
if key != nil {
unwrappedKey = escapeArchiverKey(key!)
} else {
unwrappedKey = _nextGenericKey()
if let v = _currentDecodingContext.dict[unwrappedKey!] {
return v as? T
return nil
Dereferences, but does not decode, an object reference
private func _dereferenceObjectReference(_ unwrappedObjectRef: _NSKeyedArchiverUID) -> Any? {
let uid = Int(unwrappedObjectRef.value)
guard uid < self._objects.count else {
return nil
return self._objects[uid]
open override var systemVersion: UInt32 {
return NSKeyedArchiverSystemVersion
open override var allowsKeyedCoding: Bool {
get {
return true
private func _validateStillDecoding() -> Bool {
if self._flags.contains(UnarchiverFlags.FinishedDecoding) {
fatalError("Decoder already finished")
return true
private static func _supportsSecureCoding(_ clsv : AnyClass) -> Bool {
if let secureCodable = clsv as? NSSecureCoding.Type {
return secureCodable.supportsSecureCoding
return false
// FIXME is there a better way to do this with Swift stdlib?
private static func _classIsKindOfClass(_ assertedClass : AnyClass, _ allowedClass : AnyClass) -> Bool {
var superClass : AnyClass? = assertedClass
repeat {
if superClass == allowedClass {
return true
superClass = _getSuperclass(superClass!)
} while superClass != nil
return false
private func _isClassAllowed(_ assertedClass: AnyClass?, allowedClasses: [AnyClass]?) -> Bool {
if assertedClass == nil {
return false
if _flags.contains(UnarchiverFlags.RequiresSecureCoding) {
if let unwrappedAllowedClasses = allowedClasses {
if unwrappedAllowedClasses.contains(where: {NSKeyedUnarchiver._classIsKindOfClass(assertedClass!, $0)}) {
return true
fatalError("Value was of unexpected class \(assertedClass!)")
} else {
return true
Validate a dictionary with class type information, mapping to a class if allowed
private func _validateAndMapClassDictionary(_ classDict: Dictionary<String, Any>?,
allowedClasses: [AnyClass]?,
classToConstruct: inout AnyClass?) -> Bool {
classToConstruct = nil
func _classForClassName(_ codedName: String) -> AnyClass? {
var aClass : AnyClass?
aClass = `class`(forClassName: codedName)
if aClass == nil {
aClass = NSKeyedUnarchiver.class(forClassName: codedName)
if aClass == nil {
aClass = NSClassFromString(codedName)
return aClass
guard let unwrappedClassDict = classDict else {
return false
// TODO is it required to validate the superclass hierarchy?
let assertedClassName = unwrappedClassDict["$classname"] as? String
let assertedClassHints = unwrappedClassDict["$classhints"] as? [String]
let assertedClasses = unwrappedClassDict["$classes"] as? [String]
if assertedClassName != nil {
let assertedClass : AnyClass? = _classForClassName(assertedClassName!)
if _isClassAllowed(assertedClass, allowedClasses: allowedClasses) {
classToConstruct = assertedClass
return true
if assertedClassHints != nil {
for assertedClassHint in assertedClassHints! {
// FIXME check whether class hints should be subject to mapping or not
let assertedClass : AnyClass? = NSClassFromString(assertedClassHint)
if _isClassAllowed(assertedClass, allowedClasses: allowedClasses) {
classToConstruct = assertedClass
return true
if assertedClassName != nil {
if let unwrappedDelegate = self.delegate {
classToConstruct = unwrappedDelegate.unarchiver(self,
cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName: assertedClassName!,
originalClasses: assertedClasses != nil ? assertedClasses! : [])
if classToConstruct != nil {
return true
return false
Validate a class reference against a class list, and return the class object if allowed
private func _validateAndMapClassReference(_ classReference: _NSKeyedArchiverUID,
allowedClasses: [AnyClass]?) throws -> AnyClass? {
let classUid = classReference.value
var classToConstruct : AnyClass? = _classes[classUid]
if classToConstruct == nil {
guard let classDict = _dereferenceObjectReference(classReference) as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {
return nil
if !_validateAndMapClassDictionary(classDict,
allowedClasses: allowedClasses,
classToConstruct: &classToConstruct) {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt, withDescription: "Invalid class \(classDict). The data may be corrupt.")
