blob: e307ec5cc89a12d7531f8c30785a396c3e37e632 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* CFUnicodePrecomposition.c
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Responsibility: Foundation Team
#include <string.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFCharacterSet.h>
#include "CFUniChar.h"
#include "CFUnicodePrecomposition.h"
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include "CFUniCharPriv.h"
// Canonical Precomposition
static UTF32Char *__CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable = NULL;
static uint32_t __CFUniCharPrecompositionTableLength = 0;
static uint16_t *__CFUniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable = NULL;
static uint32_t *__CFUniCharNonBMPPrecompDestinationTable = NULL;
static const uint8_t *__CFUniCharNonBaseBitmapForBMP_P = NULL; // Adding _P so the symbol name is different from the one in CFUnicodeDecomposition.c
static const uint8_t *__CFUniCharCombiningClassForBMP = NULL;
static CFLock_t __CFUniCharPrecompositionTableLock = CFLockInit;
static void __CFUniCharLoadPrecompositionTable(void) {
if (NULL == __CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable) {
const uint32_t *bytes = (const uint32_t *)CFUniCharGetMappingData(kCFUniCharCanonicalPrecompMapping);
uint32_t bmpMappingLength;
if (NULL == bytes) {
__CFUniCharPrecompositionTableLength = *(bytes++);
bmpMappingLength = *(bytes++);
__CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable = (UTF32Char *)bytes;
__CFUniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable = (uint16_t *)((intptr_t)bytes + (__CFUniCharPrecompositionTableLength * sizeof(UTF32Char) * 2));
__CFUniCharNonBMPPrecompDestinationTable = (uint32_t *)(((intptr_t)__CFUniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable) + bmpMappingLength);
__CFUniCharNonBaseBitmapForBMP_P = CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(kCFUniCharNonBaseCharacterSet, 0);
__CFUniCharCombiningClassForBMP = (const uint8_t *)CFUniCharGetUnicodePropertyDataForPlane(kCFUniCharCombiningProperty, 0);
// Adding _P so the symbol name is different from the one in CFUnicodeDecomposition.c
#define __CFUniCharIsNonBaseCharacter __CFUniCharIsNonBaseCharacter_P
CF_INLINE bool __CFUniCharIsNonBaseCharacter(UTF32Char character) {
return CFUniCharIsMemberOfBitmap(character, (character < 0x10000 ? __CFUniCharNonBaseBitmapForBMP_P : CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(kCFUniCharNonBaseCharacterSet, ((character >> 16) & 0xFF))));
typedef struct {
UTF16Char _key;
UTF16Char _value;
} __CFUniCharPrecomposeBMPMappings;
static UTF16Char __CFUniCharGetMappedBMPValue(const __CFUniCharPrecomposeBMPMappings *theTable, uint32_t numElem, UTF16Char character) {
const __CFUniCharPrecomposeBMPMappings *p, *q, *divider;
if ((character < theTable[0]._key) || (character > theTable[numElem-1]._key)) {
return 0;
p = theTable;
q = p + (numElem-1);
while (p <= q) {
divider = p + ((q - p) >> 1); /* divide by 2 */
if (character < divider->_key) { q = divider - 1; }
else if (character > divider->_key) { p = divider + 1; }
else { return divider->_value; }
return 0;
typedef struct {
UTF32Char _key;
uint32_t _value;
} __CFUniCharPrecomposeMappings;
static uint32_t __CFUniCharGetMappedValue_P(const __CFUniCharPrecomposeMappings *theTable, uint32_t numElem, UTF32Char character) {
const __CFUniCharPrecomposeMappings *p, *q, *divider;
if ((character < theTable[0]._key) || (character > theTable[numElem-1]._key)) {
return 0;
p = theTable;
q = p + (numElem-1);
while (p <= q) {
divider = p + ((q - p) >> 1); /* divide by 2 */
if (character < divider->_key) { q = divider - 1; }
else if (character > divider->_key) { p = divider + 1; }
else { return divider->_value; }
return 0;
UTF32Char CFUniCharPrecomposeCharacter(UTF32Char base, UTF32Char combining) {
uint32_t value;
if (NULL == __CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable) __CFUniCharLoadPrecompositionTable();
if (!(value = __CFUniCharGetMappedValue_P((const __CFUniCharPrecomposeMappings *)__CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable, __CFUniCharPrecompositionTableLength, combining))) return 0xFFFD;
// We don't have precomposition in non-BMP
if (value & kCFUniCharNonBmpFlag) {
value = __CFUniCharGetMappedValue_P((const __CFUniCharPrecomposeMappings *)((uint32_t *)__CFUniCharNonBMPPrecompDestinationTable + (value & 0xFFFF)), (value >> 16) & 0x7FFF, base);
} else {
value = __CFUniCharGetMappedBMPValue((const __CFUniCharPrecomposeBMPMappings *)((uint32_t *)__CFUniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable + (value & 0xFFFF)), (value >> 16), base);
return (value ? value : 0xFFFD);
#define HANGUL_SBASE 0xAC00
#define HANGUL_LBASE 0x1100
#define HANGUL_VBASE 0x1161
#define HANGUL_TBASE 0x11A7
#define HANGUL_SCOUNT 11172
#define HANGUL_LCOUNT 19
