blob: 8f846e1f192aad4bae045151d4c86b0696293a58 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Expressions are the core of the predicate implementation. When expressionValueWithObject: is called, the expression is evaluated, and a value returned which can then be handled by an operator. Expressions can be anything from constants to method invocations. Scalars should be wrapped in appropriate NSValue classes.
extension NSExpression {
public enum ExpressionType : UInt {
case constantValue // Expression that always returns the same value
case evaluatedObject // Expression that always returns the parameter object itself
case variable // Expression that always returns whatever is stored at 'variable' in the bindings dictionary
case keyPath // Expression that returns something that can be used as a key path
case function // Expression that returns the result of evaluating a symbol
case unionSet // Expression that returns the result of doing a unionSet: on two expressions that evaluate to flat collections (arrays or sets)
case intersectSet // Expression that returns the result of doing an intersectSet: on two expressions that evaluate to flat collections (arrays or sets)
case minusSet // Expression that returns the result of doing a minusSet: on two expressions that evaluate to flat collections (arrays or sets)
case subquery
case aggregate
case anyKey
case block
case conditional
public class NSExpression : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
public static func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool {
return true
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copy(with: nil)
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
public /*not inherited*/ init(format expressionFormat: String, argumentArray arguments: [AnyObject]) { NSUnimplemented() }
public /*not inherited*/ init(forConstantValue obj: AnyObject?) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that returns a constant value
public class func expressionForEvaluatedObject() -> NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that returns the object being evaluated
public /*not inherited*/ init(forVariable string: String) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that pulls a value from the variable bindings dictionary
public /*not inherited*/ init(forKeyPath keyPath: String) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that invokes valueForKeyPath with keyPath
public /*not inherited*/ init(forFunction name: String, arguments parameters: [AnyObject]) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that invokes one of the predefined functions. Will throw immediately if the selector is bad; will throw at runtime if the parameters are incorrect.
// Predefined functions are:
// name parameter array contents returns
// sum: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// count: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// min: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// max: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// average: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// median: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// mode: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSArray (returned array will contain all occurrences of the mode)
// stddev: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// add:to: NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// from:subtract: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// multiply:by: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// divide:by: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// modulus:by: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber
// sqrt: one NSExpression instance representing numbers NSNumber
// log: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// ln: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// raise:toPower: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// exp: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// floor: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// ceiling: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// abs: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// trunc: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber
// uppercase: one NSExpression instance representing a string NSString
// lowercase: one NSExpression instance representing a string NSString
// random none NSNumber (integer)
// randomn: one NSExpression instance representing a number NSNumber (integer) such that 0 <= rand < param
// now none [NSDate now]
// bitwiseAnd:with: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// bitwiseOr:with: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// bitwiseXor:with: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// leftshift:by: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// rightshift:by: two NSExpression instances representing numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// onesComplement: one NSExpression instance representing a numbers NSNumber (numbers will be treated as NSInteger)
// noindex: an NSExpression parameter (used by CoreData to indicate that an index should be dropped)
// distanceToLocation:fromLocation:
// two NSExpression instances representing CLLocations NSNumber
// length: an NSExpression instance representing a string NSNumber
public /*not inherited*/ init(forAggregate subexpressions: [AnyObject]) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that returns a collection containing the results of other expressions
public /*not inherited*/ init(forUnionSet left: NSExpression, with right: NSExpression) { NSUnimplemented() } // return an expression that will return the union of the collections expressed by left and right
public /*not inherited*/ init(forIntersectSet left: NSExpression, with right: NSExpression) { NSUnimplemented() } // return an expression that will return the intersection of the collections expressed by left and right
public /*not inherited*/ init(forMinusSet left: NSExpression, with right: NSExpression) { NSUnimplemented() } // return an expression that will return the disjunction of the collections expressed by left and right
public /*not inherited*/ init(forSubquery expression: NSExpression, usingIteratorVariable variable: String, predicate: AnyObject) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that filters a collection by storing elements in the collection in the variable variable and keeping the elements for which qualifer returns true; variable is used as a local variable, and will shadow any instances of variable in the bindings dictionary, the variable is removed or the old value replaced once evaluation completes
public /*not inherited*/ init(forFunction target: NSExpression, selectorName name: String, arguments parameters: [AnyObject]?) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that invokes the selector on target with parameters. Will throw at runtime if target does not implement selector or if parameters are wrong.
public class func expressionForAnyKey() -> NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() }
public /*not inherited*/ init(forBlock block: (AnyObject?, [AnyObject], NSMutableDictionary?) -> AnyObject, arguments: [NSExpression]?) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that invokes the block with the parameters; note that block expressions are not encodable or representable as parseable strings.
public /*not inherited*/ init(forConditional predicate: Predicate, trueExpression: NSExpression, falseExpression: NSExpression) { NSUnimplemented() } // Expression that will return the result of trueExpression or falseExpression depending on the value of predicate
public init(expressionType type: ExpressionType) { NSUnimplemented() }
// accessors for individual parameters - raise if not applicable
public var expressionType: ExpressionType { NSUnimplemented() }
public var constantValue: AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
public var keyPath: String { NSUnimplemented() }
public var function: String { NSUnimplemented() }
public var variable: String { NSUnimplemented() }
/*@NSCopying*/ public var operand: NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // the object on which the selector will be invoked (the result of evaluating a key path or one of the defined functions)
public var arguments: [NSExpression]? { NSUnimplemented() } // array of expressions which will be passed as parameters during invocation of the selector on the operand of a function expression
public var collection: AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
/*@NSCopying*/ public var predicate: Predicate { NSUnimplemented() }
/*@NSCopying*/ public var left: NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // expression which represents the left side of a set expression
/*@NSCopying*/ public var right: NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // expression which represents the right side of a set expression
/*@NSCopying*/ public var `true`: NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // expression which will be evaluated if a conditional expression's predicate evaluates to true
/*@NSCopying*/ public var `false`: NSExpression { NSUnimplemented() } // expression which will be evaluated if a conditional expression's predicate evaluates to false
public var expressionBlock: (AnyObject?, [AnyObject], NSMutableDictionary?) -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
// evaluate the expression using the object and bindings- note that context is mutable here and can be used by expressions to store temporary state for one predicate evaluation
public func expressionValueWithObject(_ object: AnyObject?, context: NSMutableDictionary?) -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
public func allowEvaluation() { NSUnimplemented() } // Force an expression which was securely decoded to allow evaluation