_classes[classUid] = classToConstruct
return classToConstruct
private func _cachedObjectForReference(_ objectRef: _NSKeyedArchiverUID) -> Any? {
return self._objRefMap[objectRef.value]
private func _cacheObject(_ object: Any, forReference objectRef: _NSKeyedArchiverUID) {
self._objRefMap[objectRef.value] = object
Returns true if the object is a dictionary representing a object rather than a value type
private func _isContainer(_ object: Any) -> Bool {
guard let dict = object as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {
return false
let classRef = dict["$class"]
return classRef is _NSKeyedArchiverUID
Replace object with another one
private func replaceObject(_ object: Any, withObject replacement: Any) {
if let unwrappedDelegate = self.delegate {
unwrappedDelegate.unarchiver(self, willReplace: object, with: replacement)
self._replacementMap[object as! AnyHashable] = replacement
private func _decodingError(_ code: CocoaError.Code, withDescription description: String) -> NSError {
return NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain,
code: code.rawValue, userInfo: [ "NSDebugDescription" : description ])
private func _replacementObject(_ decodedObject: Any?) -> Any? {
var object : Any? = nil // object to encode after substitution
// nil cannot be mapped
if decodedObject == nil {
return nil
// check replacement cache
object = self._replacementMap[decodedObject as! AnyHashable]
if object != nil {
return object
// object replaced by delegate. If the delegate returns nil, nil is encoded
if let unwrappedDelegate = self.delegate {
object = unwrappedDelegate.unarchiver(self, didDecode: decodedObject!)
if object != nil {
replaceObject(decodedObject!, withObject: object!)
return object
return decodedObject
private func _validateClassSupportsSecureCoding(_ classToConstruct : AnyClass?) -> Bool {
var supportsSecureCoding : Bool = false
if let secureDecodableClass = classToConstruct as? NSSecureCoding.Type {
supportsSecureCoding = secureDecodableClass.supportsSecureCoding
if self.requiresSecureCoding && !supportsSecureCoding {
// FIXME should this be a fatal error?
fatalError("Archiver \(self) requires secure coding but class \(classToConstruct) does not support it")
return supportsSecureCoding
Decode an object for the given reference
private func _decodeObject(_ objectRef: Any) throws -> Any? {
var object : Any? = nil
let _ = _validateStillDecoding()
if !(objectRef is _NSKeyedArchiverUID) {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Object \(objectRef) is not a reference. The data may be corrupt.")
guard let dereferencedObject = _dereferenceObjectReference(objectRef as! _NSKeyedArchiverUID) else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Invalid object reference \(objectRef). The data may be corrupt.")
if dereferencedObject as? String == NSKeyedArchiveNullObjectReferenceName {
return nil
if _isContainer(dereferencedObject) {
// check cached of decoded objects
object = _cachedObjectForReference(objectRef as! _NSKeyedArchiverUID)
if object == nil {
guard let dict = dereferencedObject as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Invalid object encoding \(objectRef). The data may be corrupt.")
let innerDecodingContext = DecodingContext(dict)
guard let classReference = innerDecodingContext.dict["$class"] as? _NSKeyedArchiverUID else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Invalid class reference \(innerDecodingContext.dict["$class"]). The data may be corrupt.")
var classToConstruct : AnyClass? = try _validateAndMapClassReference(classReference,
allowedClasses: self.allowedClasses)
defer { _popDecodingContext() } // ensure an error does not invalidate the decoding context stack
if let ns = classToConstruct as? NSObject.Type {
classToConstruct = ns.classForKeyedUnarchiver()
guard let decodableClass = classToConstruct as? NSCoding.Type else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Class \(classToConstruct!) is not decodable. The data may be corrupt.")
let _ = _validateClassSupportsSecureCoding(classToConstruct)
object = decodableClass.init(coder: self)
guard object != nil else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Class \(classToConstruct!) failed to decode. The data may be corrupt.")
_cacheObject(object!, forReference: objectRef as! _NSKeyedArchiverUID)
} else {
// reference to a non-container object
// FIXME remove these special cases
if let str = dereferencedObject as? String {
object = str._bridgeToObjectiveC()
} else {
object = dereferencedObject
return _replacementObject(object)
Internal function to decode an object. Returns the decoded object or throws an error.
private func _decodeObject(forKey key: String?) throws -> Any? {
guard let objectRef : Any? = _objectInCurrentDecodingContext(forKey: key) else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderValueNotFound,
withDescription: "No value found for key \(key). The data may be corrupt.")
return try _decodeObject(objectRef!)
Decode a value type in the current decoding context
internal func _decodeValue<T>(forKey key: String? = nil) -> T? {
let _ = _validateStillDecoding()
return _objectInCurrentDecodingContext(forKey: key)
Helper for NSArray/NSDictionary to dereference and decode an array of objects
internal func _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey(_ key: String,
withBlock block: (Any) -> Void) throws {
let objectRefs : Array<Any>? = _decodeValue(forKey: key)
guard let unwrappedObjectRefs = objectRefs else {
for objectRef in unwrappedObjectRefs {
guard objectRef is _NSKeyedArchiverUID else {
if let object = try _decodeObject(objectRef as Any) {
internal override func _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey(_ key: String) -> [Any] {
var array : Array<Any> = []
do {
try _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey(key) { object in
} catch let error as NSError {
self._error = error
} catch {
return array
Called when the caller has finished decoding.
