blob: ec4c52ed25465cb308b7c9e32916fc2d51a09d98 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* Class for managing set of indexes. The set of valid indexes are 0 .. NSNotFound - 1; trying to use indexes outside this range is an error. NSIndexSet uses NSNotFound as a return value in cases where the queried index doesn't exist in the set; for instance, when you ask firstIndex and there are no indexes; or when you ask for indexGreaterThanIndex: on the last index, and so on.
The following code snippets can be used to enumerate over the indexes in an NSIndexSet:
// Forward
var currentIndex = set.firstIndex
while currentIndex != NSNotFound {
currentIndex = set.indexGreaterThanIndex(currentIndex)
// Backward
var currentIndex = set.lastIndex
while currentIndex != NSNotFound {
currentIndex = set.indexLessThanIndex(currentIndex)
To enumerate without doing a call per index, you can use the method getIndexes:maxCount:inIndexRange:.
internal func __NSIndexSetRangeCount(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet) -> UInt {
return UInt(indexSet._ranges.count)
internal func __NSIndexSetRangeAtIndex(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet, _ index: UInt, _ location : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>, _ length : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>) {
// if Int(index) >= indexSet._ranges.count {
// location.pointee = UInt(bitPattern: NSNotFound)
// length.pointee = UInt(0)
// return
// }
let range = indexSet._ranges[Int(index)]
location.pointee = UInt(range.location)
length.pointee = UInt(range.length)
internal func __NSIndexSetIndexOfRangeContainingIndex(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet, _ index: UInt) -> UInt {
var idx = 0
while idx < indexSet._ranges.count {
let range = indexSet._ranges[idx]
if range.location <= Int(index) && Int(index) <= range.location + range.length {
return UInt(idx)
idx += 1
return UInt(bitPattern: NSNotFound)
public class NSIndexSet: NSObject, NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding {
// all instance variables are private
internal var _ranges = [NSRange]()
internal var _count = 0
override public init() {
_count = 0
_ranges = []
public init(indexesIn range: NSRange) {
_count = range.length
_ranges = _count == 0 ? [] : [range]
public init(indexSet: IndexSet) {
_ranges = indexSet.rangeView().map { NSRange(location: $0.lowerBound, length: $0.upperBound - $0.lowerBound) }
_count = indexSet.count
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copy(with: nil)
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
public override func mutableCopy() -> AnyObject {
return mutableCopy(with: nil)
public func mutableCopy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
let set = NSMutableIndexSet()
enumerateRanges([]) {
set.add(in: $0.0)
return set
public static func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool { return true }
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { NSUnimplemented() }
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
public convenience init(index value: Int) {
self.init(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(value, 1))
public func isEqual(to indexSet: IndexSet) -> Bool {
let otherRanges = indexSet.rangeView().map { NSRange(location: $0.lowerBound, length: $0.upperBound - $0.lowerBound) }
if _ranges.count != otherRanges.count {
return false
for (r1, r2) in zip(_ranges, otherRanges) {
if r1.length != r2.length || r1.location != r2.location {
return false
return true
public var count: Int {
return _count
/* The following six methods will return NSNotFound if there is no index in the set satisfying the query.
