blob: 40076700611ed934cacb3f6ea868e16f8416a27e [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
extension PersonNameComponentsFormatter {
public enum Style : Int {
case `default`
/* Relies on user preferences and language defaults to display shortened form appropriate
for display in space-constrained settings, e.g. C Darwin */
case short
/* The minimally necessary features for differentiation in a casual setting , e.g. Charles Darwin */
case medium
/* The fully-qualified name complete with all known components, e.g. Charles Robert Darwin, FRS */
case long
/* The maximally-abbreviated form of a name suitable for monograms, e.g. CRD) */
case abbreviated
public struct Options : OptionSet {
public let rawValue : UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
/* Indicates that the formatter should format the component object's phoneticRepresentation components instead of its own components.
The developer must have populated these manually. e.g.: Developer creates components object with the following properties:
<family:"Family", given:"Given", phoneticRepresentation:<family:"FamilyPhonetic", given:"GivenPhonetic">>.
If this option is specified, we perform formatting operations on <family "FamilyPhonetic", given "GivenPhonetic"> instead. */
public static let phonetic = Options(rawValue: 1 << 1)
public class PersonNameComponentsFormatter : Formatter {
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
/* Specify the formatting style for the formatted string on an instance. ShortStyle will fall back to user preferences and language-specific defaults
public var style: Style
/* Specify that the formatter should only format the components object's phoneticRepresentation
public var phonetic: Bool
/* Shortcut for converting an NSPersonNameComponents object into a string without explicitly creating an instance.
Create an instance for greater customizability.
public class func localizedString(from components: PersonNameComponents, style nameFormatStyle: Style, options nameOptions: Options = []) -> String { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Convenience method on string(for:):. Returns a string containing the formatted value of the provided components object.
public func string(from components: PersonNameComponents) -> String { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Returns attributed string with annotations for each component. For each range, attributes can be obtained by querying
dictionary key NSPersonNameComponentKey , using NSPersonNameComponent constant values.
public func annotatedString(from components: PersonNameComponents) -> AttributedString { NSUnimplemented() }
public func personNameComponents(from string: String) -> PersonNameComponents? { NSUnimplemented() }
/* NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter currently only implements formatting, not parsing. Until it implements parsing, this will always return NO.
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation as a suitable alternative
/// - Note: Since this API is under consideration it may be either removed or revised in the near future
public override func objectValue(_ string: String) throws -> AnyObject? { return nil }
// Attributed String identifier key string
public let NSPersonNameComponentKey: String = "NSPersonNameComponentKey"
// Constants for attributed strings
public let NSPersonNameComponentGivenName: String = "givenName"
public let NSPersonNameComponentFamilyName: String = "familyName"
public let NSPersonNameComponentMiddleName: String = "middleName"
public let NSPersonNameComponentPrefix: String = "namePrefix"
public let NSPersonNameComponentSuffix: String = "nameSuffix"
public let NSPersonNameComponentNickname: String = "nickname"
/* The delimiter is the character or characters used to separate name components.
For CJK languages there is no delimiter.
public let NSPersonNameComponentDelimiter: String = "delimiter"