blob: 7486e83d279bc13f550f35f87e1873000ec33d79 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
import XCTest
import SwiftFoundation
import SwiftXCTest
class TestNSAttributedString : XCTestCase {
static var allTests: [(String, (TestNSAttributedString) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_initWithString", test_initWithString),
("test_initWithStringAndAttributes", test_initWithStringAndAttributes)
func test_initWithString() {
let string = "Lorem 😀 ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ⌘ Phasellus consectetur et sem vitae consectetur. Nam venenatis lectus a laoreet blandit. ಠ_ರೃ"
let attrString = AttributedString(string: string)
XCTAssertEqual(attrString.string, string)
XCTAssertEqual(attrString.length, string.utf16.count)
var range = NSRange()
let attrs = attrString.attributesAtIndex(0, effectiveRange: &range)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, NSNotFound)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(attrs.count, 0)
let attribute = attrString.attribute("invalid", atIndex: 0, effectiveRange: &range)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, NSNotFound)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, 0)
func test_initWithStringAndAttributes() {
let string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consectetur et sem vitae consectetur. Nam venenatis lectus a laoreet blandit."
let attributes: [String : AnyObject] = ["attribute.placeholder.key" : "attribute.placeholder.value" as NSString]
let attrString = AttributedString(string: string, attributes: attributes)
XCTAssertEqual(attrString.string, string)
XCTAssertEqual(attrString.length, string.utf16.count)
var range = NSRange()
let attrs = attrString.attributesAtIndex(0, effectiveRange: &range)
guard let value = attrs["attribute.placeholder.key"] as? NSString else {
XCTAssert(false, "attribute value not found")
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, attrString.length)
XCTAssertEqual(value, "attribute.placeholder.value")
let invalidAttribute = attrString.attribute("invalid", atIndex: 0, effectiveRange: &range)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, NSNotFound)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, 0)
let attribute = attrString.attribute("attribute.placeholder.key", atIndex: 0, effectiveRange: &range)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, attrString.length)
guard let validAttribute = attribute as? NSString else {
XCTAssert(false, "attribuet not found")
XCTAssertEqual(validAttribute, "attribute.placeholder.value")
func test_longestEffectiveRange() {
let string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consectetur et sem vitae consectetur. Nam venenatis lectus a laoreet blandit."
let attrKey = "attribute.placeholder.key"
let attrValue = "attribute.placeholder.value" as NSString
let attrRange1 = NSRange(location: 0, length: 20)
let attrRange2 = NSRange(location: 18, length: 10)
let attrString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
attrString.addAttribute(attrKey, value: attrValue, range: attrRange1)
attrString.addAttribute(attrKey, value: attrValue, range: attrRange2)
let searchRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: attrString.length)
var range = NSRange()
_ = attrString.attribute(attrKey, atIndex: 0, longestEffectiveRange: &range, inRange: searchRange)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, 29)
_ = attrString.attributesAtIndex(0, longestEffectiveRange: &range, inRange: searchRange)
XCTAssertEqual(range.location, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(range.length, 29)
class TestNSMutableAttributedString : XCTestCase {
static var allTests: [(String, (TestNSMutableAttributedString) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_initWithString", test_initWithString),
func test_initWithString() {
let string = "Lorem 😀 ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ⌘ Phasellus consectetur et sem vitae consectetur. Nam venenatis lectus a laoreet blandit. ಠ_ರೃ"
let mutableAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
XCTAssertEqual(mutableAttrString.mutableString, NSMutableString(string: string))