#define HANGUL_VCOUNT 21
#define HANGUL_TCOUNT 28
CF_INLINE void __CFUniCharMoveBufferFromEnd0(UTF16Char *convertedChars, CFIndex length, CFIndex delta) {
const UTF16Char *limit = convertedChars;
UTF16Char *dstP;
convertedChars += length;
dstP = convertedChars + delta;
while (convertedChars > limit) *(--dstP) = *(--convertedChars);
bool CFUniCharPrecompose(const UTF16Char *characters, CFIndex length, CFIndex *consumedLength, UTF16Char *precomposed, CFIndex maxLength, CFIndex *filledLength) {
UTF32Char currentChar = 0, lastChar = 0, precomposedChar = 0xFFFD;
CFIndex originalLength = length, usedLength = 0;
UTF16Char *currentBase = precomposed;
uint8_t currentClass, lastClass = 0;
bool currentBaseIsBMP = true;
bool isPrecomposed;
if (NULL == __CFUniCharPrecompSourceTable) __CFUniCharLoadPrecompositionTable();
while (length > 0) {
currentChar = *(characters++);
if (CFUniCharIsSurrogateHighCharacter(currentChar) && (length > 0) && CFUniCharIsSurrogateLowCharacter(*characters)) {
currentChar = CFUniCharGetLongCharacterForSurrogatePair(currentChar, *(characters++));
if (lastChar && __CFUniCharIsNonBaseCharacter(currentChar)) {
isPrecomposed = (precomposedChar == 0xFFFD ? false : true);
if (isPrecomposed) lastChar = precomposedChar;
currentClass = (currentChar > 0xFFFF ? CFUniCharGetUnicodeProperty(currentChar, kCFUniCharCombiningProperty) : CFUniCharGetCombiningPropertyForCharacter(currentChar, __CFUniCharCombiningClassForBMP));
if ((lastClass == 0) || (currentClass > lastClass)) {
if ((precomposedChar = CFUniCharPrecomposeCharacter(lastChar, currentChar)) == 0xFFFD) {
if (isPrecomposed) precomposedChar = lastChar;
lastClass = currentClass;
} else {
if (currentChar > 0xFFFF) { // Non-BMP
usedLength += 2;
if (usedLength > maxLength) break;
currentChar -= 0x10000;
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)((currentChar >> 10) + 0xD800UL);
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)((currentChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00UL);
} else {
if (usedLength > maxLength) break;
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)currentChar;
} else {
if ((currentChar >= HANGUL_LBASE) && (currentChar < (HANGUL_LBASE + 0xFF))) { // Hangul Jamo
int8_t lIndex = currentChar - HANGUL_LBASE;
if ((length > 0) && (0 <= lIndex) && (lIndex <= HANGUL_LCOUNT)) {
int16_t vIndex = *characters - HANGUL_VBASE;
if ((vIndex >= 0) && (vIndex <= HANGUL_VCOUNT)) {
int16_t tIndex = 0;
++characters; --length;
if (length > 0) {
tIndex = *characters - HANGUL_TBASE;
if ((tIndex < 0) || (tIndex > HANGUL_TCOUNT)) {
tIndex = 0;
} else {
++characters; --length;
currentChar = (lIndex * HANGUL_VCOUNT + vIndex) * HANGUL_TCOUNT + tIndex + HANGUL_SBASE;
if (precomposedChar != 0xFFFD) {
if (currentBaseIsBMP) { // Non-BMP
if (lastChar > 0xFFFF) { // Last char was Non-BMP
memmove(currentBase + 1, currentBase + 2, (precomposed - (currentBase + 2)) * sizeof(UTF16Char));
*(currentBase) = (UTF16Char)precomposedChar;
} else {
if (lastChar < 0x10000) { // Last char was BMP
if (usedLength > maxLength) break;
__CFUniCharMoveBufferFromEnd0(currentBase + 1, precomposed - (currentBase + 1), 1);
precomposedChar -= 0x10000;
*currentBase = (UTF16Char)((precomposedChar >> 10) + 0xD800UL);
*(currentBase + 1) = (UTF16Char)((precomposedChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00UL);
precomposedChar = 0xFFFD;
currentBase = precomposed;
lastChar = currentChar;
lastClass = 0;
if (currentChar > 0xFFFF) { // Non-BMP
usedLength += 2;
if (usedLength > maxLength) break;
currentChar -= 0x10000;
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)((currentChar >> 10) + 0xD800UL);
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)((currentChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00UL);
currentBaseIsBMP = false;
} else {
if (usedLength > maxLength) break;
*(precomposed++) = (UTF16Char)currentChar;
currentBaseIsBMP = true;
if (precomposedChar != 0xFFFD) {
if (currentChar > 0xFFFF) { // Non-BMP
if (lastChar < 0x10000) { // Last char was BMP
if (usedLength > maxLength) {
if (consumedLength) *consumedLength = originalLength - length;
if (filledLength) *filledLength = usedLength;
return false;
__CFUniCharMoveBufferFromEnd0(currentBase + 1, precomposed - (currentBase + 1), 1);
precomposedChar -= 0x10000;
*currentBase = (UTF16Char)((precomposedChar >> 10) + 0xD800UL);
*(currentBase + 1) = (UTF16Char)((precomposedChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00UL);
} else {
if (lastChar > 0xFFFF) { // Last char was Non-BMP
memmove(currentBase + 1, currentBase + 2, (precomposed - (currentBase + 2)) * sizeof(UTF16Char));
*(currentBase) = (UTF16Char)precomposedChar;
if (consumedLength) *consumedLength = originalLength - length;
if (filledLength) *filledLength = usedLength;
return true;
#undef __CFUniCharIsNonBaseCharacter