public var firstIndex: Int {
return _ranges.first?.location ?? NSNotFound
public var lastIndex: Int {
guard _ranges.count > 0 else {
return NSNotFound
return NSMaxRange(_ranges.last!) - 1
internal func _indexAndRangeAdjacentToOrContainingIndex(_ idx : Int) -> (Int, NSRange)? {
let count = _ranges.count
guard count > 0 else {
return nil
var min = 0
var max = count - 1
while min < max {
let rIdx = (min + max) / 2
let range = _ranges[rIdx]
if range.location > idx {
max = rIdx
} else if NSMaxRange(range) - 1 < idx {
min = rIdx + 1
} else {
return (rIdx, range)
return (min, _ranges[min])
internal func _indexOfRangeContainingIndex (_ idx : Int) -> Int? {
if let (rIdx, range) = _indexAndRangeAdjacentToOrContainingIndex(idx) {
return NSLocationInRange(idx, range) ? rIdx : nil
} else {
return nil
internal func _indexOfRangeBeforeOrContainingIndex(_ idx : Int) -> Int? {
if let (rIdx, range) = _indexAndRangeAdjacentToOrContainingIndex(idx) {
if range.location <= idx {
return rIdx
} else if rIdx > 0 {
return rIdx - 1
} else {
return nil
} else {
return nil
internal func _indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(_ idx : Int) -> Int? {
if let (rIdx, range) = _indexAndRangeAdjacentToOrContainingIndex(idx) {
if NSMaxRange(range) - 1 >= idx {
return rIdx
} else if rIdx + 1 < _ranges.count {
return rIdx + 1
} else {
return nil
} else {
return nil
internal func _indexClosestToIndex(_ idx: Int, equalAllowed : Bool, following: Bool) -> Int? {
guard _count > 0 else {
return nil
if following {
var result = idx
if !equalAllowed {
guard idx < NSNotFound else {
return nil
result += 1
if let rangeIndex = _indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(result) {
let range = _ranges[rangeIndex]
return NSLocationInRange(result, range) ? result : range.location
} else {
var result = idx
if !equalAllowed {
guard idx > 0 else {
return nil
result -= 1
if let rangeIndex = _indexOfRangeBeforeOrContainingIndex(result) {
let range = _ranges[rangeIndex]
return NSLocationInRange(result, range) ? result : (NSMaxRange(range) - 1)
return nil
public func indexGreaterThanIndex(_ value: Int) -> Int {
return _indexClosestToIndex(value, equalAllowed: false, following: true) ?? NSNotFound
public func indexLessThanIndex(_ value: Int) -> Int {
return _indexClosestToIndex(value, equalAllowed: false, following: false) ?? NSNotFound
public func indexGreaterThanOrEqual(to value: Int) -> Int {
return _indexClosestToIndex(value, equalAllowed: true, following: true) ?? NSNotFound
public func indexLessThanOrEqual(to value: Int) -> Int {
return _indexClosestToIndex(value, equalAllowed: true, following: false) ?? NSNotFound
/* Fills up to bufferSize indexes in the specified range into the buffer and returns the number of indexes actually placed in the buffer; also modifies the optional range passed in by pointer to be "positioned" after the last index filled into the buffer.Example: if the index set contains the indexes 0, 2, 4, ..., 98, 100, for a buffer of size 10 and the range (20, 80) the buffer would contain 20, 22, ..., 38 and the range would be modified to (40, 60).
public func getIndexes(_ indexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, maxCount bufferSize: Int, inIndexRange range: NSRangePointer?) -> Int {
let minIndex : Int
let maxIndex : Int
if let initialRange = range {
minIndex = initialRange.pointee.location
maxIndex = NSMaxRange(initialRange.pointee) - 1
} else {
minIndex = firstIndex
maxIndex = lastIndex
guard minIndex <= maxIndex else {
return 0
if let initialRangeIndex = self._indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(minIndex) {
var rangeIndex = initialRangeIndex
let rangeCount = _ranges.count
var counter = 0
var idx = minIndex
var offset = 0
while rangeIndex < rangeCount && idx <= maxIndex && counter < bufferSize {
let currentRange = _ranges[rangeIndex]
if currentRange.location <= minIndex {
idx = minIndex
offset = minIndex - currentRange.location
} else {
idx = currentRange.location
while idx <= maxIndex && counter < bufferSize && offset < currentRange.length {
indexBuffer.advanced(by: counter).pointee = idx
counter += 1
idx += 1
offset += 1
if offset >= currentRange.length {
rangeIndex += 1
offset = 0
if counter > 0, let resultRange = range {
let delta = indexBuffer.advanced(by: counter - 1).pointee - minIndex + 1
resultRange.pointee.location += delta
resultRange.pointee.length -= delta
return counter
} else {
return 0
public func countOfIndexes(in range: NSRange) -> Int {
guard _count > 0 && range.length > 0 else {
return 0
if let initialRangeIndex = self._indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(range.location) {
var rangeIndex = initialRangeIndex
let maxRangeIndex = NSMaxRange(range) - 1
var result = 0
let firstRange = _ranges[rangeIndex]
if firstRange.location < range.location {
if NSMaxRange(firstRange) - 1 >= maxRangeIndex {
return range.length
result = NSMaxRange(firstRange) - range.location
rangeIndex += 1
for curRange in _ranges.suffix(from: rangeIndex) {
if NSMaxRange(curRange) - 1 > maxRangeIndex {
if curRange.location <= maxRangeIndex {
result += maxRangeIndex + 1 - curRange.location
result += curRange.length
return result
} else {
return 0
public func contains(_ value: Int) -> Bool {
return _indexOfRangeContainingIndex(value) != nil
public func contains(in range: NSRange) -> Bool {
