blob: d9b2188ad191cd14b36b661954dc8efd2a3e37bf [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* CFDateFormatter.h
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDate.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFLocale.h>
typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_MUTABLE_TYPE(id) __CFDateFormatter *CFDateFormatterRef;
// CFDateFormatters are not thread-safe. Do not use one from multiple threads!
CFStringRef CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStringRef tmplate, CFOptionFlags options, CFLocaleRef locale) CF_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0);
// no options defined, pass 0 for now
CFTypeID CFDateFormatterGetTypeID(void);
typedef CF_ENUM(CFIndex, CFDateFormatterStyle) { // date and time format styles
kCFDateFormatterNoStyle = 0,
kCFDateFormatterShortStyle = 1,
kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle = 2,
kCFDateFormatterLongStyle = 3,
kCFDateFormatterFullStyle = 4
// The exact formatted result for these date and time styles depends on the
// locale, but generally:
// Short is completely numeric, such as "12/13/52" or "3:30pm"
// Medium is longer, such as "Jan 12, 1952"
// Long is longer, such as "January 12, 1952" or "3:30:32pm"
// Full is pretty complete; e.g. "Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD" or "3:30:42pm PST"
// The specifications though are left fuzzy, in part simply because a user's
// preference choices may affect the output, and also the results may change
// from one OS release to another. To produce an exactly formatted date you
// should not rely on styles and localization, but set the format string and
// use nothing but numbers.
CFDateFormatterRef CFDateFormatterCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFLocaleRef locale, CFDateFormatterStyle dateStyle, CFDateFormatterStyle timeStyle);
// Returns a CFDateFormatter, localized to the given locale, which
// will format dates to the given date and time styles.
CFLocaleRef CFDateFormatterGetLocale(CFDateFormatterRef formatter);
CFDateFormatterStyle CFDateFormatterGetDateStyle(CFDateFormatterRef formatter);
CFDateFormatterStyle CFDateFormatterGetTimeStyle(CFDateFormatterRef formatter);
// Get the properties with which the date formatter was created.
CFStringRef CFDateFormatterGetFormat(CFDateFormatterRef formatter);
void CFDateFormatterSetFormat(CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef formatString);
// Set the format description string of the date formatter. This
// overrides the style settings. The format of the format string
// is as defined by the ICU library. The date formatter starts with a
// default format string defined by the style arguments with
// which it was created.
CFStringRef CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFDateRef date);
CFStringRef CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFAbsoluteTime at);
// Create a string representation of the given date or CFAbsoluteTime
// using the current state of the date formatter.
CFDateRef CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef string, CFRange *rangep);
Boolean CFDateFormatterGetAbsoluteTimeFromString(CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef string, CFRange *rangep, CFAbsoluteTime *atp);
// Parse a string representation of a date using the current state
// of the date formatter. The range parameter specifies the range
// of the string in which the parsing should occur in input, and on
// output indicates the extent that was used; this parameter can
// be NULL, in which case the whole string may be used. The
// return value indicates whether some date was computed and
// (if atp is not NULL) stored at the location specified by atp.
void CFDateFormatterSetProperty(CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value);
CFTypeRef CFDateFormatterCopyProperty(CFDateFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef key);
// Set and get various properties of the date formatter, the set of
// which may be expanded in the future.
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterIsLenient; // CFBoolean
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterTimeZone; // CFTimeZone
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterCalendarName; // CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterDefaultFormat; // CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterTwoDigitStartDate; // CFDate
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterDefaultDate; // CFDate
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterCalendar; // CFCalendar
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterEraSymbols; // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterMonthSymbols; // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortMonthSymbols; // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterWeekdaySymbols; // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortWeekdaySymbols; // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterAMSymbol; // CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterPMSymbol; // CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterLongEraSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterVeryShortMonthSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterStandaloneMonthSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneMonthSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterVeryShortWeekdaySymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterStandaloneWeekdaySymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterQuarterSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortQuarterSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterStandaloneQuarterSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneQuarterSymbols CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFArray of CFString
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterGregorianStartDate CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // CFDate
CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCFDateFormatterDoesRelativeDateFormattingKey CF_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0); // CFBoolean
// See CFLocale.h for these calendar constants:
// const CFStringRef kCFGregorianCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFBuddhistCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFJapaneseCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFIslamicCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFIslamicCivilCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFHebrewCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFChineseCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFRepublicOfChinaCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFPersianCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFIndianCalendar;
// const CFStringRef kCFISO8601Calendar;