blob: 752d069cdc018861e69f867ed601e51d7776f555 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// An `NSURLResponse` object represents a URL load response in a
/// manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.
/// `NSURLResponse` encapsulates the metadata associated
/// with a URL load. Note that NSURLResponse objects do not contain
/// the actual bytes representing the content of a URL. See
/// `NSURLSession` for more information about receiving the content
/// data for a URL load.
public class URLResponse : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
static public func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool {
return true
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copy(with: nil)
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
return self
/// Initialize an NSURLResponse with the provided values.
/// This is the designated initializer for NSURLResponse.
/// - Parameter URL: the URL
/// - Parameter mimeType: the MIME content type of the response
/// - Parameter expectedContentLength: the expected content length of the associated data
/// - Parameter textEncodingName the name of the text encoding for the associated data, if applicable, else nil
/// - Returns: The initialized NSURLResponse.
public init(url: URL, mimeType: String?, expectedContentLength length: Int, textEncodingName name: String?) {
self.url = url
self.mimeType = mimeType
self.expectedContentLength = Int64(length)
self.textEncodingName = name
let c = url.lastPathComponent
self.suggestedFilename = (c?.isEmpty ?? true) ? "Unknown" : c
/// The URL of the receiver.
/*@NSCopying*/ public private(set) var url: URL?
/// The MIME type of the receiver.
/// The MIME type is based on the information provided
/// from an origin source. However, that value may be changed or
/// corrected by a protocol implementation if it can be determined
/// that the origin server or source reported the information
/// incorrectly or imprecisely. An attempt to guess the MIME type may
/// be made if the origin source did not report any such information.
public fileprivate(set) var mimeType: String?
/// The expected content length of the receiver.
/// Some protocol implementations report a content length
/// as part of delivering load metadata, but not all protocols
/// guarantee the amount of data that will be delivered in actuality.
/// Hence, this method returns an expected amount. Clients should use
/// this value as an advisory, and should be prepared to deal with
/// either more or less data.
/// The expected content length of the receiver, or `-1` if
/// there is no expectation that can be arrived at regarding expected
/// content length.
public fileprivate(set) var expectedContentLength: Int64
/// The name of the text encoding of the receiver.
/// This name will be the actual string reported by the
/// origin source during the course of performing a protocol-specific
/// URL load. Clients can inspect this string and convert it to an
/// NSStringEncoding or CFStringEncoding using the methods and
/// functions made available in the appropriate framework.
public fileprivate(set) var textEncodingName: String?
/// A suggested filename if the resource were saved to disk.
/// The method first checks if the server has specified a filename
/// using the content disposition header. If no valid filename is
/// specified using that mechanism, this method checks the last path
/// component of the URL. If no valid filename can be obtained using
/// the last path component, this method uses the URL's host as the
/// filename. If the URL's host can't be converted to a valid
/// filename, the filename "unknown" is used. In mose cases, this
/// method appends the proper file extension based on the MIME type.
/// This method always returns a valid filename.
public fileprivate(set) var suggestedFilename: String?
/// A Response to an HTTP URL load.
/// An NSHTTPURLResponse object represents a response to an
/// HTTP URL load. It is a specialization of NSURLResponse which
/// provides conveniences for accessing information specific to HTTP
/// protocol responses.
public class NSHTTPURLResponse : URLResponse {
/// Initializer for NSHTTPURLResponse objects.
/// - Parameter url: the URL from which the response was generated.
/// - Parameter statusCode: an HTTP status code.
/// - Parameter httpVersion: The version of the HTTP response as represented by the server. This is typically represented as "HTTP/1.1".
/// - Parameter headerFields: A dictionary representing the header keys and values of the server response.
/// - Returns: the instance of the object, or `nil` if an error occurred during initialization.
public init?(url: URL, statusCode: Int, httpVersion: String?, headerFields: [String : String]?) {
self.statusCode = statusCode
self.allHeaderFields = headerFields ?? [:]
super.init(url: url, mimeType: nil, expectedContentLength: 0, textEncodingName: nil)
expectedContentLength = getExpectedContentLength(fromHeaderFields: headerFields) ?? -1
suggestedFilename = getSuggestedFilename(fromHeaderFields: headerFields) ?? "Unknown"
if let type = ContentTypeComponents(headerFields: headerFields) {
mimeType = type.mimeType.lowercased()
textEncodingName = type.textEncoding?.lowercased()
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
/// The HTTP status code of the receiver.
public let statusCode: Int
/// Returns a dictionary containing all the HTTP header fields
/// of the receiver.