guard range.length > 0 else {
return false
if let rIdx = self._indexOfRangeContainingIndex(range.location) {
return NSMaxRange(_ranges[rIdx]) >= NSMaxRange(range)
} else {
return false
public func contains(_ indexSet: IndexSet) -> Bool {
var result = true
enumerateRanges([]) { range, stop in
if !self.contains(in: range) {
result = false
stop.pointee = true
return result
public func intersects(in range: NSRange) -> Bool {
guard range.length > 0 else {
return false
if let rIdx = _indexOfRangeBeforeOrContainingIndex(range.location) {
if NSMaxRange(_ranges[rIdx]) - 1 >= range.location {
return true
if let rIdx = _indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(range.location) {
if NSMaxRange(range) - 1 >= _ranges[rIdx].location {
return true
return false
internal func _enumerateWithOptions<P, R>(_ opts : EnumerationOptions, range: NSRange, paramType: P.Type, returnType: R.Type, block: @noescape (P, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> R) -> Int? {
guard !opts.contains(.concurrent) else {
guard let startRangeIndex = self._indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(range.location), let endRangeIndex = _indexOfRangeBeforeOrContainingIndex(NSMaxRange(range) - 1) else {
return nil
var result : Int? = nil
let reverse = opts.contains(.reverse)
let passRanges = paramType == NSRange.self
let findIndex = returnType == Bool.self
var stop = false
let ranges = _ranges[startRangeIndex...endRangeIndex]
let rangeSequence = (reverse ? AnySequence(ranges.reversed()) : AnySequence(ranges))
outer: for curRange in rangeSequence {
let intersection = NSIntersectionRange(curRange, range)
if passRanges {
if intersection.length > 0 {
let _ = block(intersection as! P, &stop)
if stop {
break outer
} else if intersection.length > 0 {
let maxIndex = NSMaxRange(intersection) - 1
let indexes = reverse ? stride(from: maxIndex, through: intersection.location, by: -1) : stride(from: intersection.location, through: maxIndex, by: 1)
for idx in indexes {
if findIndex {
let found : Bool = block(idx as! P, &stop) as! Bool
if found {
result = idx
stop = true
} else {
let _ = block(idx as! P, &stop)
if stop {
break outer
} // else, continue
return result
public func enumerate(_ block: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
enumerate([], using: block)
public func enumerate(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
let _ = _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: NSMakeRange(0, Int.max), paramType: Int.self, returnType: Void.self, block: block)
public func enumerate(in range: NSRange, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
let _ = _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: range, paramType: Int.self, returnType: Void.self, block: block)
public func index(passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
return index([], passingTest: predicate)
public func index(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
return _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: NSMakeRange(0, Int.max), paramType: Int.self, returnType: Bool.self, block: predicate) ?? NSNotFound
public func index(in range: NSRange, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
return _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: range, paramType: Int.self, returnType: Bool.self, block: predicate) ?? NSNotFound
public func indexes(passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
return indexes(in: NSMakeRange(0, Int.max), options: [], passingTest: predicate)
public func indexes(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
return indexes(in: NSMakeRange(0, Int.max), options: opts, passingTest: predicate)
public func indexes(in range: NSRange, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
var result = IndexSet()
let _ = _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: range, paramType: Int.self, returnType: Void.self) { idx, stop in
if predicate(idx, stop) {
return result
The following three convenience methods allow you to enumerate the indexes in the receiver by ranges of contiguous indexes. The performance of these methods is not guaranteed to be any better than if they were implemented with enumerateIndexesInRange:options:usingBlock:. However, depending on the receiver's implementation, they may perform better than that.
If the specified range for enumeration intersects a range of contiguous indexes in the receiver, then the block will be invoked with the intersection of those two ranges.
public func enumerateRanges(_ block: @noescape (NSRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
enumerateRanges([], using: block)
public func enumerateRanges(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (NSRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
let _ = _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: NSMakeRange(0, Int.max), paramType: NSRange.self, returnType: Void.self, block: block)
public func enumerateRanges(in range: NSRange, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (NSRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
let _ = _enumerateWithOptions(opts, range: range, paramType: NSRange.self, returnType: Void.self, block: block)
extension NSIndexSet: Sequence {
public struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
internal let _set: NSIndexSet
internal var _first: Bool = true
internal var _current: Int?
