blob: 8c4d2371fc4e244a1f37a3f1ac32279cc167ab34 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
// Input options
// NSXMLNodeOptionsNone
// NSXMLNodePreserveAll
// NSXMLNodePreserveNamespaceOrder
// NSXMLNodePreserveAttributeOrder
// NSXMLNodePreserveEntities
// NSXMLNodePreservePrefixes
// NSXMLNodePreserveCDATA
// NSXMLNodePreserveEmptyElements
// NSXMLNodePreserveQuotes
// NSXMLNodePreserveWhitespace
// NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntities
// NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesSameOriginOnly
// NSXMLDocumentTidyHTML
// NSXMLDocumentTidyXML
// NSXMLDocumentValidate
// Output options
// NSXMLNodePrettyPrint
// NSXMLDocumentIncludeContentTypeDeclaration
extension XMLDocument {
@typedef NSXMLDocumentContentKind
@abstract Define what type of document this is.
@constant NSXMLDocumentXMLKind The default document type
@constant NSXMLDocumentXHTMLKind Set if NSXMLDocumentTidyHTML is set and HTML is detected
@constant NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind Outputs empty tags without a close tag, eg <br>
@constant NSXMLDocumentTextKind Output the string value of the document
public enum ContentKind : UInt {
case xml
case xhtml
case html
case text
@class NSXMLDocument
@abstract An XML Document
@discussion Note: if the application of a method would result in more than one element in the children array, an exception is thrown. Trying to add a document, namespace, attribute, or node with a parent also throws an exception. To add a node with a parent first detach or create a copy of it.
public class XMLDocument : XMLNode {
private var _xmlDoc: _CFXMLDocPtr {
return _CFXMLDocPtr(_xmlNode)
@method initWithXMLString:options:error:
@abstract Returns a document created from either XML or HTML, if the HTMLTidy option is set. Parse errors are returned in <tt>error</tt>.
public convenience init(xmlString string: String, options mask: Int) throws {
guard let data = .utf8) else {
// TODO: Throw an error
fatalError("String: '\(string)' could not be converted to NSData using UTF-8 encoding")
try self.init(data: data, options: mask)
@method initWithContentsOfURL:options:error:
@abstract Returns a document created from the contents of an XML or HTML URL. Connection problems such as 404, parse errors are returned in <tt>error</tt>.
public convenience init(contentsOf url: URL, options mask: Int) throws {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url, options: .dataReadingMappedIfSafe)
try self.init(data: data, options: mask)
@method initWithData:options:error:
@abstract Returns a document created from data. Parse errors are returned in <tt>error</tt>.
public init(data: Data, options mask: Int) throws {
let docPtr = _CFXMLDocPtrFromDataWithOptions(data._cfObject, Int32(mask))
super.init(ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr(docPtr))
if mask & NSXMLDocumentValidate != 0 {
try validate()
} //primitive
@method initWithRootElement:
@abstract Returns a document with a single child, the root element.
public init(rootElement element: XMLElement?) {
precondition(element?.parent == nil)
super.init(kind: .document, options: NSXMLNodeOptionsNone)
if let element = element {
_CFXMLDocSetRootElement(_xmlDoc, element._xmlNode)
public class func replacementClassForClass(_ cls: AnyClass) -> AnyClass { NSUnimplemented() }
@method characterEncoding
@abstract Sets the character encoding to an IANA type.
public var characterEncoding: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDocCharacterEncoding(_xmlDoc)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLDocSetCharacterEncoding(_xmlDoc, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDocSetCharacterEncoding(_xmlDoc, nil)
} //primitive
@method version
@abstract Sets the XML version. Should be 1.0 or 1.1.
public var version: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDocVersion(_xmlDoc)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
precondition(value == "1.0" || value == "1.1")
_CFXMLDocSetVersion(_xmlDoc, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDocSetVersion(_xmlDoc, nil)
} //primitive
@method standalone
@abstract Set whether this document depends on an external DTD. If this option is set the standalone declaration will appear on output.
public var standalone: Bool {
get {
return _CFXMLDocStandalone(_xmlDoc)
set {
_CFXMLDocSetStandalone(_xmlDoc, newValue)
@method documentContentKind
@abstract The kind of document.
public var documentContentKind: ContentKind {
get {
let properties = _CFXMLDocProperties(_xmlDoc)
if properties & Int32(_kCFXMLDocTypeHTML) != 0 {
return .html
return .xml
set {
var properties = _CFXMLDocProperties(_xmlDoc)
switch newValue {
case .html:
properties |= Int32(_kCFXMLDocTypeHTML)
properties &= ~Int32(_kCFXMLDocTypeHTML)
_CFXMLDocSetProperties(_xmlDoc, properties)
@method MIMEType
@abstract Set the MIME type, eg text/xml.
public var mimeType: String? //primitive
@method DTD
@abstract Set the associated DTD. This DTD will be output with the document.
