blob: 272af40108e4338916a5d04af7576e3d1d44e5c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* CFBag.c
Copyright (c) 1998 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Responsibility: Michael LeHew
Machine generated from Notes/HashingCode.template
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBag.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include "CFBasicHash.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#define CFDictionary 0
#define CFSet 0
#define CFBag 0
#undef CFBag
#define CFBag 1
#if CFDictionary
const CFBagKeyCallBacks kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFBagKeyCallBacks kCFCopyStringBagKeyCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFBagValueCallBacks kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual};
#define CFHashRef CFDictionaryRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableDictionaryRef
#define CFHashKeyCallBacks CFBagKeyCallBacks
#define CFHashValueCallBacks CFBagValueCallBacks
#if CFSet
const CFBagCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFBagCallBacks kCFCopyStringBagCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
#define CFBagKeyCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define CFBagValueCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks
#define kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks
#define CFHashRef CFSetRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableSetRef
#define CFHashKeyCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define CFHashValueCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#if CFBag
const CFBagCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFBagCallBacks kCFCopyStringBagCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
#define CFBagKeyCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define CFBagValueCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks
#define kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks kCFTypeBagCallBacks
#define CFHashRef CFBagRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableBagRef
#define CFHashKeyCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
#define CFHashValueCallBacks CFBagCallBacks
typedef uintptr_t any_t;
typedef const void * const_any_pointer_t;
typedef void * any_pointer_t;
static Boolean __CFBagEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
return __CFBasicHashEqual((CFBasicHashRef)cf1, (CFBasicHashRef)cf2);
static CFHashCode __CFBagHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
return __CFBasicHashHash((CFBasicHashRef)cf);
static CFStringRef __CFBagCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
return __CFBasicHashCopyDescription((CFBasicHashRef)cf);
static void __CFBagDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
static CFTypeID __kCFBagTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFBagClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
CFTypeID CFBagGetTypeID(void) {
static dispatch_once_t initOnce = 0;
dispatch_once(&initOnce, ^{
__kCFBagTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFBagClass);
return __kCFBagTypeID;
static CFBasicHashRef __CFBagCreateGeneric(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const CFHashKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFHashValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks, Boolean useValueCB) {
CFOptionFlags flags = kCFBasicHashLinearHashing; // kCFBasicHashExponentialHashing
flags |= (CFDictionary ? kCFBasicHashHasKeys : 0) | (CFBag ? kCFBasicHashHasCounts : 0);
if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator)) { // all this crap is just for figuring out two flags for GC in the way done historically; it probably simplifies down to three lines, but we let the compiler worry about that
Boolean set_cb = false;
Boolean std_cb = false;
const_any_pointer_t (*key_retain)(CFAllocatorRef, const_any_pointer_t) = NULL;
void (*key_release)(CFAllocatorRef, const_any_pointer_t) = NULL;
const_any_pointer_t (*value_retain)(CFAllocatorRef, const_any_pointer_t) = NULL;
void (*value_release)(CFAllocatorRef, const_any_pointer_t) = NULL;
if ((NULL == keyCallBacks || 0 == keyCallBacks->version) && (!useValueCB || NULL == valueCallBacks || 0 == valueCallBacks->version)) {
Boolean keyRetainNull = NULL == keyCallBacks || NULL == keyCallBacks->retain;
Boolean keyReleaseNull = NULL == keyCallBacks || NULL == keyCallBacks->release;
Boolean keyEquateNull = NULL == keyCallBacks || NULL == keyCallBacks->equal;
Boolean keyHashNull = NULL == keyCallBacks || NULL == keyCallBacks->hash;
Boolean keyDescribeNull = NULL == keyCallBacks || NULL == keyCallBacks->copyDescription;
Boolean valueRetainNull = (useValueCB && (NULL == valueCallBacks || NULL == valueCallBacks->retain)) || (!useValueCB && keyRetainNull);
Boolean valueReleaseNull = (useValueCB && (NULL == valueCallBacks || NULL == valueCallBacks->release)) || (!useValueCB && keyReleaseNull);