/// By examining this header dictionary, clients can see
/// the "raw" header information which was reported to the protocol
/// implementation by the HTTP server. This may be of use to
/// sophisticated or special-purpose HTTP clients.
/// - Returns: A dictionary containing all the HTTP header fields of the
/// receiver.
/// - Important: This is an *experimental* change from the
/// `[NSObject: AnyObject]` type that Darwin Foundation uses.
public let allHeaderFields: [String: String]
/// Convenience method which returns a localized string
/// corresponding to the status code for this response.
/// - Parameter forStatusCode: the status code to use to produce a localized string.
public class func localizedString(forStatusCode statusCode: Int) -> String {
switch statusCode {
case 100: return "Continue"
case 101: return "Switching Protocols"
case 102: return "Processing"
case 100...199: return "Informational"
case 200: return "OK"
case 201: return "Created"
case 202: return "Accepted"
case 203: return "Non-Authoritative Information"
case 204: return "No Content"
case 205: return "Reset Content"
case 206: return "Partial Content"
case 207: return "Multi-Status"
case 208: return "Already Reported"
case 226: return "IM Used"
case 200...299: return "Success"
case 300: return "Multiple Choices"
case 301: return "Moved Permanently"
case 302: return "Found"
case 303: return "See Other"
case 304: return "Not Modified"
case 305: return "Use Proxy"
case 307: return "Temporary Redirect"
case 308: return "Permanent Redirect"
case 300...399: return "Redirection"
case 400: return "Bad Request"
case 401: return "Unauthorized"
case 402: return "Payment Required"
case 403: return "Forbidden"
case 404: return "Not Found"
case 405: return "Method Not Allowed"
case 406: return "Not Acceptable"
case 407: return "Proxy Authentication Required"
case 408: return "Request Timeout"
case 409: return "Conflict"
case 410: return "Gone"
case 411: return "Length Required"
case 412: return "Precondition Failed"
case 413: return "Payload Too Large"
case 414: return "URI Too Long"
case 415: return "Unsupported Media Type"
case 416: return "Range Not Satisfiable"
case 417: return "Expectation Failed"
case 421: return "Misdirected Request"
case 422: return "Unprocessable Entity"
case 423: return "Locked"
case 424: return "Failed Dependency"
case 426: return "Upgrade Required"
case 428: return "Precondition Required"
case 429: return "Too Many Requests"
case 431: return "Request Header Fields Too Large"
case 451: return "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
case 400...499: return "Client Error"
case 500: return "Internal Server Error"
case 501: return "Not Implemented"
case 502: return "Bad Gateway"
case 503: return "Service Unavailable"
case 504: return "Gateway Timeout"
case 505: return "HTTP Version Not Supported"
case 506: return "Variant Also Negotiates"
case 507: return "Insufficient Storage"
case 508: return "Loop Detected"
case 510: return "Not Extended"
case 511: return "Network Authentication Required"
case 500...599: return "Server Error"
default: return "Server Error"
/// A string that represents the contents of the NSHTTPURLResponse Object.
/// This property is intended to produce readable output.
override public var description: String {
var result = "<\(self.dynamicType) \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())> { URL: \(url!.absoluteString) }{ status: \(statusCode), headers {\n"
for(key, value) in allHeaderFields {
if((key.lowercased() == "content-disposition" && suggestedFilename != "Unknown") || key.lowercased() == "content-type") {
result += " \"\(key)\" = \"\(value)\";\n"
} else {
result += " \"\(key)\" = \(value);\n"
result += "} }"
return result
/// Parses the expected content length from the headers.
/// Note that the message content length is different from the message
/// transfer length.
/// The transfer length can only be derived when the Transfer-Encoding is identity (default).
/// For compressed content (Content-Encoding other than identity), there is not way to derive the
/// content length from the transfer length.
private func getExpectedContentLength(fromHeaderFields headerFields: [String : String]?) -> Int64? {
let f = headerFields,
let contentLengthS = valueForCaseInsensitiveKey("content-length", fields: f),
let contentLength = Int64(contentLengthS)
else { return nil }
return contentLength
/// Parses the suggested filename from the `Content-Disposition` header.