open func finishDecoding() {
if _flags.contains(UnarchiverFlags.FinishedDecoding) {
if let unwrappedDelegate = self.delegate {
// FIXME are we supposed to do anything here?
if let unwrappedDelegate = self.delegate {
let _ = self._flags.insert(UnarchiverFlags.FinishedDecoding)
open class func setClass(_ cls: AnyClass?, forClassName codedName: String) {
_classNameMapLock.synchronized {
_classNameMap[codedName] = cls
open func setClass(_ cls: AnyClass?, forClassName codedName: String) {
_classNameMap[codedName] = cls
// During decoding, the coder first checks with the coder's
// own table, then if there was no mapping there, the class's.
open class func `class`(forClassName codedName: String) -> AnyClass? {
var mappedClass : AnyClass?
_classNameMapLock.synchronized {
mappedClass = _classNameMap[codedName]
return mappedClass
open func `class`(forClassName codedName: String) -> AnyClass? {
return _classNameMap[codedName]
open override func containsValue(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
let any : Any? = _decodeValue(forKey: key)
return any != nil
open override func decodeObject(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
do {
return try _decodeObject(forKey: key)
} catch let error as NSError {
self._error = error
} catch {
return nil
// private variant of decodeObject(of: ) that supports generic (unkeyed) objects
private func _decodeObject(of classes: [AnyClass]?, forKey key: String? = nil) -> Any? {
if let classes = classes {
do {
defer { self._allowedClasses.removeLast() }
return try _decodeObject(forKey: key)
} catch let error as NSError {
self._error = error
} catch {
return nil
open override func decodeObject<DecodedObjectType : NSCoding>(of cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) -> DecodedObjectType? where DecodedObjectType : NSObject {
return decodeObject(of: [cls], forKey: key) as? DecodedObjectType
open override func decodeObject(of classes: [AnyClass]?, forKey key: String) -> Any? {
return _decodeObject(of: classes, forKey: key)
open override func decodeTopLevelObject(forKey key: String) throws -> Any? {
return try decodeTopLevelObject(of: [NSArray.self], forKey: key)
open override func decodeTopLevelObject<DecodedObjectType : NSCoding>(of cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) throws -> DecodedObjectType? where DecodedObjectType : NSObject {
return try self.decodeTopLevelObject(of: [cls], forKey: key) as! DecodedObjectType?
open override func decodeTopLevelObject(of classes: [AnyClass], forKey key: String) throws -> Any? {
guard self._containers?.count == 1 else {
throw _decodingError(CocoaError.coderReadCorrupt,
withDescription: "Can only call decodeTopLevelObjectOfClasses when decoding top level objects.")
return decodeObject(of: classes, forKey: key)
open override func decodeObject() -> Any? {
do {
return try _decodeObject(forKey: nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
self._error = error
} catch {
return nil
open override func decodePropertyList() -> Any? {
return _decodeObject(of: NSPropertyListClasses)
open override func decodePropertyListForKey(_ key: String) -> Any? {
return decodeObject(of: NSPropertyListClasses, forKey:key)
Note that unlike decodePropertyListForKey(), _decodePropertyListForKey() decodes
a property list in the current decoding context rather than as an object. It's
also able to return value types.
internal override func _decodePropertyListForKey(_ key: String) -> Any {
return _decodeValue(forKey: key)!