Boolean valueEquateNull = (useValueCB && (NULL == valueCallBacks || NULL == valueCallBacks->equal)) || (!useValueCB && keyEquateNull);
Boolean valueDescribeNull = (useValueCB && (NULL == valueCallBacks || NULL == valueCallBacks->copyDescription)) || (!useValueCB && keyDescribeNull);
Boolean keyRetainStd = keyRetainNull || __CFTypeCollectionRetain == keyCallBacks->retain;
Boolean keyReleaseStd = keyReleaseNull || __CFTypeCollectionRelease == keyCallBacks->release;
Boolean keyEquateStd = keyEquateNull || CFEqual == keyCallBacks->equal;
Boolean keyHashStd = keyHashNull || CFHash == keyCallBacks->hash;
Boolean keyDescribeStd = keyDescribeNull || CFCopyDescription == keyCallBacks->copyDescription;
Boolean valueRetainStd = (useValueCB && (valueRetainNull || __CFTypeCollectionRetain == valueCallBacks->retain)) || (!useValueCB && keyRetainStd);
Boolean valueReleaseStd = (useValueCB && (valueReleaseNull || __CFTypeCollectionRelease == valueCallBacks->release)) || (!useValueCB && keyReleaseStd);
Boolean valueEquateStd = (useValueCB && (valueEquateNull || CFEqual == valueCallBacks->equal)) || (!useValueCB && keyEquateStd);
Boolean valueDescribeStd = (useValueCB && (valueDescribeNull || CFCopyDescription == valueCallBacks->copyDescription)) || (!useValueCB && keyDescribeStd);
if (keyRetainStd && keyReleaseStd && keyEquateStd && keyHashStd && keyDescribeStd && valueRetainStd && valueReleaseStd && valueEquateStd && valueDescribeStd) {
set_cb = true;
if (!(keyRetainNull || keyReleaseNull || keyEquateNull || keyHashNull || keyDescribeNull || valueRetainNull || valueReleaseNull || valueEquateNull || valueDescribeNull)) {
std_cb = true;
} else {
// just set these to tickle the GC Strong logic below in a way that mimics past practice
key_retain = keyCallBacks ? keyCallBacks->retain : NULL;
key_release = keyCallBacks ? keyCallBacks->release : NULL;
if (useValueCB) {
value_retain = valueCallBacks ? valueCallBacks->retain : NULL;
value_release = valueCallBacks ? valueCallBacks->release : NULL;
} else {
value_retain = key_retain;
value_release = key_release;
if (!set_cb) {
key_retain = keyCallBacks ? keyCallBacks->retain : NULL;
key_release = keyCallBacks ? keyCallBacks->release : NULL;
if (useValueCB) {
value_retain = valueCallBacks ? valueCallBacks->retain : NULL;
value_release = valueCallBacks ? valueCallBacks->release : NULL;
} else {
value_retain = key_retain;
value_release = key_release;
if (std_cb || value_retain != NULL || value_release != NULL) {
flags |= kCFBasicHashStrongValues;
if (std_cb || key_retain != NULL || key_release != NULL) {
flags |= kCFBasicHashStrongKeys;
CFBasicHashCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.retainKey = keyCallBacks ? (uintptr_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))keyCallBacks->retain : NULL;
callbacks.releaseKey = keyCallBacks ? (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))keyCallBacks->release : NULL;
callbacks.equateKeys = keyCallBacks ? (Boolean (*)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t))keyCallBacks->equal : NULL;
callbacks.hashKey = keyCallBacks ? (CFHashCode (*)(uintptr_t))keyCallBacks->hash : NULL;
callbacks.getIndirectKey = NULL;
callbacks.copyKeyDescription = keyCallBacks ? (CFStringRef (*)(uintptr_t))keyCallBacks->copyDescription : NULL;
callbacks.retainValue = useValueCB ? (valueCallBacks ? (uintptr_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))valueCallBacks->retain : NULL) : (callbacks.retainKey);
callbacks.releaseValue = useValueCB ? (valueCallBacks ? (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))valueCallBacks->release : NULL) : (callbacks.releaseKey);
callbacks.equateValues = useValueCB ? (valueCallBacks ? (Boolean (*)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t))valueCallBacks->equal : NULL) : (callbacks.equateKeys);
callbacks.copyValueDescription = useValueCB ? (valueCallBacks ? (CFStringRef (*)(uintptr_t))valueCallBacks->copyDescription : NULL) : (callbacks.copyKeyDescription);
CFBasicHashRef ht = CFBasicHashCreate(allocator, flags, &callbacks);
return ht;
#if CFDictionary
CF_PRIVATE CFHashRef __CFBagCreateTransfer(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *klist, const_any_pointer_t *vlist, CFIndex numValues) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CF_PRIVATE CFHashRef __CFBagCreateTransfer(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *klist, CFIndex numValues) {
const_any_pointer_t *vlist = klist;
CFTypeID typeID = CFBagGetTypeID();
CFAssert2(0 <= numValues, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): numValues (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numValues);
CFOptionFlags flags = kCFBasicHashLinearHashing; // kCFBasicHashExponentialHashing
flags |= (CFDictionary ? kCFBasicHashHasKeys : 0) | (CFBag ? kCFBasicHashHasCounts : 0);
CFBasicHashCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.retainKey = (uintptr_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks.retain;