/*@NSCopying*/ public var dtd: XMLDTD? {
get {
return XMLDTD._objectNodeForNode(_CFXMLDocDTD(_xmlDoc)!)
set {
if let currDTD = _CFXMLDocDTD(_xmlDoc) {
if _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(currDTD) != nil {
let DTD = XMLDTD._objectNodeForNode(currDTD)
} else {
if let value = newValue {
guard let dtd = value.copy() as? XMLDTD else {
fatalError("Failed to copy DTD")
_CFXMLDocSetDTD(_xmlDoc, dtd._xmlDTD)
} else {
_CFXMLDocSetDTD(_xmlDoc, nil)
@method setRootElement:
@abstract Set the root element. Removes all other children including comments and processing-instructions.
public func setRootElement(_ root: XMLElement) {
precondition(root.parent == nil)
for child in _childNodes {
_CFXMLDocSetRootElement(_xmlDoc, root._xmlNode)
@method rootElement
@abstract The root element.
public func rootElement() -> XMLElement? {
guard let rootPtr = _CFXMLDocRootElement(_xmlDoc) else {
return nil
return XMLNode._objectNodeForNode(rootPtr) as? XMLElement
} //primitive
@method insertChild:atIndex:
@abstract Inserts a child at a particular index.
public func insertChild(_ child: XMLNode, at index: Int) {
_insertChild(child, atIndex: index)
} //primitive
@method insertChildren:atIndex:
@abstract Insert several children at a particular index.
public func insertChildren(_ children: [XMLNode], at index: Int) {
_insertChildren(children, atIndex: index)
@method removeChildAtIndex:atIndex:
@abstract Removes a child at a particular index.
public func removeChild(at index: Int) {
} //primitive
@method setChildren:
@abstract Removes all existing children and replaces them with the new children. Set children to nil to simply remove all children.
public func setChildren(_ children: [XMLNode]?) {
} //primitive
@method addChild:
@abstract Adds a child to the end of the existing children.
public func addChild(_ child: XMLNode) {
@method replaceChildAtIndex:withNode:
@abstract Replaces a child at a particular index with another child.
public func replaceChild(at index: Int, with node: XMLNode) {
_replaceChildAtIndex(index, withNode: node)
@method XMLData
@abstract Invokes XMLDataWithOptions with NSXMLNodeOptionsNone.
/*@NSCopying*/ public var xmlData: Data { return xmlData(withOptions: NSXMLNodeOptionsNone) }
@method XMLDataWithOptions:
@abstract The representation of this node as it would appear in an XML document, encoded based on characterEncoding.
public func xmlData(withOptions options: Int) -> Data {
let string = xmlString(withOptions: options)
// TODO: support encodings other than UTF-8
return .utf8) ?? Data()
@method objectByApplyingXSLT:arguments:error:
@abstract Applies XSLT with arguments (NSString key/value pairs) to this document, returning a new document.
public func object(byApplyingXSLT xslt: NSData, arguments: [String : String]?) throws -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
@method objectByApplyingXSLTString:arguments:error:
@abstract Applies XSLT as expressed by a string with arguments (NSString key/value pairs) to this document, returning a new document.
public func object(byApplyingXSLTString xslt: String, arguments: [String : String]?) throws -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
@method objectByApplyingXSLTAtURL:arguments:error:
@abstract Applies the XSLT at a URL with arguments (NSString key/value pairs) to this document, returning a new document. Error may contain a connection error from the URL.
public func objectByApplyingXSLT(at xsltURL: URL, arguments argument: [String : String]?) throws -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
public func validate() throws {
var unmanagedError: Unmanaged<CFError>? = nil
let result = _CFXMLDocValidate(_xmlDoc, &unmanagedError)
if !result,
let unmanagedError = unmanagedError {
let error = unmanagedError.takeRetainedValue()
throw error._nsObject
internal override class func _objectNodeForNode(_ node: _CFXMLNodePtr) -> XMLDocument {
precondition(_CFXMLNodeGetType(node) == _kCFXMLTypeDocument)
if let privateData = _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node) {
return XMLDocument.unretainedReference(privateData)
return XMLDocument(ptr: node)
internal override init(ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr) {
super.init(ptr: ptr)