internal init(_ set: NSIndexSet) {
self._set = set
self._current = nil
public mutating func next() -> Int? {
if _first {
_current = _set.firstIndex
_first = false
} else if let c = _current {
_current = _set.indexGreaterThanIndex(c)
if _current == NSNotFound {
_current = nil
return _current
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
public class NSMutableIndexSet : NSIndexSet {
public func add(_ indexSet: IndexSet) {
indexSet.rangeView().forEach { add(in: NSRange(location: $0.lowerBound, length: $0.upperBound - $0.lowerBound)) }
public func remove(_ indexSet: IndexSet) {
indexSet.rangeView().forEach { remove(in: NSRange(location: $0.lowerBound, length: $0.upperBound - $0.lowerBound)) }
public func removeAllIndexes() {
_ranges = []
_count = 0
public func add(_ value: Int) {
add(in: NSMakeRange(value, 1))
public func remove(_ value: Int) {
remove(in: NSMakeRange(value, 1))
internal func _insertRange(_ range: NSRange, atIndex index: Int) {
_ranges.insert(range, at: index)
_count += range.length
internal func _replaceRangeAtIndex(_ index: Int, withRange range: NSRange?) {
let oldRange = _ranges[index]
if let range = range {
_ranges[index] = range
_count += range.length - oldRange.length
} else {
_ranges.remove(at: index)
_count -= oldRange.length
internal func _mergeOverlappingRangesStartingAtIndex(_ index: Int) {
var rangeIndex = index
while _ranges.count > 0 && rangeIndex < _ranges.count - 1 {
let curRange = _ranges[rangeIndex]
let nextRange = _ranges[rangeIndex + 1]
let curEnd = NSMaxRange(curRange)
let nextEnd = NSMaxRange(nextRange)
if curEnd >= nextRange.location {
// overlaps
if curEnd < nextEnd {
self._replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: NSMakeRange(nextEnd - curRange.location, curRange.length))
rangeIndex += 1
self._replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex + 1, withRange: nil)
} else {
public func add(in range: NSRange) {
guard range.length > 0 else {
let addEnd = NSMaxRange(range)
let startRangeIndex = _indexOfRangeBeforeOrContainingIndex(range.location) ?? 0
var replacedRangeIndex : Int?
var rangeIndex = startRangeIndex
while rangeIndex < _ranges.count {
let curRange = _ranges[rangeIndex]
let curEnd = NSMaxRange(curRange)
if addEnd < curRange.location {
_insertRange(range, atIndex: rangeIndex)
// Done. No need to merge
} else if range.location < curRange.location && addEnd >= curRange.location {
if addEnd > curEnd {
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: range)
} else {
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: NSMakeRange(range.location, curEnd - range.location))
replacedRangeIndex = rangeIndex
// Proceed to merging
} else if range.location >= curRange.location && addEnd < curEnd {
// Nothing to add
} else if range.location >= curRange.location && range.location <= curEnd && addEnd > curEnd {
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: NSMakeRange(curRange.location, addEnd - curRange.location))
replacedRangeIndex = rangeIndex
// Proceed to merging
rangeIndex += 1
if let r = replacedRangeIndex {
} else {
_insertRange(range, atIndex: _ranges.count)
public func remove(in range: NSRange) {
guard range.length > 0 else {
guard let startRangeIndex = (range.location > 0) ? _indexOfRangeAfterOrContainingIndex(range.location) : 0 else {
let removeEnd = NSMaxRange(range)
var rangeIndex = startRangeIndex
while rangeIndex < _ranges.count {
let curRange = _ranges[rangeIndex]
let curEnd = NSMaxRange(curRange)
if removeEnd < curRange.location {
// Nothing to remove
} else if range.location <= curRange.location && removeEnd >= curRange.location {
if removeEnd >= curEnd {
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: nil)
// Don't increment rangeIndex
} else {
self._replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: NSMakeRange(removeEnd, curEnd - removeEnd))
} else if range.location > curRange.location && removeEnd < curEnd {
let firstPiece = NSMakeRange(curRange.location, range.location - curRange.location)
let secondPiece = NSMakeRange(removeEnd, curEnd - removeEnd)
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: secondPiece)
_insertRange(firstPiece, atIndex: rangeIndex)
} else if range.location > curRange.location && range.location < curEnd && removeEnd >= curEnd {
_replaceRangeAtIndex(rangeIndex, withRange: NSMakeRange(curRange.location, range.location - curRange.location))
rangeIndex += 1
/* For a positive delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the right, thereby inserting an "empty space" [index, delta], for a negative delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the left, thereby deleting the indexes in the range [index - delta, delta].
public func shiftIndexesStarting(at index: Int, by delta: Int) { NSUnimplemented() }