callbacks.releaseKey = (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks.release;
callbacks.equateKeys = (Boolean (*)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks.equal;
callbacks.hashKey = (CFHashCode (*)(uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks.hash;
callbacks.getIndirectKey = NULL;
callbacks.copyKeyDescription = (CFStringRef (*)(uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks.copyDescription;
callbacks.retainValue = CFDictionary ? (uintptr_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks.retain : callbacks.retainKey;
callbacks.releaseValue = CFDictionary ? (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks.release : callbacks.releaseKey;
callbacks.equateValues = CFDictionary ? (Boolean (*)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks.equal : callbacks.equateKeys;
callbacks.copyValueDescription = CFDictionary ? (CFStringRef (*)(uintptr_t))kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks.copyDescription : callbacks.copyKeyDescription;
CFBasicHashRef ht = CFBasicHashCreate(allocator, flags, &callbacks);
if (0 < numValues) CFBasicHashSetCapacity(ht, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFBasicHashAddValue(ht, (uintptr_t)klist[idx], (uintptr_t)vlist[idx]);
_CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa(ht, typeID);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(ht, "CFBag (immutable)");
return (CFHashRef)ht;
#if CFDictionary
CFHashRef CFBagCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *klist, const_any_pointer_t *vlist, CFIndex numValues, const CFBagKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFBagValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFHashRef CFBagCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *klist, CFIndex numValues, const CFBagKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks) {
const_any_pointer_t *vlist = klist;
const CFBagValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks = 0;
CFTypeID typeID = CFBagGetTypeID();
CFAssert2(0 <= numValues, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): numValues (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numValues);
CFBasicHashRef ht = __CFBagCreateGeneric(allocator, keyCallBacks, valueCallBacks, CFDictionary);
if (!ht) return NULL;
if (0 < numValues) CFBasicHashSetCapacity(ht, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFBasicHashAddValue(ht, (uintptr_t)klist[idx], (uintptr_t)vlist[idx]);
_CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa(ht, typeID);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(ht, "CFBag (immutable)");
return (CFHashRef)ht;
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef CFBagCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFBagKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFBagValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef CFBagCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFBagKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks) {
const CFBagValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks = 0;
CFTypeID typeID = CFBagGetTypeID();
CFAssert2(0 <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): capacity (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity);
CFBasicHashRef ht = __CFBagCreateGeneric(allocator, keyCallBacks, valueCallBacks, CFDictionary);
if (!ht) return NULL;
_CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa(ht, typeID);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(ht, "CFBag (mutable)");
return (CFMutableHashRef)ht;
CFHashRef CFBagCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFHashRef other) {
CFTypeID typeID = CFBagGetTypeID();
CFAssert1(other, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): other CFBag cannot be NULL", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
__CFGenericValidateType(other, typeID);
Boolean markImmutable = false;
CFBasicHashRef ht = NULL;
if (CF_IS_OBJC(typeID, other)) {
if (objc_collectingEnabled()) {
CFIndex numValues = CFBagGetCount(other);
const_any_pointer_t vbuffer[256], kbuffer[256];
const_any_pointer_t *vlist = (numValues <= 256) ? vbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
#if CFSet || CFBag
const_any_pointer_t *klist = vlist;
CFBagGetValues(other, vlist);
#if CFDictionary
const_any_pointer_t *klist = (numValues <= 256) ? kbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(other, klist, vlist);
ht = __CFBagCreateGeneric(allocator, & kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks, CFDictionary ? & kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks : NULL, CFDictionary);
if (ht && 0 < numValues) CFBasicHashSetCapacity(ht, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; ht && idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFBasicHashAddValue(ht, (uintptr_t)klist[idx], (uintptr_t)vlist[idx]);
if (klist != kbuffer && klist != vlist) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, klist);
if (vlist != vbuffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, vlist);
