blob: f801b7201abdd8edf9fc88f49a451da5c5e6e45e [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
internal class NSConcreteValue : NSValue {
struct TypeInfo : Equatable {
let size : Int
let name : String
init?(objCType spec: String) {
var size: Int = 0
var align: Int = 0
var count : Int = 0
var type = _NSSimpleObjCType(spec)
guard type != nil else {
print("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: unsupported type encoding spec '\(spec)'")
return nil
if type == .StructBegin {
fatalError("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: cannot encode structs")
} else if type == .ArrayBegin {
let scanner = Scanner(string: spec)
scanner.scanLocation = 1
guard scanner.scanInteger(&count) && count > 0 else {
print("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: array count is missing or zero")
return nil
guard let elementType = _NSSimpleObjCType(scanner.scanUpToString(String(_NSSimpleObjCType.ArrayEnd))) else {
print("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: array type is missing")
return nil
guard _NSGetSizeAndAlignment(elementType, &size, &align) else {
print("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: unsupported type encoding spec '\(spec)'")
return nil
type = elementType
guard _NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type!, &size, &align) else {
print("NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo: unsupported type encoding spec '\(spec)'")
return nil
self.size = count != 0 ? size * count : size = spec
private static var _cachedTypeInfo = Dictionary<String, TypeInfo>()
private static var _cachedTypeInfoLock = Lock()
private var _typeInfo : TypeInfo
private var _storage : UnsafeMutableRawPointer
required init(bytes value: UnsafeRawPointer, objCType type: UnsafePointer<Int8>) {
let spec = String(cString: type)
var typeInfo : TypeInfo? = nil
NSConcreteValue._cachedTypeInfoLock.synchronized {
typeInfo = NSConcreteValue._cachedTypeInfo[spec]
if typeInfo == nil {
typeInfo = TypeInfo(objCType: spec)
NSConcreteValue._cachedTypeInfo[spec] = typeInfo
guard typeInfo != nil else {
fatalError("NSConcreteValue.init: failed to initialize from type encoding spec '\(spec)'")
self._typeInfo = typeInfo!
self._storage = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(bytes: self._typeInfo.size, alignedTo: 1)
self._storage.copyBytes(from: value, count: self._typeInfo.size)
deinit {
// Cannot deinitialize raw memory.
self._storage.deallocate(bytes: self._size, alignedTo: 1)
override func getValue(_ value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
value.copyBytes(from: self._storage, count: self._size)
override var objCType : UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return NSString(! // XXX leaky
override var classForCoder: AnyClass {
return NSValue.self
override var description : String {
return Data(bytes: self.value, count: self._size).description
convenience required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
if !aDecoder.allowsKeyedCoding {
} else {
guard let type = aDecoder.decodeObject() as? NSString else {
return nil
let typep = type._swiftObject
// FIXME: This will result in reading garbage memory.
self.init(bytes: [], objCType: typep)
aDecoder.decodeValue(ofObjCType: typep, at: self.value)
override func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
if !aCoder.allowsKeyedCoding {
} else {
aCoder.encode(String(cString: self.objCType).bridge())
aCoder.encodeValue(ofObjCType: self.objCType, at: self.value)
private var _size : Int {
return self._typeInfo.size
private var value : UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return self._storage
private func _isEqualToValue(_ other: NSConcreteValue) -> Bool {
if self === other {
return true
if self._size != other._size {
return false
let bytes1 = self.value
let bytes2 = other.value
if bytes1 == bytes2 {
return true
return memcmp(bytes1, bytes2, self._size) == 0
override func isEqual(_ object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
if let other = object as? NSConcreteValue {
return self._typeInfo == other._typeInfo &&
} else {
return false
override var hash: Int {
return &+
Int(bitPattern: CFHashBytes(unsafeBitCast(self.value, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.self), self._size))
internal func ==(x : NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo, y : NSConcreteValue.TypeInfo) -> Bool {
return == && x.size == y.size