open override func decodeBool(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return false
return result.boolValue
open override func decodeInt32(forKey key: String) -> Int32 {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return 0
return result.int32Value
open override func decodeInt64(forKey key: String) -> Int64 {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return 0
return result.int64Value
open override func decodeFloat(forKey key: String) -> Float {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return 0
return result.floatValue
open override func decodeDouble(forKey key: String) -> Double {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return 0
return result.doubleValue
open override func decodeInteger(forKey key: String) -> Int {
guard let result : NSNumber = _decodeValue(forKey: key) else {
return 0
return result.intValue
/// - experimental: replaces decodeBytes(forKey:)
open override func withDecodedUnsafeBufferPointer<ResultType>(forKey key: String, body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>?) throws -> ResultType) rethrows -> ResultType {
let ns : Data? = _decodeValue(forKey: key)
if let value = ns {
return try value.withUnsafeBytes {
try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: value.count))
} else {
return try body(nil)
open override func decodeData() -> Data? {
return decodeObject() as? Data
private func _decodeValueOfObjCType(_ type: _NSSimpleObjCType, at addr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
switch type {
case .ID:
if let ns = decodeObject() {
// TODO: Pretty sure this is not 100% correct
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Any>.self).pointee = ns
case .Class:
if let ns = decodeObject() as? NSString {
if let nsClass = NSClassFromString(String._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(ns)) {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>.self).pointee = nsClass
case .Char:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.self).pointee = ns.int8Value
case .UChar:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.self).pointee = ns.uint8Value
case .Int, .Long:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.self).pointee = ns.int32Value
case .UInt, .ULong:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>.self).pointee = ns.uint32Value
case .LongLong:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int64>.self).pointee = ns.int64Value
case .ULongLong:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt64>.self).pointee = ns.uint64Value
case .Float:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.self).pointee = ns.floatValue
case .Double:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>.self).pointee = ns.doubleValue
case .Bool:
if let ns : NSNumber = _decodeValue() {
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Bool>.self).pointee = ns.boolValue
case .CharPtr:
if let ns = decodeObject() as? NSString {
let string = ns.utf8String! // XXX leaky
unsafeBitCast(addr, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>.self).pointee = string
fatalError("NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeValueOfObjCType: unknown type encoding ('\(type.rawValue)')")
open override func decodeValue(ofObjCType typep: UnsafePointer<Int8>, at addr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
guard let type = _NSSimpleObjCType(UInt8(typep.pointee)) else {
let spec = String(typep.pointee)
fatalError("NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeValueOfObjCType: unsupported type encoding spec '\(spec)'")
if type == .StructBegin {
fatalError("NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeValueOfObjCType: this archiver cannot decode structs")
} else if type == .ArrayBegin {
let scanner = Scanner(string: String(cString: typep))
scanner.scanLocation = 1
var count : Int = 0
guard scanner.scanInteger(&count) && count > 0 else {
fatalError("NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeValueOfObjCType: array count is missing or zero")
guard let elementType = _NSSimpleObjCType(scanner.scanUpToString(String(_NSSimpleObjCType.ArrayEnd))) else {
fatalError("NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeValueOfObjCType: array type is missing")
if let oldStyleArray = _decodeObject(of: [_NSKeyedCoderOldStyleArray.self]) as? _NSKeyedCoderOldStyleArray {
oldStyleArray.fillObjCType(elementType, count: count, at: addr)
} else {
return _decodeValueOfObjCType(type, at: addr)
open override var allowedClasses: [AnyClass]? {
get {
return self._allowedClasses.last
// Enables secure coding support on this keyed unarchiver. When enabled, anarchiving a disallowed class throws an exception. Once enabled, attempting to set requiresSecureCoding to NO will throw an exception. This is to prevent classes from selectively turning secure coding off. This is designed to be set once at the top level and remain on. Note that the getter is on the superclass, NSCoder. See NSCoder for more information about secure coding.
open override var requiresSecureCoding: Bool {
get {
return _flags.contains(UnarchiverFlags.RequiresSecureCoding)
set {
if _flags.contains(UnarchiverFlags.RequiresSecureCoding) {
if !newValue {
fatalError("Cannot unset requiresSecureCoding")
} else {
if newValue {
let _ = _flags.insert(UnarchiverFlags.RequiresSecureCoding)
open override var decodingFailurePolicy: NSCoder.DecodingFailurePolicy {
get {
return .setErrorAndReturn
set {
open class func unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(_ data: Data) throws -> Any? {
var root : Any? = nil
let keyedUnarchiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(forReadingWithData: data)
do {
try root = keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObject(forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
} catch {
return root
public protocol NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate : class {
// Informs the delegate that the named class is not available during decoding.
// The delegate may, for example, load some code to introduce the class to the
// runtime and return it, or substitute a different class object. If the
// delegate returns nil, unarchiving aborts with an exception. The first class
// name string in the array is the class of the encoded object, the second is
// the immediate superclass, and so on.
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName name: String, originalClasses classNames: [String]) -> AnyClass?
// Informs the delegate that the object has been decoded. The delegate
// either returns this object or can return a different object to replace
// the decoded one. The object may be nil. If the delegate returns nil,
// the decoded value will be unchanged (that is, the original object will be
// decoded). The delegate may use this to keep track of the decoded objects.
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, didDecode object: Any?) -> Any?
// Informs the delegate that the newObject is being substituted for the
// object. This is also called when the delegate itself is doing/has done
// the substitution. The delegate may use this method if it is keeping track
// of the encoded or decoded objects.
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, willReplace object: Any, with newObject: Any)
// Notifies the delegate that decoding is about to finish.
func unarchiverWillFinish(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver)
// Notifies the delegate that decoding has finished.
func unarchiverDidFinish(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver)
extension NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate {
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName name: String, originalClasses classNames: [String]) -> AnyClass? {
return nil
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, didDecode object: Any?) -> Any? {
// Returning the same object is the same as doing nothing
return object
func unarchiver(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, willReplace object: Any, with newObject: Any) { }
func unarchiverWillFinish(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver) { }
func unarchiverDidFinish(_ unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver) { }