markImmutable = true;
else { // non-GC
#if CFDictionary || CFSet
ht = (CFBasicHashRef)CF_OBJC_CALLV((id)other, copyWithZone:NULL);
#elif CFBag
CFIndex numValues = CFBagGetCount(other);
const_any_pointer_t vbuffer[256];
const_any_pointer_t *vlist = (numValues <= 256) ? vbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
const_any_pointer_t *klist = vlist;
CFBagGetValues(other, vlist);
ht = __CFBagCreateGeneric(allocator, & kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks, CFDictionary ? & kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks : NULL, CFDictionary);
if (ht && 0 < numValues) CFBasicHashSetCapacity(ht, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; ht && idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFBasicHashAddValue(ht, (uintptr_t)klist[idx], (uintptr_t)vlist[idx]);
if (vlist != vbuffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, vlist);
markImmutable = true;
#endif // CFBag
else { // non-objc types
ht = CFBasicHashCreateCopy(allocator, (CFBasicHashRef)other);
markImmutable = true;
if (ht && markImmutable) {
_CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa(ht, typeID);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(ht, "CFBag (immutable)");
return (CFHashRef)ht;
return (CFHashRef)ht;
CFMutableHashRef CFBagCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, CFHashRef other) {
CFTypeID typeID = CFBagGetTypeID();
CFAssert1(other, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): other CFBag cannot be NULL", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
__CFGenericValidateType(other, typeID);
CFAssert2(0 <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): capacity (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity);
CFBasicHashRef ht = NULL;
if (CF_IS_OBJC(typeID, other)) {
CFIndex numValues = CFBagGetCount(other);
const_any_pointer_t vbuffer[256], kbuffer[256];
const_any_pointer_t *vlist = (numValues <= 256) ? vbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
#if CFSet || CFBag
const_any_pointer_t *klist = vlist;
CFBagGetValues(other, vlist);
#if CFDictionary
const_any_pointer_t *klist = (numValues <= 256) ? kbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(other, klist, vlist);
ht = __CFBagCreateGeneric(allocator, & kCFTypeBagKeyCallBacks, CFDictionary ? & kCFTypeBagValueCallBacks : NULL, CFDictionary);
if (ht && 0 < numValues) CFBasicHashSetCapacity(ht, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; ht && idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFBasicHashAddValue(ht, (uintptr_t)klist[idx], (uintptr_t)vlist[idx]);
if (klist != kbuffer && klist != vlist) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, klist);
if (vlist != vbuffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, vlist);
} else {
ht = CFBasicHashCreateCopy(allocator, (CFBasicHashRef)other);
if (!ht) return NULL;
_CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa(ht, typeID);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(ht, "CFBag (mutable)");
return (CFMutableHashRef)ht;
CFIndex CFBagGetCount(CFHashRef hc) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), CFIndex, (NSDictionary *)hc, count);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), CFIndex, (NSSet *)hc, count);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return CFBasicHashGetCount((CFBasicHashRef)hc);
#if CFDictionary
CFIndex CFBagGetCountOfKey(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFIndex CFBagGetCountOfValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), CFIndex, (NSDictionary *)hc, countForKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), CFIndex, (NSSet *)hc, countForObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return CFBasicHashGetCountOfKey((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key);
#if CFDictionary
Boolean CFBagContainsKey(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
Boolean CFBagContainsValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), char, (NSDictionary *)hc, containsKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), char, (NSSet *)hc, containsObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return (0 < CFBasicHashGetCountOfKey((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key));
const_any_pointer_t CFBagGetValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), const_any_pointer_t, (NSDictionary *)hc, objectForKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), const_any_pointer_t, (NSSet *)hc, member:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFBasicHashBucket bkt = CFBasicHashFindBucket((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key);
return (0 < bkt.count ? (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value : 0);