/// - SeeAlso: [RFC 2183](
private func getSuggestedFilename(fromHeaderFields headerFields: [String : String]?) -> String? {
// Typical use looks like this:
// Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fname.ext"
let f = headerFields,
let contentDisposition = valueForCaseInsensitiveKey("content-disposition", fields: f),
let field = contentDisposition.httpHeaderParts
else { return nil }
for part in field.parameters where part.attribute == "filename" {
if let path = part.value {
return _pathComponents(path)?.map{ $0 == "/" ? "" : $0}.joined(separator: "_")
} else {
return nil
return nil
/// Parts corresponding to the `Content-Type` header field in a HTTP message.
private struct ContentTypeComponents {
/// For `text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4` this would be `text/html`
let mimeType: String
/// For `text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4` this would be `ISO-8859-4`. Will be
/// `nil` when no `charset` is specified.
let textEncoding: String?
extension ContentTypeComponents {
/// Parses the `Content-Type` header field
/// `Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4` would result in `("text/html", "ISO-8859-4")`, while
/// `Content-Type: text/html` would result in `("text/html", nil)`.
init?(headerFields: [String : String]?) {
let f = headerFields,
let contentType = valueForCaseInsensitiveKey("content-type", fields: f),
let field = contentType.httpHeaderParts
else { return nil }
for parameter in field.parameters where parameter.attribute == "charset" {
self.mimeType = field.value
self.textEncoding = parameter.value
self.mimeType = field.value
self.textEncoding = nil
/// A type with paramteres
/// RFC 2616 specifies a few types that can have parameters, e.g. `Content-Type`.
/// These are specified like so
/// ```
/// field = value *( ";" parameter )
/// value = token
/// ```
/// where parameters are attribute/value as specified by
/// ```
/// parameter = attribute "=" value
/// attribute = token
/// value = token | quoted-string
/// ```
private struct ValueWithParameters {
let value: String
let parameters: [Parameter]
struct Parameter {
let attribute: String
let value: String?
private extension String {
/// Split the string at each ";", remove any quoting.
/// The trouble is if there's a
/// ";" inside something that's quoted. And we can escape the separator and
/// the quotes with a "\".
var httpHeaderParts: ValueWithParameters? {
var type: String?
var parameters: [ValueWithParameters.Parameter] = []
let ws = CharacterSet.whitespaces
func append(_ string: String) {
if type == nil {
type = string
} else {
if let r = string.range(of: "=") {
let name = string[string.startIndex..<r.lowerBound].trimmingCharacters(in: ws)
let value = string[r.upperBound..<string.endIndex].trimmingCharacters(in: ws)
parameters.append(ValueWithParameters.Parameter(attribute: name, value: value))
} else {
let name = string.trimmingCharacters(in: ws)
parameters.append(ValueWithParameters.Parameter(attribute: name, value: nil))
let escape = UnicodeScalar(0x5c)! // \
let quote = UnicodeScalar(0x22)! // "
let separator = UnicodeScalar(0x3b)! // ;
enum State {
case nonQuoted(String)
case nonQuotedEscaped(String)
case quoted(String)
case quotedEscaped(String)
var state = State.nonQuoted("")
for next in unicodeScalars {
switch (state, next) {
case (.nonQuoted(let s), separator):
state = .nonQuoted("")
case (.nonQuoted(let s), escape):
state = .nonQuotedEscaped(s + String(next))
case (.nonQuoted(let s), quote):
state = .quoted(s)
case (.nonQuoted(let s), _):
state = .nonQuoted(s + String(next))
case (.nonQuotedEscaped(let s), _):
state = .nonQuoted(s + String(next))
case (.quoted(let s), quote):
state = .nonQuoted(s)
case (.quoted(let s), escape):
state = .quotedEscaped(s + String(next))
case (.quoted(let s), _):
state = .quoted(s + String(next))
case (.quotedEscaped(let s), _):
state = .quoted(s + String(next))
switch state {
case .nonQuoted(let s): append(s)
case .nonQuotedEscaped(let s): append(s)
case .quoted(let s): append(s)
case .quotedEscaped(let s): append(s)
guard let t = type else { return nil }
return ValueWithParameters(value: t, parameters: parameters)
private func valueForCaseInsensitiveKey(_ key: String, fields: [String: String]) -> String? {
let kk = key.lowercased()
for (k, v) in fields {
if k.lowercased() == kk {
return v
return nil