Boolean CFBagGetValueIfPresent(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t *value) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), Boolean, (NSDictionary *)hc, __getValue:(id *)value forKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), Boolean, (NSSet *)hc, __getValue:(id *)value forObj:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFBasicHashBucket bkt = CFBasicHashFindBucket((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key);
if (0 < bkt.count) {
if (value) {
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator && (CFBasicHashGetFlags((CFBasicHashRef)hc) & kCFBasicHashStrongValues)) {
__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)value, (void *)bkt.weak_value);
} else {
*value = (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value;
return true;
return false;
#if CFDictionary
CFIndex CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t value) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), CFIndex, (NSDictionary *)hc, countForObject:(id)value);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return CFBasicHashGetCountOfValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)value);
Boolean CFDictionaryContainsValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t value) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), char, (NSDictionary *)hc, containsObject:(id)value);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return (0 < CFBasicHashGetCountOfValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)value));
CF_EXPORT Boolean CFDictionaryGetKeyIfPresent(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t *actualkey) {
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFBasicHashBucket bkt = CFBasicHashFindBucket((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key);
if (0 < bkt.count) {
if (actualkey) {
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator && (CFBasicHashGetFlags((CFBasicHashRef)hc) & kCFBasicHashStrongKeys)) {
__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)actualkey, (void *)bkt.weak_key);
} else {
*actualkey = (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_key;
return true;
return false;
#if CFDictionary
void CFBagGetKeysAndValues(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t *keybuf, const_any_pointer_t *valuebuf) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFBagGetValues(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t *keybuf) {
const_any_pointer_t *valuebuf = 0;
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSDictionary *)hc, getObjects:(id *)valuebuf andKeys:(id *)keybuf);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSSet *)hc, getObjects:(id *)keybuf);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) {
CFOptionFlags flags = CFBasicHashGetFlags((CFBasicHashRef)hc);
__block const_any_pointer_t *keys = keybuf;
__block const_any_pointer_t *values = valuebuf;
CFBasicHashApply((CFBasicHashRef)hc, ^(CFBasicHashBucket bkt) {
for (CFIndex cnt = bkt.count; cnt--;) {
if (keybuf && (flags & kCFBasicHashStrongKeys)) { __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)keys, (void *)bkt.weak_key); keys++; }
if (keybuf && !(flags & kCFBasicHashStrongKeys)) { *keys++ = (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_key; }
if (valuebuf && (flags & kCFBasicHashStrongValues)) { __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)values, (void *)bkt.weak_value); values++; }
if (valuebuf && !(flags & kCFBasicHashStrongValues)) { *values++ = (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value; }
return (Boolean)true;
} else {
CFBasicHashGetElements((CFBasicHashRef)hc, CFBagGetCount(hc), (uintptr_t *)valuebuf, (uintptr_t *)keybuf);
void CFBagApplyFunction(CFHashRef hc, CFBagApplierFunction applier, any_pointer_t context) {
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(applier));
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSDictionary *)hc, __apply:(void (*)(const void *, const void *, void *))applier context:(void *)context);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSSet *)hc, __applyValues:(void (*)(const void *, void *))applier context:(void *)context);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFBasicHashApply((CFBasicHashRef)hc, ^(CFBasicHashBucket bkt) {
#if CFDictionary
INVOKE_CALLBACK3(applier, (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_key, (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value, context);
#if CFSet
INVOKE_CALLBACK2(applier, (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value, context);
#if CFBag
for (CFIndex cnt = bkt.count; cnt--;) {
INVOKE_CALLBACK2(applier, (const_any_pointer_t)bkt.weak_value, context);
return (Boolean)true;
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
CF_EXPORT unsigned long _CFBagFastEnumeration(CFHashRef hc, struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent *state, void *stackbuffer, unsigned long count) {
if (CF_IS_OBJC(CFBagGetTypeID(), hc)) return 0;
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return __CFBasicHashFastEnumeration((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent2 *)state, stackbuffer, count);
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
CF_EXPORT Boolean _CFBagIsMutable(CFHashRef hc) {
if (CF_IS_OBJC(CFBagGetTypeID(), hc)) return false;
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
return CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc);
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
CF_EXPORT void _CFBagSetCapacity(CFMutableHashRef hc, CFIndex cap) {
if (CF_IS_OBJC(CFBagGetTypeID(), hc)) return;
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFAssert3(CFBagGetCount(hc) <= cap, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): desired capacity (%ld) is less than count (%ld)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, cap, CFBagGetCount(hc));
CFBasicHashSetCapacity((CFBasicHashRef)hc, cap);
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFBagGetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc) {
return __CFBitfieldGetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)hc)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 0, 0);
CF_INLINE void __CFBagSetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc, CFIndex bit) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)hc)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 0, 0, ((uintptr_t)bit & 0x1));
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
CF_EXPORT CFIndex _CFBagGetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc) {
return __CFBagGetKVOBit(hc);
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
CF_EXPORT void _CFBagSetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc, CFIndex bit) {
__CFBagSetKVOBit(hc, bit);
#define CF_OBJC_KVO_WILLCHANGE(obj, key)
#define CF_OBJC_KVO_DIDCHANGE(obj, key)
#if CFDictionary
void CFBagAddValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFBagAddValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
const_any_pointer_t value = key;
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableDictionary *)hc, __addObject:(id)value forKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableSet *)hc, addObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (!CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc)) {
CFLog(3, CFSTR("%s(): immutable collection %p given to mutating function"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFBasicHashAddValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key, (uintptr_t)value);
#if CFDictionary
void CFBagReplaceValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFBagReplaceValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
const_any_pointer_t value = key;
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableDictionary *)hc, replaceObject:(id)value forKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableSet *)hc, replaceObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (!CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc)) {
CFLog(3, CFSTR("%s(): immutable collection %p given to mutating function"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFBasicHashReplaceValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key, (uintptr_t)value);
#if CFDictionary
void CFBagSetValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFBagSetValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
const_any_pointer_t value = key;
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableDictionary *)hc, __setObject:(id)value forKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableSet *)hc, setObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (!CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc)) {
CFLog(3, CFSTR("%s(): immutable collection %p given to mutating function"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
//#warning this for a dictionary used to not replace the key
CFBasicHashSetValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key, (uintptr_t)value);
void CFBagRemoveValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableDictionary *)hc, removeObjectForKey:(id)key);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableSet *)hc, removeObject:(id)key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (!CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc)) {
CFLog(3, CFSTR("%s(): immutable collection %p given to mutating function"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFBasicHashRemoveValue((CFBasicHashRef)hc, (uintptr_t)key);
void CFBagRemoveAllValues(CFMutableHashRef hc) {
#if CFDictionary
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableDictionary *)hc, removeAllObjects);
#if CFSet
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(CFBagGetTypeID(), void, (NSMutableSet *)hc, removeAllObjects);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, CFBagGetTypeID());
CFAssert2(CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (!CFBasicHashIsMutable((CFBasicHashRef)hc)) {
CFLog(3, CFSTR("%s(): immutable collection %p given to mutating function"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);